Haven 1: How to Save a Life (19 page)

BOOK: Haven 1: How to Save a Life
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Hey, honey, it’s your mom. Sondra came to visit yesterday. She said you told her you didn’t want to get back together. Why would

Kevin smacked the machine off. “Sorry it’s such a mess in here.” He finally faced him. “I work a lot.”

Walter pointed to the couch. “You sleep here?”

“Sometimes.” Kevin pulled out his phone and scrolled, read, and scrolled more. He went into the kitchen and returned with two beers in one hand, his phone still in the other. He held out the beers. Walter accepted one, and Kevin kept on checking his phone, guzzling the beer.

“Tell me something.”

“Yeah.” Kevin gulped down another long swallow.

“Sondra was your girlfriend, right? Did she ever come here?”


Walter picked up a plate from the arm of the couch with what looked like a dried, half-eaten Twinkie stuck to the plate’s surface. He flipped the plate over, and the Twinkie didn’t budge. “Did she spend the night?”

“Of course.”

He set the plate down. “Was she a blow-up doll? Because I’m pretty sure guys who live like this don’t get laid much by real women.”

A laugh surged out of Kevin. “Who said I got laid a lot, or that I wanted to? She was a woman.”


Kevin rolled his eyes. “I’m gay.”

“You’re getting good at saying that.”

“Yeah.” He laughed more, and that had Walter laughing with him. The release of tension felt good, and the smile looked good on Kevin, especially after the night they’d just had.

Walter stepped closer to Kevin slowly, waiting for his own mind to catch up and tell him to back off. He kept moving until they almost touched. He reached for Kevin and ran an open palm along his cheek, then forced Kevin’s head up. “He’s coming for you next.”

“It was just one look. With that hat and the way he kept away from the cameras, we couldn’t even see what he looked like.”

“Doesn’t matter.” Walter let go of Kevin and set the beer down. He moved around the apartment, checking the place over, tension building again in his gut, his shoulders, his back, everywhere. He examined the lock on the apartment door, the window in the living room that had a view of the street, and the one in the bathroom down the hall, letting his instincts take over and push everything else aside.

When he’d had a good look, he found Kevin watching him, his arms folded over his chest, the beer still clutched in his right hand. “Happy?”

Walter pointed to the door. “That lock sucks.”

“I’ll tell the building manager.” Kevin’s posture relaxed. Somewhat. “I’ll be fine here.”

Which one of them was he trying to convince? Walter jabbed a finger in his direction. “You are not to set one foot inside the club alone.”

Kevin slowly set the beer on the edge of the desk and walked to him, a half smile on his lips. “You’re worried about me?”

The frustration slammed into Walter, stronger than when he’d seen that guy focused on Kevin on the video feed. He didn’t hesitate. He advanced and backed Kevin to the wall beside the desk, his palms smacking the surface on each side of Kevin’s shoulders. “Don’t tease. Not about this.”

Kevin searched his eyes. “Okay.”

Walter wanted to ask for reassurances Kevin would be careful. He couldn’t get the words out. He didn’t give too much thought to his actions, something he hadn’t done in a long time. He bent forward and took Kevin’s mouth in a fierce kiss.

Then another. And another. Kevin wrapped his arms around him and didn’t back down. Walter pressed in closer, pinning him to the wall.

That drew out a whimper from Kevin. He threw his head back, rocking his body against him. “Oh God.”

So much for pushing everything aside.

Kevin was so full of life and energy and passion. There was no resisting him.

Walter wanted to get their clothes off and sink into Kevin’s mouth, his ass, his every touch. A part of him also wanted to take things slowly, to savor each moment and really feel Kevin like he hadn’t had a chance to do yet.

Their gazes locked. Kevin said, “I’m going to be fine.”

“I know you are.” Walter raised Kevin’s hands over his head and held them to the wall. “Because I’m not taking my eyes off you.” He explored Kevin’s neck with lips and tongue.

“I want to…” Kevin squirmed against him.

“You want to what?”

“I want…” He laughed, the sound of it tense and shaky with need. “Let go of my arms, and you’ll find out.”

“Maybe I like you restrained like this.” Walter gave a long suck to the skin below Kevin’s ear. “I could have my way with you. Do anything I want. Touch you anywhere.”

“You can do that no matter what. You can have me however you want me.”

God, that sounded good. Walter let go of Kevin’s arms, tilted his head back, and kissed him again.

