Hawke (25 page)

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Authors: R.J. Lewis

BOOK: Hawke
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“Take your shorts off,” he told her, panting.

She stripped immediately, obedient and eager. He pulled his jeans down and stepped out of them. She was naked and he couldn’t stop his eyes from taking all of her in. He moved back to her, and when he kissed her, it was rougher, more carnal than before. His hand moved between her legs, touching at her clit, slowly rubbing circles until she could hardly kiss him back from the pleasure.

Hawke tried his hardest to maintain the slowness, to not be rough in the way he wanted, and for a few short moments he concentrated on her pleasure, on the way she arched her back as he sucked at her perfect tits.

And then…

He saw lifeless eyes, and blood…

So much fucking blood.

Nine. Human Beings.




His heart came up to his throat, and he swallowed the heavy lump. It sank straight to that motherfucking cinderblock in his ribcage.

“Turn around,” he said hoarsely, unable to keep the ache from his voice.

He helped turn her around before she could see the look on his face.

Vulnerability was for the weak.

It was an emotion that didn’t suit him.

He just wanted to fuck, not feel like a man trying to run away from his past.

He should have stopped for real. He should not have put his arm around her, or let his hand slide back to that beautiful bare pussy of hers. He should not have pressed down harder, causing her to buck her ass out to rub against his cock.

But he did.

He centered his cock at her entrance and he wanted to enter her. His entire body broke in tremors, primed for it, but…

He’d be using her.

Hawke didn’t want to use her. He’d never forgive himself.

He spun her back around, her wide eyes meeting his.

“Your hand,” he gritted out, deprived of her tight pussy. “Just your hand, Tyler.”

Without waiting, her hand wrapped around his cock again, and she pumped him like before, this time her eyes on his, studying him. He wondered if she saw it: his raw desperation to escape, to forget, to
. Her other hand went to his face and stroked him gently.

He kissed her again, but it wasn’t out of anger. The adrenaline was strong, but it was contained too. Tyler made it bearable.

Her tongue sucked at his bottom lip as he tugged hard at her puckered nipple, rolling it between his fingers. He felt hot everywhere and tight…so fucking tight, he could barely move his muscles. He stopped breathing and…

He came.


All over her hand, and she still squeezed and thrust his length as he shuddered through the pleasure.

Only…it wasn’t all pleasure.

It was disgust too.

With himself, and what his hands were capable of.

Even his groan sounded tormented, and she was looking at him like she knew. He couldn’t look back. He moved his face to the side and sucked in air. His chest hadn’t felt this light in a while, and his head…oh, thank fuck, his head was clearing.

It was a temporary respite, he knew that. But it was better than feeling like a snake had coiled itself around his heart and squeezed.

“I’m sticky,” he heard her say.

He looked at her, and she was flaring her nostrils at her hand coated in his come. It was fucking hot, he had to admit.

“If you were mine, I’d tell you to lick that up,” he said, half-serious, half-amused.

Ty smiled and rubbed her hand against his torso. “Here, take it all back. When you decide I’m yours, I’ll take it down my throat.”

You’re already mine.

He took her hand and gave it a soft kiss, looking at her solemnly as he spoke. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For taking care of me. Distracting me.”

She looked down at the floor. “Sure.”

He ran his hand up her neck. “What’s wrong?”

She pursed her lips. “If it was anyone else standing here, would you have told them to do the same thing? Like Shay, or Holly, or the whores that come walking—”

He cut her off with another kiss. “Shut up, Ty. I told
to do it. Not anyone else.”

She stiffened a nod, saying nothing else. He led her inside the shower, and it was a fucking miserable one because it’d been on for-fucking-ever and the hot water was nearly depleted. But he got to clean her, and it made him oddly satisfied.

Any man would give his left testicle just to touch her, much less rub his come off her flushed skin.

He knew she was still wanting. He saw her thighs tremble every time he neared, so he brought her to his chest as the spray soaked through them, and he rubbed her to orgasm. She cried and her knees buckled, and he caught her against him, sucking at that beautiful little spot between her neck and shoulder.

Afterwards, he carried her to bed sopping wet and she curled against him. With half her face pressed against his chest, she fell asleep within minutes.


Hawke wasn’t so fortunate.






