Harrison Investigations 2 Ghost Walk (6 page)

Read Harrison Investigations 2 Ghost Walk Online

Authors: Heather Graham

Tags: #Ghost, #Paranormal, #Fiction, #Romance, #Gothic, #Suspense, #General

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"This agent was seen walking around—after he'd been killed," Adam said.

Brent arched a brow. "All right," he said after a moment. "I guess you're going to tell me all of it?"

"I'm going to tell you everything I know." Adam assured him solemnly.

"And I'm going to guess that I already have a plane ticket?"

"You leave tomorrow."


"The new Storyville district is a great place to visit," Nikki assured the crowd around her. "As in the past, there's music and great food, but you won't find the same… business that flourished years ago. Alderman Sydney Story knew he couldn't get rid of the oldest profession as it's been called, but he was hoping to control it. I can't imagine he was happy when the red light district he worked so hard to contain was named Storyville, after him. The district limited prostitution and, in time, other vices to the area from the south side of Customhouse Street to the north side of St. Louis Street, from the lower side of North Basin Street to the lower side of Robertson Street."

"There are endless tales to go with the area. The bordellos ranged from the poor and ragged to the rich and classy, the girls from young and green to long in the tooth. But the true reigning queen of Storyville was Josie. She was born just about the end of the Civil War, raised by a very religious family, and seduced at an early age into the arms of a fancy man. But at heart,
Josie was an entrepreneur. In her early days, she was red-haired and wild-tempered, and her place was known for some of the fiercest and most entertaining catfights to be seen anywhere. Then, when the brawling became too much even for Josie, she reinvented herself and ran ads for ladies of the highest rank. She managed to make a fortune and buy herself a splendid home in an affluent quarter of the city. Eventually she became obsessed with death. Not that she seemed to be terribly worried about her immortal soul. She was consumed, however, with concern regarding her physical remains. She wanted to be as grand in death as she presumed herself to be in life. So she had a tomb built, a truly magnificent tomb. It incorporated pilasters and urns and torches. And a beautiful sculpture of a woman, one foot on a step, her hand reaching for the door.

"In time Josie died and was entombed. But an heir squandered away her money. Her house was sold, as was her tomb. The new owners did not want her remains, so they were removed. In New Orleans, after a year and a day, that's no problem. Where they lie today… it's one of the best-kept secrets of the cemetery. But it's often said that Josie's spirit slips into the statue of the woman that still stands at the entry to her former tomb. Is she trying to get into heaven? Or merely beckoning others to follow her? If you happen to see the elegant statue moving, don't be afraid. Josie had a temper, but she was also a social creature, and it's said that she's merely visiting gentlemen callers who happened to have ended their days in the same cemetery."

"Where is the tomb?" a slender woman called to her.

"Metairie. It's featured on another of our tours, and we hope you'll join us for it," Nikki replied. "Well, folks, that's it for the evening, except that my colleagues—the tall, dark handsome fellow there, Julian, and the beautiful young woman to my right, Andrea—will join me in answering any questions you might have. And thank you so much for joining us. There are many tour groups here in New Orleans, so we hope we've fulfilled your expectations, and enlightened and entertained you."

The usual round of questions followed. Nikki never minded, but that night, she knew, she was glancing at her watch. At last she was able to extricate herself from the last family eager to learn more.

It had been a good evening. In fact, it had been a good day. Her ridiculous sense of foreboding hadn't meant a thing. When she finished with the family, she waved to Andy and Julian, and they headed off for Pat O'Brien's.

"Man, I have never seen so many posters up before an election," Julian commented as they passed the wooden barricade around a construction site. The posters advertised the current sensation, an older man named Harold Grant. "He looks like you, Nikki. Far too serious," Julian teased. "Maybe we need new blood running the place. Have you seen all the posters for what's-his-name?"

"Billy Banks," Andy reminded him. "Yeah, and he's a cutie. Have you seen him, Nikki? Vibrant guy, lots of charisma. Poor old Harold probably doesn't have a chance against him."

"Some people don't vote for a candidate because he's cute," Nikki said.

Julian shrugged. "They're both swearing they're the one who can clean up crime in the parish," he said. "Politicians. Who do you believe?"

"None of them," Andy said.

"Hey… lots of people out tonight," Julian said, forgetting politics as they neared their destination.

Despite the popularity of the place—an absolute must for tourists—they were able to garner a table. It was almost as if Max could see them in his mind's eye from wherever he was, because they had just started on their first round of Hurricanes when Nikki's cell rang.

"Drunk yet?" Max asked her.

"Funny," she told him.

A soft chuckle came over the phone. "Come on, kid. Celebrate. Let yourself go. Drop down among the mortals and do a little sinning, huh?"

"Who is it?" Mitch asked, over the din.

"Is it Max?" Julian demanded.

She nodded, pressing the phone closer to her ear and mouthing, "He wants to know if we're drunk yet. He's telling us to celebrate."

