Healing Rain (9 page)

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Authors: Karen-Anne Stewart

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Mystery

BOOK: Healing Rain
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Raina sips on her espresso as she stands out on the balcony, gazing down at the beauty in front of her. The snow left a light dusting, leaving the grape vines sparkling white in the morning sun. She takes in the stark vibrancy of the large red fruit against the snowy branches on the Japanese Perismmon trees. The early morning is so peaceful, and Raina closes her eyes, enjoying the tranquility.

“Feel like doing some more exploring today?” Kas asks, wrapping his arms around her waist.

“I would love to see some of the cathedrals and visit more of the small towns before we leave. What do you want to do?”

Kas looks at her, a wicked gleam in his eyes, and she laughs.

“I mean, where would you like to visit in Italy?” she asks, playfully smacking his arm.

“The only places I know about in Italy are the larger tourist attractions, I would like to see some of those.”

Raina kisses him before stepping back inside, shedding her jacket, walking backwards to the bed, her gaze seductively pulling him towards her, “I suppose waiting a couple of hours before leaving won’t hurt anything.”


spend the next four days leisurely exploring Italy, the main tourist attractions as well as several of the lesser known ones. The cathedrals are amazingly ornate with beautiful masterpieces painted throughout the historic churches. Seeing Juliette’s balcony is bittersweet to Raina, she has always loved the Shakespeare classic, but it leaves her saddened every time. They take their time exploring Italy and continuing to explore each other, slowly, sweetly, hard, and full of passion, savoring every moment together.

Their last morning in Italy is spent with them wrapped in each other’s arms, making one last unforgettable memory in the charming villa they have grown very fond of. Kas falls back on the bed, plopping his head exhaustedly on his pillow, a thin sheen of sweat covering him as he takes Raina’s hand, bringing it to his lips, softly kissing her fingers. “You are killing me, Raina, wearing me out.”

Raina’s heart is gloriously pounding as she tries to catch her breath. “I blame it on you, you are just too irresistible.”

Kas laughs as his senses slowly return, “We better shower, we have to be at the airport in a couple of hours.” He props himself up on his elbow, resting his head on his hand as he stares into very satisfied jade eyes, “Sweetheart, it’s time to take you home.”



Kas unlocks the door and sweeps Raina into his arms, causing beautiful giggles to escape when he carries her over the threshold. “Stay right here, and close your eyes.” He walks into the living room, making sure the painting arrived. Once again, he is grateful for Chase, seeing that he has already hung it where he had mentioned he wanted it to be, displayed where it can be seen from the living room and the kitchen. He walks back to Raina and laughs at her impatience, her eyes still closed but restlessly fidgeting to see his surprise for her. He takes her hand, leading her into the living room before telling her she can finally open her eyes.

Raina opens one eye, looking at Kas quizzically before opening the other and glancing around the room. Her eyes widen, glistening with tears as her gaze stops on the painting of her mother hung on the wall. Raina is speechless as she stares at the remarkable rendition. Tears roll down her cheeks as she throws her arms around Kas, holding on tightly to the man she loves so deeply, feeling undeservedly blessed to have a man so loving and considerate.

Raina is still speechless as he slips her out of his arms, looking at her lovingly. “When I told Henry you don’t have a picture of your mother, he was heartbroken, especially since he didn’t have any pictures to be able to give you due to his losing all of his own personal memorabilia in his house fire ten years ago.” Kas gently wipes away a tear rolling slowly down her cheek. “He told me your mom’s alma mater, and I pulled a picture from an old annual online. Erik helped me with the forensic art age progression to see what she probably looked like when you were five. I had her portrait made from the progression photo. I hope it’s a close enough of a resemblance to how you remember her.”

Raina wipes away another tear, holding her hand over her mouth a few seconds before she can finally speak, “She looks just like I remember her, especially her eyes. They were also so kind and loving.” Raina stops, her voice cracking at the memory and Kas’ overwhelming kindness, “Kas...thank you so much.”

He pulls her into his arms, “Everyone needs a picture of their mother, Raina.” He pushes back a sudden stab of anger at why she didn’t have one.

