Hawksfell Manor 05: Graham's Game (4 page)

Read Hawksfell Manor 05: Graham's Game Online

Authors: Josie Dennis

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Hawksfell Manor 05: Graham's Game
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“And the two of you are close?”

Graham managed to nod.

Gabriel narrowed his eyes, and for a moment Graham felt like he could see through his smile to his own uncertainty about this whole visit. Had he been wrong to come here?

Gabriel smiled himself and gave a sharp nod, leaning back in his chair. “I’ve had your things put in a room in the bachelor wing, yours and Mr. Spencer’s as well. I’d like to clarify the misconceptions about my life here at the manor, Graham.”

Graham held up a hand. “You owe me no explanations, Gabriel. You are the head of this family, really. I feel honored that you wished to extend this invitation. I look forward to getting to know you and your family.”

Gabriel’s smile was warmer now. “My family, yes. I’ll admit the curse ruled me before I fell in love.”

“I daresay I cannot wait to meet your countess.”

“My brother lives on the property as well, and you now have cousins situated not so far away. More Hawks, as it were.”

“So Colin told me.” It was passing strange that so many Hawks seemed to have found some sort of life for themselves in the shadow of the manor, but Graham wasn’t going to pretend that such a life was meant for him. “It’s commendable, I suppose.”

“Commendable?” Gabriel frowned. “Marriage is far more than commendable, Graham. It can be most preferable to what life was like before.”

“And I’m quite certain it suits you and your brother.” Graham felt flustered, feeling his façade slipping a bit. “And our Hawk cousins, I suppose.”

“Then you’ve never been tempted to get leg-shackled?”

Graham laughed, forcing a bit more frivolity into the sound than he felt. “Hardly! You’re a Hawk, Gabriel. We fuck. It’s what we do. It’s what we have to do.”

“I’m not denying that.” Gabriel’s expression smoothed. “My staff is at your disposal. Yours and Mr. Spencer’s.”

Graham’s mouth dropped open. “Then it’s all true? You fuck your staff?”

my staff. Often and out of necessity. That’s changed for me.”

“And yet, they are still…” He couldn’t bring himself to say what he was thinking. They were chattel meant to ease the earl and nothing more?

“They are my staff, Graham. Loyal and discreet. I no longer require their sensual service, as it were. That doesn’t mean that if they are of like mind you cannot avail yourself to one…or more of them.”

Again, the image of the little green-eyed maid popped into his mind. Her skin had flushed when he’d passed close to her. He’d seen the smooth skin of her cheek, her throat, turn pink and watched her full lips part. Would she let him fuck her? Would she let Colin?

“I thank you then, Gabriel.” He cleared his throat. “For your hospitality, of course.”

“You are very welcome.” Gabriel came to his feet. “Perhaps you can find a way to break your own curse. It’s been known to happen.”

Graham stood and shook the earl’s hand. “I have no such illusions.”

Gabriel looked as though he was going to say something more, to wax poetic of marriage and how delightful it was to have one person forever. Then he gave another nod Graham was already coming to know was a customary gesture of his.

“We’ll see you at dinner, then.” Gabriel arched a brow. “You and your good friend?”

“We shall have a fine time, I wager.” Graham sketched a bow and grinned. “At dinner and, perhaps, after.”

Gabriel seemed to take his jest at face value and laughed softly. “Quite.”

Graham left the earl’s study and one of the ever-present servants showed him to his room. It was finely appointed, with a very large bed and an adjacent dressing room and bath. He saw that his things had been arranged, and he was all but settled for a long visit. He sat on the edge of the bed and thought about his strange conversation with the earl.

Gabriel had given him permission to take any and all of his staff, as long as they were willing. It was strange to think of all the cocks and pussies at his disposal. He brushed his hair back from his face and blew out a breath. What was he to do with the opportunity presented? Surely Colin would be up for a romp. The passion they’d shared was astounding, even though it left him feeling strangely vulnerable afterward. They could see just how many of the earl’s dedicated and circumspect staff they could fuck before their visit ended.

“We’ll make a game of it,” he told himself.

Then perhaps he could get back on more stable ground with Colin. Both in bed and out of it.

