Read Hawk Online

Authors: Patricia A. Rasey

Hawk (12 page)

BOOK: Hawk
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Suzi’s heart beat heavy against his chest as he held her tightly against him, the sound barely detectable over the heavy bass of the dance music filtering through the club. Draven’s walls had been sound-proofed, but nothing seemed to filter out the sound of bass played at deafening levels. The sound beat against his sternum along with that of her heart. Suzi leaned into him, aligning them from hip to chest as he continued to feed. Her hips arched into him ever so slightly, telling him of her own weakening resolve.

Kaleb palmed her sweet ass and lifted her off the floor so that her center rested intimately against his cock as she wrapped her legs about his waist. His jeans became incredibly uncomfortable as his erection strained against the zipper fly. He resisted the urge to reach between them and unbuckle the front of his chaps and slip the button free of his Levis. The more barriers between them, the least likely he’d be to do something he’d no doubt regret in the light of day. Kaleb refused to allow his desire to rule his actions. One side of his brain said there would be no harm in taking his due, the other reminded him whose dick had already been there. He’d do well to remember who she had first belonged to.

“Hawk,” she whispered, her breath feathering over his ear. “Please.”

Had his fangs not been artery deep in her neck, he might have chuckled at the idea she pleaded for him to take what his own body begged for. Her blood was like an aphrodisiac. Feeding was in itself sexual. Couple that with someone you coveted, and the combination could be explosive. Kaleb wanted his fill. He neared the stopping point of feeding, much more and it could put her at risk of anemia. Even as much as he disliked the woman in his arms, he’d never dream of putting a donor in peril. Kaleb’s lust teetered excruciatingly close to giving her exactly what she had pleaded for. His cock pained him as she rode the length of him, trying damn hard to reach the pinnacle she desperately sought. He gripped her hips, undoubtedly hard enough to cause bruises, to still her actions before she caused them both to climax prematurely. He’d much rather be buried, her walls milking the pleasure from him.

Should he give into that hunger they both longed for, he feared not getting her out of his system, but desiring her that much more. And the last thing he needed at the moment was to think with his dick. He needed his head on MC business and finding the asshole who had tried unsuccessfully to take his head. Women … this woman … was a distraction at the moment he couldn’t afford. He’d much rather save himself the frustration and drama.

Her fiancé was barely out of hearing distance and yet she clung to him as if her next breath depended on him. Maybe, he ought to throw caution to the wind and take another taste of what he had had all those years ago, and brag to the bastard on his way out the door. It would serve Suzi right for bringing the poor schmuck into his territory. His willpower wavered at the breaking point. If he didn’t stop now, there would be no turning back.

Kaleb withdrew his fangs and licked the wounds closed, then trailed his tongue up her neck to the fleshy part of her ear where he nipped the tender skin. Her breath caught and he stifled a groan. How much could one vampire take? Kaleb was used to finding pleasure in the opposite sex damn near nightly. Now that Suzi had walked back into his life, he had hit a dry spell, one he desperately wanted, needed to end.

Suzi whispered his name again as he backed her against the closed door, anchoring her against the solid surface. His black gaze held her bright blue ones, waiting for the denial sure to come to her lips.

Her breath hitched. “God, help me. Either let me go, Hawk, or end my torture.”

He pressed his steely erection against her center. He didn’t have to touch her to know she was wet. The scent of her damn near finished what the taking of her blood had nearly accomplished.

“Is this what you want,
piccolo diavolo
? Tell me you want me to fuck you and I will.” Kaleb leaned in, breathing in her scent, his lips grazing hers. “Tell me how bad you want my cock inside of you,” he whispered against her lips.

“You know I want it, Hawk. God help me, I always have.”

“Kaleb,” he corrected. Her admission momentarily stunned him. Surely, she meant after Ion’s death. “Know that it is Kaleb who fucks you against this door with your fiancé a hairbreadth away. Not Hawk.”

