Having Prudence (3 page)

Read Having Prudence Online

Authors: Lacey Thorn

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic Romance eBooks Erotica Total-E-Bound eBooks Books Romance

BOOK: Having Prudence
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“Are you saying that my dad has been helping us all along?” Pru couldn’t seem to wrap her mind around that possibility. Had Dad helped Faith? Hope? Charity? Had he known about her relationship with Johnny this whole time?

“Just open your eyes and think on things for a while,” Paula told her as she put her knitting aside and stood up. “I’m going to sneak up and find something for us to eat. And I’ll see if I can at least find you a shirt of Johnny’s to wear.” She shook her head as she moved over towards a wall lined with canning jars. “Can’t believe that boy even took your underwear.”

Pru blushed scarlet and was glad for the dim light of the room.

“I’ll be right back,” Paula promised and then touching something on the shelf a door swung open revealing a dim hall. Paula was through the door and gone before Pru had a chance to get more than a glance. Someday she would love to explore this room and know exactly where in the house it was. But for now she had too many other things on her mind. Had her dad been helping them all along?

Chapter Three

Pru sat in the dark and thought back over the years and the things that suddenly didn’t make sense. Faith had been the first to get away just days before her wedding. And Pru knew for a fact that her dad had left to look for her sister. She remembered him coming in and letting everyone know that he couldn’t find her, had no idea where she had gone. And yet not more than a year later they were receiving mail from Faith. Then the same happened with Hope. With Charity, guards had been hired, men that her dad hand picked. And Charity had run away with them. It was enough to make her brain hurt.

Pru was suddenly thinking of all the times she had managed to escape to meet up with Johnny. All the times they had been able to sneak off somewhere and no one had even stumbled across them much less come looking for them. She had thought they were so smart, so superior to her dad. Now she thought of the looks her dad gave her, the sadness in his eyes. It was as if her father had the weight of the world on his shoulders. And maybe he did when it came to his daughters. Could he have been helping them all along? She needed to talk to one of her sisters. Surely they would know the truth at this point.

And if dad was helping them, then just maybe she could let go of the guilt she held over leaving Destiny to face the piper next. Surely if he could help four of his daughters then she would be safe as well. It was just too much for Pru to think on at the moment. She jumped from the cot and headed over to the shelf where she had seen Mrs. Wharfton pull on something to open a door.

She was at the point where she was thinking of throwing things and screaming when the door suddenly sprang open. Before she could take a step Johnny was filling the opening and grinning at her.

“I should have known that even taking your clothes wouldn’t be enough,” he said with as smile as he backed her into the room towards the cot.

“I need to talk to my dad,” she breathed as her knees met the edge of the bed. “Or at least try to reach one of my sisters.”

“Okay,” he whispered as he tugged his T-shirt over his head and let it drop to the floor. She licked her lips at the sheer perfection of her man then shook her head. He was trying to distract her and damn if it wasn’t working.

“Johnny,” she began and he popped the button on his jeans and eased the zipper down. His flesh was revealed and she could see the long hard length of his cock. And just that glimpse had her mind focused on him again, on them.

“You can talk to anyone you want to, Pru,” he said as he shoved his jeans down and off so that he stood just as naked as she did. “Tomorrow,” his lips trailed from her ear down her jaw to nibble at her bottom lip. “Tomorrow when you face the world as my wife, as Mrs. Johnny Wharfton.” He cradled her face in his hands and brushed a gentle kiss across her lips. “One night, Pru. Just one night and we have the rest of our lives together.”

He was right. She had to stay hidden just this one night, just until his cousin arrived in the morning to marry them. All of her answers could come when the new day arrived and she became Johnny’s wife.

He eased her down on the bed, his large body looming over her. She loved how big he was, how he made her feel so small and treasured. His hips cradled between hers and when he lowered against her she could feel his cock brushing along her stomach. He felt so good and she wanted to touch him, taste him and fuck him all at the same time. Two of her sisters had entered into relationships with two men, and there had been times when Pru had envied them and wondered what it would be like to take two men at the same time. But the truth was that she couldn’t imagine being with anyone but Johnny. So only if she could clone him would that ever happen for her.

He was everything to her and maybe, just maybe she was starting to realise what her father and mother might have shared. As his lips caressed her skin she thought of what it would be like to lose him, to have him taken from her and never see him again. She couldn’t breathe. It would be as if someone ripped her heart right out of her chest. And she had little doubt that it would be the same for him.

And like always he knew that something was bothering her. “Relax, Prudence,” he urged her coming back to her mouth and kissing her until they were both breathless and restless for more. “Nothing will stop me from marrying you now.”

“Yes,” she breathed and gasped when he slipped inside her burying his cock deep in her pussy. He held still and locked his gaze with hers.

“I love you,” he vowed and forever was there in his eyes.

“I love you,” she whispered and tears filled her eyes because for the first time she was realising how that love could destroy her as well as complete her. If anything ever happened to him she would never be the same. It would destroy her. And if he ever died, ever left her to walk this earth alone she would pray to die with him. And suddenly she had perfect clarity of what her father must have felt when her mom died.

She clung to Johnny as tears filled her eyes. “Love me Johnny,” she whispered.

“Always,” he promised and began to move slowly in and out of her.

She sighed and soaked him in. This was how he liked things. Soft and slow filled with lots of touching and kissing. She was the one who always begged for harder, faster, deeper. And he would give it to her. But he tended to want to savour her like an anticipated dessert. And his loving was just what she needed right now.

