Hart's Passion (Pirates & Petticoats Book 2) (19 page)

Read Hart's Passion (Pirates & Petticoats Book 2) Online

Authors: Chloe Flowers

Tags: #Historical Romance, #Pirate Romance, #Romance and Adventure, #Keelan Hart, #Landon Hart, #Charleston, #Keelan Grey

BOOK: Hart's Passion (Pirates & Petticoats Book 2)
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Oh, dear Lord, why?

Why must she be tormented by something she might never be destined to have? Was this her punishment for being so cruelly selective with her previous suitors? Her jaw tightened. It did no good to dwell on what could have or should have been. The past was the past. Her only hope was to focus on the future and the new path she must forge for herself and pray it would lead her home.

Perhaps without him.

A slow metallic ache spread through her chest.

She forced her mind back to her earlier reasoning. He’d left so she had no choice but to follow his directions to sail north with Commodore Hall. Did he strive to keep her safe because he cared for her, or because he wanted to get her out of his life?

So, he could be with his mistress.

Her gaze paused again on Annette Camsby.

Remus had returned from his trip below and stood near Keelan. He shifted toward her conspiratorially, “Well, she is now the
Camsby. It seems her third husband died of the fever last winter. She asked to see the captain first thing. Poor Henry had to tell her he’s not yet boarded.” He chuckled. “Barely got the words out before he had to duck a flying chamber pot.”

Keelan was hit with a sense of foreboding, like a dark thunderhead on the horizon.

Remus gave her an odd look. “Yer a bit green, boy.” He peered closer, then nudged her with his elbow. “Don’t worry, ye’ll git yer sea legs soon enough.”

She nodded. Better to let him think she was getting seasick. Although thinking about Annette Camsby made her stomach lurch almost as badly.

Remus grinned at her. “Tell ye this, young Mahdi, the captains are going to have a rough few days. If Madam Camsby’s in heat and is shunned again, she’ll be wantin’ another warm body to take to her bed. A young buck like you might just suit her fine.” He reached over and feigned to cuff her ear. She quickly dodged his swing and mumbled, “It won’t be me. I wouldn’t want to catch anything.”

Remus threw his head back and roared with laughter. “Smart lad, ye are, but there’s not many a man on this ship with the same sense in ‘is head or ‘is britches. They’d as soon lay the lass now and worry about the other later.” He hailed Daniel, “Mr. Khalil!”

Daniel walked up, nodded a greeting to Remus and Johnny, and leaned his forearms on the rail.

“How are the beasts?” Johnny asked.

Daniel rubbed his shoulder and grinned at Keelan. “The mare is a bit spirited. She slammed me into the boards as I was changing the dressing on her leg this morning. She’s healing well, though. Has the captain arrived yet?”

“Nay. Not yet. He should be here within the hour.” Remus responded.

“I was told to tell you and Johnny to report to the helmsman,” Daniel said.

Remus nodded and he and Johnny stepped away hastily to comply.

Keelan’s gaze was drawn to another figure moving furtively toward the ramp. Even though he limped, there was something familiar about the man’s gait. He carried a small trunk under one arm and a leather satchel under the other similar to the medicine bag Dr. Garrison carried.

Dr. Garrison!

Keelan’s heart pounded.
Dear God, please don’t let him board this ship.

God apparently had more pressing prayers to answer because Everett wasted no time lurching to the ramp like a startled stork.

Keelan gritted her teeth. She sensed Daniel stiffen beside her.

He bent his head and spoke into Keelan’s ear. “We will have to make ready to leave this vessel as soon as we can slip away. It’s not safe for you. I’ll not have you on the same ship as Dr. Garrison.”

Another surge of panic welled in her chest. A bounty on her head in Charleston, and Garrison on the same ship with her. How long would it take to find other transportation north? She glanced again to the spot where she’d seen Orvis earlier. Two different men had taken his place and appeared to be in casual conversation, but their eyes were fixed on the

“Daniel,” she whispered, “spies are watching the ship.” She nodded toward the pirates. “It could be days or even weeks before another vessel is ready to journey to north. And if war breaks between England and France, as Captain Hart and Jared predicted, it could delay our departure even longer. We must continue.” She pleaded with the valet, “Please, Daniel. We can’t risk the delay.”

