Having Hope (The Blow Hole Boys Book 4) (12 page)

BOOK: Having Hope (The Blow Hole Boys Book 4)
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“Are you fucking him?” Mia asked.

“Is he as good in bed as he claims he is?” Lena questioned before I could even answer Mia. “He walks around like he has a golden cock that won’t stop.”

“Please tell me you’re not fucking him.” Constance pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. “He’s not the kind of guy to double dip, Hope, and I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”

Twiggy laughed. “She said double dip.”

Mia and Lena laughed along with them. At this point, I still hadn’t spoken. I was too busy trying to think of a lie … trying to think of a reason for Chet Rhodes to be in my room.

And then it hit me.

“He just had some questions about my set,” I lied.

“Did those questions require you to unbutton your jeans because you were totally buttoning them when we walked in,” Mia said. “Oh, my God, you said your set. You don’t have a set of balls hanging between your legs that we don’t know about, do you?”

“I definitely think Chet would go both ways,” Twiggy pondered out loud.

“My fucking drum set, Mia. I don’t have balls!”

The conversation was getting out of hand. I needed to nip it in the bud and get us moving.

“Can we please go eat now? I’m starving.” I moved toward the door, hoping the girls would follow.

“Yeah, starving for Chet’s cock,” Twiggy muttered behind her hand making Mia and Lena chuckle.

“That’s enough, girls,” Constance interrupted. “Hope isn’t fucking Chet, and even if she were, it’s not our fucking business. Now, come on. Let’s go eat.”




Chet didn’t take his eyes off me all night. I tried to eat, but my food kept sticking to the roof of my mouth, making it nearly impossible to swallow. So I gave up on eating, and instead, I drank and tried to keep my eyes away from him.

He sat across the room, drinking with his sexy grin and telling me with his eyes that he wasn’t finished with me yet. Every now and again, he’d run his fingers under his nose and close his eyes in pleasure. He was smelling me on his fingers and enjoying it, and honestly, it was turning me on.

The way he had worked me over, making me come so hard, was marked in my memory. And even with loud music and the group around me talking loudly, I was still replaying that moment in my mind, getting myself worked up without even being touched.

The night stretched out, and the longer I sat there and felt Chet’s eyes all over me, the wetter I got. The wetter I got, the more uncomfortable it became to be wearing jeans with no underwear… thanks to Chet. Knowing him, he’d probably stuffed them in his pocket.

The longer I sat there, the more I no longer cared about anything else but feeling him move inside me. I was clenching my thighs together and enjoying the sensation while everyone else around me, minus Chet, was completely clueless.

The night wound down, and we took our SUVs back to the hotel. The girls stuck by my side like they knew what I was thinking. I was thinking I hoped Chet followed me to my room. I hoped he came to my room and fucked me all night long, but that couldn’t happen if the girls were with me every second.

Relief washed over me when we went separate ways after stepping off the elevator. The girls giggled down the hall to their rooms, and I smiled and shook my head as I slipped the card key into the slot. The door clicked, and the green light flashed, but before I could push the door open, heat washed over my back, and a hand slid around my waist.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

I didn’t have to turn around to know it was Chet. His familiar scent moved over me, and I breathed in deep, storing the moment in my long-term memory.

“Finishing what we started,” he muttered against the back of my neck, making the hair on my arms prickle.

He pushed down on the knob and the door popped open. The room was dim, the bathroom light cutting a line across the entrance. My knees wobbled when I stepped over the threshold, and he followed me in, closing the door behind us and locking it.

“No fucking interruptions,” he said.

My brain buzzed with the drinks I’d sipped all night, and even though I was running the reasons I shouldn’t go through with this through my mind, I couldn’t stop my body from responding when he moved behind me and caught my hips in his hands. His lips brushed the back of my neck, and I exhaled loudly.

“I think I want to fuck you from behind. How does that sound?”

His whispered words shifted the hairs on the back of my neck, and I shivered.

I nodded. “Yes.”





