Health And Wholeness Through The Holy Communion (6 page)

BOOK: Health And Wholeness Through The Holy Communion
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As long as we are here on earth, our bodies are subject to the ageing process, which is part of the divine sentence. All our bodies are decaying every day. Our brain cells are dying daily.

The Holy Communion is God’s solution for us to offset the decay. And even your friends will see the results. They will begin to ask you, “Hey, why do you seem to look younger and younger? You never seem to age!”

One day, when we get to heaven, we will have brand new bodies that never grow old, never tire and never look bad. Meanwhile, the Lord’s Supper is how God helps us offset this process of ageing and walk in divine health. Every time you partake, you are reversing the effects of the curse or divine judgment in your body.

The Devil Is No Match For Those Who Believe In The Power Of The Lord’s Broken Body

I believe that for a long time, the devil has tried to blind the church to the power of the Lord’s body. And that is because he knows that he is no match for those who have faith in the power of Jesus’ broken body.

Let me give you an example of how a church member faced a spiritual attack but overcame it through the Lord’s Supper.

In late 2003, my church organised many trips to Israel. Each tour group consisted of 120 people. In all, we had 1,500 people visiting the Holy Land. On one of the trips, a lady in her twenties, Suwen, developed deep vein thrombosis during the flight to Israel.

This is a rare condition that results from a clot in a deeply situated vein in the thigh or leg. It is called the “economy class syndrome” because some people develop this condition when the seats are cramped and the humidity level is low. A clot will form which, if it makes its way to the lung, can cause respiratory failure. And when that happens, it can result in death.

Suwen felt a pain in her right calf during the flight. As she was disembarking from the plane, she suddenly collapsed. Her eyes rolled up and she started foaming at the mouth. The airline personnel were extremely professional and immediately called for an ambulance to take her to the hospital.

On the way to the hospital, her heart suddenly stopped. The clot had travelled from her leg to her heart and finally to one of her lungs, causing a cardiac arrest. When the ambulance reached Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, she had already turned blue. They wheeled her to the accidents and emergency ward where they tried to resuscitate her.

The doctors asked for her next of kin because they believed that she was not going to survive. They were about to pronounce her dead, but miraculously, after a last-ditch attempt, they managed to revive her heart.

However, she was in a critical condition as the clot made breathing difficult. She was unconscious and there were all types of tubes running through her nose and throat. Doctors were monitoring her closely, fearing that the clot might bring about respiratory failure.

That very evening, her husband, sister and brother-in-law, who are all firm believers in the power of the Lord’s body to bring healing, partook of the Lord’s Supper together, speaking health and wholeness to her body.

I was with my leaders in another part of Israel at that time and could only get to where she was four days later. When we arrived at the hospital, doctors informed the family that her condition had worsened. My leaders and I partook of the Holy Communion, and pronounced the benefits of the Lord’s broken body upon Suwen.

The very next day, she regained consciousness and the doctors who were keeping a close watch on the clot could no longer find it! They did not know what to think and dared not be too optimistic.

They kept her under close observation, but day after day, though they looked for the clot, they were unable to find it. At the same time, she started getting stronger. After a week, they discharged her.

Once she left the hospital, she joined the next tour group and visited the Garden Tomb, where the resurrection of the Lord took place.

Her family members shared after the whole episode that they initially felt fearful and lost. However, due to the teaching they had been receiving, they knew that this was not the work of God, but an attack of the devil.

They were extremely encouraged when they remembered the testimony of Albert’s mother who was healed when she took the bread and wine in the ICU. So they were very confident that by partaking of the Lord’s Supper, health and wholeness would come upon Suwen.

There Is Power In the Act Of Eating

In the midst of intense spiritual attack, we will experience victory when we believe that what Jesus did on the cross is greater than any attack of the devil. And once we realise how much Jesus suffered so that our bodies can be made whole, we will be confident that partaking of His broken body will bring healing to our bodies.

If you still find it hard to believe that eating a small crumb can bring your body health and wholeness, let me point you back to the Garden of Eden. There, Adam merely ate a fruit and he plunged the whole human race into sin. His sin was what brought disease and, ultimately, death.

So God in His mercy and wisdom devised a perfect solution. Since the
simple act of eating
by Adam brought disease and death, He ordained that the
simple act of partaking
of a crumb would bring health and wholeness to His people.

Partaking Of The Holy Communion

Let us now partake of the Lord’s Supper and release faith for our forgiveness and healing.

Before you partake, just know that God wants you to “prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers”. (3 John 1:2)

Prepare the bread and wine, and do not be in a rush. Remember, this is not a ritual. You are about to personally experience afresh His love for you.

Hear Him say to you, “ Take, eat. This is My body, which is broken for
See His eyes burning with love as He says to you, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is shed for

See the Lord carrying all your sins and diseases. He took your sins in His body on the cross. See Him taking on His body your physical conditions too. If you have a tumour, see the tumour on His body. Whatever disease you might have, see it on His body. It is no longer on you. See His health come on you.

Surely He bore your sins and carried your diseases. So as you partake, release your faith in the bread and the wine.

Hold the bread in your hand and say this:

Thank You Jesus for Your broken body. It is for my healing, my spouse’s healing and my children’s healing. Thank You that by Your stripes, by the beatings You bore, by the lashes which fell on Your back, we are completely healed. I believe and I receive. (Eat the bread.)

