Healer (The Healer Series) (26 page)

BOOK: Healer (The Healer Series)
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As I cry
, I babble about everything. We sit on our knees facing one another, and he listens to me attentively. If there was anything left that Rhett did not already know about me, he sure knows it now. I pour out my devastation over Thomas, my failure as a mother, how I abandoned my brothers, and by the time I finish, I have calmed and my tears have dried up. I take swigs of the whiskey throughout my meltdown and now feel the warm glow on my cheeks, which I’m sure, only enhances my puffy eyes and runny nose.

“Come on
, let’s walk a little farther.” Rhett stands and helps me up. I hold on to him, my encroaching drunken stupor taking over, making me stumble. His energy feels duller now, but I know it’s because I’m getting used to it, like he said I would. We pass the end of the fence and Rhett clears his throat.

“It’s all perspective,” h
e continues.

So now you’re going to try and put a positive spin on it?” I laugh.

“No. More like a bright horizon.”

“Okay. I’ll humor you. Please share.” I lean my head against his arm and he tenses. I immediately raise my head, realizing I’m getting way too comfortable.

He clears his throat.
“Have you ever thought your story sounds impossible? Almost like a nightmare?”

I roll my eyes at how he hit
s the nail right on the head. “Yes, I have.”

If you could do anything, what’s the first thing you would do?”

I think a
bout this for a minute. Finding my brothers is the first thing that comes to mind.
Find Thomas?
The thought of Thomas feels foreign for some reason and doesn’t make my heart ache, like it has before. “I don’t know,” I sigh.

We make
our way down a hill where a lake sits at the bottom. “I didn’t know this was here.”

was dark when you arrived and we went riding on the other side. I thought you might like it here.” The water is flat as glass, and ripples make way sporadically where fish grab bugs off of the surface. A large oak tree stands near it, the branches reaching over the water’s surface.

“It reminds me of…” It looks like my favorite scene from my dream. It’s not exactly the same, but it’s eerily similar. But eerie or not, it’s beautiful.

“I know.” H
e nods.

We sit at the lake
, chatting idly. Time seems to stand still as we talk about everything. It feels good to share it with someone. Someone who has experienced pain as I have—although different. Someone who can understand at least in part. It has been years since I have confided in someone real, who could understand outside of my own subconscious. Who else could I talk to about what I am, what has happened to me, or what I’ve been through? No one. I left my brothers, Lucy is gone, and Thomas is gone too.

I lay down in the soft grass
while Rhett sits up leaning on his hands to support him. I stare at his profile, the perfect cuts of his nose and jaw, and bite my lip. He’s stunning.

He looks
down at me and smiles. “You know, there are a lot of good things ahead.”

I don’t respond. I just let my gaze
wonder, taking in the view. It’s too hard to imagine anything good ever happening again, and even if it did I wouldn’t deserve ,it.

“Do you mind if I swim?” I stand and kick off my sandals.

“Uh, no.”

I giggle as I stumble trying to remove my shirt.

Rhett stares up at me
and turns away quickly when he sees me in my bra.

, like you haven’t seen it all anyway,” I say dryly.

Are you skinny dipping?” He still faces the other way.

“I’m not goi
ng to swim in my clothes,” I mock him, with a
in my voice. “I’ve never skinny dipped in real life. You know, like, when I was awake.” I continue to giggle. I strip off the remaining articles of clothing and glance over my shoulder at Rhett, who is still turned away from me. I shake my head, but I appreciate him being a gentlemen. The water is warm, but cooler than my own body temperature which feels like an inferno heated from the whiskey. As I submerge myself into the water, my body immediately relaxes. I wade deeper until my chest is covered. I whistle to Rhett.

“You can look now,
” I call to the bank where he sits.

He turns his he
ad cautiously and then relaxes once he realizes I am fully submerged. “How’s the water?” he yells watching me from the bank.

“It feels awesome. Get in!
” I dip under water quickly. Rhett looks around and stands slowly, appearing to be mulling it over. “I don’t bite,” I yell teasing through my giggles. “Not yet anyway.”
What is wrong with me? It must be the bourbon.
I sound like an idiot, but I can’t stop myself.
I swim away, opposite of him, allowing him some privacy to remove his clothing. When I turn back, I see the back side of him as he removes his boxers. I bite my lip to contain any sound that might escape me while my inner self jumps up and down, ecstatic. I swim opposite of him again as he turns to enter the water. I hope it wasn’t obvious I was watching him. I guess I’m not as respectful as he is.

