Have I Told You (13 page)

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Authors: F. L. Jacob

BOOK: Have I Told You
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Our breaths were hot and heavy, our skin slick with sweat as we came down off of our high. God, I needed that. I needed him. “Thank you,” I sighed into his neck.

He let a laugh escape him. “For what?”

I laughed. He slowly let himself fall from me. I unwrapped my legs from his waist. He set me down, and Caston’s mouth found mine again, and he gave me a slow sensual kiss. “I should be thanking you. You’re giving me a second chance. You have no idea what that means to me.”


“Yes,” he said.

“I need to get to class. As much as I’d rather stay with you for a repeat performance, Professor Lee is happy right now, and I need to stay out of trouble.”

“I wouldn’t worry about Professor Lee. She knows you’re fabulous.” He gave me a peck and smacked my ass, as I walked past him to clean up.

“Will you wait for me?”


As promised, Caston was waiting for me outside of class. Sitting there on his phone, he looked like he fit in with the rest of the students. No one knew they were sitting next to the owner of multiple companies, with millions of dollars. I smiled with pride, knowing he was now mine. I walked up to him, with my shoes hanging over my shoulder. Once he saw my legs in front of him he looked up at me with hooded eyes. I could tell what he wanted, and I wanted him too, but not here. His hands grabbed my legs and pulled me onto his lap. I giggled, and he caught my mouth with his. Professor Lee cleared her throat when she walked out of the room. He quickly set me on my feet, and I ducked my face to hide my blush. He stood up next to me, kissed the top of my head, and turned me off toward the locker rooms. I peeked over my shoulder and saw Professor Lee and Caston talking. Then Caston placed his hand on Professor Lee’s lower back and led her to her office. I froze in my tracks. What could they be talking about?

I walked out of the locker room a little later. Caston was standing in the empty waiting area alone with his hands in his pockets. Upon seeing me he held out his hand and said, “Let’s go home, Bre. We’ll stop by Beth’s house, so you can get your bag.” He pulled my hand up to his lips and I curled into the side of him as we walked out into the parking lot.

Should I move back in with him right away? Beth said I could stay with her as long as I needed. I felt conflicted.

“Bre, what’s on your mind?”

I took a deep breath and spoke the truth. Promising myself I was going to be more confident I started with, “I’m not sure I want to move back in right away. I mean Cass do you think we are going to fast?”

He stopped walking and turned me to face him. I met his eyes, and he leaned down to place a chaste kiss on my lips. “Bre, I really want you to come home with me. I sleep so much better when you are in my arms. Last week was hell for me. I’ve never been in this situation before, but I love it. I know you are what I need to make my life whole. Please, move back in with me.”

My heart sped up he was so sincere. I felt warmth spread through my body at his words, and I knew in my heart what I wanted. I wanted him. He’s warm. Sincere. He’s never pressured me. He is interested in me for me. He makes me feel safe, which I haven’t felt since I lost my parents. Most importantly, his presence is calming to me.

Smiling I whisper, “I’ll think about it.”

“Okay, Bre. That’s all I can ask for.”

I linked my arm with his, and we continued on to the car in silence. When we reached the car Caston opened the door for me. I smiled and climbed into the SUV.

When he took his seat next to me I asked, “Caston, what were you talking to my professor about?” I knew it was none of my business but I had to know.

“Bre, I’m the main contributor to the arts for State. I wanted to make sure the department had everything it needed. In fact,” he said looking over to me, “there were some things lacking, so I will be upping my contribution next Monday. Professor Lee almost fell out of her chair when I told her that.” He laughed. It was heartwarming to hear him laugh.

“Nothing about me?”

A sly smile crept up on his face. “I might have mentioned that you’re very special to me, and that should you want any extras to let me know and I would take care of everything.” His face was serious now, “I want you to have the best of everything, Sabrina. I want you to do what you love, like I do.”

“So you’re the reason she took me back into the program with no questions asked?”

I saw him swallow hard, “I might have done a little persuading in that direction.”