Hawke was still in bed with me when I woke up the next morning. I felt his fingers running down my bare spine. I could hear his strong heartbeats through his chest, and it relaxed me.

“Are you leaving me?” I pushed out, my throat feeling closed at the thought of him going again.

“No,” he replied softly.

I relaxed and ran my hand across his vast chest, unable to resist touching him. His skin was smooth, his abs hard. I took his other hand into mine and kissed along it. I felt him stilling beneath me and his other hand stopped moving.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“It’s my bad hand, babe,” he answered indiscernibly.

“Then your bad hand deserves more kisses.” I kissed it again, this time over the fleshy scars, his abs tensing as he lifted his head to watch me.

After a few more kisses, he bunched my hair into his hand and pulled me up to him, capturing my mouth against his. He kissed me for a long time, languidly exploring my mouth, coaxing my tongue against his. He worked me so well, and he knew it.

“Is it like this for long?” I asked him after he pulled away and my face was level with his.

“Like what?”

“Is it this good? Or does it dull with time?”

He looked at me for a few moments, his tender eyes moving over me. “I don’t think it could ever get dull taking you. You’re stunning, Tyler, and your personality shines.”

I stifled a laugh. “My personality?”

“I love it.”

“Mr Hawke the biker liking me for my personality? No one will buy this.”

He smirked. “It’s not just your personality.”


“You’ve got a big ass, that has something to do with it, and your tits are so fucking beautiful, I imagine coming on them at least a dozen times a day.”


“I can be.”

“They’re small, though.”

“They’re perfect.”

My face flushed. “Stop it, you’re making me blush.”

“I know, and it makes you look deceptively innocent.”

My brows shot up. “Deceptively?”

“Mm,” he groaned, that smirk still strong. “You’ve got that girl next door face, but you’ve seen everything under the sun. Learned about sex when you were a preteen, I’m guessing?”

I giggled, and the sound was so foreign coming out of me. “Try ten.”



He groaned, this time in dismay. “How?”

“You don’t want to know that one.”

“Give me a hint.”

“Something to do with hiding in closets.”

He laughed deep in his chest, the rich sound escaping his lips. “Fuckin’ hell, Tyler, why the fuck have we kept you around so long? I don’t get it. So many guys have kids, and they’ve never stepped foot in here.”

“I’m different.”



He searched my eyes, that content smile reaching them as he agreed on a breath. “Yeah.”

Feeling warmer than ever, I nuzzled into him, kissing him slowly. My hand roamed his chest, never getting tired of the bruises and marks along his skin. I could feel his heart beating furiously beneath the palm of my hand as I dipped my tongue against his.

“You think this will get old with you?” he suddenly whispered, his voice masked as he studied me.

My fingertips grazed his happy trail and softly brushed along his length, which was already halfway erect. Looking back at him seriously, my eyes bright, my smile real, I replied, “No way.”

Hawke appeared startlingly vulnerable right then and there, swallowing thickly in his throat as he nodded at my response. Then he grabbed my legs and situated me over top of him, breasts against his chest, legs on either side of him. Both hands travelled down my back, gripping at my bare ass and grinding me against him. He was hard already, the ridge of his cock brushing against my clit. I moaned in his mouth, wet and needy.

“You are ridiculously responsive,” he murmured.

“Only because of you.”

He pulled away, breathing heatedly into my mouth. “You want me, Tyler?”

I nodded.

“Sit right up.”

I did. He grabbed his cock with one hand and gripped my hip, situating me over him. His eyes moved up and down my naked body, tongue sliding along his bottom lip as he brought me down on top of him.

“Holy shit,” he groaned, watching himself enter me. “Now that’s a fucking beautiful sight, Ty.”

I stretched around him, and this time his invasion was beyond familiar. He kept me pinned on top of him like that, filling me and not moving. I liked that he did this again, getting me used to his size instead of just bulldozing his way inside of me.

He teased my nipples, staring up at me with this lazy grin. “Not wonderin’ if I’m inside you?”

I smiled back. “Fuck no, I feel you everywhere, Hawke. I’ll know where you’ve been hours from now.”

“Sore from my cock hours from now? I’m really liking the sound of that.”

His cock pulsed inside of me, proving just how much he liked the sound of that.