He licked the crease of her lips. She gasped, opening for him. But before he kissed her, he needed to hear her say what very few called him. “Say my given name,
piccolo diavolo

Instead, she gripped the hair at his nape and pulled him forward and kissed him, shoving her tongue into his mouth and taking control. And just that easily his willpower snapped like an over strung guitar string. He lowered her to her feet and flicked open the button of her black pleather pants with his thumb and forefinger, then slid the zipper down. Sliding his hand inside, his palm cupped her sex, feeling how incredibly wet she was. A moan escaped her lips as he slipped one finger across her slick clit and into her heat. Her walls gripped him and her breathing quickened. Kaleb knew much more and she’d tumble over the peak, but he wanted to be inside her when that happened. He needed to feel her walls tighten around his cock like a silken glove, squeeze his own climax from him. He knew they were both at the point it would take neither but a matter of seconds to reach the common goal.

Kaleb withdrew his hand, hearing a whimpered protest. But he had no intention of stopping now. His hand found the buckle to his chaps when she stopped him, placing her hand atop his.

“Allow me.”

Without waiting for his compliance, she slid to her knees, her small fingers deftly undoing the buckle to his leather chaps. The tip of her pink tongue slipped to the corner of her lips as she then worked the fastening of his jeans and slid her palm inside, her small hand fisting him. Kaleb was none too quiet with the growl that followed. His hooded gaze watched her with enthusiasm as she withdrew his rock-hard erection and looked at it with heated interest. Her tongue darted out, capturing the drop of pre-cum from the tip. And before he could stop her, she wrapped her pink lips around him, taking him into her mouth. Another growl escaped his lips as he bared his teeth and continued to watch the erotic scene. Jesus, where had she learned to give head with such fucking skill? Her lips and tongue worshiped him, giving him pleasure like never before.

Kaleb arched his hips toward her mouth, wanting … needing to finish. He wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer and if he didn’t stop her now, he’d lose his chance to get inside her. Just as he grabbed the sides of her head to pull her to her feet, a knock sounded on the door that startled them both. Kaleb cursed a blue streak as her wide gaze swung to the closed door. He knew his window of opportunity had closed at the sound of her fiancé’s voice.

“Suzi? Are you all right in there?”

Kaleb grit his teeth. When he left this room, he’d find Draven and beat the stupid bastard to a bloody pulp with his bare hands for allowing Lyle anywhere near the office door for Christ’s sake. Suzi stood, righting herself and smoothing down the wrinkles now in her blouse. Kaleb tucked his penis back into his jeans, leaving them hanging open as he stood glaring at her, hands on his hips.

“I’m fine, Lyle,” she said. “I’ll be right down, sweetie.”

“Are you sure?”

“Absolutely. Give me a minute.”

Kaleb wasn’t sure what kept him from opening the door and throwing the ox down the stairs. But at the moment, nothing would give him more pleasure. He heard the heavy footfalls as they retreated down the steps. The only thing that kept him from murdering the bastard was the look on her face as she refastened her pants. The same look she had when he had seen her a few nights back, the one that made him think she might care he had almost lost his head.

“Go,” Kaleb groused. “Before I change my mind and fuck you anyway.”

A slight smile played at the corner of her lips. “My loss, Kaleb Tepes. Something tells me I’m the one who’s going to regret missing out. I may not like you much, but you look fucking hot in those chaps. Any woman would be a fool to deny you.”

Hand on the doorknob, she turned back to look at him, raising one of her delicate brows. “See you in three days?”

Not waiting for an answer, she opened the door and left the room, leaving him with another hard-on to contend with. The bright side? It wouldn’t take near as long to finish the job this time. He was already on the verge of exploding.

“Motherfu—” he let hang, letting out an ear-piercing growl instead.









Chapter 12


“What the hell happened?” Kane asked from his seat on the sofa in the living area of the clubhouse, where he and Cara lounged with her tucked beneath his arm.

