Heart Breaker (Break on Through) (10 page)

BOOK: Heart Breaker (Break on Through)
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“Mmmm?” he moaned into my hair.

“I gotta get up.”


We were new and we were lovers so I wasn’t too hip on telling him the details.

“I need to clean up, honey.”

“Want me to do it?”

I stilled. “What?” I breathed.

His head rose up, leaning against the palm of his hand. His gaze went back and forth, from my eyes to my mouth and back, and then he offered me a gorgeous smile.

“Hold on a sec. Be right back.”

He jumped out of my bed and made his way to the bathroom. He came back with a washcloth that he had doused with warm water. Guess he found the linen closet as easily as everything else around here.

“Open your legs for me, beautiful,” he gently commanded.

Without thinking, I did just that and watched as he rubbed the cloth between my legs. Cleaning my folds. He quickly sprinted back to the bathroom to dump it and came back to me. I had already gotten underneath my covers and, without a moment’s hesitation, he lifted the comforter and curled me into him.

“Guess you’re spending the night.”

He gave me a sideward glance and chuckled. “Yeah, Sam, that’s a safe assumption to make.”

“But you’ve got nothing but your suit to change into in the morning,” I argued. “You ready to make the walk of shame home in that?”

He turned his body closer to mine, cradled my face in his palm like he always did. Like I loved. “Try to keep up with me here, baby,” he teasingly chided. “You’re my woman now. I’m your man. There will be no more walks of shame going on here. Besides,” he continued while pulling me into his hold, “I happen to know Jackson’s down the street at Lauren’s tonight. I’ll just text him to bring over extra clothes and I’ll be all set for the day.”

“For the day?”

His body got tight. “You want me to leave?”

“No!” I sat up, putting my hand on his chest. “I’m sorry, I’m being slow here.”

“Yeah, you are, and it’s starting to piss me off. Are we on the same page here or not?”

The light coming from the window was bright. A full moon, and her rays were beaming down on me and my new man. Like a blessing. And I was blowing it.

“I’m not used to doing things with someone else. Well, except for Jess,” I said, all the while getting a bit lost in the beauty of his face, even with its stern expression. “Tomorrow all I was planning on doing was to start building my kitchen island. Didn’t think that’s something you’d want to do. And later, Jackson is coming by to help install the granite top.”

He kept his eyes homed in on mine and I offered him a small smile.

“Would love for you to stay.” Then I took a deep breath. “Would love to do everything with you.”

And just that fast, his expression went from concrete to butter, melting me with his warm smile and sparkling eyes.

“Now that’s more like it,” he answered, speaking low, his voice getting rough around the edges. “But I think retributions are in order.”

Both my brows raised high. “Retributions? For

“Why, for the pain and suffering your insensitivity caused my favorite client.” He was teasing me and he was being deliciously wicked about it too.

“And who’s
favorite client, Counselor?”

He whipped off the covers, and there was his gorgeous cock already getting hard again. “Ms. Lockhart, I believe you and my client have already become acquainted.”

My lips curled into a smirk. “Yes, I do believe he’s made himself known to me. Quite well, I may add. So, Mr. Masterson, I’ve heard you’re a beast in the courtroom.”

His eyes were twinkling, totally into and amused by the game we were playing. “All the rumors are one hundred percent true.”

I nodded in earnest. “That’s what I was afraid of. Now, I’m just a simple girl from Virginia. I don’t want no trouble now. Isn’t there a way I can make your client…happy?”

Kyle’s eyes grew heated and he grasped his dick in his hand and started stroking it up and down, all the while not taking his eyes off me. “What did you have in mind, Ms. Lockhart?”

I pulled on my bottom lip with my teeth and batted my lashes. “I’d like to kiss and make up, Mr. Masterson. But only if your client is amenable to my proposal.”

I saw him take a hard swallow, which thrilled me that I was getting to him as much as he was getting to me. I leaned down over his sculpted body and rubbed my face along his length, opened my mouth and took him in. His skin was salty, and I could still taste traces of me from when he was inside me. It was a decadent, musky taste. One I took my time savoring, giving him the blowjob of his life.

“Fuck, Sam,” he said through gritted teeth while fisting my hair in his hands. “My dick belongs in that hot mouth of yours.”

I hummed my approval while working his shaft in tandem with my right hand. He stiffened even more as he clenched my hair even harder, sending jolts of pain from my scalp, but I didn’t mind. I knew he was getting real close because his hips started thrusting his cock deeper down my throat.

“Ah shit, honey,” Kyle moaned. “I’m gonna come. Gonna come for ya.” And then he did, his orgasm barreling through him like a bullet train, with his pleasure echoing through the house. I was grateful Jessica wasn’t home because he was
. I swallowed his release and then rested my head on his hip, my eyes watching the rise and fall of his chest with his breath. I thought he was going to fall asleep, that two rounds would’ve wiped him out. But instead, I watched as his eyes darkened and his expression grew hungry. And I knew, right then, I wasn’t going to be sleeping much that night.

