Haven (40 page)

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Authors: Celia Breslin

BOOK: Haven
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Next up, Adrian
. He answered on the first ring.

“Hey, babe.”


“Okay spill it. What’s wrong now?” Adrian demanded, tone sharp.

My brow furrowed. “How do you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Know there’s something wrong when I haven’t said more than hello. You’re no psychic.”

He snorted. “No, but I know you. Every inch of you, remember? I’ve got your number.”

“I suppose.” I caught my reflection in the oval mirror above the vanity. My dark hair was a disheveled mess, face extra pale and creamy, lips extra full and red. I understood the crazy bed-head hair, but the latter two—was I changing? Was my inner vampire leaking out all over me? What next, pointy teeth? I opened my mouth to check my canines. No fangs. Yet.

“Besides, Jonas is here.”

“Wow, that was fast, and, wait. He actually
told you what happened at Alexander’s?” Surprising that Jonas would share that.

“Not in the detail I’m sure you’re picturing in your head right this minute. I believe his exact words were, ‘We tested Carina. She survived.’”

I grimaced at my reflection. “Of course he said that.”

“Anyway,” Adrian prompted.

“Anyway,” I echoed. “I guess I don’t know why I called. Well, Tony is AWOL and Faith is still with Brigid and that can’t be fun for her, but I’m sure they’re both ok. Maybe I just wanted to hear your voice. Or something.”
Okay, lame.
But Adrian didn’t mind.

“Aw, how sweet,” he mocked.

“Shut up.”

“Sorry, couldn’t resist. You coming to Sanguine tonight?”

I ran my free hand through my tangled hair. “Yes. I think that’s the reason they’re leaving us alone for a few hours.”


My lips curled upward. “Do I need to fill in that blank?”

“Nah, just pushing your buttons.”

I abandoned my attempt to tame my tresses. “Oh, please don’t. I’ve had way too much of that already today. And I have new and dangerous buttons too. Trust me, you don’t want to push those.”

“You’ll be okay, babe.”

My reflection sobered. Serious dark eyes stared back at me. “You’ve been saying that a lot lately.”

“Because it’s true.”

I sniffed. “How can you be so sure?”

“I know you. You’re part cat.”

“No, part vampire,” I corrected.

“You know what I mean. Shit happens and you land on your feet. You always have. You will this time, too.”

“Yeah, but—”

“See? This is why you called me. To tell those little doubting voices in your head to shut the fuck up. So shut up already.”

“I don’t think that’s why I called,” I mumbled. But he was right. I’d called on reflex without an agenda. Of course it was for a pep talk.

Adrian chuckled. “Right. So, I’ll see you and Alex later?”

“Uh, yeah, I guess.”

“Okay, later ba—”

“No, wait!” I interrupted. “Don’t let Jonas drink too much tonight, okay? I didn’t like seeing you half dead in a chair the other night in Heaven.

“Oh, that’s rich coming from you, after Alex almost drained you dry.”

I ran my fingers over the bite marks on my neck, last night’s wounds now healed pink flesh, the newer set fresh, but healing as I watched. Trippy. “You’re exaggerating.”

He snorted. “Barely.”

“But point taken, so humor me, okay?”

“I can handle it, Rina. This isn’t my first or even second or third time around the vampire block.”

I tilted my head. “You’ve known about the vampires for a long time, longer than your relationship with Jonas. And I don’t mean just my vampire family and their crew. I mean all of the monsters.”

“You see a lot of weird shit when you’re a party promoter,” he confirmed.

“You never told me.”

“You don’t talk about it, babe. Not good for business or your health.”

Hard to argue with him, there.

“Are we done?” Adrian continued. “Go play with your new boy toy, already.”

My eyes widened and heat flooded my face. “Don’t call him that.”

“Right, sorry. I meant your husband.”

“Stop.” If my face got any hotter it would burst into flames.

Adrian laughed. “Can’t help it, you’re too easy.”

“Fine. Hanging up now.” I tried to sound pouty.

“I love you, too, Rina.” He rang off.

I pocketed the phone and turned on the faucet, splashing cold water on my tomato face. I intended to remain in this bathroom until every speck of pink faded from my skin.