He rubbed at my clit as I began to move, causing me to moan at the flutter of pleasure he brought on. His calloused hands glided up my body, feeling every inch of me with this stark look of awe in his eyes.

He made me feel so beautiful.

He let me work him, in and out slowly. It was remarkable how full I felt, like he was touching every nerve inside of me, rubbing it so tingles built. I wanted it harder as I went. I slammed down on him, seeking that explosive jolt of pleasure he’d later tell me was my g-spot. I threw my head back and he sat up, taking my nipple in to his mouth and thrusting inside me in such a perfect angle, rubbing along that spot…

“You’re tightening,” he whispered, sucking fiercely at my skin. “Fuck me, Tyler.”

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I rocked into him, every inch of me burning. I whimpered and came, chanting his name like I chanted it last night. I felt his mouth at my neck, licking, his teeth scraping against my bare flesh, hard enough to leave marks.

“So good,” he groaned breathlessly, moving into me one last time before he came, his head buried between my neck and shoulder.

He flopped back down on his back, taking me with him. Still half-erect inside me, he ran his hand up and down my back as we caught our breaths. God, I could do that every day. Every hour of every day.

Hawke made my chest full and yet ache at the same time. I wondered if I was the same for him. Judging by the way he looked at me, I was inclined to think I was.

“What are you going to do about Abram?” I asked sometime later, tracing circles along his pecs.

He sighed. “I don’t know yet, babe.”

“Did he really send those guys?”

“It looks like it, but…fuck, I never took him for an idiot.”

I frowned. “If this is all to avenge his stupid cousin, I’d say there’s something else, something you don’t know about.”

Hawke went quiet, and then he murmured, “Maybe.”




He lied.

If Abram was behind this, he knew exactly what he wanted.







I had dozed back to sleep, and when I woke up, Hawke was gone. I showered quickly and changed before going downstairs and into the bar area, searching for him. Music was on in the background. Marshall, Shay and Holly were tending to the mess and Jesse was already installing new windows. Hawke, Hector and Gus were nowhere to be seen.

“Where are they?” I’d asked Marshall.

“After last night’s shit-fest, they’re in the meeting room to sort the mess out,” he answered, distractedly.

“Oh. Do you know how long they’ll be?”

“No idea.”

“Not allowed to go in either?”

“They were all in a shit mood, Ty. I wouldn’t step foot anywhere near that room. They’re trying to get ahold of Abram, and it’s not going so well right now.”

Shit. Things were going to get ugly.

All because of Yuri.


How stupid was that?!

I couldn’t help but feel responsible. If I’d just gone to my room that night, none of this would have happened. I felt a pang in my chest.

I looked around glumly. “Do you need any help?”

“Yeah, help us with the glass, honey.”

Happy not to think, I grabbed another hand broom and dustpan and kneeled down, piling up all the loose pieces of glass. Holly found her way next to me.

“Was it bad?” she asked me quietly.

“It could have been worse,” I replied.

“I heard Hector got hurt, but I didn’t get to see how bad.” Her voice was neutral, but I caught the curiosity in her expression.

I nodded. “He’ll be alright, though.”

After we cleaned the surface and floor of glass, I was safe to turn on all the fans around the room. It was horribly hot and my hair was sticking to my skin. Jesse wasn’t doing too well in the heat either. He stripped down to his boxers, throwing his suit neatly over a chair. Holly nudged me and gestured to him with a huge smile. “He’s pretty easy on the eyes, huh?” she said.

I faintly smiled back. “Why don’t you keep him company?”

Her eyes widened. “Oh, hell no. Jesse’s been a dick to me ever since…” she paused, her face falling.

I waited for her to say more. “Ever since what?”

“Less talk and more cleaning, bitches!” Shay yelled over the music, giving us a pointed look.

Holly rolled her eyes and moved away, and then Shay proceeded to take her spot saying, “Hector’s going to need an Advil when he gets back.”

“Thanks for letting me know,” I sarcastically replied.

“He’s in a lot of pain. I might take him up some breakfast. He’ll like that too, right?”

I stood straighter, giving her a look. “Didn’t you just say less talk and more cleaning?”

She gestured to Holly. “I was talking to that little hooker over there. Look at her, she’s giving me evil eyes.”

Holly hadn’t even glanced at her. “She’s not doing anything, Shay.”