Chapter Seven

Usually, I’m an early riser. Even as a teenager, I’d get up right with the sun, even on weekends. Jessica was the same as well, and we attributed the trait to our dyed-in-the-wool Protestant work ethic. Part of our blood and our DNA.

Which is why it came as a complete shock when I rolled over and the clock flashed ten thirty. Also, Kyle wasn’t next to me, the sheets cold to my touch indicating he had left them a while ago. My heart dropped to my stomach with a flash of grief, then anger.

“If that son-of-a-bitch took off on me
,” I was muttering under my breath, “then I’m going to personally castrate him like the wayward bull he is!” Then I heard a clattering of dishes in the kitchen and realized Jess must be home. I scrambled out of bed and threw on some clean panties, a loose, comfy sweater and a pair of jeans. I couldn’t wait to talk to her, not only to find out about her night with Henry, but to have her help me plan the death of one Kyle Masterson.

I grabbed a hair tie and was walking through the house, threading it through the loop. “Jess,” I called out, “you will not
what kind of fool your older sister is!” I turned the corner to hit the kitchen area, and standing there was not only my beautiful, early-rising sister, but also Kyle, along with Jackson and Lauren. They were all sitting around our breakfast table, drinking coffee and obviously having a grand ol’ morning.

“Well, good morning there, sunshine!” Lauren practically sang while Jackson gave a smile and a chin lift.

“If Mom and Dad could see you now, Samantha Grace, they’d be shocked! Sleepin’ ’til ten thirty,” Jess teased, taking a sip of her coffee, the mirth in her eyes peeking over the rim of her cup.

“Morning, honey.” Kyle sauntered out of his chair and right to me. “Sleep okay?” he asked, immediately cradling me in his sinewy muscled arms. He was wearing jeans with an almost threadbare concert T-shirt. Probably Jackson’s stuff, I thought while enjoying the feel of his embrace encircling me.

“You all right there, babe?”

“Yeah.” I nodded, my face planted in his chest. “I was being silly.”

His kissed the top of my head and gave me a squeeze. “You thought I had taken off.”

It wasn’t a question but a statement. I just nodded again, a surge of embarrassment coursing through me.

“Hey.” He took me by the shoulders. “Look at me, Sam.” I reluctantly gazed up, hating that he was going to see me teary-eyed.

“I don’t know when I became such a crybaby,” I muttered, taking in a shaky breath. “But yeah, I thought you had left again. I’m sorry I doubted you.”

He smoothed down my hair and beamed at me with a look of complete adoration on his face.
God, please let him be falling for me as deep as I am for him
, I prayed.

“We’re new, honey. And trust is earned over time.” He smiled warm and sweet. “And we’ve got time now.”

He gave me a quick kiss on the forehead and told me he’d get me a cup of coffee. Everyone carried about their business, but Jessica was eyeing me from across the room, and just like sisters, we communicated full pages of dialogue with a single glance. And I knew she got it when I saw a huge smile break out across her face.

“What’s got you so excited?” Lauren asked, taking her mug over to the sink.

“Oh, nothing.” Jessica gave me a quick wink. “I’m just glad to see my big sister finally get out of bed, is all.”

“Mmm hmm.” Lauren grinned, not buying Jessica’s explanation for a second but deciding to let it go.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m thrilled to see y’all, but what
you doing here?”

Jackson raised his brow and scoffed. “Well listen to Ms. Thang over here. Puts up a li’l dry wall by herself yesterday and now she thinks she doesn’t need any help with her remodel.”

“Oh that’s right! You’re going to help me with the granite! But Jackson, I need to build out the island first.”

“Relax, Samantha, I know,” he teased while getting up to put his cup in the sink. “Actually came over early to get your boy toy some threads. Didn’t want to subject the women of Tazewell Road to those chicken legs of his.”

“Hey, watch it!” Kyle snapped one of the dishtowels across Jackson’s ass. “These legs lost all fowl-ness by college.” Then he turned to Lauren and smirked. “The truth is, Lauren, Jax is terrified if you see how a real man is built you’ll dump his sorry ass.” He glanced over and gave me a wink and I just laughed and shook my head.

“I’m completely happy with everything Jax is packing there, Kyle, but thanks for your concern,” Lauren answered, wrapping her arms around her man’s waist, her front tucked into his side. Jackson gave her a kiss on the head and turned to me.

“You deserve a medal.”


“Or a trophy the size of this room,” Jax continued.

“I’m not following,” I said.

He gave me one of those lazy, sexy smiles of his and chuckled. “I can’t even remember the last time Kyle Masterson has claimed a woman, nevertheless gotten so completely pussy-whipped in no time flat.”

I responded with big eyes and an open mouth.

“That’s enough now,” Kyle warned, although I couldn’t help but notice he was barely able to fight the Cheshire grin on his face. “Samantha’s a reformed player herself, so don’t go spookin’ my girl with your foul language and torment.”

Jackson responded by choosing to ignore his friend. “Samantha, happy to help you with the whole island if you want it,” he offered. “Lauren’s got to go to a job site for the day so I’m free ’til she’s done.”

