Hawaiian Holiday: Destination Desire, Book 2 (2 page)

BOOK: Hawaiian Holiday: Destination Desire, Book 2
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Sliding across the seat, she set her shopping bag on the floor at her feet. He climbed in after her, dropping a leather messenger bag on the seat between them. He leaned his head back against the seat, closed his eyes, and sighed. The cab pulled away from the curb and merged into the chaotic mess of people trying to get out of the rain and into some form of transportation.

Julie twisted in her seat to get a better look at her companion. Yes, definitely gorgeous. And definitely exhausted. “Long day?”

Rolling his head toward her, he opened his eyes. He offered her a slight grin. “Oh, yeah. I just finished a week-long conference, but now I’m free to relax, unwind, and…enjoy myself.”

The faintest hint of an accent flavored his words, but she couldn’t pinpoint where he might be from. A mystery. She liked that. But then what he’d said sank in.

“You finished? So you’re on your way home?” A pang of disappointment went through her. She shouldn’t care, but she did. The possibility shimmering between them was too good to miss out on so easily.

Two dimples popped into his cheeks. “Not at all. I’m staying for another week on vacation.”

Now that sounded more promising. “At the Hilton?”

“Yes, and you?” His gaze sharpened with interest, and another shiver of awareness went through her. She hadn’t been this intensely attracted to a man in forever, and it was even headier than she remembered.

She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “I’m staying there too, until after Christmas. I flew in this morning.”

“Oh, yeah? Where are you from?” He shifted his shoulders against the seat, turning a little to face her. His scent drifted to her—musky male and a light, spicy cologne. He swallowed, and she watched his Adam’s apple bob. A totally inappropriate desire to lean over and slide her tongue along the strong column of his throat hit her.

He stared at her, one eyebrow arched. Ah, yes. He’d asked her a question.
Get it together, Julie

“California. Just outside of San Francisco.” She held out her hand to shake, because she
to know what it was like to feel his skin against hers. “I’m Julie, by the way.”

His gaze drifted from her hand to her face, and the look in his eyes told her the attraction was definitely
one-sided. He didn’t ogle her, but his interest was clear. “Lukas Klein. I’m a physics professor, and you?”

“I run a fiber arts store.” When he took her hand, she felt the restrained power in his grip. His palm had slight calluses that rasped against her flesh, and a flash of need sparked within her. Nice. Now that was what she called chemistry.

The cab swayed as it took a turn, and Julie caught a glimpse of the bronze hula dancer sculptures that signaled the entrance to the Hilton Hawaiian Village. Not much time before she had to say goodbye to this man. And she didn’t want to. She was drawn to him, she was curious enough about him to want to know more, and she was free to pursue something if she dared.

And she noticed he hadn’t let her hand go yet. In fact, he skimmed his thumb across the inside of her wrist. Goose bumps erupted over her skin, and her nipples beaded to thrust against her bra.

“May I ask you something?” He pitched his voice low enough that their driver wouldn’t be able to hear him.

She nodded. “Yes.”

“Are you in Honolulu alone?” He held up his free hand to stop her from answering. “No, that’s not what I want to ask. Are you married or otherwise engaged?”

“Totally single.” And available for whatever he’d had in mind when he asked that question. Insane? Maybe. But if she couldn’t do something a little wild on her vacation, when could she?

His grip tightened on her hand. “Me too.”

“Are you free for a drink tonight, Lukas?” The words were out of her mouth before she gave them any real thought, but she didn’t wish to call the question back.

“Yes, I am.” His smile was slow and hot enough to burn, and an answering fire kindled inside of her. He swept his thumb over her palm. “How does meeting at nine o’clock in the Tapa Bar sound to you? It’s in the hotel.”

“Perfect,” she replied. Better than perfect. It felt like she was coming back to the land of the living. Just what she needed on this trip. For the first time in forever, she was
looking forward to something.



