Heart of Fire (2 page)

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Authors: Dawn Carter

BOOK: Heart of Fire
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Danni tried to appear busy as she thumbed through the witness statements, but the harder she tried to focus the more distracted she became.  She watched as the young detective got acquainted with the other officers in the squad room.  She watched curiously as she expressed herself elegantly but accordingly demanded respect, the more she watched the more she could not get the idea out of her mind that she knew her from somewhere, but where?  It bothered her and she could not afford the distraction.  The Lieutenant was right, she did not and never had worked well with other officers and she was not willing to now.  She did not want to rely on anyone or be responsible for another life.  Danni never admitted to anyone that she was afraid.  She feared letting anyone down, it terrified her to the point she would wake up each night from the same nightmare.  Each as different as it was, in the end it was always the same, she had failed to save the people trapped in the house and since that fateful tragic day, her life had never been the same.  She had to shake off the images and focused back to her task at hand.  Her eyes widened when she saw it, a discrepancy in witness statements, it was time to get to the bottom of this and with interviewing skills, and she was just the person to get to it.

“Houston, we have a problem,” Flanery giggled as she stood over Pacelli’s desk watching her expressions.

Danni arched her eye, a little taken back.  “What, who is Houston?” Danni looked at her, then back down to the discrepancy.  Ignoring the intrusion, she made notes in her pad to follow up on the lead,

Flanery chuckled at the question.  ‘
Wow, I am in trouble, she has no sense of humor,’ she thought shaking the chill she got down her spine.  “It was an icebreaker Pacelli.  Are you always so damn serious?”

Danni was getting angry, she wished she had a fly swatter to shoo her away, she was on to something and this intruder was interrupting.

“Are you going to ignore me?”  Flanery sat on the end of the desk tapping her finger on the same papers Danni was reading.

She was in no mood to play cops and robbers with a rookie but she was stuck with her, and as annoying as she was, she was not going away.  “
Shit, shit, shit!” she snarled and rolled her eyes.  “Let’s go rookie, and you better not slow me down.” 

Flanery followed quickly behind and waited for instructions once they were in the car, but none came.  She looked at Pacelli with a curious eye.  “Where we going?”  Still no response, annoyed she opened the city map to get acquainted with the area.

Danni eyed her curiously, and then sighed.  “I have a few leads to follow up on, and since I have no choice but to let you tag along… just keep your mouth shut during the investigation and don’t discuss the case with anyone,” Danni snarled keeping her face and tone neutral.

“Yes sir, I mean Ma’am,” Flanery nervously stumbled over her words.

Danni tried not to laugh.  She thought it was cute how intimidated she made her, but there was no time for cute, they needed to make it across town before it got too late.



Danni sat crouched in her recliner she hadn’t noticed that the night fell upon the city.  She went through the notes of the investigation, haunted by the last interview, it disturbed her, not because of the pride the old prostitute took in her job, but the keen observation given from being on the streets for so many years.  Mayor Burns was mentioned several times again.  At first the prostitute was hesitant to give Danni any information, but after consideration of her fallen friends, she took Danni by the arm and walked her down the alley.  The smell from the dumpsters turned her stomach; it did not seem to affect the prostitute known as Hollywood.  She summed it up that the woman had walked many men down the alley to perform her job.  The thought gave her a shiver down her spine.

Hollywood looked around to ensure no one was in earshot.  “Some of the women have said that the Mayor was rough with them, another said she had to get away from him because he was choking her,” she whispered then looked around again.  “But, I don’t think he killed any of the girls.  I know everything that happens out here on the streets, and who goes with whom.  He may be a scary bastard, but all the girls have come back alive.”  She shrugged her shoulders and smiled, she displayed blackened teeth caused by excessive drug use, cigarettes and coffee.  Danni could see that at one time this was a beautiful woman with sparkling white teeth and wondered what happened in her life that was so bad that made her sell her body on the streets to anyone with a few dollars.  The thought of the degrading act made her cringe.

“It’s not so bad!” Hollywood whispered as if she knew what Danni was thinking.  “We all make choices, and this is mine.”

Danni nodded and pulled a twenty dollar bill out of her wallet.  “If you hear anything, see anything, or even suspect anything.  I want you to call me,” she said, handing the money with a business card.  “I don’t care what time it is.”  She paused and tapped her finger on the card, “You call me day or night.”

“You got it.”  Hollywood smiled as she looked down at the money.