Without so much as loosening Walter’s belt, Kevin slid a hand inside the front of his jeans and cupped his cock through the underwear.

That one touch drove Walter crazy, reminded him Kevin was there with him. Right in that moment, he was safe in Walter’s arms, Kevin’s surprisingly confident hand stroking Walter.

“You’re getting bold.” Cupping the back of Kevin’s head, Walter brought him forward and spoke in his ear. “You still want to suck me?” He didn’t wait for an answer. He spun them around until his back was against the wall. He held his arms out wide. “There’s nothing stopping you this time.”

There was a slight hesitation before Kevin smiled and got on his knees. He reached for Walter’s belt, so fast Walter’s head spun, heat and anticipation rushing through him. It had been so long. So very long.

Then Kevin froze, gripping an end of the open belt in each hand.

For a moment Walter had forgotten how new Kevin was to all this.

Neither of them moved, and the awkward silence stretched on.

“It’s okay.” He ran a thumb over Kevin’s cheek. “When you’re ready.”

Kevin just sat there, staring at his hands still clutching Walter’s belt, his knuckles turning white with the grasp.

“Hey, come here.” Walter pulled him up. “You okay?”

“Yeah.” Kevin shook his head. “It’s…it’s nothing.” He smoothed the shirt covering Walter’s chest with his palms. “This…” He gestured between them. “This isn’t a casual thing for me. This is…” He looked away. “This is something, isn’t it?”

There Kevin went again, talking too much. But Walter wouldn’t lie. Not about this.

“Yeah, I think it is.”

A smile turned up the corners of Kevin’s mouth as he leaned in. Their lips met again. Kevin clutched at Walter’s shirt, dragged him forward with a leg wrapped around him, his heel digging into Walter’s calf. The kiss deepened, and Kevin thrust his hips against Walter. He wouldn’t be standing much longer. Neither of them would.

Walter asked, “If I get us on that couch, will anything jump out at us?”

“No.” Kevin laughed. “Here. I do have a bed.” He tugged Walter down the hall to the bedroom. Surprisingly the bed was made, the room free of clutter, the dresser drawers all neatly closed, and the closet doors pulled shut. Perhaps Kevin never spent much time in the bedroom.

Maybe he had been living the same way Walter had—merely surviving for years.

This isn’t a casual thing for me.

They were in each other’s arms again. The intensity and passion—the desperate need to feel each other—was a living thing passing between them.

Walter lowered Kevin to the bed, not wanting to let the man’s body get too far away from his own.

Kevin frantically yanked on Walter’s clothes. “I want to touch you. Everywhere.” He grasped and pulled until Walter’s shirt tore open. The buttons popped off and smacked into the headboard, the nightstand.

“Uh-oh.” Kevin laughed.

Walter couldn’t help himself. He laughed along with him. Then he gripped Kevin’s hand and brought it to the front of his own jeans. “Be careful with the zipper.”

“Hell yeah. You’ve got precious cargo in there.” Kevin stared at him as he slowly lowered the zipper and slipped a hand inside to get to Walter’s cock. He stroked the hard length as Walter held himself over him.

Kevin dropped his head to the bed and kept his hand moving. He clutched Walter’s ass with his free hand. “Oh God. This feels so good.”

“You do know it’s my dick you’re jerking off, right? Not your own.” Walter laughed again, and Kevin’s hand worked faster.
. He was close already. “Wait.” He stilled Kevin. “I want us naked this time.” Reluctantly Walter rolled off him and stood beside the bed. He grasped the top of his jeans.

Kevin hadn’t moved. He was leaning on his elbows, staring up at Walter. That wide-eyed, innocent look was back and more pronounced than ever. It transformed into a more hesitant, nervous one.

“Get undressed, Kevin.”

“Okay.” He still didn’t move. “Can I undress you?”

So maybe not nerves.

Walter let go of his jeans. “Please do.”

In a sexy slither that trumped the innocence, Kevin got on his hands and knees and crawled across the bed. At the edge he sank back on his heels. “Will you undress me?”

“You know, you’re killing me here.”

“What?” Kevin’s expression fell to a more tentative one. “Am I saying all the wrong things?”