She couldn’t leave now, she had too many questions. Why had her mother had a child with another man? Who was he? She clasped her hands together and stared at her stained fingers. What she really needed to know was if Landon been serious when he’d asked her to join him, or was she no more that a pleasant temporary distraction for him? Observing him and Annette together might give her the answer to that question. She couldn’t leave until she knew for sure. Her mind told her to go, but her heart begged her to stay long enough to confront Landon and learn the truth from his own lips.

Daniel closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead, as if his thoughts were causing him pain. “I promised the commodore I would take you to England and help you find your father. I will see my oath fulfilled and my duty done, Miss Keelan.” He opened his eyes and his gaze sharpened. “But, not at the cost of your safety.”

She supposed she’d feel the same way if their roles were reversed. “Henry said we’ll sail from Harbour Town to Philadelphia. If you still think it is too dangerous, then we leave the
and find a different ship northbound.” She waited while Daniel contemplated their situation.

He gave her a reluctant nod. “It makes sense to stay aboard until Philadelphia and then take stock.”

A shout from Remus drew their attention to the dock below. “Hoy Captain! Yer late. Was she that good, or did she tie ye to her bed posts?” he called out jovially.

Conal O'Brien attempted a grin and nudged the shoulder of the man next to him. Keelan’s breath froze in her throat as she gazed upon the stern and rather unmistakable face of Landon Hart, striding beside O'Brien.

Why wasn’t Landon on his ship, the

Daniel grasped her arm. “What luck!” he whispered enthusiastically. “I’ll have a word with Captain Hart, as soon as I can meet with him privately.”

They both observed Landon and Conal board the vessel amid additional shouts of greeting and raucous comments about activities ashore. The two simply waved them off, in good-natured fashion.

As Landon and Conal came closer, Keelan noted the weariness of their stride and the slump of their shoulders. The crewmen seemed to notice the stern set of their mouths and stifled any further ribald comments. Landon had dark circles beneath his eyes and a haggard look of worry blanketing his features. Keelan studied him, relief and dread tangled together. In her heart, she was happy to see him again. Rather than wonder if he’d be happy to see her too, all she could think of was if he would seek comfort in Annette Camsby’s arms again.

Annette Camsby.


His mistress was back aboard and had already asked for him. Annette had known Landon would be aboard the
hadn’t she?

A loud rush of air filled her ears as the realization hit her. The trip to Harbour Town provided an excellent opportunity for the two lovers to rekindle their old relationship. How could Landon resist such beauty, especially if it radiated from a woman so willing to climb into his bed? Winning the argument with Daniel to stay aboard until they reached Philadelphia no longer had the same appeal it had a few moments ago.

Perhaps the last confrontation Landon and Annette had aboard the
had merely been a lover’s spat, which they reconciled at Doreen’s ball. The darker question gripped her mind. After securing Keelan’s passage aboard the
, had Landon sought out Annette to accompany him south?

Was that the reason he kept the

Keelan tried to swallow the rock forming in her throat. Could she stand to watch Landon and Annette together?

“I wonder what Hart’s reaction will be when he sees Garrison aboard this ship.” Daniel crossed his arms with a confidence she did not share. “My bet would be he’s bound and turned over to the Charleston authorities.”

“But, Daniel,” she whispered. “If he’s taken to jail and charged with kidnapping me, won’t I have to bear witness to the charges?”

Daniel was silent as he pondered her words. “True enough,” he responded. “’Tis better to keep our enemies close, where we can watch them. We have the advantage. He doesn’t know we’re aboard. Take care, Miss Keelan, to stay as inconspicuous as you can.” He looked toward the main cabin. “I’ll find a quiet moment to have a word with Captain Hart about our circumstances.”

“Nay, Daniel, please don’t!” The words fell from her lips before she could stop them.

He turned to her, surprise evident on his face. “In heaven’s name, why not?”