But one time couldn’t hurt. Just once more and I’d never let him touch me again. I wanted to feel him, and after I soothed the ache, I’d remain friendly, but I’d stay away until the tour was over.

“Just once to get it out of our system,” I informed him.

I wanted to make sure he understood this wasn’t going to happen again. He needed to know that this was a one-time thing. Not that I had too much to worry about. Like Constance had said, Chet wasn’t the kind to double dip. So maybe all this reassurance was for myself. Maybe I was the one who needed to hear that it was only going to happen once and never again.

“Just once,” he agreed.

And then he was moving me across the room to the hotel desk. He rolled the desk chair out of the way and pressed my hipbones into the cold wood. His finger deftly unbuttoned my jeans before he tugged them down over my hips.

His belt buckle sounded behind me and then he was pressing against my back and bending me over the desk. His hot skin pressed against my ass, his hard cock resting between my ass cheeks. His hand slid over my hip, across my pelvic bone, and down until his fingers teased my clit.

His other hand cupped my throat, pulling me back enough to see our reflections in the mirror in front of the desk.

“Look at me. I want to see your face when I push inside you.”

My eyes caught his in the reflection as he slid into me from behind, slow and deep. My eyes fluttered closed at the sweet sensation of him filling me.

“No, baby, keep them open.”

I saw his strained expression when I looked at him in the mirror, and I could tell it was killing him to take it slow. Slow wasn’t what I wanted, either. I wanted him to fuck me—slam his body into mine so hard it hurt—so fast I shook with pleasure.

“Fuck me,” I demanded.

The side of his mouth lifted in his sexy grin, and the hand he had around my throat tightened. His hips shifted, and he began to pound into me, slamming his cock into my tight, wet passage so hard and fast my stomach clenched from the sensation.

“Like this?” he asked. “Is that how you want it?”

I tried to drop my head, the pleasure making my body go loose, but he jerked my head back up, and his hand tightened once again around my throat.

“Look at me when I’m fucking you,” he growled.

The desk shook, my hips bones digging into the sharp edge. His hips worked quickly, his length filling me deeply with each thrust until I felt an ache building inside me. With one hand still on my throat squeezing, he used his free hand to finger me, rolling my swollen clit between his fingers and pinching with just a touch of pain.

I looked him in the eye, his fierce expression almost deadly while he fucked me. It was different than that first time together. It wasn’t slow. It wasn’t easy. It was hard and fast, while he tightened his chokehold and abused my clit.

I loved every fucking second.

My pussy tightened as the hand around my throat tightened, and when my orgasm rolled over me, he squeezed harder, cutting off the blood flow and making my mind spin with my release. I couldn’t scream out. I couldn’t moan. I couldn’t do anything but let my body take control and let my release crash over me like a wave of humidity and pleasure so intense I shook.

“Yeah, that’s it,” Chet muttered in my ear. “Fuck, your pussy’s so tight when you come.”

And then his squeeze hold around my throat loosened. The blood rushed to my brain and oxygen flooded my lungs, and I went crazy, backing my ass into his thrusts and clawing at his naked hips for more.

“Harder,” I demanded. “Fuck me harder!”

He pulled from my body and turned me so fast I went dizzy. My jeans tangled around my ankles, and I stepped on them and pulled until my feet were free and I could move.

Chet moved me away from the desk, picked me up as if I weighed nothing, and tossed me onto the bed. His stern expression went darker as he climbed on top of me, spread my legs, and thrust his cock into me hard and fast.

He pounded into me, pushing my body across the bed until my head was hanging off the side. Again, he worked my body until I was on the brink of coming. Tugging at his arm at the side of my head, I placed his hand around my throat and pressed his fingers into my skin.

His fingers tightened around my throat, squeezing so hard I could feel my pulse banging against his fingers. With my head over the side of the bed and his chokehold, everything stopped except the orgasm that was building in my core.

His hips moved faster, his stern facial expressions going slack as pleasure overtook him. His mouth hung open and knowing that my body was making him feel good made my orgasm rush to a head.

