Haunting Whispers (22 page)

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Authors: V. K. Powell

BOOK: Haunting Whispers
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“This is so…I can’t find the words.” Audrey gently stroked Rae’s breasts and licked each nipple, watching them pucker from her efforts. She cupped a breast, sucked it into her mouth, and kneaded the malleable flesh with her tongue. Rae’s moans of enjoyment made her wet, and she wanted more than life to please this woman. She prayed her lack of experience wouldn’t disappoint Rae.

Audrey kissed Rae’s taut abdomen and rested her cheek against its smooth surface. This was how a woman’s body should look and feel—an exquisite, unaltered, welcoming path. She raked her fingers through the short patch of hair between Rae’s legs, rewarded with a sharp intake of breath and the scent of arousal. She wrapped her arms around Rae’s waist and hugged her tight, unwilling to let go and unsure what to do when she did.

“I can’t stand much longer if you keep touching me,” Rae said.

Audrey reluctantly released Rae and looked around the cozy room filled with morning light. She suddenly felt terribly shy, inexperienced, and exposed. Her full breasts bulged from the skimpy lace bra and her nipples dimpled with excitement. Then she remembered the final skeleton in her closet, the one that hadn’t seemed at all important until this moment. It lay hidden beneath two layers of clothing and a film of self-consciousness.

She couldn’t tell Rae, afraid of rejection. This secret seemed even more personal than the others, more damning. It broadcast a failure of autonomy, of her very character. How did you come to grips with the inability to protect the soul’s sacred temple? Audrey hadn’t yet. “Would you mind closing the curtains?”

“I’ll do better than that.” Rae lowered a blackout blind over the window and pulled the curtains. The room was almost completely dark. “I want you to be comfortable.”

“Then kiss me.”

Rae knelt in front of where Audrey sat on the bed and gently separated Audrey’s knees with her hands. Her skin was hot as she slid between Audrey’s legs and brought them closer. Rae’s warm breath signaled their proximity seconds before their lips met.

Audrey drank in the cushiony softness as Rae traced her lips with the tip of her tongue. Heat swept through her and pooled between her legs. Teenage kissing had been all about animalistic desires, not this intimate physical urging. She opened to take Rae in, sliding and stroking her tongue against Rae’s, savoring the promise of it.

Rae released the clasp of Audrey’s bra and cupped her breasts in her palms. Audrey concentrated on the touch. She wanted to isolate and memorize the coarse feel of Rae’s thumb as she dragged it across her nipple. The sensation spread from the point of contact, twirled to the base of her breast, and spiraled down her abdomen. Several hands seemed to massage and manipulate her at once. She moaned and gasped for breath, the intensity almost unbearable.

When Rae slid her fingers into the waistband of Audrey’s sweats and inched them down, she didn’t object. She hoped it was dark enough. Audrey felt only need, deep and demanding. Skin smoothed against skin, cool at first, then hot and damp as Rae eased her back onto the bed and settled on top of her. Their next kiss liquefied her insides. Unable to capture a full breath, Audrey pulled back. She wanted the visual of Rae Butler wedged between
legs, head resting between
breasts, face flushed with desire, desire for

Audrey felt Rae’s slick arousal against her leg as she shifted sideways and rubbed herself along her length. She wanted to dip her fingers into the depths of her, but was too mesmerized by Rae’s hands on her flesh. Rae teased Audrey’s breasts, flicked her nipples playfully, and gently caressed her sides before reaching lower. Rae feathered light touches around Audrey’s thighs, darted closer to her sex, swept across her stomach, then suddenly stopped.

Chapter Thirteen

“Oh my God,” Rae whispered.

She had slid her fingers over the irregular raised scar on Audrey’s abdomen and had spoken without realizing it.

Audrey immediately interpreted her words as rejection. Sliding out of her embrace, she drew her knees to her chest like a frightened child. Even in the dim light of the room, Rae could see the pained expression on her face.

“It’s hideous,” Audrey said. “The doctor wasn’t exactly a reconstructive surgeon. I paid him for his silence, not his expertise. It’s a bit like a jigsaw puzzle, isn’t it?”