Cara sat up quickly pulling a T-shirt over her head, hiding her leopard-skin brassiere Kane was just seconds away from divesting her of. Being that both Kaleb and Grayson were out for the night chasing tail, he hadn’t thought they’d have company for hours. Kane stood, pulled his own shirt back over his head and fastened his jeans, not bothering to hide the erection paining him. Had he not been so perturbed, he might have chuckled at Cara’s reddened cheeks. Only a woman would be embarrassed by being caught in a compromising position. Men were just annoyed.

His gaze landed on Alexander’s healing wounds. He must’ve laid his bike down to cause the road rash that marred the right side of his face and arm. His chaps likely saved him from further damage.

“Run into trouble?”

“More likely some bitch with an ax to grind,” Alexander grumbled. Anton standing to his right remained untouched. “Thankfully Blondy saw the steel cable before I did and brought my attention to it not a moment too late. I had to lay my bike down to keep from getting beheaded. I’m starting to think I have nine lives and two are now gone.”

“You see Rosalee?” Kane’s blood simmered just beneath the surface at the thought of his ex being behind the recent targets on the Sons. He’d kill the bitch with his bare hands.

“I smelled primordial blood. If you say they are all accounted for in Italy besides your bitch ex-mate.” Alexander’s gaze flitted to Cara. “Sorry.”

“No need,” Cara commented. “She is a bitch. I’d take her out myself if she presented me the opportunity.”

Kane glared down at Cara, who wrapped one arm around his back. “You’ll do no such thing,
mia bella
. You aren’t near strong enough to take out an ancient and I’m not about to lose you.”

“No.” She smiled at his concerned gaze. “But my Glock pointed straight at her cold heart would work wonders. I’m a good shot. She wouldn’t stand a chance.”

“You best be if you think to pull that trigger on Rosalee. As much as I like your spunk, I think I prefer your head attached to your shoulders.” Kane leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead. “You leave Rosalee to us.”

He turned back to Alexander and Anton. “Give me the play-by-play. What the hell happened? Anyone else get hurt?”

“No. It happened after Anton and I followed the Knights to the border. Once they crossed over, we turned back. About twenty-five miles back down the road, Blondy saw something shine off the headlights. He managed to shout over the sound of the engines,” Alexander said. “He slowed his bike. By the time I glanced from him back to the road, the only chance I had was to lay it down. I have to have my bike hauled back to K&K. It’s not drivable, so I’ll need to borrow the covered trailer tomorrow to go back out there and pick it up.”

“You ride back with Blondy?”

Anton chuckled. “Xander wasn’t too happy to have to ride bitch. I kept reminding him that at least he still had his head. Still didn’t keep him from complaining the whole way back though.”

“Someone had to know about the run,” Kane said. He looked at Cara, “Why don’t you start us some coffee,
mia bella
? I think a call is in order to Red. No one could’ve known about the run other than the Sons and the Knights. It was too last minute. Hell, I didn’t even have time to get back here after receiving Hawk’s call. I’ll insist Red make a trip here with his VP tomorrow—no one else. At this point, I don’t trust anyone in his MC. Someone with an inside track is working with Rosalee.”

Cara walked over to the bar area, the only kitchen the clubhouse had. She pulled out the coffeemaker, and began prepping to do as Kane had asked. Damn he loved her. Unlike Rosalee, she had no problem being there for him, or helping out where she could. He sure as hell would miss her when she went back to work on Monday. He’d much rather have her next to him. He supposed, though, it would give her something to do rather than hanging at K&K, he and Kaleb’s motorcycle shop.

Kane pulled out his cell and found Red’s number and hit the number to dial. He placed the phone by his ear as he started pacing the scarred wood flooring. After several rings, Red’s hoarse voice came across his answering machine, indicating the caller to leave a message. Kane supposed he wasn’t back yet from the run.

“Red,” Kane said. “This is Viper. We have a situation that needs your complete confidence. You aren’t to speak about this to anyone. Stop by the clubhouse tomorrow after lunch and only bring your VP. See you tomorrow.”

