He Stole Her Virginity (3 page)

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Authors: Chloe Shakespeare

BOOK: He Stole Her Virginity
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In the darkness and in the moment Emma melted into Kevin’s arms. She wanted to be close to him, she wanted his touch and the thought of it excited her. They both wanted the same.


They kissed very softly at first, almost as children do for neither of them had been there before and though instinct and passion almost overtook Kevin, he held back. He was afraid he would spoil the moment by doing something she would not want or like. Their bodies were together, she stroked his chest, she touched his nipples and he wanted to do the same to her. Kevin trembled as he lightly ran his fingers across the front of her neck gradually edging closer to her breasts. He fumbled slightly as he undid two buttons of her school shirt. She didn’t resist. With his hand inside he gently touched her and as he passed the tips of his fingers over and around her hidden nipples he felt their firmness, he sensed a movement in her body and her breathing changed. So did his.


It was sensuous, it was exciting and Emma felt a sudden dampness between her legs, far more than she had never known before. An irresistible desire overcame her; she pressed her body closer to his then slowly unzipped him and slipped her hand inside his pants. He didn’t resist. As she felt the strength of his penis in her hand a feeling of such pleasure from deep within surged through her body. Intuitively she played with its seeping tip and ran her finger around it. Kevin’s breathing became shallow and fitful. Impulsively, Emma loosened the skirt of her school uniform and reached for Kevin’s hand. She slowly guided it down from her breasts to the naked wetness inside her knickers. She felt his body stiffen with excitement. He stroked and caressed her with such stimulating tenderness that her juices flowed even more. Almost inaudibly Emma moaned quietly and softly as her body moved in time with the movements of his hand; he felt the warmth of her wetness ooze between his fingers. With one hand she gripped his back to draw him in; the sharpness of her nails exciting him even more. With the other she tenderly explored every inch of his penis. With her fingers ‘oiled’ by his secretions she held it, she stroked it and she fondled it then she cupped his testicles in her hand with an equal measure of firmness and gentleness. As she touched him and as he touched her a spasm of intense pleasure ran throughout her body; another followed and then another. Kevin also felt them in her as he held and touched her. They were in a place they had never been before and they liked it.


Her arousal became complete when Kevin so gently and rhythmically squeezed and released the lips of her vagina as she had done to his testicles and as he entered her with his finger, she gasped. She felt both pain and pleasure but mostly pleasure. Her breathing deepened and the spontaneous erotic movements of her body worked on Kevin’s finger inside her and brought her to the very edge. Her movements squeezed and massaged it and drew it deeper inside. She could feel the excitement charge through his body as it did through hers and then it happened. She gave out a long involuntary cry as she reached the powerful orgasmic climax brought on by their touches and as she came, so he too had release. With his back arched, again and again he thrust his penis backwards and forwards through her lubricated hands until a groan of such deep satisfaction emptied his lungs of air. Their actions, their movements, the sounds they made were new to them, they were not rehearsed or practised but borne purely out of instinct, passion and a tenderness for each other.


Being her first time, the warm, creamy fluid of his coming surprised her. It was not how she thought it would be and as wave after wave of his fluid shot into her hands and through her fingers she felt an unstoppable desire to anoint herself with it. Her hand, now drenched in the sticky sweetness of his coming moved slowly downwards from her navel until it met with her own wetness between her legs. As she ‘creamed’ herself with a mixture of their bodily fluids every part of her body surged again and as it did Kevin held her close and shared in her pleasure.


For several silent minutes they held each other tight then slowly and almost with a sense of shame or guilt they tended to their dishevelled looks, then gently kissed again. Hand in hand they left the village green that night knowing things had changed between them and as they parted they each went home with many different thoughts.


The next morning, Emma was already on the platform waiting for the train when Kevin arrived. She was nervous and apprehensive as to how he would react to her after the night before, she was worried that he might think less of her after what she had done but she needn’t have been. His affectionate smile said it all and when he tenderly squeezed her hand she was happy. They were now boyfriend and girlfriend with a whole new chapter in their lives opening up in front of them.



In The Village: Part 1

Wine, masturbation and sleep:


Emma, now almost home, stopped her car just by the station and gazed at the empty platform where she and Kevin had waited for the train so many times together. The evening sun cast a golden glow over the scene in front of her. The hanging baskets in full flower, the tubs of Trailing Lobelia and Geraniums at equal spaces along each platform and the fields of corn beyond was a scene of beauty and tranquillity not matched by the sorrow and sadness in Emma’s heart. For a few more minutes she contemplated all that had gone before, she thought about Kevin, she thought about her mother and she thought about the green suitcase in the boot of her car. Ten minutes later she had driven the few hundred yards from the station to her home and with a mournful sigh, opened her door to a neat and tidy but empty house. After getting changed she went into the kitchen and opened a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon that had been given to her by the mother of one of her pupils. She poured herself a large glass full then went into the garden to drink her wine and take in the last of the evening sun. She had much to think about. 


An hour later and after another glass of wine the sun had set and Emma went inside. She ran a bath. As she lay there in the bubbles, her thoughts, as they often did, drifted back to Kevin. She closed her eyes then ran her fingers up towards her breasts and gently stroked her nipples making them firm as he had done so many times before. She put her fingers between her legs then rhythmically and erotically squeezed her thighs against them. Her breathing was deep and hard. As she touched herself she thought of Kevin and as she sensuously fingered her clitoris she thought of Kevin and as she came she thought of Kevin.