“Please don’t do that.” Audrey’s attempt at humor was more telling than her tormented body language.

“Do what?”

“Try to make light of this. Audrey, I—”

“You don’t have to explain, and you certainly don’t have to touch me again.”

Rae scooted gently toward her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t expect it.” She raked her fingers through Audrey’s hair and looked her in the eye. “I very much want to touch you again. You’re a beautiful woman and nothing he did can change that. If anything, I want you more. Please believe me.”

People responded to traumatic events differently. They even remembered things inconsistently from one conversation to the next. Rae had seen everything from hysterical laughter to complete emotional meltdowns. Audrey had obviously chosen to deny and suppress the details of her assault. The scarring most likely constantly reminded her of what she perceived as personal failure, an inability to protect herself. For someone as independent as Audrey, that would cut as deeply as the wound.

“Will you hold me for a minute?”

The despair in her tone ripped at Rae’s heart. She wished she’d been there for Audrey during those awful times. Apparently no one had been, or Audrey hadn’t allowed anyone in.

While Audrey rested against her chest in silence, Rae pieced together the details of her initial attack, becoming increasingly more uncomfortable. Should she share her suspicions about a connection in the cases? She cared too much to cause Audrey any more pain. She hugged Audrey tighter against her chest, trying to shelter her from the unknown.

“I can’t breathe.” Audrey placed her hand between Rae’s breasts and stretched back to look her in the eyes. “Are you sure you’re okay with this…?” She glanced down at her body. “I don’t want you here because of some sense of misplaced duty or pity.”

“Oh, Audrey, the last thing I feel for you is pity. You’re the most resilient, amazing woman I’ve ever met, not to mention sexy, desirable, gorgeous, hot—”

“Enough with the flattery. Kiss me before I change my mind.”

Rae claimed Audrey’s lips and again intense feelings flooded her system. She arched to meet Audrey’s stroking hands, hungry for her touch. Its delicacy reminded Rae of her confession, of her inexperience.

She slid down on the bed, taking Audrey with her until they lay facing each other. “Relax. You don’t have to do anything.” Audrey’s eyes shone with gratitude and desire that spoke to Rae’s deepest need. She’d been many things to women in bed, but never a teacher. The role excited her more than she could’ve imagined. Few people received the gift of innocence and virtue in an age of sexual freedom. Audrey hadn’t given her trust easily; she’d exhibited true courage and Rae wouldn’t take it lightly.

“If I do anything you don’t like, tell me.” She cupped Audrey’s face and encircled it with light kisses, savoring her delicate scent. Audrey’s skin warmed as Rae painted a path with her lips across her forehead from eyelids and high cheekbones to the tip of her chin, over and over. Their bodies touched only there, and the tension built inside Rae with each gentle kiss.

When she finally allowed herself to taste Audrey’s lips again, she feared she’d lose control. Audrey sucked hungrily on her tongue, and with each pull Rae felt the tender tug at the base of her clit. She clamped her legs together. Surrender would be so easy, but she wanted to be fully present and totally aroused as she satisfied Audrey. She refused to allow her own pleasure before Audrey’s.

More than anything, Rae wanted Audrey to feel beautiful, desirable, and special. She wanted her to know the hunger she evoked, the pure sexual need. Even with all her experience, Rae felt incapable of proving to a novice the depth of her feelings. Simple words and the basic act of lovemaking seemed indelicate for a person as sensitive as Audrey. The act itself was what it was. She had to infuse it with emotion and bring it to life.

She slid her hands over Audrey’s breasts, down her sides, and up her legs, etching the peaks and dips into her tactile memory. When she touched Audrey’s abdomen, she paused and raised her head to reassure her. She then pressed her lips to the scarred tissue and kissed every inch with all the reverence she could impart. With each kiss she exorcised the evil intent that caused the horrendous injury. She licked and kissed the area until the muscles relaxed and Audrey moaned with pleasure.

“Thank you.” Audrey spoke just loud enough to be heard. “I never thought anyone would want to touch me.”

When Rae looked up, Audrey’s eyes shone with tears. She inched up, wrapped her arms and legs around her, and cradled her into the protective cocoon of her body. “You’re a gorgeous woman, inside and out, and no one can ever take that from you.”