Punching END with his index finger, he gave Alexander and Anton his attention again. The smell of coffee filled the room as Cara returned to the living area. Kane leaned down and briefly kissed her lips, though he’d prefer to take up where they’d left off before the interruption. There would be plenty of time for that later. Cara pulled her blonde hair off her shoulders, and wound it in a knot at her nape as she headed for the sofa. Just the sight of her pale throat had his cock standing to attention again. Damn, he couldn’t get enough of her.

“Thanks, Cara,” Alexander said as he headed for the bar to get a cup of the fresh brew, drawing Kane’s gaze back to his brothers. The wounds on the side of his face were barely visible anymore.

“Pour me a cup too, will you, Xander?”

“Sure thing, Viper. Blondy?”

“Ah, hell … wasn’t planning on sticking around, but maybe we should wait it out until the Pres and VP gets here.”

Cara barely got situated under Kane’s arm again before the door banged off the inside wall of the clubhouse and Kaleb stormed into the room, slamming the door behind him. His twin looked ready to do battle, and he had yet to hear the latest club news. Kane couldn’t help wonder what had him in a mood. No matter, Kane was about to make it worse.


* * *


Kaleb ran both hands through his hair as he stared at all the extra bodies in his house. He sure as fuck wasn’t in the mood to entertain. Not after leaving the Rave with a raging hard-on. He hadn’t felt like jerking one off, not after having Suzi’s sweet lips wrapped around his cock. So instead, he had stormed from the club, past Draven and ignoring his impulse to beat the bastard, and out the exit. He hadn’t even bothered looking for Grayson. He undoubtedly had already gotten busy with no less than two ladies and Kaleb wasn’t in the mood for his antics. So instead, he crawled on the back of his chopper and headed for the clubhouse hoping to find solitude.

No such fucking luck.

“Someone want to tell me what the hell is going on?” Kaleb’s gaze landed first on his twin, then on Kane’s mate.

“I had nothing to do with this.” Cara raised her hands up, palms out. “But it is something you need to hear, Kaleb.”

“Someone tried to take Xander’s head, bro,” Kane supplied, gaining Kaleb’s attention. “And I am pretty sure they were hoping it was you.”

Kaleb glanced at Alexander, seeing the healing road rash for the first time on the right side of his face. “You okay?”

“Just a bad rash, P. No biggie. Thankfully Blondy saw the steel cable or you guys might be ashing a couple more brothers tonight. We need to catch this son of a bitch before she accomplishes what she’s setting out to do.”

“She? Rosalee?” Kaleb asked. “You see her? Know for sure it’s her?”

Alexander shook his head. “Just the scent in the air laying proof to a primordial. But who the fuck else is that hungry for our blood? Jesus, P. I don’t know how many more lives I have left. I’m in no hurry to lose my head.”

Cara jumped up and headed for the counter, her sudden movement cutting through the tension in the room. She pulled a couple of stoneware mugs from the cupboard and started pouring the hot liquid.

Kane walked over to her, placed his hand on the base of her spine and placed a kiss at the crook of her neck. “Thanks,
mia bella
,” he said, grabbing a cup.

Alexander inclined his head, and said softly to Cara as she reentered the room, “ I’m sorry to have interrupted your evening.”

She waved  a hand at him. “Please, the Sons have much more important business at the moment. I don’t want to see any of you guys hurt.”

A smile turned up the corner of one side of his lips. “Sure is different now than when Kane first met you.”

Cara laughed. “That’s because I was trying to pin a crime on him that he didn’t do. Trust me … he never fails to remind me of it,” she said with a wink.

“Only when I’m trying to get in your pants, Cara.” Kane wrapped his arm around her waist and led her back to the sofa.

