Hathor Legacy: Burn (29 page)

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Authors: Deborah A Bailey

BOOK: Hathor Legacy: Burn
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"Yes she was released. But the Deshtu was kept in detention. She can stay out of trouble there."

"She hasn't done anything! She's not lying, Jen. Dakar is wrong."

Jen's eyebrows shot up. "I suggest you get the information about the arsonists and get back to me. So far, only the Guardian Elders were part of the plot. If the company decides to punish them, they'll do the same thing they did to the conspirators after the Corporate Wars. Imprison them."

"No! You can't just do this!"

"The company wanted this resolved, and now it will be. Once it's over, our citizens will be safe again," Jen replied. "Do your job and get the information."

The screen dissolved into the company logo.

Nobody was listening to her. But what about the other Guard
ians? Maybe she could contact a few of them directly. She'd need to access the system first. "Access Guardian Affairs Office records for Guardian assignments," she requested.


Her hand shook as she pressed it against the tablet. There was no time to go to Azure's home in the North. Or to try and find Maji. She couldn't afford to miss the meeting between Ron and his partners.


At least if she could find a couple of people she knew, like Eleni, she could get an idea of what the Guardians were being told. Unfortunately right now, she didn't know whom to trust. Everyone who'd been helping her was on the list of conspirators.

Why wasn't the screen changing? Her request should've been completed by now.  Instead of displaying the GAO database screen, it was still showing the blue screen with the company logo.

"Access denied," the monotone computer voice said. "Records are locked. Only Guardian Elder Dakar is allowed to access GAO database for those assignments."

"I'm the Guardian Sentry Leader," she said. "Initiate override of Elder Dakar's lock."

"Guardian Sentry Leader access has been disabled for all GAO databases."

Tingling spread across her nerve endings. Her first impulse was to fling the device across the room. "Damn it!"

Jonathan came rushing out of the bedroom. "What is it?"

"He locked me out! Dakar disabled my access. I can't see any of the Guardian records. I don't know where anyone is or how to reach them."

"Didn't you tell me he was expecting you to connect the Guardians? Can't you try to connect to them now?"

"Most Guardians can't connect to others unless they already have a personal bond of some kind. Or they use force. I can't take the chance of overwhelming someone or even damaging them."

"I thought Brant already told you he wasn't getting reports anymore." Jon leaned against the counter. "Doesn't that mean he's been locking people out all along?"

"But he could still access the database. I don't know what's g
oing on now." She pushed the tablet aside. "He has to be involved in it with Ron. There's no other reason for him to get rid of the Elders."

"Are you sure? What would he have to gain?"

"Jonathan, after what they did to you, are you defending him? He had you tortured. He's capable of anything." Nadira slid off the seat and walked into the living area.

"I'm not defending him." Jon followed her. "But he's got the board members and company on his side right now. It's more i
mportant that we get Ron and his partners. Then maybe he can be forced to confess that Dakar helped him to bring the trainees and the Deshtu into the city."

"Jen told me it's already been decided what they're going to do. It doesn't matter what happens with Ron. Even if they prove his guilt, the Elders are still going to be taken into custody." Nadira stared out the window and watched as a group of people dressed in festive colors strolled down the street. They were probably heading out to dinner or a concert, blissfully unaware of the decisions being made by the Nova City Board.

The entire Guardian hierarchy was being dismantled, and the average citizen would remain unaffected. As long as the rest of the Guardians did their jobs, followed orders and kept the peace, nothing else mattered.

Jonathan gathered her into his arms. "We'll figure this out. Okay? There's got to be a way to make someone listen."

"No. Dakar has to be stopped. And I know Mikal is helping him." She shivered as the thought of their last encounter in her office came to mind. "After you were picked up he came to the medi-evac to tell me."

"I thought Azure and Maji were the ones who let you know what happened." He stepped back so he could look into her eyes. "Is there something you're not telling me?"