Chapter 4


Colin joined Graham in his guest room after dining with the earl and his family. The room was as fine as his own, done in burgundy and gold where his was done in blue and silver. A cheery fire burned behind the grate, and he knew he would find his room as comfortable when he retired.

“Dinner was…interesting,” Colin said, loosening his tie.

Graham appeared perplexed, his brow furrowed in an expression Colin had rarely seen before their visit to Hawksfell Manor. He sat down in one of the armchairs that flanked the fireplace and stretched out his long legs. “Imagine, all that bloody happiness.”

Colin had seen the true love evidently shared by the earl and his wife, but couldn’t ignore the link between the couple and her third cousin. More “bloody happiness,” he supposed.

“What do you make of Mr. Crowley?” Colin asked, sitting across from him. He was introduced as the countess’s third cousin, but it was clear there was affection between him and the beautiful lady of the manor as well as obvious attraction to the earl.

Graham shrugged. “I’m not sure what you’re asking.”

Colin snorted. “Aren’t you?”

Graham blinked. “You don’t suppose the three of them…?”

“I most certainly do. It’s obvious the countess loves both of them.”

“But does she fuck both of them?” Graham held up a hand. “No, no. I shouldn’t be thinking of my host and his family that way.”

“She is gorgeous,” Colin observed. “So is her cousin, not to mention the earl. And she appears very happy.”

“Happy.” Again Graham wore that look of consternation.

“I can scarcely wait to meet the rest of your Hawk relatives.”

Graham’s brows shot up. “Do you suppose they also…? Well, Hawks have always fucked anything and everything. Why shouldn’t that extend to the marriage bed?”

Colin wanted to ask if he would ever consider such a thing in the future. Perhaps if Graham could find a woman to make his viscountess, his own Hawk beast would be satisfied. The prospect left him feeling unsettled, though.

“So what are we about on this visit?” he asked, eager to change the subject of Hawks and their implausible marriages. “You were closed up with the earl for some time this afternoon.”

“He confirmed what you told me, Colin.” Graham’s dark eyes sparkled, and he leaned forward. “The manor is staffed with the willing and able.”

Colin felt a flicker of desire course through him. “The maids, Graham?”

“Maids?” Graham chuckled. “You saw her, then. One particular maid in that row of starch and submission?”

“The green-eyed girl. Hell yes, I saw her.”

“She would be a good one to start with, I think. From her position in the line, I would wager she’s the countess’s maid.”

“A lady’s maid.” Colin thought for moment. “Higher than we usually take.”

Graham laughed out loud. “When has any woman been able to refuse either of us?”

“Too true.”

“You remember that baron’s sister? Well, she fell easily enough.” Graham rubbed his hands together. “Let’s make a game of it. See how many of the earl’s staff will succumb to our combined charms.”

“Seems a bit mercenary, no?”

“Not at all. We’ll leave them happy. Have we ever left anyone wanting for pleasure?”

He thought about the maid they’d shared at the inn and saw the truth of Graham’s words. “But the thought of a game…”

Graham’s brows drew together. “No one will get hurt, Colin.”

Colin forced a smile.
No one will get hurt?
He thought back to their night together, a night Graham had apparently put behind him. “Very well, then.” He stood. “I’ll bid you good night.”

“Good night.” Graham closed his eyes and let his head fall back. “Yes, they keep country hours here it seems.”

Colin left Graham to his thoughts and returned to his own guest room. There was something here at the manor. Was it the obvious love among their host, his wife and her cousin? Perhaps. There was a tempting sort of happiness here. It drew him, and he wasn’t even a Hawk. What would it do to Graham?

Things were about to change. Graham’s Hawk legacy couldn’t be ignored. But where, then, did that leave him?


* * * *


In the morning Graham was once more struck by the open affection in the breakfast room. As he’d noted last evening to Colin, the earl and his family rose early. Afterward Gabriel asked Graham to accompany him into the village. Considering it a lark, he agreed. He hadn’t expected the earl’s brother and the countess’s cousin to come along, though. Colin declined the invitation. Though he felt a niggle of guilt, he was a bit relieved he wouldn’t be faced with the intimacy he and his friend had shared that last night at his house.

Colin had seemed preoccupied last night, and Graham suspected he’d wanted to ask just what the hell that had been between them. Aside from more mind-shattering pleasure than he could have imagined, he had no idea. He certainly didn’t want to discuss it. Not when he still felt unsettled about it himself.