Exhaustion warred with anticipation inside of Lukas. It had since the moment he’d left Julie in the hotel lobby. Sighing, he propped his shoulder against the tall window that flanked the sliding glass door in his room. From there, he could take in the sweep of beach and ocean that spread before him.

The week had been a long one, with a conference that required non-stop energy and focus while he met with well-known scholars in his field. It was always mentally stimulating, but draining since the days could last well into the nights as they discussed and debated various physics topics. He’d intended to crash in his room for the night, but meeting Julie had thrown a wrench into those plans. Feeling her lush curves slide against him when she’d stepped out of the cab had left him too wired to sleep. The contact had been brief, but more than enough to send adrenaline and lust rushing through his veins. An ironic grin touched his lips at how his body had betrayed him. Nope, there was no way he’d sleep until after their drink tonight.

Maybe not then, either, if he were lucky. A man had to have his priorities.

His stomach rumbled, reminding him that he’d been running on caffeine most of the day. Tilting his wrist, he checked his watch. He’d made dinner reservations at one of the hotel restaurants that morning, knowing he’d be tired and unwilling to go far for food. As the day ground to a close and he just wanted to collapse in bed, he’d made a mental note to cancel the reservation. Good thing he hadn’t gotten around to it.

Pushing away from window, he patted his pockets to check that he had his wallet and room key. It only took a few minutes for the elevator to get him to the ground level, and he strolled through the open-air hotel. The scent of the ocean filled his nostrils, and he could just hear the crashing of waves over the sound of gleeful children squealing and splashing in the water. Strolling down paths that were lined with koi ponds, he made his way to the Rainbow Lanai restaurant. He loved the rounded alcoves that belled toward the beach. There were no windows to block the sea breeze—everything here was open.

He paused for a moment to take in the beach and let the sounds of the ocean relax him after the work-intensive week. After turning to walk toward the restaurant entrance, he drew up short when he saw Julie standing there. Like a magnet, he was drawn to her.

The hostess gave her an apologetic glance. “I’m sorry, ma’am. We only do reservations during the holidays, but without one, the wait will be over an hour.”

“Oh.” The reply was disgruntled, and Julie wrinkled her nose. “There goes that idea. Can you recommend anywhere else I could—”

Lukas didn’t bother resisting the urge to reach for her. He wanted to feel that buzz of attraction again. She jolted when he set his hand on her shoulder, her dark eyes darting back to see who touched her. He liked the way her breathing hitched when she realized it was him. Very nice. Slipping his palm down her side to settle at her hip, he addressed the hostess. “I have a reservation under Klein. I assume if my party goes from one to two, that won’t be too much of a problem, will it?”

“No, Mr. Klein. That’s just fine.” The woman checked his name off a list. “If you’ll both come with me, please?”

Julie gave him a dazzling smile. “You seem to have a knack for coming to my rescue, Lukas.”

“My pleasure.” He pressed his hand to the small of her back to urge her forward.

Damn, she was lovely. Not beautiful in an overblown kind of way, but she definitely made him look twice. The memory of the first time he’d seen her still struck him. Running across the street to get out of the rain, her eyes alight with laughter, her wet clothing clinging to her curves. His muscles had tightened with visceral want, his cock stiffening, making him throw out his usual reserve and invite her to share his cab. Seeing her now only intensified those feelings.

“What can I get you to drink?” the hostess asked as she motioned them to a table that lined one of the alcoves.

“Oh, what a view!” Delight shone in Julie’s gaze as she took in the ocean scene before them.

Lukas grinned at her enthusiasm. He felt the same way every time he dined here. Clearing his throat, he glanced at the hostess. “I’ll have an iced tea.”

“Anything you like, Mr. Klein.” She gave him a flirtatious glance, but he found himself unmoved. He was already too intrigued by Julie to be distracted.

Julie apparently caught the exchange and arched her eyebrows at the other woman. “It’s
Klein, actually. He’s a physics professor. And I’ll have lemonade, thanks.”