His hand cradled her hip while the other held her hand palm to palm. Her free hand clasped his shoulder and held tight. Their mouths connected with short sweet kisses before a tongue would slip past lips and a more explosive kiss would ensue. It reminded her of floating on top of the water, the gentle waves moving her. Only this time the waves were of pleasure and she was heading towards a far better destiny. She could already feel her orgasm building, slow and steady and knew that it would be no less explosive.

And then he stopped, just stopped with his cock buried deep. He reached over the side of the bed and pulled his jeans up to them.

“What?” she began but he interrupted her.

“I got so sidetracked seeing you standing there naked that I forgot why I came down here,” he laughed and pulled something from his pocket.

It was a shiny square jewellery box and she caught her breath as he opened it. The ring was gorgeous and she couldn’t wait to see it on her finger.

“I was planning to get on my knees and ask you officially to marry me,” he whispered. “I know we’ve always talked about it, planned for it. But I never really went through the steps of asking you.” She was surprised by the nervousness she could see in his eyes.

“I love you,” she promised. “I could never imagine myself with anyone but you. I have always known that it was you I wanted to marry and spend the rest of my life with.” His grin was as engaging as always and reminded her of the young boy she had first met and called her best friend. “But,” she added and grinned as his body stilled. “If you even think of pulling out right now and getting down on your knees to propose, I just might be a widow before I become a bride.”

He laughed and the movement had them both moaning as his cock pulsed inside her. She returned the favour with a squeeze of her inner muscles that had him groaning.

“Put the ring on,” she said, “before we both come.”

“Yes,” he groaned as she squeezed again. “I want to see my ring on your finger when I come inside you for the first time.”

She laughed since it was far from the first time.

“The first time I make love to my fiancée,” he finished. “And the next time, it will be to my wife.”

Tears filled her eyes and she couldn’t stop them from spilling over. “How did I manage to get so lucky and have you fall in love with me?” she whispered.

“I’m the lucky one,” he replied as he slipped the ring on her finger. It fit perfectly and as his lips took hers again she breathed easy for the first time in many weeks. She was getting married to the right man, the man she loved and nothing would stop that. No matter what happened this night he would protect her as his family would. And when the night was over and she was his wife, she would protect him just as fiercely when anything else came their way.

“I love you,” he vowed and increased his pace moving faster.

Both of her legs came up to wrap around his waist and his hand slipped around to cradle her ass. His finger slipped between the crease and found her anus. He pressed there just barely breaching the opening as his cock surged deeply inside her pussy.

“Yes,” she breathed. “Love you,” she cried as her orgasm exploded through her.

His low groan joined her cry as she felt the heat of his release inside her.

“In just a few short hours I’ll be making love to my wife,” he whispered as they both worked to slow their breathing. “My wife,” he said again and she could see the awe and joy on his face.

“You have it wrong you know,” she whispered.

“What do you mean?” he said and shook his head. “It’s too late to change your mind now. I’ve already compromised you.”

She had to laugh and it was delicious as he was still inside her. “I love you and I can’t wait to be your wife,” she promised.

“Then what could I possibly have wrong?” he queried.

“I’m the lucky one,” she whispered and kissed him softly on the lips.

“We both are,” he whispered back. “We both are.”

Chapter Four

She wasn’t sure what if anything happened during the night, but she awoke alone in the bed she had fallen asleep in. It still held the scent of her man and the love they had shared. She remembered when he had slipped away and how she had automatically reached for him. But he had to go and they both knew it. If someone had shown up here to look for her then he would have to be accounted for.

She smiled and stretched and reached for the covers as the door opened up. It was Mrs Wharfton and she was carrying a beautiful dress draped over her arms along with a bag.

“Good morning,” Paula said as she crossed to the bed. “My nephew is here and it is time to get married.” Johnny’s mom was positively beaming and Pru thought again just how lucky she was. She was getting to marry the man she loved and was getting a new family in the process. Another chance at having a mom. It brought tears to her eyes.

“Now none of that,” Paula said. “We have just enough time to get you dressed and ready. Johnny is already pacing holes in the floor up there.” Paula shook her head as she laid the dress on the bed and opened the bag to start pulling stuff out. Stockings, shoes, some jewellery cases and more stuff was pulled out.

“Don’t just sit there,” Paula demanded. “Don’t think I haven’t seen a naked woman before.” Pru blushed scarlet and Paula just laughed. “I’m a woman too, girl, though I’m not sure I ever looked quite as good as you. I think this will fit just fine though.”

Pru gasped as Paula held up a white lace camisole. It was easily the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. There were a pair of boy cut white lace panties to match. She lost all embarrassment as she rose to finger the delicate lace before slipping them on. There was some lacing in the bag of the camisole and she sighed as Paula pulled it tight and tied it off. She sat down on the bed to pull the stockings up and loved the fact that the sheer white was topped on each thigh with a ring of elastic lace to keep them up.

“That boy is going to swallow his tongue when he gets you out of your wedding dress,” Paula said and Pru had to laugh. It was going to take some getting use to where Paula was concerned but she was really looking forward to it.

“Now I know this dress may not be what you wanted but I’m hoping it will do for now,” Paula said as Pru stood back up and Paula slid the dress over her head. It was simply gorgeous as far as Pru was concerned. It reminded her of a long sleek old
style dress that perhaps Betty Davis would have worn. It reached the top of her ankles in front with a little bit of a train in the back. It was sleeveless now though she didn’t think it had always been that way. There was very little decoration to the dress but honestly it didn’t need it. It was classic and beautiful by design. And it fit her perfectly.

“I love it,” Pru breathed as she looked down at herself. “How did you find such a perfect dress?”

She looked up and for the first time saw tears in Paula’s eyes and somehow she just knew where the dress had come from. “This was yours?” But Paula surprised her.

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