Harper's Little Spitfire (Harper's Series) (11 page)

BOOK: Harper's Little Spitfire (Harper's Series)
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Logan sat there as both Caleb and Zeb stood, still holding their semi-erect cocks in hand, breathing heavily. Her breathing was shallow as Logan removed himself from the couch and fixed his jeans, before he walked into the kitchen. Her eyes followed him as he rounded the corner. What did he need from the kitchen? Was he hungry? Thirsty maybe?

Caleb pulled his jeans up and placed her leg back on the couch as he stared down at her. Zeb did the same with his jeans and sat down on the extra seat in the lounge room. No one said anything. She started to feel a little embarrassed.

Gripping her shirt, she started to pull it down when Logan walked back in carrying a towel. Stopping at her side, he gripped her hands and held her shirt away from her body as he wiped over her stomach with a wet part from the towel. As the coolness hit her skin, her body shivered. Her senses were all over the place.

When he finished, he fixed up her shirt and helped her up in a sitting position. Throwing the towel over his shoulder, he pulled her up from the couch and into his arms.

His warmth seeped into her. Loving the feeling of having him wrapped around her, as if he was keeping her safe from all harm, not allowing anything to touch her unless it went through him, Sage sighed contently. His hand stroked over her back and her arms wrapped around his waist.

“You might want to go up and have a shower,” he mumbled against the top of her head. Blushing, knowing why he said that, she removed herself from him and left the three of them in her lounge room.

As she walked up the stairs, her mind went a million miles. How in the world did that just happen? She had dreamed about this moment, or a version of it, for so long that she was left dazed. Her body had been thoroughly loved. They had loved her body the way she would have hoped; it was different to what she imagined.

She was not complaining, not even close. Grinning as she stepped into her bathroom, her fingers traced over every part of her where they had touched her. Her breasts were sensitive and hard from Caleb’s hands. Her clit, Jesus, she couldn’t even touch down there; just the slightest touch now would send her over the edge, even after the two orgasms they gave her, and her pussy, God, she still felt Zeb and Logan’s fingers sliding in and out of her. The way she had gripped them, the way they both had curled their fingers hitting her G-spot. She had tried to find it herself, but she never came close to finding that tiny bundle of joy. The boys knew exactly where to find it, sending her body into unknown places she thought she would never be.

Sliding under the warm water, Sage leaned against the tiled wall as the water ran down her back and over her ass. Her skin tingled from their caresses; her senses were all over the place, as were her thoughts. She had no idea how the amazing events from a few moments ago had happened. Sage had loved every moment of it, but now had no idea how to handle the situation. She was unsure how to take what had just happened. Placing her head under the water, she washed her face and the rest of her body. Turning the water off, she stepped out and wrapped a towel around her body. She did not get dressed straight away; rather, Sage sat on her bed, and pulled the blanket up to cover her.

Why were they acting like this now, when she had tried to grab their attention for the last several years? She thought. Out of all of them, Caleb and Zeb flirted an unforeseen amount with her, but after years of them not taking her advances, she put it to harmless flirting.

Her head was telling her one thing,
go back down there and have your way with them. Don’t take no for an answer!
Her heart was different.
How many times can you allow them in, when all they do is push you away, never giving back what you want most from them?

Grrr. This is why she stopped allowing her heart to think about what it wanted, but as usual, her body betrayed her every bloody time. She needed time to think to herself, without the presence of the Harper boys in her thoughts and in the flesh right in front of her. 



eb couldn’t believe he finally got to touch the woman of his dreams. Countless nights he woke from erotic dreams of her with him and his brothers. They had felt so real, every scream of pleasure coming from her mouth, the way her body bucked under his, how her pussy gripped his dick when he pounded into her relentlessly. From every drop of sweat to the taste of her, lingered on his tongue; then he would wake up, with his own hand wrapped around his cock, stroking furiously.

Damn, he had waited for too long for this to happen. The way she felt around his fingers had his cock throbbing to be inside of her. He was hard the instant she walked into the kitchen; the way her eyes had travelled over him and his brothers as they stood there shirtless made it impossible not to react. She had tried not to look towards them. He grinned; she didn’t do a great job at not looking. They had no idea what they were going to say or do until she had walked into the kitchen, then ignored them, and then left the room.

Logan looked at both himself and Caleb, and they had all known what was going to happen. At the time, he hoped that she would accept what they were offering and not get spooked by the three of them not holding back from her. The way her body responded to him and his brothers was something he thought he would never see from her.

Sitting on the couch, his arm along the back of it, Caleb had sat across from him with the biggest grin covering his face. Well shit, he’d had the same one covering his. Wiping his hand across his chin, he could still smell her on his fingers; she was the sweetest nectar.

Logan stood at the bottom of the stairs, still facing them after she walked up. “Caleb, give Mum a ring and let her know that we will be up on the weekend. Ask to have the cabin prepared, since we will all be staying there. Also we can help Dad finish off the fencing when we’re there too, and anything else he may need help with.”

“Sure thing,” Caleb replied.

“What’s the plan now?” Zeb asked.

“Nothing at the moment. We don’t want to scare her off, and with what just happened, I was barely holding myself back. We need to back off and allow her to get the idea into that head of hers, and accept what we’re giving her.”

“We all know that she is up there now, going over everything that just happened. Do you really think it’s a good idea to even allow her to think about this for even a split second? She is going to fight for what she wants. She has for the last couple of years. It was us holding back from her all that time, Logan. We just didn’t do anything about it then,” Zeb voiced, puffing his chest out at his words.

“You know why we never did anything back then, Zeb. If we all jumped on her at the same time, she would have bolted. She wouldn’t have understood the desire we all had for her then; she was too immature. We need to ease her into this, not rush it and have her running away from us,” Logan replied, his tone assertive.