A soft knock on the door made me jump. “Carina?” Alexander called through the door.

His presence upstairs suggested we were finally alone. Stella lurked somewhere, but my lethal shadow would stay invisible unless things went critical. Hopefully, they wouldn’t. Then again
was my new middle name.

I ran my fingers through my hair again, and adjusted the huge shirt I wore. I was like the awkward, post-coital teenager in her boyfriend’s shirt. Shy, embarrassed, worried, excited. Primarily
excited. The memory of last night washed over me. Alexander’s mouth on my breasts, his thumb teasing me, fingers sliding in and out. I gripped the vanity, my body shivering from an echo of last night’s orgasms. Then our most recent interaction crashed into me. Alexander at my neck, hips grinding into my most sensitive parts.

My breath left me in a rush. I bent over the sink, body trembling. Lust for sex—and blood and violence—rode me hard. Hot, hungry power stirred in my gut.

Crap. No control. Must calm down, think of something else. Think calm, boring thoughts.

Calm. Boring. Thoughts

I was quiet for too long.

“I’m coming in.” Alexander strode into the room, took one look at my face and pulled me into his arms. “It’s all right, Carina.”

My body stopped shaking and the storm inside me calmed at his touch. Relieved, I wound my arms around him, slipping my hands under his shirt. “You’re so warm.”

“Happens when we’re well-fed.”

“You’re breathing.”


“Your heart is beating.”


“Can you stop it?”


“Don’t.” I liked the beat of his heart, the rise and fall of his chest. I snuggled closer. My stomach growled.

Alexander smoothed a hand up and down my spine. “When did you last eat?”

“I’ve had an ocean’s worth of blood since I came to your house. Does that count?”

“No, I mean food. You’re human. You still need to eat.”

“Right. Then it was breakfast, at Adrian’s, early afternoon.”

“That was several hours ago. C’mon.” He led me out of the bathroom.

“Where are we going?”


“But where?”

“How about Banzai?”

I halted in the middle of the bedroom. I loved sushi, and Banzai was my haunt, but, “Are you serious?”

He released my hand. “Sure.”

“Can you eat?” I had no memories of vampires eating actual food.

“No. Well, I could, but I shouldn’t. It’s not very pleasant.”

Interesting. “Can you drink? Alcohol, I mean.” Only memories of blood drinking came to mind.

His lips curved upward. “Yes.”


“Sure, let’s go get some sake and sushi.”

“Okay, but I should change.” I glanced around the room. “Where’s my shirt?” I vaguely recalled it flying over my head during our bed antics. Another flood of color painted my face.

Alexander’s gaze wandered over my body, possessive. “I like you in my shirt.”

Arousal rocked me at his words and sizzling stare. I moved into him almost vampire quick and it startled him. “Carina, what—?”

“Shut up and kiss me.” I grabbed his head and pulled his mouth to mine.

Our lips met for a slow, gentle kiss. I’d expected an explosion, two comets colliding, painful power fireworks, not this careful, thoughtful exploration. Maybe he was right. Maybe he could handle it, me, us. Maybe with his help, we’d keep my feral side boxed up tight and be two normal people enjoying the hell out of each other.

He nipped my lower lip. “What are you thinking?”

“This is nice.” I curled my fingers in his hair, pulling gently.

“Yeah.” His hand slid under my shirt and cupped my breast, thumb grazing the nipple through my bra. The bud hardened under his touch and he chuckled, a confident, male sound, the sound of possession.
She’s mine
, it said.

And you’re mine
. I settled one hand on his hard ass, the other slipping between our hips seeking my prize. His breath caught in his throat, his hard length pressing against my hand. But there was too much denim in my way. I went for the zipper.

“We should stop.” He grabbed my hand, expression pained. He wanted me, but fought it.

“No.” My eyes locked with his, demanding.
Don’t fight me. I want this, want you.

“Stella is here.” He put some space between our bodies and grasped my hands, threading our fingers, palms touching. The air between us pulsed and crackled.

“I don’t want to stop.” I was wet, ready. Need pushed me through the magnetic, energized air until my breasts rubbed his chest and my hips ground into his erection.

We both groaned at the contact.

