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Authors: Angela Castle

Healing Fire (3 page)

BOOK: Healing Fire
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Damn it, what the hell was she
thinking? How could she betray Tyler like this? Lusting after another man.
Anyway, no doubt he was some self-absorbed gym junkie on vacation, who had
gotten lost on a hike. Men like him never even glanced at women like her.


Women like her?
A scarred, damaged widow no longer of
any worth to anyone but her daughter.


"How are you holding up? Getting
him off the road and into the house would have put a heck of a strain on your
leg and side."


Doc dried his hands studying her


"It's okay. I'd taken some pain
relief just before it happened." Omitting the fact she'd also changed a
tire. She ached all over and knew she'd be suffering even more by morning
light. She backed up as Doc moved through into the open area of her house where
his bag sat. She watched him rummage though it before pulling out a yellow tube
of pills with a white lid.


"Here are a few Propoxohene
capsules. You will need them later."


She shook her head, not wanting to
accept the opiate. She'd tried hard to avoid the stronger narcotic pain killing
drugs, despite having the occasional bad day. "Thank you, but, I'll
manage. Blossom made me some heat bags at Girl Guides last week. The heat
treatment does wonders."


Richard placed them on the table,
ignoring her refusal. "Keep them just in case. You don't always have to be
strong. I can understand the pain from your damaged muscles. Over working them will
have made it worse."


Richard had been her doctor ever since
she'd been able to move back to the family home after her rehabilitation in Los


"Alright, thank you. Is there
anything else?"


"Nope, just take care when he
wakes up. He's a big son of a bitch. Call me in the morning and let me know how
he and you are doing."


"I will, I promise." She
gave the older man a smile of gratitude. "Thank you."


He reached out to pat her on the arm
then headed for the door. He opened it before pausing. "Shall I inform the
sheriff of your visitor?"


Summer didn't want the local cops
involved, but would accept it if necessary. "No, don't do that, if the man
wants to file charges for me hitting him, I'll call the sheriff myself."


"I'll bid you goodnight then."
He walked down the steps to his car. She waited until the taillights vanished
before turning off the porch light.


"Everything okay, Mom?"
Blossom peered out from her room.


"Sure baby. Doc said the man
would be okay. I need to watch him tonight, just in case."


Blossom had changed into her favorite
koala print pajama's Summer's mother had sent from Australia.


"Have you cleaned your teeth?"


Blossom smiled a toothy grin to prove
she had. Summer smiled. "Give me a kiss goodnight then."


Blossom ran into her arms. Summer
hugged her tight, kissing the top of her head. "Sleep sweet, baby. I want
you to lock your door, just in case, okay?"


Blossom huffed in annoyance. "Okay,
but I think it's gonna be okay."


Summer smiled at her daughter's
optimism. "I hope you're right. Off to bed now."


She watched as her daughter wandered
down the hall vanishing into her bedroom, waiting until she heard the lock
slide into place.


Summer went around making sure every
part of the house was locked tight. She limped back into the spare bedroom. The
man still breathed slow, deep even breaths. She settled herself on the counter
armchair, and dragged a blanket over her lap.


It was no longer just her left side
that ached; her whole body throbbed. The painkillers barely suppressed the
pain. She should get up and get the heat bag her daughter made, but right now
as she closed her eyes and lay back, she just couldn't will herself to move.


~ * ~


Melor blinked against the light
streaming in the window. A dull throbbing on the side of his head, and
tenderness along the right side of the body, made him aware he had been


Yet the softness under his body and
the plain white low roof above him, also informed him he was not in Kell.


All he could remember was falling
backward into the portal then the sudden flash of bright lights.


With slow careful ease, he drew in a
deep breath taking in soft floral scents and fresher air than that of the city
of L.A. He began to stretch and move his limbs, assessing the state of his body
for any impairment.


A prickle of awareness he was not
alone made him glance about the small room, startled to find a child sitting on
the side of the bed staring at him with a small smile.


Such a beautiful little waif, large blue
eyes surrounded by long dark blond lashes, her cheeks round and ruddy, perfect
symmetrically bowed lips. Her hair fell in soft curls around her shoulders
framing her beautifully.


"Hello." She smiled. "How
are you feeling?"


He frowned in confusion.


"Where am I?" His voice was
rough and hoarse, his throat dry and in need of water.


The child, as if sensing his need,
gracefully slipped off the bed. She wore the same kind of clothing he noticed
was common in the parts of the earth world he had visited during his stay. She
grabbed a small bottle of water removing the lid and handed it to him.