Underneath his surface calm she felt something brewing. Just as she'd felt it when he and Mikal had exchanged words in the medi-evac. If she told him what Mikal had done, nothing would stop Jonathan from confronting him. "No," she said.

"No secrets." His grey eyes burned into hers, searching them as though he could verify the truth. "What did he do?"

"He told me you were picked up and that Dakar authorized Talia to use force. Then I told him to leave," she said.

Jon would feel it if she completely blocked him out. He'd know she was lying. Luckily their connection wasn't at the stage where he could easily read her thoughts. Not yet.

When she felt his grip loosen, she resisted the urge to show relief. Instead she gave him a tight smile. "I've got to call Karin. I know she's afraid the Guardians will hurt Ron, but Jen wants to know the location of the house. Maybe security can go check it out beforehand."

"If I find out that Mikal touched you, he won't get the chance to do it again."

"Jon I don't want you to--"

"Don't." He held up a hand to silence her. "You should go call Karin," he said, as he walked back into the bedroom.

Not that she could stop Jon from doing anything, but going against Mikal would be the same as challenging Dakar. She had no doubt now that Talia's orders had been not just to torture, but to kill. That's how far the Elder would go to eliminate everyone from her life who could stand in his way.







"What is it?" Jonathan sat up in bed. All around him was dark, except for a blue glow coming from the com unit across the room. Where was he? Oh, that's right. He was back on Hathor in Nadira's small apartment.

"I'll get it." Nadira rolled across him. He heard her feet hit the floor, and her footsteps as she padded to the unit.

"Com on. Audio only," she ordered.

As his eyes got adjusted to the darkness, he could make out her form as she stood waiting for a response.

"Nadira, it's Captain Dias. We've had an emergency call to a house on the edge of the Entertainments District. She reported a fire but her com was cut off. I thought you'd want to meet us."

"Do you know who called?" Nadira asked.

"She said her name was Karin Luke. We're responding now. It's block ten, house fifteen. I'll meet you there."

"All right. Com off."

"What the hell?" Jonathan threw back the covers. "Lights up 100%!" He shielded his eyes as all the ceiling panels lit up.

"Something's wrong, Jonathan. Karin said it would happen t
omorrow. That's what I told Jen." Nadira pulled clothing out of the shelves.

"Let's get over there." He jumped out of bed and grabbed his things off the floor. If Karin had warned security, she must've been in danger. And he hoped that they could get to the house before anything happened to her.




When he and Nadira got to block ten, they had to get out of the transport on the corner. Security had blocked off the traffic lanes, and their oversized, black transports were parked haphazardly in the street.

As they got to the house, he could hear the high-pitched whine of stunner fire, and blasts lighting up the night.

"Hurry!" he called, as he and Nadira broke into a run.

They got to the house in time to see five security officers smash through the glass door and run into the house. Through the windows, he could see figures moving back and forth. The building was three levels, boxy and looking more like a warehouse than a residence.

When he got to the stairs, he had to jump back as a man and woman ran out. They were dressed in the knit pants and tops that miners usually wore under their clothing. Neither of them had shoes on. Breathless, they both collapsed on the sidewalk.

"What is it? What happened?" Nadira helped the woman to her feet.

"There was a fire, but the extinguisher came on and sprayed something all over the house. We couldn't breathe," she gasped, her chest heaving. "Then some people busted in and started blas
ting everyone with stunners."

"Security came in and everyone started fighting." The man managed to stand up, but staggered into Jonathan. "Are you sec

"We're here to help you. Who brought you here?" Nadira asked.

"They were Guardians. They said they'd kill us. That someone named Dakar would kill us and our families," the man sputtered.

"Look, do you know who else is in there?" Jon asked.

"Six of us were being held here. I don't know what happened after they started shooting." The woman dropped back down to the ground and heaved like she was about to throw up.

"Just rest here. You'll be safe. Please, just stay here," Nadira said. "Jon, we've got to get in the house and see what's going on."

"We shouldn't leave them alone. I'll go inside." He also didn't want Nadira rushing into the middle of a battle.

