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Authors: Sophia Knightly

Heart Melter (20 page)

BOOK: Heart Melter
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Ian came up to her and shook his head, sprinkling her face with cool droplets of water. "What a diva," he scoffed. "There was a time when you would have jumped in beside me. Your cushy life in New York has spoiled you."

"No, it hasn’t,” she said, rising to the challenge. “Where's the damn stream?"

“Come with me,” Ian said, grabbing towels from the suitcase. He led Natasha to a gurgling silver stream at a short distance, but when she saw the trout inside, she recoiled instantly.

"I changed my mind. There are big fish in there," she said backing away.

No sooner had she blurted that out, than Ian threw off his towel and lifted her up. Holding her tight, he jumped in the stream with a shout of laughter. The oversized nightgown billowed around Natasha like a parachute, revealing her naked body as she came up to the surface, gasping.

“You beast! If I get bitten by a trout, it’ll be your fault!” she yelled, adding every obscenity she knew. Laughing wickedly, Ian grabbed her squirming waist and pulled her in for a kiss. He devoured her chilled lips and tasted deep inside her mouth. When he pulled the nightgown over her head and off, Natasha pushed at his chest and managed to break away. Filling her mouth with water she spewed it in his face. While he sputtered, she turned abruptly and neatly dived away from him. Ian growled and chased her. He reached her in seconds and they wrestled playfully. Laughing and out of breath, she finally went limp in his arms and tried to slip away, but Ian didn’t relax his grip. He tickled her until she was giggling helplessly. He finally let go and she splashed water in his face. 

When she reached the shore, she climbed out with Ian right behind her. He wrapped her slippery body in a towel and tossed her over his shoulder. Running naked into the cottage, Ian burst inside and tossed Natasha in the middle of the bed. He briskly rubbed every inch of her damp skin until it glowed, then descended upon her, tasting her with gentle love bites.

His smartphone rang and they jumped apart. "Ignore it," Ian said in a strangled voice as he resumed nibbling on her.

Natasha pushed away from him. "I can't. It might be Arthur." Out of breath, she answered the phone. "Alec, how nice to hear from you," she said between panting breaths, trying to sound composed.

Ian punched the bed and signaled for her to hang up.

"Dinner at seven?"  She glanced at Ian and he nodded. “Yes, that would be lovely. Thank you.”

She had scarcely hung up, when Ian crooked a finger at her. "Come here, angel," he said, his voice dark and seductive.

Natasha’s breath caught in her throat at the ravenous look in his silver green wolf eyes. On wobbly legs, she reached his side and he instantly hauled her on top of him, his strong arms holding her body in a vise. He kissed her hard, his lips demanding and hungry.

"No more interruptions," he growled, rolling on his side and taking her with him. He kissed her breasts, tasting the buds with a swirl of his tongue as his hands skimmed over her shoulders and down her sides, from breasts to waist, then smoothed over her belly, triggering tremors along the way. He stroked her into a frenzied, greedy chaos of needing, craving,
to have him inside her. No matter how many times Ian made love to her, it only made her want him more. 

He turned her over and kissed the indentation of her spine all the way down, lingering at her buttocks and thighs. She moaned at the sensual assault when his teeth grazed one cheek, making her skin prickle where he’d nipped her.

"Now you have my mark," he murmured huskily.

He turned her over and looked in her eyes, his face dark with arousal as his hands palmed her buttocks and he slid inside her moist passage in one strong stroke. Moaning and pleading for more, she dug her nails into his taut buttocks and bucked upward, meeting him stroke for stroke. Ian thrust inside her repeatedly, taking her on a wild, riveting ride, heating her blood to flames. Fused together, they breathed the same tortured air and reached their climax together.

Holding her in a tight embrace, Ian stroked her spine and rested his hand on her bottom. "I hope I wasn't too hard on you," he murmured, kissing her temple. "Did I hurt you?" He pulled back to look in her eyes.

Natasha melted under his direct gaze, full of tenderness and warmth. "No, not at all," she said, throbbing with pleasurable aftershocks. "You were hot and wild. That's how I love you." Her last three words lingered in the air.

With a profound sigh, Ian held her tightly. “And I love you,” he said, making her heart soar with bittersweet happiness. Natasha laid her head on his solid chest and listened to his steady heartbeat, feeling like the luckiest girl in the world.