Kas’ cell rings, and he sees it’s his aunt Lori calling. Raina bites her lip, feeling guilty that she and the other members of his family weren’t at the wedding. She hopes Lori isn’t upset with him, or with her, at missing it. Kas spends a few minutes on the phone before hanging up, finding a nervous-looking Raina staring quizzically at him. “They want us to go to Dad’s this Saturday, they have planned a wedding reception.”

Raina’s confusion is evident, and Kas laughs, “Sweetheart, I told you that they wouldn’t be angry. You should’ve heard Aunt Lori bubbling over with excitement.”

“That is very kind of her.”

Kas can tell that Raina still isn’t used to healthy family interactions. “Just be prepared for lots of hugs,” he teases.

They unpack and settle back in as his cell rings again, this time it’s Frank’s voice on the line. “Welcome back, boss, how was Italy?” Frank asks, and Kas hears the teasing smirk of implication in his tone.

“It was great.”

“Since you’ve gone and tied the knot and just got back, we figured you might want a change of plans for this New Year’s Eve.”

Kas closes his eyes, he hasn’t even thought of their traditional New Year’s Eve get together at his house every year. Raina looks at him quizzically, and he whispers that it’s Frank asking about tomorrow night. She asks what their plans are, and Kas tells Frank to hold on while he sheepishly informs her that they usually all come over there. He tells her that they can skip that this year, but Raina shakes her head adamantly, not wanting Kas to stop his traditions because of her, “Tell them to come over, I’ll cook.”

He stares at her, bewilderment seizing him for a few seconds before responding, “Are you sure? We are technically still on our honeymoon, and you have no idea how much they can eat.”

“I don’t mind cooking, besides, it will be fun, our first get-together as husband and wife,” Raina responds happily.

Kas shakes his head, pretty sure that she is going to regret the whole cooking offer, but tells Frank that the plans are still on. After a few minutes, he hangs up and wraps Raina in his arms, “You are so amazing. I can’t believe you want to feed the whole team, you might be kicking everyone out after an hour.”

“Right now, I’m the one who’s hungry,” she whispers into his ear, as she trails kisses down his neck.

“Well, I think I have something that can take care of that,” Kas readily replies, sweeping her into his arms again as he carries her to their bedroom.



Raina comes home from the grocery store and is unloading the car as Kas pulls in the drive, quickly shoving the plane ticket in the glove box before slipping out of his jeep to help her carry the grocery bags inside. He pushes the unpleasant thoughts of his deceitfulness out of his mind. “Did you buy the whole store?” he teases as he fills his arms with bags again.

“We’re going to have a house full, I want to be sure we have enough.”

Kas watches Raina as she lays out food, deciding what she is going to cook. She starts singing softly as she takes out pots and pans, and he feels warm from his head to his toes. It amazes him that she is so happy doing something most would complain about, but it saddens him that she didn’t have any experiences like this growing up, at least not after her mother died. “What can I help with?” he asks, slipping his arms around her waist, pulling her next to him.

She presses her body harder against his, “You are going to have to leave this kitchen or I’m not going to get anything done, and we will starve tonight.”

“Am I distracting you?” he whispers seductively, nibbling just below her ear, relishing in the knowledge that he is driving her crazy.

She gives up, turns around and runs her fingers through his short, dark curls, “I love it when you distract me.” She pushes her body against him, pressing her lips against his.

Kas puts the meat back in the fridge before taking her hand, “Good, because I have so many different ways of providing wicked distraction.”


finish the last of the hors d’ oeuvres as their company starts arriving. “It’s open,” he calls over his shoulder when he hears the knock at the door.

Chase and Sara come inside, handing Kas a bottle of wine as Sara joins Raina in the kitchen, asking if she needs any help. “You can take these to the table if you want,” Raina answers, handing her a tray full of wonderful smelling finger foods.

There’s another knock on the door, and Raina’s eyes meet the repent filled eyes of Seth as he walks towards her, stopping in front of her to take her hand in his. “I’m so sorry, Raina, I never would have told your father where to find you if I knew what he was going to do.”

“It wasn’t your fault, Seth, there was no way you could’ve known.”

He pulls her in for a hug as Kas joins them. Seth looks a little uneasy when he sees Kas, and Raina looks between the two quizzically.

