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Authors: Bernard O'Mahoney

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And a word of thanks to our comrades of the NSA and the Editor of 
The Order
 magazine who have helped in exposing the reporter scum despite the fact that Charlie and Will are having their own problems with ZOG at the moment together with some other comrades that have not long been arrested for so-called alleged anti-race laws.

The Imperial Wizard's last words were meant to remind me that, by infiltrating the Klan, I'd also invoked the wrath of Britain's newest Nazi bogeymen, Combat 18. The 'NSA' stood for the National Socialist Alliance, a loose network of British Nazi groups, dominated by Combat 18 (CI 8);
The Order
was its magazine; and 'Charlie and Will' were C18's notoriously violent leading personalities, Charlie Sargent and 'Will' Browning (usually only reds called Browning 'Will'. Among his mates he was 'Wilf'.).

    Combat 18 had emerged after I'd stopped supporting 'the Movement'. Only the occasional phone conversation with Adolf, and the Nazi magazines he continued to send, had kept me in touch with the far-right scene. In 1992, the BNP had sought to harness some of its more violent fringe elements such as the 'East End Barmy Army' - the alliance of London football hooligans formed in part to protect BNP leaders and events. But the violent, direct-action hardcore didn't want to be harnessed. Instead, they formed Combat 18. The number 18 represented Hitler's initials: 'A' being the first letter of the alphabet, 'H' the eighth. For their logo, they chose the skull-and-crossbones insignia of the Waffen SS's Death's Head Division.

    Indeed, CI8 presented themselves as the Death's Head Division of the British Nazi movement. They'd have run the concentration camps if the National Socialist government of their dreams had come to power. In the mean time, they existed to carry out physical attacks on anyone they considered the enemy. Their stated aim was to start a race war.

    At first, CI8 remained nominally loyal to the BNP. But after the party secured its first-ever council seat in Millwall in September 1993, tensions grew between a political party seeking electoral success and a gang of Nutzi hooligans seeking street warfare. CI8 started attacking members of the BNP. Indeed, in a short while, the BNP had more to fear from C18 than from the reds.

    Articles in C18's magazine containing extreme and illegal incitement to racial hatred brought things to a head. The magazine declared that CI8 wanted:

... to ship all non-whites back to Africa, Asia, Arabia, alive or in body bags ... to execute all queers ... to execute all white race-mixers ... to weed out all the Jews in the government, the media, the arts, the professions. To execute all Jews who have actively helped to damage the white race and to put into camps the rest until we find a final solution for the eternal Jew.

This viciously crazed anti-Semitism (from people who'd probably never met a Jew in their lives) had become a hallmark of the magazine. One issue contained a report of a visit to Sachsenhausen concentration camp in Germany by a group of CI8 supporters. It read:

Why is it after 50 years people still go on about the so-called Holocaust? We know it's a load of bollocks and so must anyone else with half a brain. Yet still we're bombarded with films and documentaries about those poor little Jews. Not a day goes past without some hook-nose kike weeping on our TV screens, 'Oy vay, oy vay. I lost my daughter, oy vay. I was gassed six times and my wife she's a table lamp.' Is there no end to this dribble? Of course not. Because all ZOG's TV channels are controlled by the Jews. It doesn't matter that there weren't six million Jews in the whole of German-occupied Europe or that most of these so-called gassed Jews fucked off to New York, Israel and Whitechapel before there was any smell of danger.

The writer said that a CI8 'team of experts' had examined the ovens at Sachsenhausen: 'On further investigation we found that you couldn't cook a cheeseburger in them, let alone six million stinking Yids.' The conclusion was there was no way that six million Jews could have been gassed: '. . . and even if they were, who gives a fuck because next time we're gonna incinerate every last stinking one of 'em! No fuss! No mess! Just pure cyanide.'

    In December 1993, the split between C18 and the BNP became official. BNP leader John Tyndall issued 'a notice of complete repudiation of Combat 18', declaring that group to be 'a hostile organisation' guilty of divisive behaviour. He added that BNP members had to sever all links with Combat 18, whose leader Charlie Sargent, a football hooligan with aspirations, then wrote:

Those involved in the struggle now have a straight choice between the failed policies of Tory nationalism or the ideology of Adolf Hitler. The two groups cannot work together. One must be crushed ... It is now your decision. Do you follow Tyndall or National Socialism?