With a twist of the wrist, Danni looked at the time; she put her note pad down and rubbed her tired eyes.  Her informant was a drug addict and the one suspect she had, was not a murderer.  A pervert maybe, Danni concluded.  Nine women dead and no one saw anything.  Or, Danni thought, her mind reeled with the possibly.  They could be afraid to say anything, or they could have been paid off.  Danni decided to still entertain that the Mayor could be involved, but how?  She would have to talk to Hollywood again.  If the Mayor was with each of the dead girls before they were murdered, he just might be the connection, and it was worth following up on.

The phone rang, Danni looked at the caller id, she snarled at the unfamiliar number.  Annoyed she answered the call ready to slam into the person on the other end.  She had received so many telemarketer calls in the past week that she was at her breaking point.  Danni reluctantly flipped her phone open.  “If this is a sales call, an offer to do a survey or anyone who does not have business with me on a regular basis.  Lose the number!” Danni slammed the phone shut.  A moment later the phone rang again, the same number appeared.  “You have got to be kidding?” Danni moaned putting the phone to her ear when she remembered giving out her business card.

“Pacelli here,” she said in a calm voice.

“Wow, you’re annoyed Pacelli, I was afraid to call back.”

“Who is this?” Danni questioned trying to recall the number

“It’s Annabel,” the caller announced.

“Annabel,” she hesitated.  “Annabel who?”

“It’s Detective Flanery, I hope I didn’t wake you up, but I had to talk to you about the case we are working on,” she said hoping to smooth over Danni’s annoyance with her.

“What do you want that can’t wait until tomorrow?” she moaned and slumped further in her seat.

Flanery sighed knowing this partnership was going to take a lot more of work and patience than anticipated.  “I was thinking about the Mayor and what his involvement was, but then, I thought, if the girls were returned alive,” Flanery continued with excitement, feeling like she may have come up with a new lead that would impress her new partner.  “Maybe, just maybe someone is out to get the Mayor and is trying to set him up.”

“That’s a good lead, but if they were trying to set him up, they would have left clues that led to him,” Danni said annoyed that any astute detective would have considered that before jumping to conclusions.  “However, maybe you’re onto something.”  Danni caught herself as the idea of a set up was not so far fetched after all.  “Maybe not trying to set him up, but trying to ruin him.  We need to make an appointment to go see the Mayor tomorrow.  Good job Flanery.”  She closed the phone and wrote the scenario down on her note pad.

Warming up to the idea of having the young detective as a partner, Danni reopened her phone and programmed the number into her directory.  As she was entering the name, she recalled the introductory.  “Annabel.”  The name was a little different but close enough that Danni sighed remembering the girl from so many years ago.  She wondered how she was doing.  The memories were soon followed by shame and a subtle anger.  She wondered if the girl hated her for not saving her mother.  Danni made a mental note to locate the girl and see how she was doing, and meet with her if she would allow it.




The lobby was crowded with people who rushed through the building.  Danni paused to smooth her black slacks and run her fingers through her shoulder length auburn hair.  Taking a quick glance in the mirror entrance, she could see the puffiness around her tired green eyes.  Danni made a mental note to take a week’s vacation as soon as the case was solved.  With a quiet reserve she surveyed the
lobby of the building, it was just as she had expected.  Marble floors scuffed by many years of the men and women that traveled through on a daily basis.  She stopped to admire the array pictures of the many people who once worked there, how convenient she thought on a need to know basis.  She looked past the security guard towards the elevator and waved her badge when he stepped in front blocking her way.

“Have a nice day ladies.”  He waved his hand and allowed her access all the while admiring Annabel’s figure.

Once in the elevator Danni giggled, “Did you see the way he was looking at you?”

She did not say a word, just nudged Danni in the rib cage and laughed as she watched anxiously at the lights lighting up as they passed each floor.  Eleven floors up seemed longer than the average ride.  She knew she was anxious and had to steady her breathing.  This was her first real case and they had nine women dead and she knew more were going to follow. 

When the doors to the elevator opened, they made a sharp right and approached the two guards outside of the Mayor’s office.  She looked to her right and nodded her head in an unspoken gesture towards Annabel.  Danni smiled as she approached the first man which she labeled as the rent-a-cop that was hired to protect public officials. 

“What’s your business?”  The short fat man motioned his hand for her to stop.

“We’re here to see the Mayor if it is any of your business!”  Danni ignored his hand and proceeded to walk past him.

He grabbed Danni by the forearm halting her entrance.  “Not without an appointment.  What’s your name and what is your business?” he huffed and stepped in front of her blocking her way. 

His large frame did not intimidate Danni.  “Listen here you overweight want-to-be a cop.  I have important business with the Mayor and if you ask him, he will tell you he is waiting for us,” she snarled and pushed her way past him.

“Bitch!” he said under his breath as Danni motioned her head for Annabel to follow.  She smiled a silent understanding; no one would push Danni around.  She admired that about her. 

