Read Heart of a Stripper Online

Authors: Cyndi Harris

Heart of a Stripper (13 page)

BOOK: Heart of a Stripper
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“You really think so?” he asked, smiling at her comment.

He had often tried to take Kate out to stare at the view, but she never found the beauty. They weren’t “captivating” enough for her. She referred to them as “huge rocks”, and never got why he would sit out there for hours to look at them. To have someone finally share his vision was refreshing.

“Mm hmm.”
She smiled. “I could sit out here and stare at them for hours and just talk to you.”

Turning her to him, he tipped her chin upward before placing a gently kiss on her lips. Closing her eyes, she drank in the moment and etched it into her memory for another keepsake.

“I don’t ever want this to end.” She said laying her head on his chest, and wrapping her arms around his waist.

just remained silent as he wrapped his arms back around her. Holding her tight, he stared out at the horizon. He didn’t want what they had to end either, but feared something would ultimately get in their way. In all of his life, happiness wasn’t something he knew a lot about. It was always ripped from him in the most unlikely of ways. He just wondered what would make this any different. They already had so many odds stacked against them, so he was just waiting for them to come crushing down.

The doorbell suddenly jilted him out of his thoughts, and he shut his eyes tight. Here it was, sooner rather than later he was sure. Holding her tighter, he feared letting her go. The doorbell sounded again and she pulled away.

“I’ll go upstairs, and get dressed in something while you get that.” She offered, getting on her tippy toes to kiss him.

She wasn’t stupid and naïve, she knew keeping what they had under wraps was the best thing for them. Whoever was at the door was damn sure likely to ask more question than either of them would be willing to answer.

“Ok.” He smiled, brushing her hair behind her ear, before kissing her again.

This time it was for good measure. He was afraid that whoever it was
was going to dampen his mood. Knowing that Nevaeh was mature enough to handle this situation put him at ease though. He could she that she wasn’t one to brag or flaunt their “relationship”. Going inside, he headed to the door as she disappeared upstairs. The doorbell sounded again, with a pound this time. Whoever it was had definitely been impatient.

Taking a deep breath,
Mitchell opened the door.

“What the fuck man?!”
Adam asked stalking into the house.

Mitchell asked closing the door behind him.

“All you have to say is what?!” he shouted, glaring at his best friend furiously.

“You bolted on your engagement party last night!” Adam snapped. “When I said go freshen up, I didn’t mean for you to slip out of the damn party!!” he shouted.

“Adam don’t fucking shout at me.”
Mitchell grumbled.

Adam narrowed his eyes at his friend because he wasn’t one to throw curse words around. He noticed a huge shift in
Mitchell’s attitude lately.

“You were serious last night then?” Adam inquired.

“Yeah.” Mitchell nodded.

“You had everyone worried about you, Kate was freaking out. Your dad was livid to say the least. We all thought something happened to you.” Adam replied.

“Then why are you the first person to show up and check on me? Where’s Kate?” Mitchell asked sarcastically.

Adam shrugged as the question ate at him.

“She never came by here last night?” Adam asked.

“No. If I were hurt or dead, shouldn’t she have at least come here to check?! She probably got angry as usual and made everything about her right?!”
Mitchell yelled.

“Man, what’s up with you?” Adam asked.

“What do you mean?
wanted me to dump Kate since day one. Now that I’m doing it you’re “Pro Kaitlin”?” Mitchell snapped.

this because of Nevaeh? You have been acting weird since you met her.” Adam pushed.

Mitchell shouted. “I just—” he sighed not knowing how to answer.

“It is her. Look, I like her, I do. But
Mitchell, you can’t throw everything away for her.” Adam said seriously.

“You don’t get it.”
Mitchell grumbled.

“Then make me get it. You’re my best friend, and if you’re not happy I want to know why.” Adam said seriously.

“I finally see straight for the first time.” Mitchell answered.

“Ok, be truthful with me. Is this really about Nevaeh?” he asked again.

“Yes.” Mitchell bit.

“Are you willing to lose everything for her? Because that’s what you need to ask yourself. Whatever you decide, I got your back. But you need to really think about what you’re doing. You know I’ve always hated Kate, but I thought you loved her.”

“I thought I did too.”  Mitchell sighed as Nevaeh came down the stairs.

“Hi again.”
She smiled at Adam.

“Hey.” He smiled back.

“Are you staying for a while?” she asked, walking over to the island.

Grabbing a plate, she filled it with the food
Mitchell made.

“I can’t.” he answered. “Maybe next time, but can you do me a favor?”

“Depends on what it is.” She smirked.

Take care of my friend.” He insisted, and she frowned as she watched him leave.

“You told him?” she asked.

A part of her was happy that she meant that much to him, but the other half was afraid.

“I didn’t have to say anything. He kind of already knew, he won’t say anything.” He reassured.

“Why’d he ask me to take care of you?” she inquired as there was another knock on the door.

Mitchell stalked over and opened it. Thinking it to be Adam, he asked “What is it now?”

“Is that how you talk to your fiancée now?” Kaitlin asked standing in the doorway.

“What do you want?” He snapped, and she narrowed her eyes at him.

“You bolt from our engagement party and have the nerve to snap at me?!” she shouted.

“I called you all night worried!” she shouted.

“Worried enough to not show up until this morning?”

“What is that supposed to mean?” she barked.

“I could have be dead for all you knew and you decide to show up today?!” he shouted.