Putting his fists behind Adolf Hider and National Socialism was an emerging rival to Sargent: Wilf Browning, known as 'The Beast'. He'd made a name for himself attacking opponents with screwdrivers. He gave a good beating to Adolf's mate and senior BNP figure 'Mad Bomber' Lecomber, who, from the outset, had been suspicious of, and hostile to, CI8.

    Sargent continually preached the need to 'incite the niggers and Arabs' in the hope of lighting 'the touch paper to a fire so powerful that ZOG will never be able to put it out'. In September 1995, he told a meeting in Holborn, central London, that if everyone in C18 killed two people, then 400 would be dead within a week. The scale of the killings would shock the nation and ignite the race war.

    Shortly afterwards, Sargent claimed the credit for engineering the riot that brought England's football match against the Irish Republic to a premature end at Dublin's Lansdowne Road. He told a journalist, 'We didn't care if England won or not. The lads was only there for a good fight and to teach the IRA bastards a thing or two, and to try to screw up the so-called peace talks.'

     According to the Klan, Combat 18 were now on my trail too. I soon received a copy of Issue 16 of their magazine,
The Order.
My passport photo occupied the whole of the front page with the words, 'Not so clever now, are you!' Inside, an editorial written by 'Andy Saxon' said:

Our cover page shows intrepid
News of the World
reporter Patrick O'Mahoney, AKA Gary lones, the man behind the recent so called expose of the alleged members of the British Ku Klux Klan in Birmingham. This red hack took gutter journalism to new depths with his two page spread on the BKKK. We at
The Order
hope that he understands that we do not take kindly to our own kith and kin being subjected to such vile smear stories!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They didn't scare me. They obviously knew my address. If they had a beef with me they should have popped round for a chat, not slagged me off in their semi-literate magazine. I wouldn't be losing any sleep over them.

    On the other hand, I wouldn't be forgetting the tossers either. I vowed to continue monitoring their activities - and to exact my revenge when the opportunity arose.

     One amusing coincidence I noticed in the issue of
The Order
which had slagged me off as a 'red hack' was the mention of a new 'Irish' group. The editorial said:

A new development with the cause which is warmly welcomed is the formation of British-based Irish racialist group, The Shamrock Legion. Full details of this group will appear in Issue 17. With more Irish living in mainland is huge. We at
The Order
will be doing everything we can to help our Irish brothers start up.

I'd been in an unofficial 'Shamrock Legion' for years with my south London friends.

    Through my own experience in Tucker's gang, I could see the cracks beginning to appear in CI8. They were posturing bullies with inflated egos, just like Tucker and his henchmen.

    C18 had moved into the Nazi music scene, which, by all accounts, was surprisingly lucrative, generating around a hundred thousand pounds a year for Sargent and his clique. In much the same way that Tucker's gang (of which I was part) beat, bullied and terrorised its 'business competitors' in the drugs field, CI8 trashed rivals' concerts, intimidated rival promoters and took control of CD and merchandise distribution. And just as Tucker's gang had linked up with Continental counterparts to import drugs, CI8 linked up with European Nazis to distribute its musical wares.

     But, as with Tucker's gang, CI8 soon came to a gruesome end. Only six months after I'd appeared on the front page of
The Order
, CI8 broke apart. Incredibly, leader Charlie Sargent was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of Wilf Browning's mate, Chris Castle, who was stabbed in the back with a nine-inch blade. Sargent didn't stick the knife in himself - he incited someone else to do the deed. From what I heard, Castie wasn't even heavily involved in 'the Movement'. He was just a good mate of Browning, and a popular and well-liked person.