“I don’t want to, either, but...” His hands tightened around mine. I was getting to him, but he remained too controlled, such a good vampire. Forget good. I wanted naughty all over the big bed behind us.

“Then don’t.” I shoved him onto the bed and straddled him before he could even blink. Awesome. New and improved strength and speed—handy. I pushed his arms into the bed on either side of his head and leaned down for a kiss.

His lips parted, eyelids at half-mast. I had him. I’d won.

My stomach growled.

Amusement crept across his face. I giggled like a silly schoolgirl and buried mine in his shoulder. Gee, body, way to shatter the lusty mood. Still, it was funny.

Alexander hugged me. “Hungry?”

I laughed and nuzzled his neck. “Apparently so.”

He rolled us over and pinned me to the bed. I squealed with delight. We grinned at each other like two goofy teenagers. It was an innocent, comfortable, happy moment, but something passed through his eyes, his joyous expression replaced by a thoughtful one mixed with tenderness and a healthy dash of disbelief. He gazed at me like I was the most precious thing on the planet and he couldn’t believe this was real and I was his. I felt the same way and was sure my expression mirrored his.

It hit me then.

We. Are. Married.

My mouth dried as the concept sunk its sharp teeth right into the meat of me.

Holy crap. We were
freaking married
, bound not by some piece of flimsy paper but by blood. And blood is forever. You can’t get a divorce from it. No court of human law, no piece of paper could ever dissolve what we had done with our blood, with our power, with the very essence of who we are. This was it. Done deal. No pause. No do-over. No way back. I’d said as much to my friends about their choices. Now it hit me how true those words were for the two of us.

Exhilaration and terror roared through me.

Alexander donned his expert blank face and observed the emotional show on my expressive one. Under that mask I knew he felt it, too, the enormity of what we’d done, what we were doing, what we could never undo.

He reached into one of the shopping bags near the bed and pulled out my red T-shirt. “Dinner date?”

I nodded. “Okay.” Yeah, let’s ignore the ginormous eternal love elephant in the room. Good call.

Alexander rolled off me and sat up in one quick, agile move. I took the shirt from him and slipped it over my head, averting my eyes while he stared a hole in the side of my face. I pulled my new jacket from its shopping bag. A small white box came out with it, landing on the bed.

Oh, I’d forgotten about that. I plucked it up and handed it to Alexander. “This is for you. It’s from Naoki’s on Haight.” Sudden shyness made my cheeks heat up. “He’s a friend of mine from university. He does women’s clothing and accessories, but he has a small line of cool men’s stuff, too.”

Alexander opened the box, but didn’t touch the bracelet.

“It’s white gold.” I fished it out, draping it around his wrist. My hands fumbled with the clasp. Nerves.

Alexander helped me close it then leaned in for a sweet, soft kiss. “Thank you.”

“Thank you for the flowers.”

“You’re welcome.” He cupped my face and kissed my forehead, the tip of my nose, my lips. Yum. The urge to run away screaming in a girlie what-have-I-done panic faded.

After a delicious eternity, he pulled back with a shaky laugh. “If we keep this up, we’ll never get out of here.”

I batted my lashes at him. “What’s your point?”

He sobered. “You need to eat. Then we should talk.”



Stella drove us down the hill. Alexander and I rode in back, holding hands and staring out our respective windows, neither of us inclined to talk. Good thing, since I didn’t know what to say.

I like you a lot? I’m cool we shared blood and bound ourselves together for all eternity?

I tried to convince myself everything was fine. I’m a cat, Adrian said, able to land on my feet no matter what. It didn’t matter I’m only twenty-five, half human, half vampire, evil’s current favorite target, and newly bonded-slash-married to a hot, undead guy I’d just met. It would all work out.

The Mercedes swerved quickly around a corner, throwing me against my seat, tightening my seat belt. “Stella,” I complained.

The car came to an abrupt stop in front of Banzai on Irving Street. The restaurant occupied the bottom floor of a nondescript, two-story brown building. From the unassuming exterior, one would never guess the city’s best sushi awaited us inside, but it did—the sizeable crowd waiting outside a testament to that fact.

Stella switched off the engine. “I will wait here.”

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