Taking an unsteady breath, she stared at her clasped hands, not willing Daniel to witness her pain as she spoke. “I’d rather not burden the captain with my state of affairs at the moment. He might well feel obligated to take charge of my protection, and I will not be any more indebted to him than I am already. It’s obvious to me much weighs on his mind at the moment, and I shall not add to his burden.”

Daniel bent to peer at her. “It’s my understanding the man cares about you deeply. Your protection would be less an obligation and more of a concern on his part.”

Daniel had not seen Landon’s interactions with Annette; he did not know their history.

She lowered her gaze and murmured. “I am uncertain of my standing with him at the moment, Daniel. It appears he has invited one of his previous mistresses to join him on his journey.” She tilted her head in Annette’s direction.

Daniel’s features darkened briefly, then it softened in understanding. “We shall remain anonymous for a while then. At least until we can determine where every one stands.” He patted her hand affectionately. “It is unwise to make assumptions, Miss. Better to seek the facts of the matter.”

As she pondered his words, her mind thrashed about in indecision. More than Landon’s affection for her was at stake now. Her life was in jeopardy as well.

Daniel crossed his arms and nodded. “Let’s bide our time for a few days and watch them. There will be plenty of opportunities to exit the ship in Harbour Town or Philadelphia.”

Keelan glumly nodded in agreement. She shifted her gaze back to the end of the pier and caught her breath.

Orvis was back at his post.


She’d done her best both to help the sailors as well as stay out of their way. Remus took her under his wing and gave her several specific tasks to perform. Unfortunately she had to go to the starboard side to complete them, removing her chance to watch the pier.

When she went to back a couple of hours later, she chanced a quick glance at the pier long enough to notice Orvis was no longer at his post. That should’ve given her some sense of relief, but instead, an uneasy shadow settled in her chest.

“Weigh anchor, lads!” Conal braced his legs, hands on his hips. “Hands to braces, set topsails, let down the sheets and haul to run free!”

The anchor was raised, and the hoisted sails billowed full and urgent. The crew looked with satisfaction at the brisk gusts filling the canvas.

Landon stood near the helm, issuing additional instructions as sheets were adjusted and lashed. The sails snatched the wind, and the
glided swiftly to open sea. Landon was as much a part of the ship as the mainmast. Standing with legs braced wide, the only disturbance in his countenance was the lingering look he gave to the Charleston harbor and the stoic expression on his face.

What was he thinking? Keelan glanced at the harbor and her heart suffered a brief pang of grief as she recalled standing by Papa’s side the day their ship dropped anchor a couple years ago. She’d been grieving the loss of her mother.

Her life had been on a different path, then.

The wind gently moved them out from the waterfront and parallel to the shoreline. Charleston shrank quickly into the distance as the
gained speed at the expert hands of her crew.

Landon stood straight and tall at the helm. So far, she had managed to stay out of his way, but, eventually their paths would cross. A part of her yearned for it, as much as dreaded it.

She swallowed, but couldn’t squelch the prickly sense of foreboding that gripped her. How far would this charade take them? Would Landon recognize her before she was ready to doff her disguise? More importantly, would he be glad she was here? She clenched her teeth. Or would her presence ruin his plans with Annette Camsby?

After reaching deeper waters, the
swung southward again, and the shore returned as a distant dark green line on the horizon. It seemed odd a ship should sail so far from the shore when it would soon make port again.

Henry had stepped up to the rail next to her, so she voiced her question to him.

He gestured toward the low line of land to the right. “There be a lot of sand bars and small islands along this coast, lad. Many a vessel has been run aground by less experienced captains. Easy pickin’ fer the pirates then. Cap’n chooses to try to make them work a bit harder to catch us.” He grinned.

Keelan gripped the rail nervously. “Do many pirates prey in these waters?” She thought of Gampo.

“Not as much as back when.” Henry shrugged. “Blackbeard hisself raked these seas fer years. Why, Blackbeard’s men stole ashore in Charleston one day and kidnapped a good number of prominent townsfolk quite a few years ago. He ransomed them fer medicine fer his crew.” The man winked and then chuckled, “His men had the clap, ye see, and Captain Blackbeard knew they would not be able to keep their mind on their work if their cocks were itchin’ like the devil.”

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