Next, take the cup in your hand and say this:

Thank You Jesus for the new covenant cut in Your blood. Your blood has brought me forgiveness and washed me from every sin. I thank You that Your blood has made me righteous. And as I drink, I celebrate and partake of the inheritance of the righteous, which is preservation, healing, wholeness and prosperity. (Drink the wine.)

Thank you Jesus, I love You because You first loved me.


Testimonies of miraculous healings through the Lord’s Supper continue to pour in. Some of them are recorded here for your encouragement.

Polyp Supernaturally Expelled After Taking Holy Communion

Since July 2003, I experienced spotting (light, sporadic bleeding) after my menses was over. It would continue for six to seven days.

Sensing that something was wrong, I consulted my gynaecologist. Various physical examinations and ultrasound scans were done, but nothing was detected. Finally, he could only attribute the bleeding to a hormonal imbalance. I was worried when the doctors could not help me.

Sometime in mid December, after Pastor Prince did a fresh round of teaching on the importance of the Holy Communion, my husband, our two girls and I started taking the Lord’s Supper as a family on a daily basis.

On 23 February 2004, while standing at the dinner table and scooping some food for my daughter, I passed out a lump about 2.5cm in size. I was a little surprised and exclaimed to my husband that this must be a miracle.

The following day, I brought the lump to the hospital to let the doctors run tests to determine its nature and content. The report showed that the polyp was not cancerous (see histopathology report).

Since then, the spotting has totally stopped and I praise God that because of His miracle, I was spared a painful procedure where the gynaecologist would have had to scrape the polyp off the walls of my uterus.

Praise Jesus — He bore my sins and sicknesses on the cross and as I partake of His finished work through the Holy Communion, I am healed. Needless to say, our family continues to celebrate the Lord’s Supper daily. To God be all the glory.

Stephanie Wong

Healed Of Menstrual Cramps

All my life, I suffered from menstrual cramps until God healed me when I took the Holy Communion.

Some months ago, when it was that time of the month again, I was hit by a really bad wave of pain. My hands and feet were cold and clammy, and my face was as white as a sheet. I lay on the bed, rolling from side to side and groaning in pain.

Being a new believer, I did not know very much about what Jesus had done on the cross for me. Thankfully, I was with my fiancé at that time, and he is a “believing believer”. He rushed to the kitchen to get some grape juice and bread, and we had Communion. Miraculously and instantly, the pain ceased.

His mother explained to me that Jesus carried our pains and diseases on the cross, and that included menstrual cramps. At that time, I did not know what she meant.

But now, I do. As I attended church for the whole of last year, I realised that surely, not maybe, He has borne our sicknesses and pains. My faith came by hearing and hearing the Word of Christ.

After that incident where I was healed through the Holy Communion, whenever the pain came during my menses, I would say, “Pain, go in Jesus’ name because He has taken my pain on the cross.” Then, I would have Communion. I thank Jesus that it has been a year since I last experienced cramps.

Recently, I met up with some old friends and they shared that they were taking pills and avoiding cold drinks to ease the pain of menstrual cramps. I now know that there is an easier way — believing that Jesus’ work on the cross also provided healing for us.

He died to take our pains because He wants our joy to be full. I realised that His heart must have ached when He saw me in pain in the past. How can you be joyful when you are clutching your stomach in pain?

Today, I even take cold drinks when I am having my menses and I no longer experience any pain. Praise Jesus! What He has done in my life does not stop here. There is so much that He has given me and done for me. He has really transformed me over the years and has brought me so much joy. He is so amazing. I could go on and on about His wonders in my life.

Adelind Yeo

Sixteen-Month-Old Baby Healed Of Acute Liver Failure

My 16-month-old daughter, Joy, had been having fever and a runny nose for about a week. During that time, I brought her to the general practitioner several times, but the medication given did not help.

When her condition grew worse and she started throwing up, we brought her to the hospital and they warded her immediately. The doctor’s initial diagnosis was that she had gastric flu and a chest infection. This was later changed to acute liver failure.

To our bewilderment, we were told that her liver was failing so rapidly that she only had a 20 per cent chance of survival. A liver transplant was recommended but even with that, her chances of survival were upped by only another 30 per cent.

The news came as a shock to us. Only a week ago, everything was rosy. Now, I felt like my whole world had crumbled. The thought of losing my daughter made everything that had been important before seem trivial. My concerns about not being at work became irrelevant. Guilt and regret swept over me as I thought of the happy times we had as a family and how limited they were due to our many commitments.

In the midst of all that turmoil, I decided to call up a friend from New Creation Church to ask for prayer even though I was not a Christian then. He got one of his pastors to come over to pray for us.

That day, 5 March 2004, Pastor Mark led me in the salvation prayer. He and his assistant, Christina, then prayed for Joy. After that, we had Holy Communion and they proclaimed that because Jesus’ body was broken, little Joy’s would be made whole.

Hope swelled in my heart for the first time that day and I felt a comforting warmth enfolding me. A vision of me carrying Joy in church flashed across my mind and a fleeting thought hit me — Joy would be healed and we would proclaim this testimony to the world. I did not dare share this with anyone, not even my husband. I did not want to get their hopes up too high. Yet, I now felt like I could cast my cares on God.

But the sight of my little baby with needles and tubes of all sizes sticking out from every part of her frail body was heartrending. I could not bear to watch as the nurses groped for fresh veins to insert their needles into. They even had to resort to the veins in her armpits and opened up a little hole near her stomach area to introduce a tube.

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