I came hard, screaming inside even though I couldn’t make any noise. And as my inner muscles tightened around him, I watched with wide eyes as he bit his bottom lip and lost total control.

I’d never seen Chet so wild. I’d never seen him so crazy. He thrust into me like a beast on a mission, his hand moving from my throat and to the mattress to hold him above me as his hips took over completely.

“Oh fuck, baby,” he gasped with closed eyes. “Goddamn, Hope.”

His moan was loud and followed by a growl as he burst inside me. His perfect rhythm became uncoordinated and uneven, slowing as he released and slumped over me. His chest and stomach pressed into mine as his body dropped and his weight pressed me into the mattress.

His face rested against my neck, making each of his heated breaths rush against my skin and sending chills through my exhausted body.

I was relaxed, my muscles going limp from the strenuous releases Chet had given me. He’d made good on his promise. He’d fucked me hard and fast, and he’d made me come until I was on the brink of begging him to stop.

Cool air rushed over my naked bottom when he pulled from my body and rolled over onto his side. My shirt was twisted around my waist, and I tugged it down over my hips.

“That was fucking amazing,” he breathed into the dim space around us.

I lay there, staring up at the ceiling as euphoria slowly melted away and realization moved into its space.

What had I done?

What was I thinking?

Panic consumed me, and I began to freak out. I was lying next to Chet Rhodes after the best sex I’d had in my life, and all I could think about were the consequences of what we’d done.

And no matter what, I knew there’d be consequences because already, as I lay there in silence and listened to his breathing even out, all the feelings I’d kept tucked away were rushing to the forefront and demanding to be felt.

This wasn’t good. It wasn’t something I would let happen. Chet didn’t know what it meant to have feelings. I’d seen the way he worked, and I knew what he was about.

A one-time thing.

I’d set the rules, and he was going to play by them, and I knew as I slowly drifted off to sleep that it was going to hurt like hell when he didn’t break that rule the way he broke all the rest.







I woke with a hammer in my head, beating against my brain with a force like never before. I blinked up at the dark ceiling, feeling disoriented and confused.

My migraine was so extreme that I instantly felt nauseated. I pushed up onto my elbows, and as the room came into focus, I was reminded of where I’d fallen to sleep.


I’d been inside Hope, and holy shit, she was everything I’d expected and more. And after going weeks without sex, I didn’t think I’d ever stop coming once I started. She was a champ, taking my rough thrusts and even begging me for more. She wanted it harder, and I’d given her just that until my hips ached and I couldn’t hold back any longer.

I climbed from her bed, careful not to wake her, and adjusted my jeans. I stood above her, watching her sleep. She was shivering, half of her body naked and covered in chills. The comforter was soft in my grasp as I pulled it over her round hips and perfect thighs.

Damn, she was beautiful.

Every inch of her.

I grinned when she snuggled into the blanket and turned onto her side.

I’d promised one time and one time only, but I wasn’t so sure it was a promise I could keep. Fucking any woman more than once wasn’t something I often did, but I think as long as I knew Hope was like me, unable to develop feelings, then I could see myself pushing inside her once more.

The hallway was empty, everyone in the hotel sleeping since it was almost morning. My room was dark, but I was able to get to the desk, which housed an unopened bottle of water. Pulling the tiny bottle of prescription painkillers from my back pocket, I dumped three into my palm, tossed them into my mouth, and took a few swigs from the bottle of water to wash them down.

The pressure and pain digging into my brain felt like the roof pushing down on me. It was getting worse, but I knew I could make it through the end of the tour. I’d worry about the rest at the end of the tour. I’d go back to the doctors and figure out how to keep myself comfortable until the end, which was obviously approaching.

I lay in my bed, staring at the ceiling and waiting for the pills to take me away. All I could think about was Hope and how amazing she’d felt … how sexy she’d looked when she came all over my cock.

My body was relaxing, having been thoroughly drained. My muscles ached and I was sated in a way I hadn’t been since the beginning of the tour when Ass Fingerer had sucked my load down her throat.