“Seth, can I talk with you for a minute?” Kas asks, his expression repenting as well, furthering Raina’s confusion.

Seth nods his head, but his uneasiness remains apparent as he follows Kas through the French doors, onto the deck. Raina witnesses the look between Chase and Sara, and she looks at Chase expectantly, “What’s going on?”

“You’re going to have to talk with Kas about that, Rain.”

Sara takes her arm, leading her into the living room, trying to distract her, “You have to tell me all about Italy.”

Raina knows what Sara is doing but gives in for the moment, telling her about the places they visited while glancing periodically through the glass on the French doors, wishing she could read lips.

Seth’s uneasiness seems to have vanished by the time they come back inside. Kas avoids Raina’s eliciting gaze as he answers the door, stepping aside as Austin and Jake arrive, a pretty blonde on Austin’s arm. Raina shakes her head, wondering how she is ever going to be able to keep track of Austin’s dates. The attractive blonde is introduced as Jessica, and Raina and Sara take her into the kitchen, immediately befriending her as the rest of the guests arrive.

The evening flies by, everyone laughs as they play games, share stories, and listen to Austin’s jokes. Jake walks up behind Raina in the kitchen, “Dinner was delicious,” he compliments her, grabbing a handful of beers out of the fridge, passing one to Erik and Frank, asking if Erik’s girlfriend, Susanna, wants one, and telling Russo to get his own when he tries to take his.

Raina thanks him and hands him a homemade brownie. Jake takes a bite, “I may never leave,” he jokes, taking a swig of his drink before devouring the rest of the brownie.

Kas leans next to the fireplace, slowly nursing a beer as he watches Raina talking and laughing with everyone, not seeming nervous in the least about a room full of men with drinks in their hands, a stark difference to the first time he saw the fear spark in her eyes when Chase brought out a couple of beers when she first started staying with him. He is relieved that she doesn’t harbor the same fear now. He knows that she trusts every man in this room, realizing they would never harm her. Kas would never have agreed to continue the tradition at his home if he felt Raina would feel uncomfortable. He also finds comfort in the fact that every man on his team knows when to stop, not over indulging, or getting out of line.

Kas pulls her into his arms as the countdown to the New Year begins, his lips find hers at the stroke of midnight. Raina suddenly wishes everyone was gone so she could do so much more with her irresistible husband. She softly groans, knowing they won’t have any privacy until much later, not with everyone crashing there. Kas bites back a laugh as he sees the smoldering look in her needy eyes, “I can sneak you out back to the tool shed for some privacy.”

Raina seriously considers his offer, and he can no longer hold back his laughter, “Do you have any idea how much I love you, woman?”

“Woman?” Raina teases, raising her eyebrow.

“I mean that in the most complimentary of ways.”

“You better,” she playfully smacks his arm before kissing him again, not able to get the dang tool shed out of her mind.

Raina makes sure everyone has everything they need before joining Kas in their bedroom. She thinks back to the peculiar behavior between Kas and Seth as she brushes her teeth. Slipping into bed, she leans back against the headboard, “What was going on between you and Seth earlier?”

Kas knew the question was coming, and he sits up, knowing she is going to be angry with him when he tells her about his reaction to Seth telling him he had told her father where she was. “The last time I saw Seth, I got a little rough with him.”

“What do you mean by ‘rough’,” she asks tentatively.

“I shook him around a little when I found out he led your father to you.”

“That wasn’t his fault, Kas,” the dismay apparent in her tone, “you didn’t hurt him did you?”

“No, of course I didn’t hurt him. I feel bad about my reaction, and I told him that tonight, apologizing for what I did.”

Raina studies him for a few seconds, not being able to stay mad at him, especially when he is man enough to admit when he’s wrong and try to make it right. She leans down, kissing him passionately, taking Kas by surprise. He slips his hand underneath her gown, slowly sliding it off of her creamy, ivory skin. Her long, soft auburn strands billow onto the pillow as he wraps his hand around the back of her head, lowering her down. His mouth finds hers again as his fingers leave a heated wake behind his exploring touch. They continue to bring in the New Year, quietly making love.


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