I nodded. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. “I appreciate it Cass, but next time please let me plead my own case.” I turned around to look out the passenger side window. I’ve never been taken care of like this. It would definitely take some getting used to.



We pulled up in front of Beth’s apartment. Caston parked, got out, and walked over to my door to help me out. He slipped me a warm kiss, as I stood next to him.

“I’m sorry I didn’t talk to you before I talked to Professor Lee. I just wanted to make sure you can graduate. Forgive me?”

Even though he overstepped, I couldn’t stay upset with him when he was only looking out for my best interest. “I forgive you, just please talk to be next time.”

Smiling, I took his hand and led him to the apartment. I wanted to introduce him to Beth. After thinking about what he had done and how he had saved me, in more ways than one, I had decided on the way over I was going to go back to his house, but I hadn’t told him yet.

Letting myself in with the key Beth had lent me, I could hear her singing in the kitchen. “Beth, we’re here. I’m just going to get…”

“Bre! Thank goodness you’re here. I…” Beth ran out of the kitchen and stopped dead in her tracks. Upon seeing Caston holding my hand, she dropped the bowl full of cookie dough she was holding.

Caston let out the biggest laugh, as I rushed to help Beth collect the broken bowl. “My God, Sabrina, you have to call me and warn me that a sex god is coming over. I would have looked presentable. You know in a garter belt and stockings, or something,” Beth whispered, not so quietly, to me. “What the hell happened? I thought it was over between you guys?”

I stopped what I was doing, gaping at her in shock. She wasn’t even helping me with the clean-up. She just sat on the ground drooling. “Earth to Beth.” I said, knocking her over, as I stood up.

Caston was by my side, again. He had grabbed a towel from the kitchen and started wiping up the mess. “She couldn’t have called you.” Caston stated to Beth.

I looked over to him with confusion written all over my face. I tensed up at him answering for me like Mark had in the past. “And why is that, sir?”

Beth just giggled. I shot her a nasty look that made her suck her lips in to stifle her laugh. “Because, my dear,” Caston said, as he took the broken pieces of bowl from my hands looking me in the eyes, “I assume you never opened the box I had delivered this morning, because you do not have a phone on you. I actually tried to have that package delivered every day for a week, but that’s beside the point. So you don’t have your new phone on you, do you, now?”

He had me there, and I had no comeback, so I flashed him my sassy smile instead. He kissed my forehead, knowing he had won, and Beth sighed. It felt good to be wanted, for a change. When he walked into the kitchen and out of our line of sight, I could see Beth snap back to reality. She was fluffing her hair and plumping up her breasts. She even pulled up her skirt, so it was shorter. “Really?” I questioned.

“What?” Beth spat out.

Rolling my eyes at her I said, “Primping, so you can look good for my…” My what…boyfriend?

“Sabrina, I need to look good. That is
Caston Black. Maybe he has a brother, or possibly that hot body guard, he can hook me up with?”

“Beth, he’s just a man.” I sighed, thinking about how wonderful he really was. “And what about Broc, have you made up with him, yet, or are you still split up?”

“No Broc and I are still split up. He hasn’t come to his senses. So hook a sister up.”

My eyes went wide as saucers.

“Oh, Bre, don’t be so selfish…”

I shook my head at her, as I turned to walk down the hall to the bedroom I was staying in.

She was a piece of work. I quickly gathered my bag, iPad, and small box, which I now knew held my new phone. Walking back out into the living room, I could see Beth sitting on the couch, bending over to show her cleavage off to Caston. I scrunched my eyes closed, wishing she would, for once, not try to flaunt her body.

“Caston, are you ready?” I asked semi quietly when I reached the couch. Thankful Beth’s over abundant cleavage didn’t seem to draw his eye.

He stood up, and ever the gentleman, he collected the bag I was holding. He smiled at me, questioning my decision. My answer was the big smile split my face in two. He picked me up in his strong arms and kissed me. When we parted, he whispered in my ear “Thank you for trusting me enough to come home with me.”

Beth sighed. He looked back over to her. “Thank you for taking Bre in last week. It was nice to meet you.” He set me down and shook her hand before we turned to head for the front door.