My body relaxed into the mattress, my breathing evening out with the relief of my pain pills dissolving my migraine. And as I slipped into a deep sleep, I smiled to myself because I knew it didn’t matter what promises I had made to Hope.

I’d have her again.

Finally, I fell asleep and a dream much better than any reality welcomed me. A threesome with Hope and Blackbird, both women moaning in pleasure as one sat on my face and the other rode my cock. I licked and sucked, moaning into her soft folds as the other bounced on my dick, making my balls clench in pleasure.

Then a loud knock sounded on the door, and my eyes flew open. The sun beat into my eyes, taunting the edges of a promising migraine.

“Go the fuck away,” I yelled, turning onto my side and covering my head with my pillow.

The door opened, letting me know I hadn’t closed it all the way the night before.

“Rise and shine, Princess,” Zeke sang as he jumped on my bed. “It’s time to eat, Chet. Get the fuck up.”

I loved my boys, I really did, but when I opened my eyes and looked up to see them standing above me with well-rested smiles, I wanted to kick their asses.

Oh well, it would have to be another day because well … bacon.




We played our final show in Houston and went to what was labeled as the best steakhouse in Texas afterward for dinner. My migraine had returned during the show, forcing me to take two more pills during a short set break.

I swallowed the pills and rested my head against the snare drum as Finn talked to the crowd and got them rowdy. Their screams only made the pain my head pound harder, but I had to finish the tour. Once I finished the tour, then whatever was going to happen could happen.

The group around me ate and joked while I shifted the food around my plate, suddenly feeling nauseated by every aroma in the room. Thankfully, no one mentioned it, and I was able to sit back and sip my beer in peace.

Hope sat down the table from me, and every now and again, I could feel her eyes on me—watching me. She knew something was wrong, but I refused to look at her. I knew once I did, I’d never make it to my room without going to hers first.

For the first time in my life, I wasn’t sure I could even get it up, much less perform. My head was hurting so badly, and no matter how many pain pills I took, it wasn’t letting up.

The ride to the hotel was quiet; the boys said nothing as the SUV cut through the Houston traffic. I stared out the window, watching the cars go by, and wondered how much longer I had.




Or hours?

It was the not knowing that was bothering me, not death itself.

“On the road in the morning,” Finn muttered as he unlocked his hotel room door and opened it.

“Here we come, New Orleans,” I responded with a grin I didn’t actually feel.

I stuck my card key in the lock and opened the door when it clicked.

“Hey, Chet,” Finn said, stopping me from entering my room.


“Whatever it is, I’m here, man.”

My throat closed as sadness swooped over me. I couldn’t respond; my words wouldn’t move past the lump lodged in my throat. Instead, I nodded and went into my room, closing the door behind me.

Sleep didn’t come, even though I’d taken enough meds to put down two men. The ceiling loomed above me; sometimes looking like it was lowering, ready to suffocate me.

Thoughts of Hope lingered, and when I closed my eyes, her memories brought a sense of relief and calm. I could hear her laughter from earlier in the night, and I set it on replay in my memory. The moans she made when I entered her, the look in her eyes when she came.

If lying there thinking about her brought me relief, then what would the actual act do?

I sat up; my head feeling as if I’d slammed it against a wall as the blood rushed out. The room spun around me, and I didn’t know if it was the migraine or the pills that were the cause. 

It was three in the morning, and we would be getting on the bus and heading to New Orleans at seven, but I needed to see her. I didn’t like feeling so needy when it came to seeing a woman, but fuck it. Whatever gave me relief … and Hope did exactly that.

When I was focusing on her and giving her pleasure, I wasn’t thinking about dying or the pain that came with it. So I’d go to Hope, and I’d bury myself inside her. If I couldn’t get hard, I’d taste her, finger fuck her, whatever took my focus away from the pain and put it completely on her and making her feel good.

Sure, I’d said one time only, but I’d never been one to follow the rules. I was a rebel, and everyone who knew me knew that. But when it came to Hope and the way she made me feel, I’d break every fucking rule in the book and then some. 


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