    Shortly before the murder - but nothing to do with it - the police had thwarted a C18 letter-bomb campaign, involving devices sent to, among others, Sharron Davies, the Olympic swimmer married to a black athlete. Her crime? Race-mixing. The devices had been sent by a supporter in Denmark, himself the product of a mixed-race relationship: his mother was Danish and his father, with whom he'd lost contact, was an American of Japanese descent. The would-be letter-bomber, who was arrested and imprisoned, also had a half-sister with a Pakistani father. In England, Wilf Browning was arrested in connection with the thwarted campaign, but wasn't charged, despite evidence of his extensive contact with the man who'd posted the bombs. At Charlie Sargent's trial, Sargent claimed that Browning had wanted to turn CI8 into a proper terrorist organisation. Most incredibly, it was revealed at the trial that Sargent had been stabbing CI8 in the back for some time. He'd been a long-term informer for the political police, the Special Branch. Sargent had tipped them off about the Danish letter-bomber, but his main job had been to keep his handlers briefed about C18's links with Loyalist terrorists in Northern Ireland. This led to claims that, from its inception, C18 had been little more than a so-called 'pseudo-gang'.

    'Pseudo-gangs' or 'counter-gangs' are a well-tried British intelligence counter-terrorist ploy involving the setting up of groups that can be attributed to the enemy in order to discredit that enemy. Such pseudo-gangs draw in extremists, cause splits in the wider movement and make sure everyone goes nowhere. A C18 'Information Bulletin' released before Sargent's trial described him as an 'arch-traitor', a 'poison dwarf', a 'misfit', a 'dickhead' and a 'cretin'. It said:

How on earth did we ever listen to Sargent? He's just such a mug . . . Sargent purposely split every movement he's been involved with and that's a fact!!

The BNP's new leader, Nick Griffin, later wrote that the state had created the 'Combat 18 pseudo-gang' in order 'to disrupt the BNP through lies, intimidation and physical violence against key officials'. Griffin admitted that C18 had seriously damaged the party for two to three years. Indeed, he failed to add, Griffin owed his new position to one of C18's indirect successes - the toppling of my old sparring partner, the BNP leader John Tyndall.

    Adolf told me that his mate Tony Lecomber had planned to take over from Tyndall, but that the Cam bridge-educated Nick Griffin had convinced him that his criminal convictions would ensure that the media had a permanent, ready-made smear to use against him. This would 'taint' the leadership and prevent him ever being able to lead the party to electoral success. Adolf said Griffin had promised Lecomber a leading role in the party if he dropped his own leadership ambitions and supported Griffin's, which he did, urging branch activists to support Griffin. 'Mad Bomber' Lecomber became the BNP's 'national organiser'.

     One CI8 faction regrouped under Wilf Browning and published the magazine
On the foot of each page, they printed the logo, 'Trust no one'. In Issue Two, published in spring 1998, they detailed the astonishing story of their former leader Charlie Sargent. Under the headline, 'End of the road for the 5 ft toad', the article began, 'After years of grassing, lying and outrageous treachery, Charlie Sargent's Special Branch career finally came to an abrupt halt as he was sentenced to life imprisonment at Chelmsford Crown Court on Wednesday 21st January 1998.' The article explained the sordid battle for power between Browning and Sargent that had led to the murder. It read:

It's ironic that Sargent was shown mercy by Wilf, who felt embarrassed for the fat mug after seeing him crying when confronted about his bullshit. Both he and his gutless brother Steve were offered the chance to sort it out like men, but they both bottled out. Instead, we had the spectacle of the two misfits sitting around their Chelmsford flat, heads facing the floor, not having the courage to admit what they had been saying behind Wilf's back, not having the guts to go outside and sort it out, either by fists or knives. Wilf openly laughed at Sargent about his interview where he said that he challenged people who slagged him off to a knife-fight to the death. Well, he was given the chance, but he bottled it. As Wilf said to him, 'You're pathetic. Look at yourself. You're meant to be the big terrorist leader.' So there you have it: this fat trembling coward was shown mercy because he was so pathetic. So what did he do? He plotted the death of Chris Castle, then tried to use the police to put Wilf out of the game.

The article ended with an unsubtle threat for their one-time Führer:

You've been exposed for what you are Sargent and we promise you this: whatever lifer jail you go to, your statement will follow and everyone will know what you are YOU FAT BACKSTABBING GRASS! . . . What he did was disgusting, cowardly and is unforgivable. He overstepped the line: he will have to pay the price for his treachery, but for the time being he will languish in jail.

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