An hour later when she woke up, Ian was outside chopping wood for the fireplace. Wrapped in a blanket, she stood at the window and watched him swing the axe in powerful strokes against the backdrop of the black mountains. Framing anyone else, the towering peaks flanked by scarred ravines might have looked desolate and foreboding, but behind Ian they created a mystical panorama and he looked like he belonged there.

The temperature was quickly dropping now that the clouds covered the sun. Natasha shivered, but not from the cold. What would her life be like when the danger was over and she would return to New York? Performing on stage filled her spirit with joy, but she couldn’t imagine being separated from Ian again.

Tears gathered in her eyes as she closed the window and pulled the blanket tightly around her. She would remain in the present, savoring each moment with Ian. Despite his fiercely possessive lovemaking, he hadn’t once told her he wanted to keep her in Scotland. But he had said,
And I love you

She’d hold on to that forever.




Chapter Seventeen


Ian whacked his axe against the wood and tried to clear his head after another bout of lovemaking that left him craving Natasha more. Each tough stroke of his axe pounded with impatience to replace their temporary arrangement with something permanent.
You were hot and wild. That's just how I love you.
Natasha’s words wrapped themselves around his heart and squeezed. He wanted to marry her, give her
and grow old with her with such ferocity it made his head spin.

His axe powerfully sliced through the wood as reality crashed in. He couldn’t coerce Tasha to stay in Scotland any more than she could convince him to leave his homeland. Releasing pent-up frustration, he chopped wood until sweat poured down his face and his muscles fatigued. He cleaned up in the stream and headed back to Natasha, determined to find a solution to their dilemma.

When he entered the cottage, her back was turned as she heated a can of soup on the kerosene burner and stirred. Ian walked up and kissed the back of her satiny neck. He inhaled deeply. “Why do you always smell so good and taste delicious?” he mused huskily.

She leaned back and sighed. "Ooh, you just sent millions of little goose bumps down my spine."

Ian nibbled her earlobe and murmured, "Lucky goose bumps."

Natasha turned and smiled coyly, the tiny dimple beside her mouth charming him. Scrubbed free of make-up, her face was happy and relaxed. Her eyes sparkled and her lips looked rosy and plump, ripe for kissing.

"Lunch is ready," she said cheerfully. She portioned out soup and served sandwiches she’d made with the cheese and smoked sausage. Shiny red apples and Dugie’s shortbread biscuits completed their lunch.

After they ate, Ian said, “Let’s go for a walk.”

“Okay, let me grab my jacket first.”

They hiked for a good hour before he stopped and indicated a grassy area. “Let’s sit here.”

Natasha joined him on the grass. “Hey,” she said, regarding him with a lift of her brows. “Why so serious? What are you thinking about?”

“You.” His voice sounded brusquer than he’d intended and he regretted the flash of uncertainty on her face.

“Me?” she asked lightly, leaning back and gazing at him expectantly.

“Yes, you.” His gaze held hers uncompromisingly. “I can’t live in limbo when it comes to you anymore. I hate the uncertainty.”

“I don’t like it either,” she said, tormented.  “So where are we, Ian?” Her big blue eyes searched his face.

“Where do you want to be?” 

“Here. With you,” she said instantly. “But I don’t have the freedom to make decisions right now…because of my circumstances.”

Was she referring to her career or the danger she was in?
Natasha looked burdened and he wanted to hear her out, so he kept silent. 

“I'm holding onto our time together for dear life. I love you, Ian. I never stopped loving you.” She took his hand in hers and kissed it. “It’s selfish, I know,” she said looking down, “but I don’t want to ruin what we have thinking about the danger I’m in. Or the danger I’ve put you in.”

“You haven’t put me in danger.” He lifted her chin and met her gaze intently, fiercely. “I’m here to protect you.”

“Thank you,” she whispered, her eyes filling with tears. “So many things can happen in the next few days. Please.” She drew in a shaky breath and released it slowly. “Can we just take one day at a time? I’ll always treasure these memories."

Hot blood surged to his head, making it pound with despair. "Don’t say that. I don’t want only memories,” he said tersely. “I want
, dammit.” It was all he could do not to grab her and take her on the ground like the untamed savage he became at the thought of losing her. He let out an exasperated breath. “Yesterday I said while you’re here, you’re mine. But that was an understatement. You’re mine—no matter where you are. No ocean can separate our love
” He entwined his hand in her hair and kissed her hard, hammering the message home.