Shay scoffed and looked me over. “Thought you were on my side, Ty-ger.”

I groaned.

She smiled. “See what I did there? Ty-

“Yeah, yeah, I see what you did there.”

“Smart, huh?”

“Oh yeah, totally ingenious.”

She looked real chuffed and I abruptly left her, making an excuse that I needed to give Jesse some water, and I really did just so that my excuse seemed legit. He set his measuring tool down and took the bottle, gulping most of the thing down, and then proceeding to throw the rest of the water of his face. From my peripheral, I saw Holly sigh longingly and I bit back a grin.

“Do you need any help?” I asked him.

He smirked, looking me over. “Oh, yeah.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“Sit on my face.”

“Cut it out, Jesse,” I said, irritated. “I’m not in the mood.”

“Oh, shit, you’re glum,” he replied caringly. “What’s wrong, sweets?”


“Nothing?” He dropped his head to my level. “It doesn’t look like nothing. In fact…I think you need a bit of cheering up, sweetness.”

“Nah, Jesse, don’t even bother. I don’t want a pity party, or you telling me how hard and big you are or any of those things you constitute as cheering me up.”

“I’m not gonna talk about my cock, Ty. Unless you want me to.”

“Jesse, stop.”

“What’s this about then?”

“I’m upset because this whole fucking drama with Abram is my fault.”

Jesse shot me a perplexed look. “How is it your fault?”

“Because Yuri wanted me, and he might not have asked for me if I wasn’t around.”

“That’s stupid, Ty. I thought you were smarter than that. Yuri was a fucking asshole, and none of this is your fault. Now I
I have to cheer you up.”

“Don’t, Jesse.”

Ignoring me, he looked up at the girls and said, “Put something more decent on! I gotta cheer up rainbow kitten over here.”

“Metallica?” Shay excitedly asked, already leafing through CDs next to the stereo.

“No, not fuckin’ Metallica,” he retorted in disgust. “I mean, how the fuck is Metallica cheerful?”

“It was a suggestion.”

“It was a terrible fucking suggestion, Shay. What’s wrong with you?”

Shay’s face fell. “Too many people ask me that question,” she said brokenly.

“Aw, no. Really?”


“Well, I don’t give a fuck, Shay. I’m trying to cheer
up, not you. I don’t give a fuck about how you’re feeling. Now I want something fun on. Something I can dance to. I got mad skills, ladies. I am a beast in need of some tunes.”

Holly was already pressing buttons and looking for a particular song. Then she stopped and gave us a thumbs up and the beats flooded in.

Uptown Funk.

“That’s what I’m talking about,” Jesse shouted before he ran a finger down my face. “Let’s turn that frown upside down, muffin.”

At first, it didn’t seem like he was doing anything. I looked at him confusedly before I saw it…or rather,
it. My eyes dropped down to his body moving, his pelvic thrusting to the beat of the song. At the same time, he started snapping his fingers.

“Oh, my god,” I muttered, already looking away. “Really, Jesse?”

Jesse swiftly moved back into my line of sight and got into his dance mode, busting moves so smooth it looked like he’d rehearsed them. They were also ridiculously sexy. Especially when he swayed his hips and sang to the song, moving to me with his half-naked glistening body.

Oh, god.

His eyes turned crazy and he pulled a few ridiculous facial expressions and I couldn’t resist laughing at the serious look on his face. This guy was crazy. I shoved his chest back as he neared and that only seemed to encourage him. He spun around me, gripping a chunk of my hair at one point to lip sync in my ear.

“I wanna funk
up,” he growled.

I pushed him away again and this time he turned around and bent over, twerking to perfection, his ass against my stomach. I covered my face in embarrassment and exploded with laughter until my ribs ached.

“Oh, my God, you’re insane,” I yelled at him.

He stood back up, running his hands down his tattooed body sensually before he took me by the hand and pulled me to him. Still lip syncing. Still with that serious diva look on his face. I was red with laughter, surprised even that my own body was starting to rock with the beat. The fucker was infectious, and he just made me forget

“Now that’s a smile!” he cheered, gripping me around the hips.

He was right.

He’d cheered me the fuck up.


I hugged him, even while he continued to practically hump me, I kept my arms wrapped around his neck, thanking him. He stopped and hugged me back too, kissing me on the neck before he pulled away and migrated his sensuous dance moves to Holly and Shay.