The trip proved pleasant, and to his surprise he found that the earl’s brother was a bit more easygoing than Gabriel. In fact, Matthew Hawk spoke of a masked ball held at the manor where he played a game that Graham surely would have enjoyed. Inviting his lovers to attend in disguise? That would be something indeed.

Perhaps he could play that particular game with Colin and the little green-eyed maid. He didn’t need a ball to set the scene, though. No, his fine guest room would be most fitting for all sorts of games. The prospect made his cock twitch in anticipation. Ah, his Hawk beast would be soothed by this visit to the manor.

When they returned to the house, Graham hung back at the garage. All this unusual familiarity was grating after a while. God knew he never had any real warmth with his great aunt and uncle, and aside from Colin he had no one constant friend in his life. The closeness caused a funny feeling in his belly, and he thought a walk in the brisk autumn air might help clear his head. Besides, he definitely couldn’t face his friend right now.

The day was chilly, and much grayer than yesterday. As he strolled he wondered how Colin was getting on in the great house alone. Maybe he was reading in the library or seeing to correspondence. The man was as successful as he himself was, title or no. Surely he had to see to business despite this visit.

As Graham rounded the side of the garage, a woman’s cry reached him. He hurried toward the voice, alarm zipping along his nerves. After rounding the corner to the secluded back of the building, he halted. He saw it was the pretty green-eyed maid and she was being cozied up to against the back wall of the carriage house by the valet he and Colin shared. From his vantage point ten feet away he could see that the valet wasn’t doing much more than teasing the girl. Cabot’s hands were a bit too friendly on her curves—hell, she had very nice curves—but he wasn’t going to step in and bring a halt to the couple’s fun. He swiftly turned to go.

“Stop it!” she cried, her voice reedy and thin.

He turned again to find Cabot pulling on her apron strings as she twisted away from him. The valet appeared to be jesting, but the maid’s face showed her fear. Whatever game Cabot was about, it was obvious she didn’t want to play along. Her cheeks were chalk white, and her incredible eyes were opened wide as she trembled. Not wanting to frighten her further, he forced himself to walk instead of run toward them.

“Out for a bit of sport, Cabot?” he drawled.

The valet dropped her apron strings like they burned him. “Lord Weston,” he said, bowing his head.

The maid slumped against the wall now, her breath coming fast as she fumbled with the apron. Graham quickly ran his eyes over her but didn’t see anything else amiss, other than a few strands of her mahogany hair loose from the bun at the back of her head.

He faced the valet. “Perhaps there is someplace you need to be, Cabot?”

Without another glance at the maid, the valet bowed again and hurried away from the garage toward the back of the house. Graham turned back to the maid. She was shaking, tears glistening on her cheeks. His stomach twisted.

“He’s gone,” he told her. “There’s nothing to fear.”

“He was just playing,” she murmured, her voice flat.

“What’s that?” Graham asked.

She raised her eyes to meet his. “Cabot.” She swallowed. “I know he was just teasing, but I…” Her eyes widened as she focused on him. “Oh! Forgive me, my lord.”

Straightening, she turned to go. He caught her apron strings as she tried to run past him and she gasped.

“Your apron,” he said in explanation. As he tied the strings around her slender waist, he could feel the rigidity in her body. “I’m not playing like Cabot, love.”

She whirled and looked up at him. “What?”

He held out his hands palms up. “I was just tying your apron.”

She gave a shaky nod, running her hands over her wrinkled apron.

He took her trembling hands in his. “Your hands are like ice. Were you truly that frightened of that boy?”

“No, no.” She breathed in, her gaze sliding from his. “I knew he was teasing. It just reminded me of…”

“Reminded you of what?” Graham had to ask.

She raised a hand to tuck a thick strand of hair behind one delicate ear. “Excuse me, my lord.”

“You cannot mean to return to the house in this condition.”

Her hands were suddenly frantic, running over her hair and uniform as her cheeks paled again. Once again, he took her hands in his. “Easy…” He smiled down at her. “What’s your name?”


He blinked. How fitting. She was delicate and exotic and so bloody beautiful. He stroked her cheek. “Your skin is as soft as a flower petal, Lily.”

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