She went pliant beneath the onslaught of his kiss, and when she finally pulled back, her chest rose and fell with shallow pants. “I
yours, Ian. I love you, and I desperately want things to work for us, but—” Natasha’s voice caught and she swallowed hard. She blinked back tears and shook her head helplessly, clutching handfuls of his shirt in her fists as if she never wanted to let go.

Ian pulled her in his arms and kissed her temple. “Hush. I know you’re stressed about everything. We’ll take it a day at a time…for now,” he said, his jaw clamping down in resignation.


That evening, Ian's Rover jostled across the rough terrain on the way to Alec's house. The beach at night was haunting and desolate in its gaunt, jagged coastline. A constant drizzle drenched the cold air as they traveled the winding private dirt road wrapping around the coastline. Natasha felt emotionally drained and sick at heart that she hadn’t been able to say what Ian needed to hear from her. She wished she could, but she wouldn’t lie to him. She had a commitment with the show and she had to return soon.

"We're almost there," Ian said, interrupting her thoughts.  

Natasha glanced at him as he turned his attention back to the rocky trail. Her heart soared at the very sight of him, strong, stoic and so protective of her. He had been understanding earlier, even gentle, though he had looked like he wanted to tear the ground apart with his bare hands. He had agreed to her wishes today, but how long would it be before he lost patience…and trust…or worse yet, interest in her? 

Ian pointed toward the horizon. "That's Alec's house up ahead."

"Wow, it’s beautiful." Illuminated by the dim lights surrounding it, the two story mansion basked in a soft salmon pink glow and spread over a craggy cliff that dipped into the water's edge.  “Tell me about Alec. What’s his deal?”

Ian glanced at her with a quizzical lift of his brows. “What do you mean?”

“Does he have a girlfriend? Has he ever been married?”

“You want to hear the personal stuff, eh?” Ian said, smiling. “Alec got married young and they divorced a few years later. That was ten years ago.”

“How old is he?”

“Thirty-eight. Why?”

Natasha hitched her shoulder in a half-shrug. “Maybe I’ll introduce him to one of my girlfriends.”

Ian shook his head. “Don’t if your friend wants to get married. After his divorce, Alec vowed never to remarry.”

She tilted her head. “Bad divorce?”

Ian gave a short laugh. “You could say that. He calls her wee Katie the shrew.”

Natasha laughed. “Really? That’s funny.”

“Not to him. Kate is wee in size, but feisty as hell. Alec was mad about her, but they fought a lot. When he divorced Kate, his parents were unhappy about it, especially his mum. She used to say that Kate was perfect for Alec. Eileen thought so too.”

“That’s interesting,” Natasha said, her curiosity piqued.

“Eileen and Kate are still friends. They’ve stayed in touch over the years.” He snorted. “Even though Alec’s not thrilled about it.”

“Ha, I can see how that would annoy him. What about his parents? Have they stayed in touch with her too?”

“No, they’re not alive. They died last year. First their dad died in a car wreck and three months later their mum died.”

“Oh, that’s so sad.”

Ian nodded sympathetically. “Aye, Alec and Eileen have had many losses recently, including their granny’s passing last month.”

Shortly afterward, they arrived at the MacLeod home and were warmly greeted by Alec’s sister, Eileen and a cute white Scottish terrier. One glance at the little dog made Natasha miss Evita terribly.

Eileen greeted Ian with a kiss on both cheeks and a tight hug. "I can't believe it's been years since we've seen each other."

"You're as bonnie as the last time I saw you, Eileen," Ian said, smiling at her warmly. “This is Natasha White. Natasha, meet Eileen, Alec’s sister.”

“Nice to meet you. And who is this adorable pup?” Natasha said petting the terrier’s head.

“That’s wee Brodie. I’m afraid he’s spoiled rotten,” Eileen said, shaking her head at the dog fondly.

Ian snorted. “Why must you lassies always spoil your dogs? Natasha has a dog named Evita and she’s a wee diva,” he said, grinning at her.

Eileen gazed from Ian to Natasha with a smile. “She should meet Brodie then.”

BOOK: Heart Melter
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