"I'm not waiting out here, Jon."

Metal wheels screeched as another security transport stopped in the middle of the street. As soon as the door opened, four more officers jumped out and ran up the front walk.

Stunner blasts lit up the windows as the officers entered. Someone inside screamed and glass shattered out of an upstairs window.  Jon hit the ground. When he looked up, Nadira and the two others were crouching next to him.

"What the hell?" He reached over and steadied the man next to him. "You okay?" he asked.

"I think so," the man gasped, his voice barely audible above the noise. "The Guardians did something to control our minds. Forced us to go into a back room. I took the chance and we forced our way out." He motioned to the woman who nodded in response.

"What you doing here? This is a secured area!" A voice boomed.

A black-garbed security officer sped over from one of the transports. With the baggy uniform and helmet, Jon couldn't tell if it was a man or woman.

"Where's Captain Dias?" Nadira jumped up.

"She's inside there," the officer motioned the house. "You have to leave. This is a secured area."

"I'm the Guardian Sentry Leader. Who are you?"

There was a pause before the officer answered. "Sgt. Niles."

Another blast from inside the house, followed by glass shattering. Then silence. An officer came out on the front steps and waved in their direction.

"Looks like it's over. You can come with me," Niles said, m
otioning to the man and woman.

"It's okay. You'll be okay now," Nadira reassured them.

"Thank you. I didn't think I'd ever get out of there," the woman said, her voice shaking.

Niles put an arm around the man to support him, and guided them both across the street.

"What happens now?" Jon asked.

"After we make sure they're all right, we'll get statements," N
adira replied. "Then I hope they can all get back to their families."

She led the way across the stone path to the front stairs. Though the fight had ended, there was still a lot of noise from the officers shouting orders and tramping through the house.

Scorch marks streaked the walls, while ripped window coverings hung in front of broken out windows. Yellowish foam dripped down from the ceiling in spots, and clumped on the floor. Two figures were lying at the feet of a short, square-shaped woman wearing a black security uniform. Neither of them was moving.

Across the room, he saw four survivors dressed like the man and woman who'd run outside. They were huddled together on the floor. Most of them had blank expressions, like they weren't sure what was happening around them.

The officer turned as he walked up, revealing a row of small crystals on her chest pocket and the words, "Capt. Dias" printed beneath them. "Sentry Leader. We were lucky. The safety protocols weren't disabled this time. The fire was put out before it spread."

"What about Karin Luke?" Nadira asked.

"Ms Luke? She's upstairs. It looks like her brother, Ron Duvol owned this house and he was mixed up with the traffickers. He's dead."

"Dead? How?" Jon asked.

"Stunner blast to the head. Close range." Dias gripped the utility belt at her waist. "They roughed up Ms. Luke after she called us. Medic's up there now."

Nadira glanced at Jon, her eyes filled with concern. He knew she was feeling responsible for how things had turned out.

"You didn't know what would happen," he said.

"What?" Captain Dias looked up at him. "What would ha

"I want to ask her some questions, Captain," Nadira said.

"Certainly, Sentry Leader, but we'll have to question her first. When she's awake, that is." Dias took a tablet from one of her officers. "I'd like to know why she's in the middle of this."

"Can I see her?" Jonathan asked.

"Not now."

Nadira gave him another look. It was quick. Just a movement of her eyes towards the stairway. Jonathan didn't ask any que
stions. He rushed to the stairs and ran up, ignoring the Captain's request for him to come back.

As he got to the top step, he saw a medic in light blue coveralls carrying a big bag that resembled a large envelope with a strap.

"Who are you?" she asked, as Jon approached.

"Karin in there?"

"Yes, but--sir!"

Jon headed into the room and stopped when he saw Karin on the bed. Her eyes were closed and she was propped up on a few pillows. Bruises covered her face and arms.

"Ms. Luke must rest. She's sedated." The medic grabbed his arm. "We're transporting her to the medi-evac. You must leave now."

"Will she be all right?"