The body guard pushed past Danni and opened the door determined to be the first in the office.  “There’s a cop here Sir, and she wants to see you now,” he growled his discontent.  “If she doesn’t have an appointment, it would be my pleasure to toss her out on her ass,” he added waiting for instruction.

Mayor Burns peered up from his desk took one look at Danni and ignored the gesture to toss her out.  When he smiled and gestured her to a seat Danni stepped in and winked at the guard.  Her confidence level grew as she watched the Mayor eye her from his seat behind the oversized mahogany desk. 

“Let her in! I’ve been waiting for her,” Mayor Burns finally said, “And, shut the door on your way out.”

He turned his attention to Danni, then to Annabel.  “I got your message.  Make it quick I have other appointments today,” he said admiring Danni’s slim shapely figure and the way her slacks and black blazer fit snug against her.  He could see the gun holster beneath and wondered if she was carrying handcuffs.  He was instantly erect as he imagined her laying him over his desk, and put handcuffs on him while he was naked. 

Danni could feel his eyes on her and it made her skin crawl.  “Enough!” she blurted out.  “Stop looking at me like I am one of the prostitutes you pick up every Friday night.” 

His eyes moved up to hers, the green specks sparkled with a hint of brown as she stared him down.  “Have a seat,” he huffed, feeling like a child that was just chastised.

Danni explained what she knew about his extracurricular activities, and then went on to explain how it was coincidental that each prostitute was murdered within twenty four hours of him bedding them. 

He looked at Danni, and then to Annabel, the look of panic was apparent.  “Shit, who else knows?”

“Right now, just the three of us, and of course the killer.”  Danni paused to collect her thoughts, “So, what I need is a list of names of your entire staff, and a separate list of anyone you pissed off.”

“Do you realize how long that list will be?” he hesitated, as he thought about what she was actually asking from him.  “That’s impossible!”

Danni knew by the worried look on his face if she pushed too hard he would not cooperate and she could not alienate her only lead.  “Mayor Burns, I know this is a lot we are asking from you.  How about we start with death threats, recent ex-lovers and hate mail,” she sighed.  Danni knew that would only touch the surface of enemies the Mayor had made over the years, but it was a start.

He nodded his head in agreement.  “You get the son of a bitch doing this, and keep my name out of it,” he snarled and looked over to Flanery sizing her up.  “If this gets leaked to the paper, you will both work in the traffic division for the rest of your careers.”  He stood visibly angry as he waved his hand dismissing them.

Danni stood tall refusing to allow him to intimate her and extended her hand.  “Call me on my cell if you think of anything or anyone else,” she said calmly as she handed him her card.  “If I don’t hear from you by the end of the week, expect another visit, and you know as well as I do, I keep showing up here, someone is going to notice and start asking questions,” she half threatened, smiled, and then nodded her head in the direction of the door for her companion to follow. 

“Are you threatening me Detective?” he stormed
past her and blocked her exit.

Trying not to smile, Danni knew she had his full attention.  “No sir, now why would you think that?”   She cocked her head to the left locking eyes with him.

“This is not a game little lady; you’re playing with the big boys now,” he tried his best to sound intimidating, but realized it was a weak and ineffective threat.  It was a tactic he had done so many times, but only worked on those who had no authority and bought into his bullying.  It was apparent that it would not work on her, and if he did not help her, the end result could become disastrous.  Feeling like the fat little boy again who sat on the monkey bars alone while all the other children played and made fun of him as they ran past, he wished he was invisible as he did then, where no one could harm him, tear him down and make him feel less of a man.  But, he could not run, he could not hide, there was a murderer on the loose and he feared for his own safety now.  He slumped against the door frame, defeated and broken.  “I’ll do my best to get you anything you need Officer, but on one condition?”

The scene before her shook her to the core, she knew he was scared, and it made him appear more human, and she did not want to think of him like that.  Danni despised him and everything he stood for.  He had been the one blocking renovations at the precinct, and she was sure he was the one who limited the amount of female officers recruited.  He was a womanizer, and she assumed the only thing he thought a woman was good for was a piece of ass, to be bedded at his command and then to be tossed aside when he was done.  His actions now, made him more human and reminded her why she was there, she took an oath to serve and protect all citizens and that meant him as well. 

“And...that…is?” she hesitated with each word.

“I need your promise to protect this office, and in return, I will help your career,” there it was, he said it and gave in, he told himself he would never do that again for anyone, but she was not just anyone, she was going to be his protector, his keeper of secrets, and hopefully an ally. 

“You have my promise.”  She smiled and extended her hand taking his hand in hers.  “We will do our best to keep your name away from the media, and catch our killer.”

