Hated (7 page)

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Authors: C Fournier

BOOK: Hated
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“I insist that you stay here for your first class,” Isabella said firmly. I knew there was no point in arguing with her so I just nodded. When she left the room I laid back and tried to rest. I must’ve dozed off because Isabella came in and woke me up.

“There is a young man who wishes to see you, may he come in?” she asked.

Groggily I sat up on my elbows and asked, “Who is it?”

Isabella stepped aside and Antonio walked into the doorway. Uh oh, why is he here? When I looked to Isabella for help, I saw that she was smiling at me.

“Well, I have some paperwork that needs to be filed,” Isabella said, shuffling towards the door. “I’ll come back and check on you guys later, bye.” Isabella shut the door behind her as she left, not even giving me a chance to protest. I turned to look at Antonio he had grabbed a chair and was now sitting down beside the bed on the chair.

“What are you doing here?” I asked him annoyed.

“I wanted to make sure you were alright,” he answered simply, looking at my bandaged arm.

“I’m fine,” I replied my voice guarded, I didn’t know how long I’d been out for. I looked around the room but I couldn’t find a single clock, so I asked, “What time is it?”

“Its lunch time,” Antonio replied, not bothering to look at his watch. I felt my mouth drop as this new knowledge sunk in. I’ve been out for about two and a half hours. I’ve missed both of my first two classes, this was not good. I thought Isabella would wake me up so that I could go to my second class. I wanted to miss as few classes as possible because I hated being behind in work. I closed my mouth only to find myself grinding my teeth, nervously.

I got up to a sitting position with some effort because my joints and muscles were stiff and sore. Antonio didn’t offer any help which I was glad for. Although I did catch a flash of something on his face, but it disappeared before I could decipher what it was. What I did next was completely on impulse.

I really didn’t mean to do it and I don’t know why I did, but I asked, “Are you okay?”

Just then he looked like a deer caught in headlights, clearly startled by my question. He nodded mutely. I knew he was lying since I could see the raw marks on his face. I reached out slowly and carefully felt around the marks. Antonio (still in shock I think) didn’t move at all. When he finally came to his senses I also came to mine and pulled my hand away.

“Ah, sorry about that,” I
said looking at my hands, “it’s a force of habit.”

“Well that’s not a bad habit to have,”
Antonio commented. “What exactly were you doing, anyway?”

“I was…umm…
it’s actually very difficult to explain what I was doing,” I answered finally.

“Fair enough,”
Antonio stated, ending the discussion on that subject. He seemed so relaxed sitting on the chair in front of me. How can he be so relaxed while I’m a bundle of nerves?

“Anyway, what are those marks from?” I asked
, trying not to show exactly how nervous I really was.

“Oh, they’re
from a little scuffle I had gotten myself into, it’s no big deal,” Antonio said, completely evading the question and brushing me off at the same time.

“It may become a big deal if you start to lose your memory,” I muttered, and Antonio looked up at me startled. “Yeah if you take one too many shots to the head you won’t be able to remember what happened 15 minutes ago, let alone the other day. Why do you think I was checking them?”

Out of nowhere Antonio started to chuckle darkly. It kind of creeped me out and before he looked down I could see that his eyes were unfocused. He was thinking about something, it might be something he would’ve wanted to forget if he could. But what would he want to forget? Again my instincts took over my common sense. I got down from the bed and knelt down in front of him so that I could look him in the eye.

“Yes some things are better to be forgotten or to not have happened, but think about this, if you had completely forgotten about whatever it is you don’t want to remember then you wouldn’t be who you are today,” I stated, “if none of that bad stuff happened where would you be?”

Antonio didn’t answer so I just continued, “If I didn’t save my brother, then I would be able to walk normally but I would’ve lost him. Some things cannot be prevented, no matter what you do.”

“What do you mean when you said ‘if I didn’t save my brother, then I would be able to walk normally’?” Antonio asked his eyes refocused a bit.

“Four years ago when we were living at our grandparents farm in Alberta, there was a tornado,” I told him, staring at my feet. “Our grandparents had rushed us to the cellar after we had put the animals in the food cellar under the barn. But when I did a head count we were still missing someone, so I rushed out of the room despite many protests and went to look for the missing person. The tornado was right outside our house so debris was flying every which way making it difficult for me to see.”

I paused to let that sink in a bit and because I needed a moment, before I continued, “I found my brother upstairs under a bed with the dog, so I grabbed the dog and dragged him out and my brother
came out right after. I had gotten them back to the cellar and was about to shut the door when I was thrown down the stairs by the impact of something hitting my leg.”