"No internal injuries. Please, sir. You must leave."

Jonathan walked back out onto the landing. "Where's her brother?"

The medic inclined her head to the room across the hall. "Mr. Duvol's remains are in the other bedroom with two others. But you must leave, sir. This is a secured area."

He turned and went back down the stairs. Karin looked so hel
pless lying there. Certainly not the person he was used to seeing. And her brother…was it possible that he'd been running the trafficking ring? He hadn't seemed that bright when Jon had dealt with him. How likely was it that he'd been calling the shots all this time?

When Jon got back downstairs, Captain Dias was waiting for him. "I told you to come back down here. How are you involved in this?"

"Mr. Keel is working with me, Captain," Nadira replied. "Please continue with your report."

"As I was saying, four of the traffickers were killed." Dias m
otioned to the bodies on the floor. "These two, and two more upstairs. Three were captured."

"Do you think that's it? How could only about eight people run a trafficking ring?" Jon asked. "There have to be more people i

"There are obviously others who helped to bring these people into the city, Mr. Keel. And there are clients who paid for their services."

"But who could pull all this together and keep it going without detection?" Jon asked. "It can't just have been Ron."

"This house is owned by Montaigne Holdings, just like the warehouse and other houses. I have no doubt Ron Duvol was ru
nning them, and that they were also responsible for killing Lin's team." She waved one of her officers over.

"Captain, I want the survivors checked out by medics," Nadira said.

"We'll have to question them. But I suppose they can be checked out first."

"Yes, they will be checked out first. They've been through enough," Nadira insisted. "Why can't you take them to the medi-evac now?"

"Medics are on their way, Sentry Leader. My team is rather busy here…" Frowning, Captain Dias motioned to one of her officers. "Call the medi-evac again and find out what's taking so long."

At least the people in this house had been rescued, but thinking about what might have happened gave Jon no consolation. If the officers hadn't arrived in time, there would've been no survivors.




With Ron dead, there was no way to prove anything about his involvement. But Nadira knew there was someone else who shared the blame. "We've got to get over to Dakar's," Nadira said.

"I'm sorry, but no one is leaving here until I say so," Captain Dias said. "We have to take statements so I can give my report."

"But, Captain, someone had to bring the Guardian trainees into the city. Which means someone with access to the GAO records had to be working with Ron."

"True. The Guardian conspirators have already been identified. The security escort will arrive tomorrow to take them back to Nova Base Nine. I'll give the Elder and Ms. Montaigne a status after we're done here," the Captain replied.

Without Ron, how could she prove Dakar was working with him? The Elder would never admit it. She had to do something and it had to be done tonight.

"Nadira, maybe you can talk to Jen Montaigne again. Or find the other Guardians and get them together," Jon suggested.

"Without having the access codes, I can't contact them. I don't know who's helping Dakar and who isn't." She pulled Jon over to the side. "Besides, there's no time to try to contact each Elder. I've got to go talk to Dakar and make him tell the truth."

"How? You can't go there alone. Especially not with Mikal there." Jon moved out of the way of a pair of security officers as they hurried past. "Wait until they're finished and we'll get Dias and some of her officers to come with us."

"She doesn't believe Dakar is guilty. They'll believe whatever he says. I have to do this!"

"And what's to stop him from hurting you as well? You're not going alone."

"Captain!" One of the officers rushed over to Dias, her helmet cradled in her arms. "The medics are here." She pointed to three people wearing light blue coveralls who had followed her into the house.

One of them, a woman with long black hair approached Captain Dias. "I'm Doctor Ina. The rest of my team is on the way," she said.

"Good. Mr. Keel, do you mind showing the Doctor where Ms. Luke is?" She motioned to the other two medics. "We have others who need assistance over here."

"Sure. It's up here, Doctor." He glanced at Nadira. "I'll be right back," he said as he led Dr. Ina over to the stairs.

The medics went with Captain Dias to where three men and one woman were huddled together. The woman had a gash along her forehead, one man was cradling his stomach.

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