“You can look now.” He imitates
my voice from earlier and stands chest deep in the water about twenty feet away from me.

swim towards him slowly and make the sounds of the
attack jingle.

He laughs and splashes at me
, before using both hands to slick back his hair. Every muscle in his body seems to be bulging as he extends his arms up and my breath hitches.

e you drunk?” He cocks his head slightly.

“I feel good.” I shrug
. “You?”


“So you can drink alcohol?”

“I can drink and eat anything you can, but there’s no nutritional value in it for me.”

“And you can still get drunk?”

“It takes a lot more than four sips, like you,” he teases.

The evening has taken over the sky
completely and the stars are bright. I soak in all of the beauty. “Beautiful,” I sigh gazing up.

“Yes, it is.” Rhett’s voice is deep and direct

y gaze meets his. I blush and dart my eyes away.

“You want to see something cool?” he asks excitement mixed with mischief in his eyes.

I swim towards him, making sure to keep my chest below the water line so I don’t flash him.

“Okay, close your eyes and completely relax.”

I sit with my eyes closed, but nothing happens. Suddenly, the water fizzes against my skin. I’m immediately energized, completely lost in sensation; ice bubbles kissing my warm skin. The energy builds into one large mass and shoots down between my legs.

...” I moan and open my eyes, mortified. I squeeze my legs together, hoping it will ease the sensation.

palms rest flat on the surface of the water. The water ripples near his hands, and I realize he is transferring energy, using the water as a conductor. He meets my stare, his eyes deep and intense before he gently pulls his hands away, letting his energy end.

I’m stunned
, but if the grin on my face grew any wider, my face may split in two. “That was amazing,” I say breathless.

“I thought you might think so.” He
runs his hands through his hair again, muscles flexing across his chest and shoulders, and I’m convinced he’s doing it to torture me. “Just a little of my voodoo monster magic.”

I cringe
, remembering my words from earlier. “Sorry about that.” I pout.

“No worries. I brought you here to show
you that things aren’t always what they seem.”









After our swim, we return to the house, and I decide to change before dinner. I change into a pair of pajama pants and a tank top, which feel like heaven to put on. I tie my wet hair up and as I open my door to leave my room, I notice Rhett’s black shirt he gave me to wear the night I arrived. I walk back to the chair where it lays and pick it up. I stare at it for a moment and decide to take it down to him, but something in me doesn’t want to. I shake my head. What is wrong with me? I walk toward my bedroom door, pressing it to my face, relishing Rhett’s scent.

“Everything okay?”
Rhett clears his throat as he stands in my doorway in his fitted white cotton t-shirt and pajama pants, watching me try to inhale his shirt.

“Uh, yeah,” I stutter, embarrassed,
jerking the shirt away from my face which has to be the darkest shade of red. “I need to give you your shirt back, but I thought maybe I should wash it first because it kind of smells…like me,” I laugh nervously, hoping he buys my fib.

“No worries.” H
e takes it from me and smells it. “Smells nice.” He walks across the hall and opens the door to what I now know is his bedroom and tosses it on his bed. Disappointment pangs at my heart.

“I have a surprise for you.” H
e smiles mischievously at me as I stand in the doorway to my bedroom.

“I hate surprises.
” My tone is cold, not to be mean, but because it’s true.

I’ll try to remember that, but for now play along.”

I follow him downstairs and towards the kitchen, but he enters a room I have only seen in passing.

“This is the living room.” Spread out on the coffee table in front of the large leather sofa is a pizza and a can of Coca Cola. I nearly dive on the pizza like a wild animal. I flip open the box and grab a slice, not even thinking to ask if it’s okay.

“So, it’s good?” When my eyes roll back in my head from the almost orgasmic taste, he adds, “I’ll take that as a yes.” He motions to the sofa. “Have a seat.”

When I finally swa
llow, I manage to thank him before grabbing the can of coke, popping it open, and starting to chug. It is the most delicious beverage I have ever had. I stop suddenly, almost choking on the coke. My meals have been ridiculously healthy, so why do I get to have pizza and soda?
Is this like a last supper or something?

Rhett has been fumbling with the televisio
n, but turns sensing something. “What?” he questions.

“Is this
, like, my last meal or something?”

