Heart of Darkness (20 page)

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Authors: Lauren Dane

Tags: #Romance, #General, #Paranormal, #Fiction

BOOK: Heart of Darkness
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“How could I have gotten that kiss if I’d left?” Meriel winked at Nell, who glowered and turned it on Dominic.
Nell turned her attention to Dominic. “And why are you allowing this? I can’t be with her twenty-four-seven. I’m counting on you to keep her out of trouble.”
He kept his fingers with Meriel’s and looked to her before speaking. “It was important she hold her ground.”
He’d done it and nearly given himself an ulcer having to sit there and not rush her from the place. And he didn’t regret it when she gave him a beautiful smile.
“I know, right?” Meriel looked to Nell.
Nell, unable to hold a smile back, shook her head as she looked to Dominic. “Yeah, yeah, he’s the cat’s meow. What’s going on?”
The two leaned in close and began to speak while William held out a hand. “Can I buy you a drink? We aren’t doing much of that at home as the missus is in the family way.”
Nell looked up and sighed. “I thought we agreed not to announce it to the universe for a while.”
“He’s your best friend’s whoosit, bond thing. Of course she’s going to tell him, even if it’s inadvertent.”
Dominic liked the energy between Meriel’s friend and her husband. They clearly liked each other as well as loved. Tom hadn’t really dated when Dominic had been growing up. None of his friends had gotten married yet either. He hoped the lack of exposure to working relationships wouldn’t be too much of a detriment with Meriel.
“Mazel tov.” Dominic raised his glass.
“We’re still going to dinner tomorrow night. Just a reminder. This does not trump that.” Nell sent a raised brow to her husband.
“Who am I to deny you anything?”
“Are we going to find this mage stalking Meriel? Or can I get her the hell away from here?”
Nell raised a brow his way. “Gage is here and doing his business. Meriel has given me some clues and so now I think it would be good to get up on out of here and leave.”
“I think you should come to Heart of Darkness.” Meriel looked to Nell and then over at William. “Nell, you can check the wards and security yourself and if it passes inspection, I can report on it next week at council.”
Nell sighed and William laughed, reaching out to touch her cheek.
“Nell hates the nightlife and does not like the boogie, I’m afraid.” Meriel teased.
“Even though she usually ends up having a good time.” William rarely took his gaze from his wife.
“Yes, well, it’s probably more fun than watching skanks rub themselves all over you like homeless cats.”
Meriel looked to Dominic and winked. Did she think he was amused by all this?
“My darling Meriel,” he said this silkily as he kissed her knuckles, “I don’t want to go anywhere tonight with this asshole out and about. I want to get you home where you’re safe.”
William shifted in his chair. “Glad to know it’s not just me. I agree with Dominic. We’re doing dinner tomorrow, we can go afterward.” He shrugged one shoulder. “I’ve checked out a few nightclubs in town, you know, to get the lay of the land. Maybe we can talk about that sometime.”
Nell nodded. “They’re right, Meriel. Not that, you know, I’m not chomping at the bit to go clubbing and all. Until we get a better handle on just what’s happening, it’s best for you to be extra wary. I was concerned before, now I’m convinced it’s mages here looking for witches to grab. I’m putting a few more people on a team to run these mages to ground. As for Heart of Darkness, Gage has already checked the wards there, you have too. It can wait another day.”
Nell turned to Dominic. “You know she’ll be far stronger after the ascension.”
Scandalized, Meriel whacked Nell’s arm. “Shut up! I won’t allow this to be used to push him into the ascension.”
Nell whacked Meriel’s arm right back and snorted. “Fuck you, Meriel. I’m saying what needs to be said and you’re being a dumbass.”
“This is my bond. This is my ascension and if I can tell Edwina to back off, I can sure say it to you. She’s scarier anyway. This is about not only my bond, but about our clan and mine and Dominic’s future. I won’t rush. I’m not some weakling of a witch as it is, thank you very much for the confidence.”
So fierce. She was so deliciously hot and fierce right then. A shiver ran through him, driving him to make her safe, to make her his.
“I’ve already told her I wanted to do it. We were discussing the particulars when this happened.”
Nell smirked and Meriel growled. “Good. Talk some sense into her then. Go home, Meriel. Get the hell off the streets or I’ll assign a guard to you full-time.”
Dominic was torn about this. He wanted her protected, but he was perfectly capable of physically protecting her. They really had no idea what he’d spent most of his twenties doing.
Dominic knew the smile on his face was nearly feral, but this was getting taken care of his way, damn it. “Why don’t you two come with us to Meriel’s father’s garden?”
Her eyes popped open as she gaped at him. It made him laugh, even has he knew it would have been better not to show her any amusement or she’d try to get around him.
“No. Dominic—”
Chapter 16
, Dominic and I would like to perform the ascension and we’d like to do it in your garden.” Meriel stood with Dominic in her parents’ living room.
Edwina’s attention sharpened so taut Meriel felt the change in her magick. “When?”
“Tonight. Right now.” Dominic smiled, utterly debonair but there was no disguising the rough patches. He was not Edwina’s sort of witch. But he was spectacular. Standing there next to him as he charmed his way into getting what he wanted, just like he had with her earlier only reinforced her affection for him. To think she’d fought him on this, when she wanted to ascend too anyway.
“Well now.” Edwina stood. “Yes, of course. Coming up on midnight in a bit.” She nearly spoke again but stopped herself. “What would you like?”
Meriel grinned and gave in, hugging her mother and not being offended by the way she always sort of held herself back. “Not the entire full-council. Perhaps the quorum?” She’d explained to Dominic that the quorum was the uppermost tier of any clan’s governance structure, made up of those council witches who’d ascended.
In Clan Owen it was Edwina, her magickal bond-mate, Ron, Meriel’s father, Abe, his brother and bond-mate, Kent Purcell, and Sami Ellis and her bond-mate, Brenda Conrad. After the ascension, their number would include Meriel and Dominic.