“We can’t do this without Mac, Logan. How are we going to get him to realise that he is a part of this too, and to stop bloody fighting what he wants as well?”

“Leave Mac to me. I have a way to get him to come around. Whether he admits his feelings or not, he will be involved.” Logan moved from the stairs. “I have a meeting in an hour. You both have places to be, so we need to get Kaidence back here and keep a close eye on her. I don’t want her to disappear.”

They all understood that at the first possible chance, she would likely run. Having her there on the couch with three of them around her, Logan was going to talk to her about what they all wanted from her. However, none of them could keep their hands off her. The little spitfire surprised Zeb and his brothers; he honestly thought she would put up some kind of fight against them, after they pretty much cornered her on the couch.

Looking up the stairs one last time, the shower had stopped running five minutes ago. Zeb guessed she was sitting up there going over everything that happened between them all. Shit, he was; it was still all a shock that she had accepted what they had given her.

Caleb stood from where he was and moved towards the door. “If I stay any longer, I’ll end up going up there and demanding more from her, and I know that can’t happen yet. So, I’m off.”

Logan turned around. “Are any of you coming back here?” He looked from Caleb back to Zeb.

“Nope, not a good idea. I think we should give her some time to think things through. We’ll see her on Friday when we head up to the ranch,” Zeb answered.

“I agree. I’ll call Kaidence back to see if she can come over once she’s finished. Did she say why she had to leave in a rush?” Logan asked.

Shaking his head, he spoke, “Nothing to me. If it was that serious, I’m sure she would have told spitfire.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right,” Logan answered.

“Ok, so plan is none of us are going to see her until Friday, correct?” Caleb asked.

“Yep, we’ll all come and pick her up and drive up there together,” Logan replied.

This trip to their parents’ ranch was going to be really interesting. The last time spitfire had been up there was at least five years ago, when they had celebrated their parents’ 40
wedding anniversary. But this time was going to be different. Besides them working on the property, they were finally going to spend quality time with her. Quality time that they needed, what she needed from them.

Zeb’s cock twitched in his jeans at the thought of what might finally happen between them all. He dare not hope that they, the Harper brothers, were finally getting the girl of their dreams, and claiming her as their own, completely and utterly theirs. Or of course, there was the chance Sage would run when she found out what they wanted from her and would never allow them to have the chance to finally have her as theirs. The thought pained him.

He couldn’t keep having these negative thoughts; it hurt his heart too much. Shaking his head, all three of them took one last look up the stairs, hoping to get a small, last glimpse of spitfire before they left. He had a feeling she wouldn’t allow it, which was understandable.

“Okay, let’s hit the road. I’ll see you both back at the office, and once we are all finished, I think we should go over the plan for this weekend,” Logan instructed as he closed spitfire’s front door and walked down the stairs towards his bike.

Zeb followed suit towards his truck. “Sounds good to me.” Caleb nodded as he slid into his truck. Logan was the first to pull away from her house. Still standing near his truck, Zeb reluctantly walked around the back of it. Opening the door ready to jump in, he noticed movement out of the corner of his eyes.

Turning around, Sage stood near her window, looking down at him. He stood there staring at her, never taking his eyes away from hers. She frowned down at him, then seconds later, she shook her head the slightest amount, but he saw it, and then she closed the blinds to her room.

Hopping in his truck, he started the engine, and pulled out. He knew she would be going over and overthinking the recent turn of events. It was inevitable. Driving away from her house, he just hoped she wouldn’t talk herself out of what could be the best decision of her life; damn, their lives. The four of them had waited for what felt like a millennium for this one moment of finally having her to themselves, completely, claiming her as their own, and never ever letting her go.


age stood near her window, looking down as Zeb climbed into his truck. She thought she had hidden herself enough so he wouldn’t know she was watching him. But he knew; they all seemed to know when she was looking their way. His eyes caught hers, neither of them looking away from each other. As she glanced over his body, her own tingled at the memory of them on her couch. How was she going to deal with being in the same room with them all again?

None of them said a word to one another after the event. She considered their actions. Was it just to get her to agree to go to their parents’ ranch or was it something completely different? Sage had no idea, but she did know that something was happening, between them all. Moving away from the window, she closed the blinds, stood watching as he looked one last time at her window, and then jumped into his truck. Seconds later, he pulled away from the curb and drove off.

With everything going through her head, she did not know what to think of the whole situation. Yes, she wanted them all, who wouldn’t? They were all a walking bloody wet dream, waiting to fulfil her wildest dreams and more. Deep down, Sage knew they all would, but what scared her more was the fact of being with them all together again. Could she actually do it, or would she chicken out and never allow it to happen again?

God, this was all fucked up. If she did go through with it, how would they feel that she was still a virgin? Would they still want her after that little bit of information came out, or did they know and want that part of her for themselves?

What would happen after they spent the night together?

“Jesus, get yourself together, bitch,” she growled aloud.

Stomping to her bed, she threw herself onto it. Maybe she just needed to accept what had happened was the only time it was going to happen. It was probably best that this all stopped now. Once they found out her little secret, they wouldn’t want her as much as they thought. She wasn’t sexual enough for them. How could she be when she had never slept with anyone? Of course, she knew the basics of pleasing a guy besides sex, that much was obvious, but how long could one person keep that up?

She needed to get her mind off them. Lifting her phone up, she started dialling Kaidence’s number. Recently, Kaidence had been MIA a lot. Always racing to get somewhere. Always the last to arrive. She still hadn’t had the chance to ask her about it. Before hitting the last number, she remembered something Caleb said to her.

What was it that she had agreed to? She didn’t realise that she had hit the number her finger froze above until she heard Kaidence’s voice.

“Hey bitch, finished already?” she laughed over the line.

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