Melor eased himself up, gratefully
accepting the water and downing it in one long swallow. The child took a step
back, looking a little hesitant. Her eyes darted to the corner. Melor followed
her gaze to find an earth woman seated in a large stuffed chair, a red and
black patched blanket tucked up over her lap.


Melor was struck by her serene beauty.
Dark lashes lay against her pale cheeks. Her hair fell in soft waves down
around her shoulders. Her face tilted back and slightly to the side displaying
a long graceful neck. Her hair color while different to her daughter's was a darker
brown with gold and red highlights, glimmering in sun's rays. He wondered if
her eyes were the same shade as her daughter's. He let his gaze roam
appreciatively over her upper half. Even though she wore a long sleeved jacket,
he could see the swell of generous breasts under the layers.


Daughter, mother, it meant she had a
protector. Yet he learned during his stay on earth, some ladies did not have
protectors even though they had children. The foolishness of the human men to
abandon or harm their women and children was beyond his understanding.


He tore his gaze away from the beauty,
focusing his attention on her pretty little daughter. He offered his best
friendly smile. "Forgive me little one. My name is Melor. You need not
fear me. I would never harm you or your mother. You are both very safe."


The child smiled broadly. "Mom
says you never can tell, but I'm Blossom, and that's my mom, Summer. Are you
okay? We kind of hit you with our car last night. Mom called the doctor and he
looked at you, and said you should be okay."


"A small bump to my head, but no
damage, little Blossom." Melor smiled reassuringly.


beamed back.


"Why does she sleep here?"
He nodded towards Blossom's mother.


"She wanted to watch over you,
you know, make sure you were okay." Blossom walked across to her mother,
placing a kiss on her forehead.


"Mom doesn't sleep very good
sometimes. Maybe we should leave her to sleep."


"Would she not rest better on a


"Oh, yes, but I don't want to
wake her. It's not as if I can carry her to bed." Blossom huffed and
rolled her eyes; Melor smiled at her bold disposition.


"I am most grateful for you and
your mother's assistance in assuring my safety. And I do not blame her for the
accident. So would you permit me to carry your mother to a bed?" He swung
his legs over the bed, and rose to his full height; the dull pain on the side
of his head mattered little and was easy to ignore.


Blossom tilted her head back. "You
sure do look strong enough to carry her, but don't blame me if she wakes up and
snaps at you. I'm going to make some breakfast. Are you hungry?" She
walked towards the door.


"Aye, hungry indeed. Do you wish
me to lay her on this bed?"


"Her room is the one next to
this." Blossom vanished through the door.


With care, Melor stepped forward and
drew the blanket off her legs. They were also covered in the common earth
clothing of blue jeans. He leaned in to slide his arm under her legs, and
around her back.


The warmth of her body enveloped him
along with her fresh sunshine and floral scent. He closed his eyes, simply
breathing her in for a long moment, before feeling his muscles flex as he
lifted her into his arms. His gaze fixed on her face, almost willing her eyes
to open so he could study their color.


Summer's soft pink lips parted as she
slowly inhaled, before muttering something unintelligible. Her face pressed
into his chest, as if trying to burrow closer to his body.


By the twin moons, every logical
thought deserted his mind as desire shot through his body, pooling down into
his loins. He swallowed; he could no have such thought for a woman who belonged
to another.


Melor, careful to dip his head so as
not to hit it on the shorter doorframe, carried her out into a hallway
following Blossom's directions. He walked the few steps to an adjoining room.
The door was ajar, so he shoved it open further with his foot to admit him and
the soft woman he carried.


Summer's bedroom was a mix of rich
earth colors; reds, browns, yellows, greens. He laid her on top of the covers.
A patchwork blanket lay across the bottom. He reached for it, drawing it up and
over her.


She turned slightly to her left side,
nestling her head further into the pillow. He stepped back and went in search
of Blossom.


He found her in a large comfortable
open spaced area; a kitchen with long wooden bench and food preparation
appliances he'd seen but never used himself. To the left was a comfortable
looking sitting area, and what appeared to be a closed in fireplace.


"Your mother now rests on her


Blossom glanced up. She had set out
two small bowls, and filled them with multi-colored little loops.


"I am curious to know where I am."


"You're in Redwood County, Mr.
Melor." She yanked open the appliance he knew to be a tool in which to
keep food chilled. She pulled out a bottle of milk and set it on the counter
before twisting off the red cap.


He lowered his frame onto one of the
stools under the bench. It creaked under his weight.


poured the milk over the rings and pushed the bowl with a small spoon his


BOOK: Healing Fire
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