“Hardly.” Walter slid Kevin’s shirt out of his pants. “You’re saying the best things.” He opened a button, then another, and another. He parted the fabric. Kevin followed suit with Walter’s shirt, except all the buttons were long gone. The fabric brushed Walter’s abs as Kevin moved the shirt to one side, then the other. Without a hint of hesitation, Kevin bent forward and explored a nipple with his lips. He swept his mouth down Walter’s body to his stomach and back up. He didn’t kiss. Didn’t use his tongue. It was as if Kevin took in the scent of him, the feel of every inch of his flesh with his cheek and lips, all the while shoving Walter’s pants lower. Walter wasn’t sure he’d ever been savored quite like that.

Then Kevin worked his mouth farther up Walter’s body to his collarbone, his jaw, his lips.

Walter kicked his pants, shoes, and socks off.

The movement had Kevin pulling back. “Oh God, you wear fucking sexy underwear.”

Walter glanced down. Nothing fancy. His usual white briefs. He removed them and shrugged off his shirt. “You’re cursing again.”

Kevin licked his lips, his gaze locked on Walter’s naked body. “I’m definitely frustrated.”

“No worries. We’re about to take care of that.”


FOR THE FIRST time in his life, Kevin completely let go. Of every fear. Every doubt. And most importantly, of that one promise he’d made years ago.

Sitting back on his heels, he took in the sight of Walter standing naked before him—at every beautiful inch of the bare flesh. The flushed, hard cock demonstrated just how turned on Walter was from their kisses—and from the thought of what they were about to do.

This wasn’t some online porn Kevin had paid for. This wasn’t a stolen glance in the locker room at the gym. This was Walter, and it was more real than anything Kevin had done in his life. He couldn’t wait to feel the press of their bodies together.

He sat up and started on his own jeans. He got them past his hips, Walter watching his every move, and only then did Kevin realize he’d have to get off his knees to finish undressing.

He swung his legs around and tugged on the jeans until they were at his ankles. He returned to his knees and wiggled his feet to get the last bit of fabric off. His right foot got stuck in the pant leg, then the left, and he pitched forward over the edge of the bed.

Walter caught him before his face smacked into the floor.

Kevin rolled his eyes. Could he be any more of a dork? “That was smooth.” He held on to Walter’s forearms as Walter helped him back up to the edge of the bed.

Then Walter worked Kevin’s jeans off the rest of the way for him. He dropped the jeans to the floor and stood at the edge of the bed, his total focus on Kevin. “You
smooth.” He wasn’t laughing or smirking. He held the stare between them. “The way you touch me, the way you hold nothing back, it’s the most erotic thing I’ve ever experienced.” Walter lowered his gaze down Kevin’s body. Then a smirk made an appearance. He laughed and lunged for Kevin, pushing him onto his back in the middle of the bed. “My God, you’re adorable.”

“I am not.” Was this about his stupid deer eyes?

“Trust me.” Walter ran a hand down Kevin’s side and, with a quick jerk, snapped the waistband of his underwear. “Your boxers have superheroes on them.”

“What?” Kevin looked down between them. Yep, there they were, staring back at him. Captain America, the Incredible Hulk, and Iron Man.

Oh God
. What the hell had he been thinking? They’d seemed like perfectly normal underwear when he’d gotten dressed that morning. Of course, they were also one of the pairs his mom had given him last Christmas, which should’ve been his first clue they weren’t anything close to sexy. What almost-thirty-year-olds got underwear from their moms? No matter how much she knew he’d liked those comics as a kid, it was a ridiculous gift for a grown man.

Walter had ahold of the boxer’s again. Slowly he slid them over Kevin’s erection, down his hips, and along his thighs. The sweep of cotton sent the hairs on Kevin’s legs standing up on end.

Walter swung off the bed and dangled the boxers in the air. Captain America—with his red, white, and blue shield—stared back at Kevin.

“These,” Walter said, “are not exactly what I expected.”

Of course not. Who would?

Walter tossed the underwear over his shoulder and slunk forward, crawling onto the bed and up Kevin’s body again. “But they’re so much better than what I pictured.”

What had he imagined? And how much thought had he given to Kevin’s underwear?

Kevin didn’t have time to ask—which of course he would have if there had been time, since he couldn’t ever keep his mouth shut around Walter.

This time, though, the wet heat of Walter’s mouth on the head of his cock had every word, every thought gone—completely and utterly lost to the pleasure of that moist suction.

Then that suction went lower and lower, to the base of his dick.

Kevin spread his legs wider and gripped the back of Walter’s head. He needed to touch him, to feel more than Walter’s mouth—something to ground him, or he’d fly apart and come much too quickly.

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