The girls melted right into him.




The guys stepped out of the room after an hour. By then, the bar room was almost back to normal, but Jesse was still working on the windows. I was standing next to him, laughing at the way he occasionally bucked his hips to the music in the background, when they came through the door.

Hector looked like shit, Gus was angry, and Hawke was…well, Hawke. He moved into the room, catching sight of me quickly before shifting his gaze to Jesse and how close he was to me, still bucking his hips, still sweating in nothing but his boxers.

“Distance,” he said to me sternly on his way to the table in the far back. He collapsed into it and Holly quickly stopped by to give him a beer.

“Hector, baby,” Shay cooed loudly, wrapping her arms around Hector as he sat on the stool, “I got you Advil. You want Advil?”

Hector forcefully removed her arms and pushed her back. “Stop.”

“But I stopped by at the pharmacy. Wait and I’ll grab a couple tablets –”

“Fuck sake, Shay, I need some fucking room to breathe without you breathing down my FUCKING NECK!”

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Shay dropped her arms to her side, looking startled and bug-eyed. Honestly, I wanted her to slap him for hollering at her because, no matter how ridiculously obsessed she was with him, she was just trying to help.

Instead, she nodded profusely and replied, “No worries, baby. You’re sore and need room to breathe.”

Girl had no spine for him.

I cringed and Holly shot me a wide-eyed look, concealing her smile as she moved to serve Gus who had just dropped into the chair next to Hawke.

“Anyone making any food?” Gus asked, looking over at me. “Some eggs and bacon, maybe? Think there’s something in the fridge you ladies can cook up. Anyone? Tyler?”

I nodded heartily. “Oh, yeah, just change my name to Doormat and I’d be happy to assist.”

Jesse and Holly laughed, and Gus glowered. “That fuckin’ tongue on you Tyler is too much sometimes.”

“Shall I censor myself around you, Gus?”

“I’m being fucking serious. Cut it the fuck out. We’re fucking tired. We got a war on the horizon with a fucking lunatic who wants to possibly put the club into the ground, and now it’s your fucking attitude. Soon, we’ll have those self-entitled fucking cockroaches asking for more money, and it’ll be more money out the fucking door! Like we’re made of it, huh?!” He slammed the table down with his fist.

Nobody laughed anymore.

“I’ll cook up something, Gus,” Holly told him sweetly, hurrying to the back of the bar with Shay following. I was pretty certain they’d have agreed to clean the toilets with a toothbrush so long as they were away from him.

With the sudden tension in the air, the anger in Gus, and Hawke’s unreadable expression, I found myself moving back to Jesse for comfort.

“What did I say about distance?” Hawke said suddenly.

“Well, you just said the word
…” I faintly replied, blinking at the wall over his head. “That can be interpreted in many ways.”

He didn’t look impressed, and now I was a little annoyed by this whole set-up. Was it Attack Tyler day?

“I think I’ll uh…head out back with the girls.”

I made to move when Hawke sounded out, “Tyler, come here.”

My face was flushed with anger as I started moving to him, glancing between him and Gus, trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

I stopped in front of him and waited.

“None of this is your fault,” he told me softly. “We’re just pissed and Gus is spitting shit he doesn’t mean.”

My shoulders relaxed. “What happened?”

“With Abram not responding to our calls, it appears he’s probably responsible for last night. On top of that, we have to prepare in case of another attack, which means spending money we don’t really have to improve the security on this place and the warehouse if he’s gunning for it next. On top of that, the cockroaches will try and want more money. Enough to bleed us half-dry.”

I looked over at Hector, and he had buried his head into his arms, not moving.

“So,” I drawled out slowly, “how are you going to sort out the cockroaches?”

Hawke took my arm and brought me closer to him. The gesture shot straight through my heart.

“Things might get ugly, babe.”

The bar stool suddenly screeched loudly as Hector slid off it, kicking it hard behind him. It fell over, and he bent down and stood it up, only to kick it hard again and watch it fall back down. Then, still not content with the kicking, he grabbed it again and smashed it repeatedly against the edge of the bar, until it cracked and the seat flew everywhere. By the end, it was a pile of wood, and he stood by it, glaring down at it like it’d somehow insulted him.

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