Clearing dismissed, the hostess flounced off and Lukas coughed into his fist, trying not to snicker. Julie leaned closer, letting her hair fall forward to cover her face. “It
Dr. Klein, isn’t it? Professors have doctorates, right?”

“Yes, I have a doctorate, though not all professors do.” He chuckled, lifting his hand to brush a dark lock behind her ear. The silky feel of her hair sliding against his skin made him wish they were in a far more intimate setting, especially when she swayed toward him, her lips parting in silent invitation. “You are incredibly attractive, Ms. Simms.”

She flushed, opening her mouth to respond, but the hostess returned with their drinks and broke the moment. A shame. He’d have loved to hear what her reply would have been, and if it would have been flustered or tempting. He wasn’t sure which would be more provocative.

After the hostess left again, Lukas spread his hands. “Shall we sit for a moment or go straight for the buffet?”

“Dive into the food, of course. I’m starving and this place is supposed to be good.”

“It is.” He gestured for her to precede him, and he enjoyed the sway of her hips as she walked toward the first food station. She had an amazing ass, one he’d like to get his hands on. There was no telling yet if this attraction would lead them to the bedroom, but a man could hope. He sighed in appreciation when she bent forward a bit to scoot around a table packed with people and her skirt tightened over her backside. Now,
was what he called a view.

A moment later, she grabbed two plates from the buffet and handed one to him. “What should we try first? Any recommendations, since you’ve been here before?”

He pointed to a dish. “You should try that.”

“Calamari?” Her nose wrinkled. “I’ve never been able to make myself go for squid. It sounds kind of nasty.”

He scooped up a serving, set it on her plate and then did the same with his. “That’s the beauty of a buffet. If you don’t like it, you can still get other things.”

“True.” She cast the calamari a dubious glance, but then nodded firmly. “Okay. I’m on vacation. Let’s go wild and try new things.”

“I like the sound of that.” His voice dropped to a low growl, and a dozen erotic possibilities paraded through his mind. His cock began to harden and he forced himself to shut down that line of thought before he embarrassed himself in public.

A faint flush rose to her cheeks, and she licked her lips. “I didn’t mean that in a sexual way.”

“That’s a shame.” Winking at her, he strolled on to the next serving station.
Settle down, Lukas.
He swerved in and out of other diners to fill his plate and then wandered back to the table to find Julie was already there, sipping her lemonade.

When he sat down, she leaned back in her chair and studied him for a moment. He arched an eyebrow. “What? I haven’t eaten anything yet, so there’s no food on my face.”

She tilted her head, and the smooth bell of her hair brushed against her shoulder. “No, but you have a slight accent and I can’t figure out where you’re from originally.”

He stabbed a bite of ham from his plate. “Berlin, though I went to university in Heidelberg.”

“That’s where you became Dr. Klein?” She set down her drink and popped a cherry tomato from her salad into her mouth.

It took him a moment to answer because his gaze locked on the slow movement of her lips, the way her tongue darted out to catch a drop of dressing that had been on the tomato. The innocent gesture became sensual, and lust tightened his insides. He’d like her lips and tongue sliding over his skin in a far more intimate setting. He cleared his throat and returned his attention to her question. “
, that’s where I got what you’d call a Master’s degree in the U.S. My doctorate is from Harvard.”

Her eyebrows winged upward. “Impressive.”


“Is that where you work now? Harvard?”

“Stanford, actually. So, like you, I’m not that far from San Francisco. Though the Bay Area covers quite a bit of territory.” Which meant they might not live that close to each other, but they could also be next-door neighbors. The last prospect sounded far better than the first, and he knew it shouldn’t. He’d been burned too badly in his last relationship to wish for another. Ever.

“I’m in Half Moon Bay, so it’s—what—a half an hour drive to Palo Alto?” Something flashed in her gaze, and he had a feeling she was wondering if they might end up making that drive in the future. He refused to admit that he might have considered the possibility for a split second himself. Too soon to be thinking that way. Too soon and too dangerous for his peace of mind. A short tropical affair was all he’d be willing to pursue.

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