Hated by Many, Loved by None 3

BOOK: Hated by Many, Loved by None 3
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Hated by Many, Loved by None 3: The Finale


Copyright © 2013 by SBR Publications. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission from the publisher (SBR Publications), except by a reviewer who may quote a brief passage to be printed in a newspaper or magazine. For information please contact the publisher

Everything I do is for my children. I thank God for them. And I thank God for my gift.










The rain lightly tapped against the car as glass continued to slowly crumble into pieces and fall into the car. My heart thumped tremendously as I tried to free myself from the seatbelt that was wrapped tightly around my body. I was dangling mid-air; it seemed as the car was on its side. I couldn’t believe how many times we had flipped and was shocked that I was still breathing.

I looked down and saw Imran
’s face smashed into the window and his neck looked all out of place. He didn’t seem to be moving. For a second, I was concerned.

I pressed down on the release button for the seatbelt once more and thought I heard it click
. But I still was stuck.

Somebody help me! Oh God!” I yelled.

My chest was on fire from the rapid response of the air bag
, and my nose felt like it was swollen to capacity. I was hurting so bad and knew that I had other injuries, but couldn’t quite access where just yet. I pressed down on the release button once more, pushing as hard as I could.


Finally, the seatbelt came off and I fell the short distance to where Imran was.

Ohhhh! Oh my God!” I screamed.

The pain I felt in my side was excruciating. Glass continued to break all around me and I got a small
whiff of gas pouring through the vents. I glanced into the backseat and saw that bitch, Jahzara, was thrown across the car in a fucked up position. I wanted to laugh, but the pain I was feeling wouldn’t allow me the satisfaction. I hated that bitch with a passion, and it was obvious when she pulled that gun on me that she hated me as well.

Fuck her!

I was so happy that Imran pulled that trigger and I hoped like hell that she was dead. I don’t see why Imran felt the need to try and save this hoe. She’d done him wrong from what I could see numerous times. He was in this position because of her. She had caused all of this destruction and as much as I wanted to feel bad for him, I couldn’t even pretend to. I was thankful for him saving my life years back, but truth be told....fuck him too!

I reached for
the ignition, turned the car off, and grabbed the keys. I quickly pressed my lips against Imran’s cheek and noticed that he was slightly cold.

I used to love him. I had loved him hard and it hurt to know that he didn
’t love me the same way. You see when I had met Imran, I had only told him the things that he needed to know about my past. I never mentioned my drug problem because it was an unfortunate event that occurred. I was only hooked on coke when I was younger because of an abusive mother that forced that shit into my body. I wasn’t your ordinary dope fiend and anybody that knows me, know just that.

By time I had ran into Imran, I had been clean for almost
four years, and that damn infertility shit had fucked it all up. I slipped up and went backwards and ruined everything that we had. Well at least, what I thought we had. For him to have loved me as much as he said he did, he had no problem with dropping me off at rehab like I was just some random hoe off the street; and not the woman he supposedly wanted to marry.

That little slip up showed me just who the man I was with really was
about. He definitely wasn’t the nigga I wanted to spend my life with. I spent a short time in rehab; enough to get those drugs out of my system. Then I got the fuck out of dodge. I went to stay with my auntie and cousin in Maryland and have been clean ever since. That was three years ago.

I know the story I told Imran had been somewhat different, but it was all a part of my plan. I had to pretend
that I was getting high again in order for him to allow me in. I needed him to believe that I needed his help so that he couldn’t see what I really had up my sleeve. It was bad enough that I had snorted cocaine back in the day, but to turn around and start smoking crack was an all time low. I vowed that no one would ever--ever see me like that again. It was one of my weakest moments and I planned on never reliving that shit again.

The smell of gas became stronger and I stood up in the car and reached for the passenger side door. I went for the handle and pulled it and thankfully the door came open with no problem. Gravity forced it back closed
, but I climbed across the seat and pushed it back opened.

Somebody help me!” I yelled out.

I used all of my strength to pull myself up and out of the door. Once I climbed out,
I didn’t see anyone standing around and took that as my opportunity to get the hell on. I hope them two didn’t think I was gonna stick around and help them.

Fuck no!

I took the leap down and screamed out in horror as I hit the ground. My side was on fire and I suspected that something was broken. I grabbed a hold of my side and stayed low to the ground, trying to wait for some of the pain to subside.

Now that I was on the outside of the car, t
he smell of gas was so damn strong that it was burning my nostrils. One wrong move and the car would turn into a big ass fire ball with all the fumes that were seeping out.

Slowly, I stood to my feet and began to walk away from the scene of the accident.

I didn’t even look back. I couldn’t look back. I had gotten what I came for. I took my cell phone out of my pocket and was happy to see it was still in good condition. Unlocking it, I pressed down on Yurie’s number and he answered immediately.

Babe, what the fuck? I lost y’all. Where the hell are you and what’s going on?” he asked with concern deep in his voice.

Change of plans. I’m in Fairfield. We were on our way to the safe house, but shit got crazy. Long story short, we had an accident and I’m hurt badly...but I got the key to his safe house,” I said into the phone with a smirk forming in the corner of my mouth.