Smiling at Beth, I mouthed,
I’ll call you later
. I winked and bounced off to catch up to Caston.

Back at the Jeep he helped me in my seat and put my bag in the very back of the vehicle. I waved at Beth in the doorway, as we pulled out.

“Thank you,” I said to Caston when he pulled out onto the road.

“For what, dear?”

“For not ogling Beth. She can be a bit much at times, but I love her like a sister.”

He grabbed my hand and kissed it, “Honey, remember what I do? Beth was tame.”

He set my hand on his thigh and returned his hands to the steering wheel. Feeling very brazen, I decided to move my hand up his leg. Coming into contact with his hardening length, I tightened my grip. His breath caught in the back of his throat and he stretched his neck. I unzipped his pants and slid my hand in, touching him skin to skin. Pulling him free, I slowly scooted over to take him in my mouth. The groan he let out was magnificent, and made me take him to the back of my throat. Working my tongue up and down I could taste his salty precum, I sucked harder. I wanted to taste more.

Suddenly, he pulled the car into the back of a gas station. I moved my mouth faster, and he growled, as his fingers tangled in my hair. The pleasure I was giving him made me smile around his cock.

“Bre, stop.”

Not wanting to stop, I kept going. He pulled me up by my hair, and I winced, raising to relieve the pressure. A gush of wetness hit my panties. The thrill and pain of it excited me. He engulfed my mouth so intensely it took my breath away. His hands were all over my body, kneading my breasts, and gripping my ass. He quickly reached into his pocket and removed the condom to cover his cock, as I pulled my shorts down. Turning to look at me, the heat in his eyes made me moan. He leaned over the middle console, snaked his arm around my waist, and pulled me toward him, making me straddle his lap. Pushing my thong to the side, he plunged into my wetness, making me scream out in ecstasy. The feeling was overwhelming. He grabbed my arms and pinned my wrists together behind my back with one hand. I felt so helpless, but on fire. I could not believe we were doing this in broad daylight. The thrill of possibly getting caught had me worried. His mouth found my neck, and all thoughts and reservations left my head. My attention returned back to the sensation of him moving slowly inside of me. I could feel myself building to my climax, and I struggled against the restraint of his hands, trying to get him to let me go. I needed to touch him and push his head into my breasts. I wanted to feel his hot mouth on my nipples. I ground my hips deeper onto his lap, moving them in circles. I felt his stomach muscles tense under my movement. Abruptly, he let my hands go and wrapped his arms around my waist, burying his head into my neck. I wrapped my arms around his head, pulling him into me.

Caston growled into my neck, “Sabrina, oh my God,” sending me over the edge. He followed right after me. We sat tangled in each other’s arms breathing heavily.

“Wow,” I huffed out between breaths.

“My God, you’re perfect.” Caston said, as he looked up into my eyes, moving the hair from my face.

“Take me home, Caston. I need you, again.” Our mouths crashed onto each other, not wanting this moment to end just yet.



I’m not sure how we made it home without crashing. My hands were all over him, and he had one hand between my legs stroking my wet folds during the entire drive. Pulling up to the front door, Caston slammed the car into park and jumped out. Running to my side, he flung the door open, and scooped me up to carry me inside. We were so lost in each other, we forgot to shut the door to the Jeep. His mouth was on mine the entire time as he carried me over the threshold. Kicking the house door closed behind him, he pushed me up onto the wall, until I was straddling him with my legs over his shoulders and my exposed sex in his face. I let out a quick scream of elation, as he flicked his tongue on my clit. Folding myself down over him, I hugged his head. He alternated between sucking my lips and plunging his tongue deep inside me. Lapping up my juices, his tongue was doing things I had never felt before. I felt his hands on my ass, holding me up, and with one last flick of his tongue I was a convulsing mess. Blacking out, I felt like I’d lost my mind and all my ability to make any sound. I never thought seeing stars from an orgasm was possible before tonight. He slowly eased up on his licking to bring me back down to earth.

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