Audrey snuggled deeper into her embrace and Rae sensed the need for unconditional solace. As Rae held her, Audrey alternated between quiet sobbing and the gentle rocking. Rae occasionally kissed the top of Audrey’s head and whispered reassurances, thinking only of giving Audrey what she needed. Everything else was irrelevant as she allowed Audrey to set the tone and pace of their time together.

When she relaxed against Rae’s body and sought a kiss, Rae could barely breathe. The smoldering desire that their intimacy had stoked flared to full flame. Her body ached and her clit throbbed. She thrust her pelvis forward in an almost involuntarily motion and quickly jerked back. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”

“Don’t apologize. Come here,” Audrey said as she shifted her weight and tucked Rae’s leg between her own.

“Are you sure you’re ready?” Even as she asked the question, Rae slid her center along the strong muscle of Audrey’s thigh.

“Totally.” Audrey’s gentle rocking of earlier changed into a steady, demanding rhythm. “I want you, now.”

Audrey guided Rae’s mouth to her breasts and gasped aloud when she claimed them. Her flesh was so soft and pliable, her nipples a juxtaposition of rigid protrusion. Rae massaged the soft tissue and sucked the pebbled tips as their pelvises found each other again and again. She wanted to make love to Audrey leisurely the first time but was losing control.

“Wait. I wanted to go slowly.”

“Can’t wait…this time.” Audrey pressed her breasts against Rae’s and lowered her hand between Rae’s legs, penetrating her with a slow, firm stroke. “You feel so good. Come for me, Rae. I want to feel you in my hand.”

Audrey’s urging and the unrelenting pace of her humping chiseled at Rae’s resistance. She wouldn’t last much longer yet she was determined to satisfy Audrey first. Rae wedged her hand between them and found Audrey’s rigid clit. Sliding her fingers along the sides, she milked it into a tighter bundle of nerves, then slowly stroked it with the pad of her thumb until Audrey trembled.

“Oh, yes. More,” Audrey pleaded, and Rae complied. “Again.” Audrey pumped against Rae’s hand until her entire body stiffened and her clitoris softened. “Oh my God!”

Audrey’s cry shredded the last of Rae’s self-control. She rubbed herself with one long, finishing stroke along Audrey’s thigh and emptied into her hand. Tremors wracked her body as she jerked and released until she was sated and exhausted.

Rae rolled onto her back, taking Audrey with her. She’d never felt so amazingly and totally satisfied…and by a sexual novice. What Audrey lacked in experience she made up for in enthusiasm. She couldn’t fake responses like those. Audrey’s eagerness and willingness to open herself completely turned Rae on. She might not survive a more experienced Audrey Everhart, but she was willing to try.

Audrey collapsed against Rae’s chest, unable to control the spasms still rumbling through her. “Jeez…that was…”

“You like?” Rae asked.

“Nope, I love.” Audrey felt physically fatigued yet emotionally and sexually energized. When she’d blurted earlier that she wanted to be with Rae, she had no idea how much she wanted it. All her primal energy had been locked down until Rae touched her.

Rae’s touch, and also her sensitivity, had aroused something wild inside her. “More?” She placed her hands on the pillow beside Rae’s head and lifted her upper body, careful to maintain contact at the aching point between her legs.

When Rae started to answer, her cell phone rang, followed shortly by the muffled sound of Audrey’s buried underneath her sweatpants. She found it and flipped it open. “Hello?”

“Sanjana.” Sam’s deeply accented voice commanded Audrey’s immediate attention.

“What is it, Sam?” As she waited for him to deliver the bad news, she could tell by Rae’s expression that her news was also not good. She’d already started getting dressed.

“It’s Yasi. Come to the Kramer hospital, quick.”

“What happened?”

“Come quick.”

The line went dead and Audrey collapsed onto the foot of the bed, grabbing her clothes as she fell. “Oh, God, no.”

Rae was dressed and standing beside her. “I’ll drive. And I’ve already put in a request for a protective detail for you.”

Audrey obviously wasn’t thinking clearly. Yasi was in the hospital but Rae was talking about protection for
. “I don’t understand.”

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