“Of course. I think that’s wise.” She pulled Meriel along, already holding her phone and dialing. “Is he going to be joining officially? How do you want to handle that?”
“He is. But he’d like to keep that low-key. Not his affiliation, naturally. He’ll be sitting on the dais with me. But the joining part itself. I’m already providing him with the education he needs.”
Edwina gave a bunch of orders, hung up and turned her attention back to Meriel.
“I agree. He will receive further training with his magick.” She looked to Dominic. “He’s not using even a quarter of his gift right now. Don’t get that look on your face, Meriel. He’s your bond-mate and he grew up outclan, it’s our job to help him use all his potential.”
“The ascension will make him even stronger,” Nell added so helpfully.
“Yes and he’ll gain part of my control and my training along with that.”
“I’d like to suggest that if The Owen has an idea for training she feels would benefit me, she should share that.” Dominic added a tip of his head that for some reason kicked totally outrageous behavior down to sort of rakish and right then she watched her clever man charm her mother.
Calls were made as Edwina interrogated Dominic. He’d thrown down a challenge for her to make a suggestion and she was on the case. She took her job seriously and now she’d be sure to find something to fit. It amused Meriel and Dominic seemed to handle her mother perfectly.
Preparations continued as people began to show up. She’d wanted something reasonably quiet and probably with more than half an hour’s planning, but at the same time it would be taken care of and things could move forward.
Satisfied that she had enough information from Dominic for the time being, Edwina dismissed him, sending him to the other side of the room where the males seemed to be keeping out of her mother’s way.
Meriel looked up from her mother’s yammering to watch her father with Dominic. They already had an easy way about them. She was glad about that. Her dad’s opinion meant a lot. She wanted him to approve of her life choices.
He looked up, his glasses on his nose and smiled. “We’re talking about you!” He waved, looking amused as he turned to pour Dominic a few fingers of Scotch.
Dominic had been such a surprise. He’d backed off enough to give her space at the restaurant. He’d not only let her remain to look for the mage, but he’d lent her his magick. He’d then turned around and dug his heels in and proceeded to seduce her with words and deeds until she found herself knocking on her mother’s front door.
And then he’d held his ground with her mother when she’d gone a bit bitchy but he’d managed to charm her with his defiance instead of piss her off. It was beautiful really. He was such a con artist. She smiled as she watched him talk with her father and William. He stood there in her house and made friends with her dad. And he did it for her.
“It’s funny how something so new can feel so essential.” She put her head on Nell’s shoulder as her mother ordered people around.
“I hear that. I like you two together. I like that he’s pushing you to keep safe in the face of all this mage stuff. He’s a bossy one, gonna take some maintenance.”
Meriel grinned. “Yeah, that’s part of the fun.”
“You two stop your whispering. We have to stay on task. Say your good-byes to him for now,” Edwina said, flapping an impatient hand toward Dominic. “He needs to be prepared and so do you. We’re cutting it close. Brenda and Sami have arrived. Sami will help your father prepare Dominic. Nell, can you deal with that? Just show Sami to Abe and let Brenda know where we’ll be doing the ritual.”
Nell bustled off and Meriel, not needing any more urging, went to Dominic.
He pulled her into his arms and it was all right. So very all right. “You just make everything all right,” she mumbled into his shirt.
He kissed the top of her head, squeezing her just a little bit tighter. “Good.”
“So it’s time for you to go with my dad right now. He’s going to walk you through the entire process ahead of time so you know what to expect. Are you sure you don’t want to wait for Tom so he can be here?”
“He’s not answering his cell. I didn’t think he would anyway. He’s on a backcountry trip. He takes groups out all year long. He won’t be back in range until Sunday night, maybe Monday.”
“I hate that he’s not here for you. Will he be upset?” The idea that this man who was so important to Dominic might think she excluded him or that she’d hurt his feelings really bothered her.
“We’ll go down there and see him. Is that all right with you? I do want him to meet you and I’d like to show you the house and stuff. He’ll be happier that way. He’s not one for this kind of stuff. He’d have come because it was me, but he’s not overly social.”
“I’d really like that.”
He bent down and took her lips tenderly, just a breath of a touch across her mouth with his lips. And yet there was so much there passing between them. He touched parts of her she’d never even known existed.
She was so drunk off this man.
She took a step back. “See you out there in a few.”
Abe, Meriel’s father, raised his glass as they watched Meriel rejoin her mother and then disappear up some stairs.
“I’m so pleased to have you do this in my garden. I’ve always loved to work my magick out here. Funny, you know Meriel is the worst with plants. Can’t keep a houseplant alive to save her own life, even with magick! But she’s loved this garden her whole life. Used to perch on the rock wall over there to watch me work and keep me company.”
“She told me about your garden. She’s proud of it.” Dominic walked down a path, trees all around. Benches, water features, rockeries. The garden was astoundingly beautiful. Fecund. Life just dripped from every surface. He saw it clearly as he used his othersight, as Ron and Sami had suggested. Meriel had been helping him learn how to use it better and then Abe had patiently shown Dominic a new way to open himself up, a way he’d understood a little better than he had before.
And so there she was, the moon shining on her skin. Those witches Meriel had referred to as the quorum stood in a line. Meriel’s dad had explained that they would form an internal circle around Meriel and Dominic, all of them protected by an outer circle Edwina and Ron would set.
Meriel stepped forward. She wore a beautiful white cape; her hair was pulled from her face, exposing her features. She held out her hand and he took it. A connection was made. Energy was conducted between them, humming.

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