He explodes with
laughter. “Aldo, I told you I will not change you unless you ask me to.”

I roll my eyes as he continues to laugh at my expense. “So, why do I get to eat bad then?”

“I just thou
ght it would be a nice surprise.” He shrugs while still messing with the television.

“Are we watching a movie or something?”

“Observant,” he says dryly, but I’m not offended. It was a stupid question.

I still stick my tongue out at him while he’s not looking. Maturity is
a strength of mine, obviously.

“Well, I can’t let another day of your life go by without seeing the movie from which I was named.”

“Blown by the wind?”

Gone with the Wind
.” He pretends to be offended.

I press my lips together, fighting a smile. “Oh
, yeah, that’s right.” I stuff more pizza in my mouth, surely looking like a character from
Lord of the Flies

“Are you going to
eat that entire pie tonight?”

I know deep down he’
s judging me, but I don’t care. “You see this here?” I motion my hand around the remainder of the pizza. He quirks a brow and watches me. “I’m going to put this pie all up in my face.” I pretend to put the entire pizza in my mouth. “Nom, nom, nom, nom.”

“I bet a million dollars you can’t do it.”

“You’re on…with one condition.” I can barely speak around the food in my mouth.

“What’s that?”

“You loan me a million dollars to front.” I beam a cheese and sauce filled smile at him—something my brothers and I used to do to each other to gross one another out.

“That’s real attractive,
” he laughs, as he plops down beside me.

I keep my lips peeled back exposing my pizza caked grill. “
Do I have something in my teeth?” A deep laugh erupts from him and consumes me. He has a beautiful laugh. It’s rich and authentic, and vibrates through me making flutters in my belly. We’re both laughing so hard I almost choke on the food in my mouth.

“I can tell you grew up with boys.” He wipes under his eyes where tears have formed from laughing so hard.

“What gave it away?
My lack of couth?” I bite into the slice of pizza in my hand.

like that.” He winks.

My inner
self swoons.
Did he just wink at me?

“Okay, here we go.
” With the click of the remote in his hand, he starts the movie, and I immediately fall in love with it. Rhett Butler is dangerous and dreamy, much like the Rhett I know, but by the time Scarlett and Rhett get married, I’m struggling to stay awake. My buzz has worn off, and I’m in a food coma as I almost ate an entire pizza by myself. I doze off at some point, despite my best efforts, and wake at what, according to Rhett is the best line of the movie.

ly, my dear, I don’t give a damn,” Rhett Butler says in his deep voice. Scarlett babbles something else and then the movie is over.

closing credits appear, and I realize I’m lying on Rhett’s shoulder. I sit up abruptly, embarrassed, that I not only cuddled him, but I also drooled on him. “I’m sorry.” I run my arm across my face, trying to wipe the saliva off.

My inner
self shakes her head while she obnoxiously sings an Isley Brothers song, 

o's that lady (who's that lady)

Sexy lady (who's that

eautiful lady (who's that lady)

Real fine lady (who's that lady)

I slap her down.

“It’s okay,” h
e chuckles. “You ready for bed?”

“Yeah, I’m beat,
” I say stretching. He flips the television off and we head upstairs and stand in awkward silence once we reach the top.

I start scratching my arm where I got two mosquito bites earlier
when Rhett grabs my arm.

“Allow me.
” He places his other hand on top of my bites.

I am riveted once again by his energy as it rushes through me. I close my eyes, enjoying the surge and cool tingles.

When I open
my eyes again, he’s staring at me. “All better?”

His deep stare stuns me and my voice comes out like a soft, lusty whisper. “Thank you.” I swallow hard and pull my arm away. My bites are completely gone. “It’s amazing how fast you can heal.” I rub my arm. When I heal, it can take days to see a full recovery, yet Rhett can heal someone completely within a minute. Of course, I would never heal another person’s bug bites.

a perk of what I am now.” He smiles awkwardly and looks down at his feet. “Good night.” He starts down the stairs.

“You’re not going to bed?”

“No. I haven’t eaten today. I have to fuel up.”

“Can I watch?” I instantly wish
I hadn’t asked.
Do I really want to see this?

Rhett’s brows rise as if surprised.
“Uh, are you sure you want to? Thought it repulsed you.”

, it can’t be any worse than you watching me almost eat an entire pizza.”