“Wow, yeah,” I answered while taking the mug Kyle handed to me. I took a sip and realized it was exactly how I took my coffee. “How did you know I like cream with two sugars?”

Kyle smirked. “Would you believe me if I said that’s how perfect we are for one another? That I just ‘knew’ how you liked it?”

Lauren choked, practically doing a spit take across my kitchen.

“Nice one, Lauren,” Jessica answered. “I told him earlier, Sam, although I don’t think my coaching should take away any of your romantic notions.” Then, because she couldn’t help herself and because she was fighting off another smile the size of Virginia, she added, “Although let me just say that it’s Kyle here who deserves the medal because I don’t think—in my life—I’ve ever seen my heartbreaker of a sister so gone over a guy.”

“That’s because she hadn’t met me yet,” Kyle drawled.

I rolled my eyes. “Thanks, Jess. Not like Kyle doesn’t have a healthy enough ego, you gotta be telling him
? Now I’ll never be able to get his head through and out my front door.”

Just then, the doorbell rang. I turned to Jessica. “You expecting any more people this morning?”

“Nope,” she said, looking just as surprised as me.

Since I was closest, I went to the door. When I opened it, there was a pimply-faced teenager standing there with a huge bouquet of flowers.

“Wow, Jess,” I said over my shoulder. “You must’ve given Henry the ride of his life last night!”

My sister stomped over to me, blushing crimson. “I did
such thing, you dirty-minded minx!”

“Delivery for Samantha Lockhart,” the kid said.

“Um, that’s me,” I answered, signing his clipboard while Jessica took the flowers from him. After shutting the door, I turned around to see Kyle’s face set in hard stone, looking none too pleased.

I sighed. “I take it these aren’t from you?”

His usually full, beautiful lips were pressed together in a thin line, and he was white-knuckling the handle on his coffee mug. Jessica placed the vase down on the breakfast nook table and handed me the card.

I took it from her and opened it.

Samantha darling,

You being mine is inevitable. Stop playing coy and start giving in.


I could actually feel all the blood drain from my head and I must’ve staggered a bit because Kyle handed off his coffee cup to Lauren and rushed over to grab me by the waist to steady me. I refocused and locked eyes with him as I handed the note over.

“Jesus, he actually believes I’m playing some
with him. The man scares the shit out of me and he thinks I’m

Kyle read the note and the muscles in his clenched jaw ticked and pulsed. He looked over at Jackson with a face full of fury.

“Thinking you and I may need to stop by a certain theater director’s place and teach him a lesson.”

Jackson simply nodded, but both Lauren and Jessica looked alarmed. “What’s going on?” Lauren asked. “Who’s got you so freaked?”

“They’re from the director of my upcoming show.” Then turning my attention back to Kyle. “
My boss
, honey, so no, you and Jax will not be visiting anyone today. I’ll handle it.”

“Really?” he spat. “Like you handled it the other day? Walked in on him practically accosting you!”

“Sam-Sam!” Jessica blurted out. “You never told me that!”

“Because there was nothing to tell. Listen, ya’ll, Derek’s a grade-A douchebag, but as long as I’m with other people, he never gets physical. I’ll just make sure I walk out with Trick or some of my other friends in the cast.”

“No, I’ll take you and pick you up from the theater every day you have rehearsal.” Kyle cradled the back of my neck with his hand. “I know things about this guy that you don’t, and he’s not just some persistent admirer. He’s twisted. Really twisted.”

His hand was so comforting and I have to admit, I liked that Kyle was protective of me. “That’s sweet, babe, but you saw how he reacted the last time you two saw each other. He was tweaked. Don’t you think you coming by all the time will just make things worse?”

His whiskey-gold eyes burned into me, making me immediately shut my mouth. “Sends a message. That you’re mine and untouchable. He hasn’t seen me around, which is probably why he sent the flowers. He thinks he’s got an ‘in’ when you’re down.”

I put my mug down and crossed my arms tightly across my chest. “And what makes you think I’ve been moping all over town while you were I weren’t seeing each other?”

“But Sam, you totally

While still staring at Kyle, whose amusement over my sister’s big-mouth confession could barely be contained, I barked out, “Thanks, Jess. And yet
reason for Mr. Masterson here to get a big head.”

He firmed his grip on my neck and pulled me into his embrace. “Got a big enough ego already, that’s true. But hearing how much you’re into me just makes me happy, babe. So ease off Jessica.”

Thank you
, Kyle,” she smugly answered. “I’ve decided I like you after all.”

I gave big eyes to my man now. “I make you happy?”

His face grew soft. “Yeah, the kind that’s so goddamn huge it makes you wonder if you ever really knew was happy was before.”

I sucked in air, and he continued talking low and sexy in my ear.

“I’m falling just as hard for you as you are for me, Sam. So, let me be what you need and give in to what I’m asking. Help us both sleep at night. Okay?”

“Okay,” I whispered back, wondering if a person could die from their heart expanding so fast.

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