“Hell yea. Let’s get this fucking paper.”

2: Imran
A couple of days later


“What’s up nigga? Damn, what the fuck happened to you?”

What? You come to finish me off?” I asked groggily opening only one of my eyes to look at Tamar.

He was shining like new money and wore an evil smirk planted across his face. Somehow I knew that this meeting was going to go well considering the fact that we
’d been back and forth about someone attacking his moms and his sister. I’d told him that I believed that my uncles were responsible. Last I heard he’d gotten his revenge.

Nah, I ain’t come to finish you off, but I did come to tell you that your services are no longer needed. I won’t be supplying you anymore. As a matter of fact, I’ll be taking over and handling shit out here myself. Shouldn’t be too hard. You’ve already had my product surfacing all over the damn place, so everybody knows I come with that hard,” he chuckled and took a sip from the can of soda he was holding.

You come to take over? These niggas out here don’t know you and they damn sure ain’t about to get money with you. I had a hard enough time taking over territory that wasn’t even mine and I’m from here—born and bred.”

I’ve only been on the streets a few days and shit seems to be going well. But I’m expecting to encounter a few problems—like those that might come from your uncle. I need you to get a message to that nigga though.”

I finally opened both my eyes so that I could see and be sure that I heard this nigga clearly. I couldn
’t believe he had the nerve to come up in here and tell me that he was cutting me off. I looked around, and for the first time it hit me that I was in a hospital room and laying in a hospital bed.

sounds of the machines were now clear, the IV line that was in my hand was visible, and the blood pressure cuff that was tightening around my arm was evident. It took me a moment to realize why I was here and then it all came back to me at once.

Me being shot, me trying to get Jahzara and Rain away from the madness, me killing Quin and Honey
dying and then—Jahzara. I had shot her two times and carried her to the car that was supposed to get us to Lubbock, but incidentally we crashed.

are Rain and Jahzara?
I wondered as I looked up at Tamar with contempt in my eyes. I couldn’t believe this nigga showed up at the fucking hospital to tell me that he was cutting me off so that he could fucking take over. I wanted to jump up out of this bed and strangle the muthafucka, but the pain I felt in my chest told me that wasn’t the smart thing to do.

Tell Dom I said if he fuck with my money, I’ll drain the rest of the accounts he got left. If he don’t believe me, then try me,” Tamar said with a cocky ass grin.

He chuckled and then looked around my hospital room. I didn
’t know what he was talking about nor did I care. I ’don’t care about my uncle’s fucking money. All I care about is mine. The fact that Tamar was snatching the work away from me was putting me in a fucked up position. I couldn’t go to my uncles for help because I had gone against them by fucking with Tamar. This was all bad.

I’m saying though—can’t we work together? I know for a fact I was a great asset to you,” I said, almost as if I was begging him to reconsider this whole thing.

I know for
certain that I brought him plenty of paper. I had taken risks and even made deals with niggas I wouldn’t ordinarily fuck with for the sake of what I was trying to accomplish. I had worked hard to run a tight little organization and was still trying to build my shit. How the fuck was he gonna come take my shit away after all I had done to get where I was today?

You were, but I know it’ll come a time where you would have to choose between me and your family; and I know someone such as yourself will choose your family. Anyway, it looks like you’ve gotten yourself in a little bit of trouble”

Tamar reached for my hand and caused the cuffs to
clink against the metal of the hospital bed. It was the first time I had noticed the cuffs. My heart thumped intensely in my chest. I wasn’t sure what the fuck was going on or even why they felt the need to confine me to this fucking bed. I tried to sit up, but the pain was horrific! It felt like tiny needles had begun to prick at me all over.

I don’t know; maybe you can get that prison money for me,” Tamar chuckled again and I just lost it.

This fucked up, yo! Nigga, you won’t make a fucking dime out here like you think!” I yelled. “Fuck you nigga!”

Tamar shot me another smirk before he exited it out of my hospital room. I didn
’t care about the pain any longer and tried to free myself from the cuffs that bound me to the bed. I pulled at them and sat up trying to get to that nigga. I wanted to fucking kill him for this shit. After all the work I had done to get this shit on and popping out here and he thought he was just gonna take this shit away from me, fuck no!

Tamar!” I yelled and was now standing on the floor dragging the entire bed with me. I walked towards the door when a swarm of officers filed into my room. My head felt heavy and everything around me began to spin.

Imran Jackson, I’m Detective Furlough, this is my partner, Detective Swanson. We need to speak with you concerning the murders of Quin Simmons and Honey Mendez, and the attempted murder of Jahzara Simmons,” Detective Furlough said to me.

That was the last thing I heard before I collapsed to the floor.

3: Jahzara


I opened my eyes and looked toward the window where the rain drops pounded nosily against the outside. I pulled the blanket up closer to my chin and tried to ignore my mother and father
’s presence in the room. I was happy that they were okay and thankful that someone was standing by my side being that I almost died due to the bullets that Imran pumped into me. However, they were getting on my nerves.

Detectives had just left my room after asking me a thousand questions on what happened and what led up to the tragic accident that I had no memory of. I didn
’t know what to tell them, but I did tell them that Imran was innocent.

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