“True.” H
e makes a thoughtful expression and smiles, taking my breath away as he does. We stand in silence for a moment, and I realize maybe he doesn’t want me to watch him, or maybe he was just making an excuse as to why he wasn’t going to bed.

Never mind, I’m sorry.”

“You can watch if you want to.
Not much to see. I guess you will need to see it to really know all aspects of this life.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, I just don’t want you to…” He looks down at the handrail where his hand rests.


“No matter.” He shakes his head, as if dismissing whatever he was about to say.

I follow him down the stairs and towards the back of the house. He opens a door that looks like a closet on the inside.
He presses his foot to the floor and there is a click as part of the floor opens, revealing stairs. We walk down the stairs into a completely dark room.

“Stay here,” he orders
as I wait on the last step. After a few seconds the room lights up with florescent lights. The cinderblock walls are painted white and match the white tiled floors. The room is very clean and smells of bleach. Two large, black, leather chairs that look similar to what you would sit in when you’re getting blood drawn sit in the corner to the left.  Rhett watches me gaze upon the room with his hands stuffed in his pockets before walking over to a giant stainless steel refrigerator at the back corner or the room. Inside, bags of blood fill the shelves.

My expression must be odd, because he calls me on it. “Not what you were expecting?” He grabs one of the bags and closes the door.

I realize I’ve been holding my breath and let out a long exhale.
“No, I guess it isn’t,” I answer honestly.

“Were you expecting a dungeon
with humans chained to the walls?” he jokes but resentment tinges his voice.

“I don’t know.” I shrug.
I suppose I wondered if they chased people down and fed on them or even wondered if they had someone locked up for feeding purposes.

He shakes his head
, laughing. “Of course, you did.” He sounds bitter.

“Are you mad?” I take a step up as he approaches me.

“You really think I’m a monster, don’t you?” He stares directly at me.

How should I answer?
I’ve been taught that blood healers are soulless creatures, but there is no denying that Rhett doesn’t fit that description. Of course, he did kidnap me, and that isn’t exactly the epitome of good.

Before I can answ
er, he pokes a hole through the top of the bag with his finger, slowly inserts his finger in his mouth, and sucks the blood off of it.

My stomach lurches
as he proceeds to suck on the bag, tossing his head back as he does. He depletes the bag in under a minute. A drop of blood trickles out the corner of his mouth, and I watch with envy as he catches it with his tongue. My mouth waters, and I lick my lips, when suddenly it hits me.
I want to taste blood?
What the hell is that about? I gag, nauseated with myself. I turn away, hoping he doesn’t notice my disgust.

“This is it,” h
e shrugs. When I don’t respond, he says, “You can go now.” He wipes his mouth with his arm and tosses the bag into a trash bin by the refrigerator.

want to say something, but can’t find any words. I have known all along he drinks blood, that he’s a vampire. Well, technically he is. Have I forgotten how relevant that fact is as I’ve become more and more attracted to him? But right now, I’m more concerned with what the hell just happened to me? Why did I crave blood? Is being around Rhett making me desire things I normally wouldn’t? I’m too freaked out to try and console Rhett, so I say, “Goodnight.”

As I start up the stairs, he calls after me.
“Humans can be monsters, too.”

“What do you mean?”
I stop and turn back towards him.

His eyes fill with some form of sadness.
“I mean, everything and everyone are not always what they seem.” He walks towards the back of the room, and I make my way to my bedroom. My better judgment is fighting my feelings for Rhett. I want to see him as an evil lifeless creature, but that just isn’t what he is. Yes, he’s a blood healer, and he drinks blood, but does that outweigh the good I see in him? Lying in bed, I roll on my side and hug my pillow. If only Thomas would have left with me that night. None of this would have happened. I wouldn’t have to fight these feelings my mind keeps telling me I shouldn’t be having.

I lay restless for
hours, trying to fall asleep, but my mind is ridden with
what ifs
. If I were with my brothers, they would tell me what to do. My mind keeps replaying Rhett’s words
. “Humans can be monsters, too.”
What was he telling me? I know humans can be bad, but it was like he was trying to tell me something without actually saying it. I reflect on people I’ve known. There’s Lucy. She may be a prime example. Maybe he was speaking about her.
“I mean, not everyone and everything is what they seem.”
That is true. Lucy seemed to be a loving, protective aunt, but she wasn’t. It seems impossible to imagine she was planning to sell us, but Thomas has no reason to lie to me.

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