Kaleb growled. His gut churned with the consumed whiskey from the club. He was in no mood to watch his twin fawn all over his mate. It wasn’t that fucking long ago she hated all their guts. He clenched his teeth as he headed for the cupboard and pulled down a fifth of Jack. He’d be damned if he was going to sit around and shoot the shit with the likes of this group. If need be, he’d set out on his own and find Rosalee, separating her head from her shoulders just as he had Alec Furner. Mircea be damned. Kaleb didn’t give a rat’s ass what the patriarch would have to say about it. This landed on Mircea’s doorstep. It was his stepdaughter he hadn’t been able to control.

After knocking back a couple of fingers of the amber liquid, his gaze landed on Kane. “So what the hell is being done about this?”

“I left a message on Red’s answering machine, told him to stop by tomorrow and only bring his VP. I think there’s a rat in his club and we need to flush him out like yesterday.”

“What happened that you no longer trust the Knights?”

“Think about it, Hawk. No one knew about tonight’s run … including me. It was so last minute. No one knew that you wouldn’t be at the head of the run as you and Gypsy normally are. Instead, you both headed for the Rave. The only ones who knew you and Gypsy wouldn’t be there were the Sons.” He paused, his stare holding Kaleb’s. “It was your head they were gunning for again.”

“We need to set a trap. Find out who the hell the rat is. He needs to answer for his crimes.”

“My thoughts exactly,” Kane said. “I trust Red. And since Red trusts his VP to be his right-hand, I think the rat is further down the line. Let’s get Red here tomorrow and see what he has to say about all this. Not much more we can do tonight.”

“No there isn’t, bro.” He looked at Alexander and Anton reclining on the sofa across from Cara and Kane, sipping from their mugs of coffee.

What the hell was this? A book club?

Kaleb raised his voice. “So why the hell is everyone still here?”

Cara looked at Kaleb, unfazed by his outburst. “You go to the Rave tonight?”

“Your first clue?”

“Your color … you’ve fed. So why so cranky, Hawk? Suzi have anything to do with your foul mood?”

“Seriously? You can’t be that stupid. She has everything to do with it.”

Kane’s gaze darkened. “Watch yourself, Hawk.”

“Hawk’s made us all promise to keep our hands off,” Anton added. “Suzi is to be his personal blood bank.”

“Shut the hell up, Blondy.”

He certainly didn’t need Cara privy to his self-inflicted drama. If Cara knew how he treated his donor, more specifically her close friend, she’d be all over him like a hellcat.

“So you’ve seen her. And you’re using her as your personal donor, Hawk?”

“None of your damn business, Brahnam.”

Kaleb growled again, feeling his fangs lengthen. Just the thought of his little pain in the ass donor had the animal coming out in him. Problem was he wasn’t sure if he wanted to wring her pretty little neck or fuck her into tomorrow. He was pretty sure he wanted to do both, which aggravated him further. Cara’s intuition kicking in wasn’t helping.

“Well, I’ll be damned.” Cara smiled. “You got a thing for Suzi.”

Kaleb’s eyes heated as they blackened. “You don’t know shit, Brahnam. Why don’t you two go back to playing house and leave me the hell alone. And you two,” he glared at the other two Sons on the opposite sofa, “hit the road. I’d like to brood in fucking silence if you don’t mind.”

Kane stood, and approached Kaleb.
Just fucking great. Big bro to the rescue.

He placed a hand on his shoulder. “Sounds like you need to get laid, Hawk.”

Whatever he expected Kane to say, it sure in the hell wasn’t that. Pouring a quick finger of whiskey, Kaleb downed it, then slammed the cup so hard on the bar surface it shattered. He didn’t bother cleaning up the mess. Instead, he headed for his room, hoping to hell he’d get some peace yet this evening. But as soon as he stripped naked and crawled into bed, visions of Suzi Stevens’ mouth wrapped around his cock danced behind his closed eyelids. Every inch of him hardened in remembrance.


He wasn’t about to get any peace this night … or any night for that matter. Not until he either gave into his desire to fuck her or let her out of his ridiculous demand that she be his personal blood bank. He had thought to punish to her, when in reality it was he who was being tortured and left unappeased.

BOOK: Hawk
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