“What has gotten into you?!” she shouted looking past him and seeing Nevaeh sitting awkwardly.

“So that’s it? You’re cheating on me with
?!” she cackled angrily.

A moment later, she smacked him. The sting was raw and left his cheek ruby red. That left him irate.

“Get the hell off my step!” he shouted slamming the door in her face.

“You lied to me.” Nevaeh cried shooting to her feet. “You never broke it off with her.”

“Nevaeh, no.” he insisted walking over to her.

“You were never intending to leave her.” She cried as he tried to grab her, but she pulled away.

“Please listen.” He pleaded.

“Why sho
uld I?” she asked heart broken.

“Sit down for a minute.” He sighed.
“Just give me a minute to explain.”

He just needed to tell her and get it over with. Sitting on the couch, she frowned nervously.

“Up until last night I
engaged. I thought I loved Kaitlin, and you know I did everything to stay faithful to her. When I met you—you opened my eyes. You showed me what loving someone really was, and it wasn’t what I had.’’

“Then why doesn’t she know that you broke up with her?” she asked sarcastically.

Running a hand through his hair, he sighed.

“I saw her—she’s been sleeping with my father behind my back.” He bit heartbroken.

“What?” Nevaeh asked speechless.

“I saw them together—they didn’t know I was there. And at my own engagement party!” he shouted shooting to his feet.

“I’m sorry.” Nevaeh responded, standing and going over to him.

“Maybe I deserved it.” He said softly. “Maybe I was a horrible boyfriend.”

“You don’t deserve that. She’s a bitch” Nevaeh snapped. “Both of them are selfish horrible people.”

She pulled him in a held him tight as he began to cry.
But one nagging question sat on her gut.

“Did you use me to get even with her?” she whispered afraid of the answer.

“No.” he replied drawing back, and staring her in the eyes even though his tears were still present.

“I was thinking of you the whole time I was at the party, even before I saw them. I thought I was making a huge mistake trying to marry Kate. But seeing them just made it clear I was in the wrong place. It made me realize you were put in my life for a reason.” He reassured.

“Do you really want
?” she inquired.

“You’re here aren’t you? I don’t regret us.” He replied holding her











Chapter Twelve

Mitchell kissed Nevaeh as he held onto her waist. She’d stopped in to have lunch with him and he appreciated it. It was something he wasn’t use to having. His days use to be lonely, and he never took time for lunch. He usually worked through it, or headed to the cafeteria to interact with the kids. Having Nevaeh around had definitely showed him how it was to have someone truly care for him, besides Adam.

He and Nevaeh
spent the better part of the weekend getting to know each other in every way that counted intimately. The majority of it was spent on the beach, either watching the waves or making love. He just couldn’t get enough of her, and her of him. 

Nevaeh grabbed at his belt as she pushed him up against his desk, and he moaned. He tangled his hands in her hair as she dipped her hands in his boxers and grabbed hold of his stiff, hard dick. He jerked from pleasure
, and shook his head as he stopped her.

“Not here.” He whispered in a husky voice as he smiled at her. “Later.”

She pouted with a teeny smile, and he shook his head once more.

“That won’t work on me today
.” He insisted, smiling down at her before kissing her nose.

Couldn’t hurt to try.” She replied, fixing her clothes as he buckled his pants.

worry, you’ll have all of me later.” He assured. “Now get to class.”

“Bye babe.” She said kissing his cheek before disappearing.

Looking at the doorway and watching her leave, he saw Bruce standing there. The glare he was giving him was menacing. Mitchell sucked in a breath as his father stormed into the office. Slamming the door, he stood face to face with his son.

“So what I’ve been hearing
true.” he said as a matter of factly.

I don’t know. What have you been hearing?” Mitchell asked smugly, narrowing his eyes at his father.

crossed his arms over his chest as Bruce studied him.

“That you’re sleeping with a younger woman. Kaitlin came by my house crying her eyes out Saturday morning saying she found you with a girl.” Bruce bit.

“So, did you fuck her to make her feel better?” Mitchell barked.

“Excuse me?” Bruce asked through gritted teeth.

He wasn’t used to his son talking to him in such an unacceptable manor.

“You heard me. Did you fuck her and make her feel better? Is that why she left my house with no fight? She ran to you and you fucked her brains out?”
Mitchell sneered.

“You watch your mouth when you’re talking to me!” Bruce shouted.

“Why? We’re all adults here, right?” Mitchell shrugged.

“So where’d you hear such a thing?” Bruce asked self-satisfied.

“You can stop pretending. I saw you two at the party.” Mitchell bit.

Bruce smiled slightly as he stared his son in the eyes coldly.

“You want the truth? Fine. Yeah, Kate and I have been sleeping together behind your back for months.” Bruce chuckled, and Mitchell bawled his hands into fists.

Gritting his teeth,
Mitchell let the shock of his admission set in. He was shaking with fury and wanted to lay his father on his ass. Staring up into the assholes eyes, he could see that Bruce found his pain amusing. How he got saddled with such a dick for a father, he didn’t know.

Mitchell asked in a whisper as his tears burned his eyes.

“This is why! I want you to man the fuck up! Instead of hitting me in the mouth, you
like a
. Kate’s an amazing woman, and she needs a
like me. Not a
like you. So either you grow some balls or she’ll
come to me.” Bruce barked glaring at his son.

BOOK: Heart of a Stripper
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