I got back up of the bed and pulled my pant leg up to show him the scar, it was just four circles of shiny
skin on both the front and back part of my shin. “That was from the pitchfork that hit me when I tried to close the door,” I murmured, touching the circles gently. “The doctors said I was lucky it didn’t take my whole leg off.”

started to pull my pant leg back down to cover up the scars, but Antonio grabbed my hand stopping me. He gently pulled my hand back so that my pant leg came back up. He reached his hand out but stopped and he looked up at me, questioningly. I hesitated and, slowly, I nodded.

His hand felt
cold when it touched my leg, I held back a shiver. It felt like a jolt of electricity had shot up my leg, when he touched me. I don’t know why but his touch felt much more different then I would’ve thought. Antonio’s hands were rough with calluses and every now and again I could see scars on his knuckles. But his touch was gentle and cautious as he explored the scars on my leg.

Once Antonio had finished looking, he pulled my pant leg down covering the scars. He put a staying hand on my leg
and I thought I saw a flash of anger cross his face. But then it changed to a look of sympathy and understanding.

“A lady should not have to go through such an experience,” Antonio said
, his Italian accent coming through more then usual. I have to say, even though I don’t really like him, that accent is really kind of sexy. “I didn’t do something as courageous as you but I can understand the pain you had to go through…more or less. May I?”

I nodded and watched as he lifted up his shirt.
It wasn’t the first time I’d seen him shirtless but some how this time it seemed different. Maybe it was because I wasn’t being the doctor this time, this time I was just an observer. Once he had his shirt off I could see some if the scars on his chest but they were all rather small. Then he turned around and I saw some scars that I hadn’t seen or paid attention to when I was fixing him that day in the parking lot.

There were a lot but one stood out more then the rest of them.
Without really thinking I reached out and touched the scar. I heard Antonio’s breathing hitch but I felt his body relax against my touch. When I tried to pull my hand away, I don’t know whether he did it consciously nor if his body reacted on it’s own but, his back came to meet my hand. For that reason I left my hand on his back and I carefully caressed each scar that I came to.

“I got that big one from trying to help a friend out of a jam,” Antonio commented. “
I thought it was only a fist fight so I jumped in and tried to lend a hand. But they had knives and daggers hidden in their clothes.”

I could see where this was headed, but since I wasn’t sure exactly what had happened I let him continue, “I could only see five of the guys that were fighting but there was a sixth one that was concealed in the shadows. I didn’t find him until I felt the blade digging into my back. It didn’t go too deep in but he pulled down on the knife and created a huge hole in my back. I nearly died that day because my friend ditched me when the fight was over
. I was lucky that someone found me shortly after and called for an ambulance other wise I…”

I cut him short when I pulled him close to me and said, “But you didn’t die, you are right here with me.” Antonio hung his head for a second before turning to face me. He was smiling but his eyes looked sad.

I released him from my grip and hopped down from the bed. I walked so that I was standing right in front of him. I know that he has trust issues but I hadn’t known where they had come from, until now. He has been abandoned by his friends and maybe others that were close to him, too.

Chapter 10



Boston 12:10 pm
Thursday February 15


              What is going on with me? How can I feel so comfortable around Stephanie when there is no one around, heck even when there is people I feel comfortable. But right now when she is standing in front of me I can’t seem to look at her. I feel too vulnerable; I’ve told her too much already. I need to get out of here before I say something that I will regret telling her.

“I’m sorry but I have to go,” I said and started to get up from my chair. But Stephanie pushed me back down by my shoulders. She had a look of sympathy and understanding on her face, I tried not to show her any emotion. I must’ve said too much for her to have such an expression on her face.

“What did they do to you to make you like this?” Stephanie murmured almost to herself. I didn’t know what she was talking about. I was about to ask her what she was talking about, when she hugged me close to her.

“I know what it’s like to be betrayed, to not be able to trust anyone,” Stephanie whispered against my ear. “When you feel like the world is against you. I’ve been there but if you don’t take a risk you will wind up in a dark and lonely place, for the rest of your life.”

“You don’t know anything about me,” I declared, pushing Stephanie back enough so that I could glare at her. “You don’t know how I feel about anything.”

“No but I know that I was just like how you are now not too long ago,” Stephanie said, smiling sadly and her eyes were just as sad. I had to look away because I couldn’t stand to look at the grief in her eyes.

Stephanie sat back down on the bed and I looked at my watch. The bell had rung for the next classes to begin but I didn’t really care, my classes bored me. Just then Stephanie sat bolt right up and turned to look at me. Her eyes were hard as she looked me over. It looked like she was trying to figure out if she should say something.

Her eyes softened up a bit as if she had found whatever she was looking for. I don’t know what it was because I was fairly sure that there was nothing on my face. I think I did it unconsciously but I could feel my features relax and I think I might’ve smiled. Stephanie smiled a small smile back and then winked.