Once in the hallway, feeling like she had just won the lottery, Danni could not help but to show her superiority to the guard standing at the door.  “Next time, don’t give me shit, I will be here on a regular basis and when I am not, you need to make a list of all the visitors,” she paused half smiling.  “I expect it to be thorough.” 

“Let’s go get lunch,” Danni directed her attention back to Annabel.  She stretched her hand out to the path way.  “By the way Detective Flanery,” she whispered once out of ear shot.  “That was a good catch.”  She pointed to the note pad Annabel held with a list of questions to ask the Mayor.  “I believe you will make a good detective after all,” Danni finished as she eyed her partner in a new light.  She was warming to the idea of working with her, and pushed away that nagging feeling that she knew her from somewhere.  And vowed after the case was solved, she would find out from where.



The silence of the locker room welcomed Danni as she stood motionless and eyed her reflection in the mirror; she could see the lines appear around her eyes.  She hated to admit she was getting older and with age, her once ageless appearance had vanished, and where there were no lines, she seemed to age overnight.  Alarmed she realized all work and no play was making her look old and feel even older.  She needed to relax and let her hair down, a little fun and emotionless sex would do the trick she thought and retrieved the flyer from her pocket she got in the mail earlier that day.  Karaoke at The Kick Back Bar from nine until eleven, and then it would be on.  The music and drinks would bring the crowd and she would have her pick.

The familiar structure stood dolefully under the gray skyline.  Danni could hear the boom of the music inside echo onto the street.  She eyed the patrons from the doorway and gathered the courage to enter.  She hated going there alone, but alone is what she had been for the past six years since that fateful day.  She was entering the center of her pain, feeling the loss that still stabbed into the depths of her being.  How she missed her, loved her, but hated her for leaving her.  Susan, the name came to mind, her love, her forever, the one who said she would never leave, but then one day, she came home from the doctor’s office, closed the bathroom door behind her after taking Danni’s gun and put the barrel of the gun in her mouth and pulled the trigger.  That is how Danni found her, blood splattered everywhere and only a single note lay on the counter covered in splattered blood.  It took a week for the investigators to give her the note back that explained Susan’s pain, her deception and the reason for her taking her life.  It was a simple goodbye as if was a letter written to a stranger.  Susan explained in the letter that she just found out she had Parkinson’s disease and she was not going to end up like her mother, and instead of putting anyone through that pain, she was ending it.  No I love you, I am sorry, just her signature at the end of the note.  Danni tried to come to peace with her death and the irrational behavior weeks prior to that day, but she felt betrayed, hurt, and angry.  She vowed she would never let anyone that close to again, and she had been successful.  She dated from time to time, never taking anyone back to her house, and a rule of thumb, to never give out her number. 

The memories engulfed her, she felt raw and tattered, and her pain was beyond what she was able to deal with but as she as she turned around to get back in her car she was halted when she heard her name.

“Well, I was wondering when you would finally show up here,” a familiar voice caught Danni off guard.

She abruptly turned her attention, and there leaning against the door was Annabel.  Danni looked at her shocked, she was taken back.  Danni prided herself at having one of the most astute gaydar around, but it never registered with Annabel.  Danni wanted to turn around and leave.  The last person she wanted to know her personal life was her partner.  Danni did a good job at keeping her private life away from the job, but now she was outed, not just by anyone, but by her partner. 

“What are you doing here?” Danni questioned trying to act nonchalant as she walked past her.

“Hanging out and having a couple of beers,” Annabel paused when she witnessed the distressed look on Danni’s face.  “I’m surprised I haven’t seen you in here before.  So if you’re worried about anyone at the department finding out, don’t!  My business is mine as your business is yours.”  She smiled extending her arm to walk Danni in.  “Deal?” Annabel challenged when she saw the lines on Danni’s face relax.

“Deal,” Danni returned the smile as she waved her hand in the air to get the bartenders attention.  “What’s your poison?”

“Whipped vanilla vodka, and sprite.”  Annabel smiled when she felt her cheeks get hot as she watch Danni take control and it turned her on and, she hoped it was not obvious that she had a crush on her.  The last thing she needed was to create an un-repairable rift that would put her back on the street as a beat cop.  She felt sick as she recalled her lieutenant’s last words.  ‘If you can’t make this work, I’ll have you transferred back so fast, your head will spin.’  The threat was real, and she knew this was her shot to get to know Danni, and then maybe one day she could tell her the truth, but until that day, she would hide behind the façade she had created.

“That sounds good,” Danni ordered two of the same then turned to her partner and frowned when she witnessed the distressed look on her face.  Concerned, she tapped her on the shoulder.  “You want to get a table and talk?”  Concern filled her eyes as she handed her the glass.

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