Having pleasured herself with wine, a bath and an orgasm of some intensity Emma was relaxed and tired. She slept soundly until mid morning but when she awoke the events of the day before were not far from her mind. In particular she thought about the half empty green suitcase, which was all that was left of her mother’s forty plus years of life.



In The Village: Part 2

The green suitcase and stains on Emma’s sheets:


Emma had taken a few days off from her work to sort out her mother’s home and belongings. With that job almost done she found herself with five spare days ahead of her and no plans, but before working out what to do with the time, she decided to empty the green suitcase and put the things away somewhere. Only then could she feel that her task was complete and start to consider life without her mother.          


The bits of jewellery were put into a little box she had on her dressing table, a few of the ornaments were put on a windowsill here and there and some others put in a box under the stairs along with one or two other knickknacks. Apart from the photographs taken in her childhood when her father was still alive all that was left were a few old diaries, a number of letters and some postcards. She studied the photographs carefully and though she couldn’t remember much about her father she really wished he could have been there when she was growing up. One by one she put the photographs into an album she had and after another look at them placed the album on a bookshelf alongside some others.  


Emma flicked through some of the diaries from 1976 onwards and noticed most of the entries were to do with her horse riding or her mother’s walking activities, there were some appointments for the doctor or dentist and one or two work meetings for her mother although she had made some unusual, almost offensive comments about some individuals that Emma had vaguely heard of but didn’t really know. Apart from that there appeared to be nothing of great interest in any of them, but just as she was about to put the 1983 diary down one of the entries for November caught her eye and when she read it again, she was horrified.
“More stains on E’s sheets: They’ve been at it again.”
A similar entry in December read,
“Out 7 hours in the Dales: More filthy stains on the bed.”
Emma was shocked and repulsed at the very thought that her mother had been inspecting the sheets and covers on her bed and then recording what she found in her diary. She imagined with disgust at what else she might have been examining and after reading more revolting comments fully expected to find an entry about her stained underwear.


The only time Emma and Kevin could really be alone together in those days was when Emma’s mum went off with her walking buddies into the countryside for hours on end. Sometimes she was away for a few days at a time although Kevin never stayed overnight and when they did spend time together it wasn’t just for sex. As Emma fondly remembered, they talked, listened to music, watched TV, worked on their studies, went for walks and made cakes. They did a whole manner of things together, they enjoyed being with each other and they had fun.


From the day they first met at just thirteen their friendship steadily grew, then at some stage along the line their feelings towards each other deepened into an affection that was greater than just friendship but each of them said nothing for fear that the other didn’t feel the same way. Neither of them wanted to spoil the relationship they already had but then, as she once again recalled, came the night of the meteor shower that was to change everything. Their first sexual encounter was particularly intense for both of them, it hadn’t been planned for, envisaged or expected; it just happened. Once they realised their desire for each other was way beyond friendship the floodgates opened and they did many things that first night that most people would never do straight after their very first kiss. Emma felt in her heart that what they did was not only the consequence of pent up emotions and sexual desire but also an expression of the deep affection they had for each other.


The 1984 diary had even more references to soiled sheets, the state of Emma’s clothing and what she thought they were doing to each other.
“Ripped tights. Just the thought of him using his grubby, groping hands to rip her tights off and then putting his thing inside her makes me sick.”
The next entry said, 
“She’s had her legs open for him again; dirty marks on her dressing gown this time and more on the carpet. It’s repulsive.”
  These and other insulting and offensive comments particularly upset Emma. Her mother thought Emma was
and even though she was eighteen at the time should,
“be staying away from men, they’re all driven by one thing,”
and she said of Kevin,
“He’s the same as the rest, he’ll take what he wants and then dump her.”
She twice referred to Emma as,
“my loose daughter,”
she described her as being,
“soiled goods,”
and stated,
“Men can’t help being animals but we can.”
  Emma was reduced to tears as she read the vicious outpourings of her mother’s twisted thoughts. Seeing this dark side of her mother for the first time was extremely shocking and distressing but now at least, she was beginning to realise why her mother had changed towards her.


It was obvious from the entries in her diary what she thought about Kevin but it was also clear from many other entries, that she had a very poor opinion of men as a whole. In particular she was very critical of some of the men she worked with and of some in the walking fraternity. Her remarks were usually belittling, frequently insulting and more often than not included some generalisations about men that indicated a profound bitterness towards them. Emma began to wonder about her mother and father’s relationship and what events in her mother’s life had triggered such resentment and bitterness. As she had this thought it dawned on her that her mother had rarely ever spoken about her father and even when asked specific questions about him she tended to avoid answering them or would quickly change the subject.


As she read on it was mostly the same sort of upsetting stuff until she came to one of her September entries. It said,
“My slutty daughter is over two months pregnant. Shit.”


In total disbelief she threw the diary on to the floor and shouted,
“How could she have known? It’s not possible, no one knew and why call me that?”
then cried inconsolably for a very long time. Some hours later, having cried herself out she finished what was left of the bottle of wine from the night before then opened another one. She was getting drunk.

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