That kind of startled me and I felt my whole body go rigid but my heart had started beating faster. I didn’t understand it. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes to get my heartbeat to slow down back to normal. I usually had good control over this kind of thing but today everything just seems out of my control.

Stephanie cleared her throat and I looked up. She was sitting in a more relaxed position with her arms wrapped around one of her knees. She seemed kind of lost in thought but then her eyes refocused and she smiled again.

“Anyway where was I…oh yes I was about to say that I was betrayed by my best friend and my boyfriend,” Stephanie stated. “My boyfriend was a cheater and my best friend was a lying bitch. What about you, what happened to you?”

I hesitated before answering, “I found my best friend making out with my girlfriend.”

“Ouch,” Stephanie replied, scrunching up her face in feign pain, “two birds with one stone.”

I felt my lip quirk up to the side and she gave a small smile back. Then we both broke out laughing and the tension that was in the air dissipated. Looks like both of us have been through some rough patches with friends and the like. We both have some trust issues because of the rough patches. But she really seems like a nice person, a person that I could very well trust, well maybe.

“I don’t think I’ve laughed like this with someone other then my brothers, heck even with them I haven’t laughed very often,” Stephanie commented, still smiling. Then the smile vanished when there was a knock at the door. The door opened and in walked who I assumed was the nurse, with a sandwich, a bag of chips and a bottle of fruit punch in her hands.

The nurse was a petite young woman, with dark hair and eyes to match. She seemed a bit big around the middle, I think that she might be expecting. However, I didn’t comment on it because I wasn’t sure if she was actually pregnant. She walked over to Stephanie and gave her the food, smiling all the while.

“Thanks, Isabella,” Stephanie said to the nurse, smiling right back.

“Hey, anything for my favourite patient,” Isabella replied, she seemed kind of giddy and happy.

“Oh I forgot to ask, did you figure out what gender it is yet?” Stephanie asked she looked really excited.

Isabella started to giggle and nodded, “Yea I found out what it is.
is…a boy!”

“Oh I’m so happy for you!” Stephanie exclaimed. Neither of them seemed to notice that I was in the room anymore, I was completely ignored. At least I found out that she was pregnant and I wouldn’t offend her if I made a comment about it. Isabella noticed me out of the corner of her eye, and she smiled.

“Well I really didn’t think he was going to pass the test, did you?” Isabella said to Stephanie while keeping her eyes on me.

“To tell you the truth I did kind of have my doubts,” Stephanie replied studying me intently. I had no idea what they were talking about, and it must’ve showed on my face.

“I was testing to see if you were a gentleman or a self-centred snob,” Isabella stated plainly, smiling the entire time. “And by staying quiet and being patient, you passed my test, congratulations!”

I was still confused and Stephanie saw that and explain it a bit more, “Isabella likes to test the guys who come and visit me in here from time to time. She doesn’t like very many of the people I hang around with, she says they are bad influences.”

“Well almost all of them failed my test,” Isabella retorted. “They were very impatient and rude.” Stephanie didn’t comment or argue; instead she went straight to munching on her sandwich.

“If you don’t believe me then I ask you this, how many of them have tried to have sex with you?” Isabella asked plainly. Stephanie started coughing and I felt a small bit of anger rise in me. Why I did, I don’t know.

“Geez, you say it so blatantly,” Stephanie commented, and she had this weird tone to her voice that I couldn’t place. But when I looked at Isabella she looked completely serious, and Stephanie looked startled.

“Well, how many?” Isabella asked impatiently.

“…10…” Stephanie replied quietly.

“How many have succeeded?” Isabella asked more calmly.

Stephanie smiled and said, “Zero.”

“And why is that?” Isabella questioned.

“Because I kicked their asses before they can continue,” Stephanie replied proudly. I looked Stephanie over slowly and saw that she had more muscle then I had originally thought. But she also had more scars then I would’ve thought.

I didn’t mind remaining silent it was kind of nice that they didn’t feel the need to include me in their conversation. I did put a couple words in from time to time when I felt it was necessary, but I didn’t have to participate if I didn’t want to. As we talked I found out that
Stephanie had three brothers and was adopted, and that Isabella used to be an alcoholic.

I told them a little bit about myself, like how my father’s business makes me travel around a lot and that he remarried to an evil witch. We didn’t question each other’s stories to try to get more information about it. We just let each other expla
in as much as we wanted to about each incident.

I started to really trust Stephanie and Isabella, and I think they were starting to trust me too. Maybe I could make friends again. Maybe it’s about time I start to take risks again. Maybe I can make this work.

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