"Tell him I'm on my way to happily inebriated—since he's picking up the tab," Nathan yelled, slipping an arm around Patricia's shoulder. "And Tricia's doing fine, too."

"Hot time tonight, huh?" Julian asked.

Patricia laughed. "Like he needs to get me drunk at this point."

"Just… perky," Nathan teased, hugging her.

"Would you guys quit with the sex thing? At least until you see the rest of us coupled up for the night, huh?" Mitch said. "By the way, Nikki, make sure you're hearing Max correctly. He's telling you to celebrate, not to be celibate."

"Funny, Mitch," she mouthed.

"What was that Mitch said?" Max asked. He said something else, but the music was playing and there were voices all around.

Nikki waved a hand at them, frowning. "I can't hear you, Max," she said.

The others ignored her.

"You won't see me coupled up—not in the near future," Andy said. "A voodoo queen warned me to watch out for strangers," she assured them.

"Max?" Nikki said, narrowing her eyes fiercely at the others.

"I'm here, Nick," he said. "I just called to say that you're doing a great job—one of the travel magazines just rated us as the top tour bargain in the Big Easy. So tell Nathan to drink himself silly. And you do the same."

She realized that the idea actually appealed to her. What had it been? The weird junkie at Madame's yesterday? That sense of foreboding this morning? The back-to-back tours she had done that day? She needed to take it a little easier. Once Max got back, she was going to tell him that they needed to hire more people.

The Hurricane she had assumed she would nurse all night was already empty. A waitress replaced it without being asked.

She smiled her thanks and spoke to her boss.

"Max, thanks, that's great. I'll tell the others."

"Tell us what?" Patricia demanded.

She waved an impatient hand again, trying to get them to shut up while she was still talking.

"When are you coming back?" she asked Max. "I need to ask you—"

"Do what you need to do. I'm not sure yet when I'm coming back. You've got my cell—call me with any problems. And for tonight, let loose. Eat, drink and be merry. We'll talk soon."


He'd hung up.

"What did he say?" Julian demanded.

She told them about their ranking in the tourist mag. A cheer went up, and then a toast. "Did we order food?" Nikki demanded.

"Our little China doll is getting tipsy!" Patricia teased.

Nikki groaned. "Hey, for real."

"Hey, for real," Julian assured her. "We've got a shrimp and crawfish appetizer coming, gumbo and a special thing, pork, red beans and rice… succotash, darlin'!" he teased, managing to sound just like Max.

"Thank God," she murmured.

"Indeed. Another toast," Nathan said, raising his glass. "We're the best. And Congrats to Nikki, our blond beauty."

"Hey, don't look now, but that guy over there is looking to be a couple tonight," Patricia said, nodding toward the other side of the room.

"He's looking at Nikki, not me," Andy said.

Nikki twisted around. The guy in question was nice looking, sandy-haired, either a businessman letting down his hair, or maybe a college student.

"No, I think he's looking at you, Andy," she said.

"Ladies, ladies, I hate to disappoint you, but I think he's looking at me," Mitch said.

Another round of drinks came to the table. Nikki's head was beginning to buzz, but it was a celebration, and she did need to let loose now and then.

So she ate crawfish and had another Hurricane, and laughed at the banter around the table.


The plane rose, angling into the air.

Below, there was light.

And darkness.

Along the coast, the highly populated sections were ablaze with artificial light. Housing and commercial development were pushing the boundaries, eating up great chunks of the Everglades.

And yet the great area of no-man's-land remained, thick with grass and slow-moving water—and darkness.

South Florida. From the air, it was easy to see just how much of the landscape was still taken up by the "river of grass," since, technically, the Glades weren't swampland at all.

Brent loved it, loved the festivals held by the Seminole and Miccosukee Indians. He loved playing guitar with his friends. Loved the seemingly endless expanse of the Glades, even with the mosquitoes, snakes and alligators.

The Everglades made a great place to dump bodies, too. When someone went missing… well, the police knew where to look.

This was his home now, the place he'd chosen to live. But there was also the home of his childhood.

After the deaths of his parents, his grandfather had been his legal guardian, so he'd spent a great deal of time, school vacations, holidays, summers, in South Dakota. But his mom's family had been among many Irish immigrants to the Deep South, and until recently, they'd lived in the parish of his birth. Most of the time when he'd been growing up had been spent with that side of his family, in Louisiana.

New Orleans. The French Quarter. Where he'd been born.

He knew the area far too well.

New Orleans. And beyond the Vieux Carré, the bayous. Endless canals. Alligators, shrimp and shrimpers, crawfish, Cajun food…

There were bodies there, too. And strange events that went beyond the accepted norm…

It was what he did, he reminded himself.

But not always by choice.

New Orleans.

Damn, but he hated to go home.

Chapter 4


"Help me! Nikki, wake up and help me!"

Nikki woke groggily from a deep sleep. She forced her eyes open.

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