Harmony's Healing (Downtown Book 2) (25 page)

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Authors: T J West

Tags: #Downtown Series, #Book 2

BOOK: Harmony's Healing (Downtown Book 2)
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Damn, I really need to stop being so whiny, I am making myself sick.
Okay….I can do this. It’s just a concert, no biggie, right? However, once the lights go down and the women start to scream, everything I told myself…..I kissed it all goodbye. I shouldn’t be so nervous to see him, but I can’t help it. The love of my life is going to be a few feet away from me!

Oh, God, the stage goes black and the music begins! Melody starts screaming, whistling and clapping her hands. I’m biting my acrylic fingernails and am in no mood to follow my sister. All of a sudden
appears on the stage and the only one that catches my eye is Danny. My God he looks heavenly and drool worthy. I am going to need a cloth to wipe my mouth. He is a total rocker up there with his torn jeans, t-shirt and his hair - wow - is sexy as hell. I have always loved that fohawk. Plus the scruff on his face - I really want to scratch it with my nails. He’s so gorgeous, I can’t take my eyes off him.

“What’s up Orlando!” Lucky shouts to the crowd, they go completely insane. From the girls behind me, and with my sister screaming beside me, I am going to go deaf. “How’s everybody doing tonight!” More screaming. I stay standing, heart is racing and I am starting to sweat. “You ready to have a good time!” The women love
. This amazes me because they’re not even the band that everyone has come to see. Soon enough that is all going to change. “Hit it Jason!” Jason is behind a plastic window like shield; he begins to pound on those drums, then right after, Slim and Wayne. Lucky introduces Danny, which leads him to begin to stroke that guitar of his. Immediately after Danny, Lucky gets into it and starts singing.

“Sweet fucking Jesus, they’re so hot!” Melody yells in my ear. I can’t help but agree with her. They are smokin’ hot it’s not even funny. The few songs they were playing, not once did Danny look my way. Maybe I am in the clear after all?

It’s been an amazing opening.
is incredible and deserve to be number one. “Orlando you rock our world!” Lucky shouts and the crowd yells out for more! Honestly I can listen to them all day, they’re that good. I love their music. Lucky gets the audience’s attention with his sexy grin and husky voice. “Before we begin our last song, my bro here, Danny Jay -” The girls go wild. They love Danny. I don’t blame them, he’s sex on legs. Yet, I am slightly jealous. I wonder how many women he’s been with since he’s left? I can’t even think about that, the thought irritates me. Lucky continues, “He has something to say to someone who’s in the audience tonight; someone who rocks his own world. It’s all yours Danny-boy.” Huh? What is going on? Who is rocking his world? Melody suddenly nudges my arm. I look at her confused. She has one big grin on her face. She knows exactly what’s up and the reason I am here - Danny is talking to me. Directly at me.
I think I am going to faint.

great. We’ve traveled to the east coast, going from venue to venue, meeting new fans and having the time of our lives. Opening up for
The Convicts
has been a dream come true; Jax, Benny, and Will spoke highly about us and demanded we come on tour with them. It’s been epic working aside them, opening up their show. They convinced us to go on a major tour this summer with a bunch of other bands and artists. We’ll be going all around the country, including San Diego - Del Mar Fair. It’s going to be incredible.

Besides the invitation for touring amongst all this talent, we’re finally going to make a couple music video’s when we get back home. We’ve been waiting to do one ever since
made the top ten. Lyric, June and Gary have really come through for us. They have done everything to help us succeed and it’s actually happening.

I want to celebrate with the one person I can’t be with. She’s not here. She’s not in my life anymore. How I am surviving without her, I don’t know. It was my choice to let her go, to be miserable without her. I’ve done everything to get over Harmony, but I’ve been doing a pretty shitty job at it. I thought time away would help me get over her - how fucking wrong I was. I almost hooked up with a few women here and there, but my heart was never in it. Every time I was about ready to kiss a really hot girl - boom! Harmony’s face, lips, smell and body came into my head. She’s like the tattoo on the side of my body - she’s permanently etched on my heart.

Weeks on end in this cramped bus with two horny guys, I can’t take it anymore. Plus seeing how happy Lucky and Faith are makes my separation from Harmony even harder. I thought I could do this, live without her. Every passing day seems to get harder and harder. However, there is just one thing that is standing in the way - me! I have to forgive her. I want more than anything to erase the invisible border that is keeping us apart. How do I do it though? Forget she ever lied to me? She played an insane head game with me, with one of my best friends. How do I let it go, put it to rest? It’s a fucking cold sore, blistering, bleeding - it hurts.

One late night I got my answer. I was up in my bunk, trying to get some shut eye. I couldn’t get any sleep. The rocking of the bus, the noise - the memory of Harmony’s moans, when she came for me, kept me up. Damn, she was a beautiful sight when she climaxed over my dick; her nails digging in my back, her pussy all wet for me, her screaming my name - Hell! I was hard all over again. I wanted to jack off from the memory. Instead I jumped down from my bunk and got a bottle of water. I was sweating and so frustrated with myself. I am one fucked up SOB; stubborn. Faith found me and sat with me in silence. She didn’t say one word to me. She was waiting for me to start the conversation, to tell her how shitty I was feeling. I didn’t want to confide in her. Though after several minutes passed, I gave up and told her. She listened, never judged. She encouraged me to read the letter our dad wrote to me. I had stuffed that letter away for so long I didn’t think I’d ever look at it. It was time to open my father’s ghost. Time to read his words. This was as good a time as any. I needed something, anything to help me get through this built-up pain. I needed answers. I went back to my bunk and dug up the letter.

Dear Daniel,

My one and only son. I'm leaving this world a better man, yet I have done a million things wrong in the past. I left you when you were only five, when I should have fought harder to keep you in my life. But mistakes happen and we do what we think is right at the time. I was married and had a daughter, Faith. I loved her with all my heart, but ruined our relationship by being too controlling for too long. I am not proud of my choices; having an affair with your mother is one of them, but when you came along I couldn’t regret it. You are my flesh and blood.

What I am trying to say here, son, is I apologize and have the deepest regret for not being there when you were growing up. Your mother was a wonderful mother and I wish I could turn back the clock and make things right with her and you. If I wasn't so caught up in power and money maybe I would have been in your life. Money isn't everything - remember that. Love is. Forgiveness is. Those two things will get you far in life.

Shortly after I found out I was sick I discovered you were in a band. Your mother sent me a video of you performing. In an instant I started crying. You may not know this, but I too was in a band, when I was a kid. I played the guitar as well. Unfortunately I was forced to go to college to get my degree in business. Years and years of regret of not following my dreams I became a jealous bastard. My jealousy ruined my chance at having a relationship with Faith's boyfriend, your good friend Lucas. Seeing and listening to you perform was like heaven to me. I never knew how talented you were and I couldn't be more proud of you. I am just sorry I can't tell you this in person. Know this, though - I do love you and wish you much success with your music. One day when you make it big, stay true to yourself, find that someone special in your life and share it with her. Share your success with her. She is out there. Love her and forgive her for her faults, as she will do for you. Life's too short to dwell on anything - don’t stay angry. Be happy.

Beyond this letter is a check in your name. You deserve every penny. You are my son.

With love,

Gordon Daniel Montgomery (Dad)

I was flabbergasted, speechless. So many thoughts were competing in my head, I assumed I was going to spin out of control; I was overwhelmed.
My dad - a musician? What the fuck?
One surprise after another, I couldn’t believe it! Is this finally it? Is the last piece to my puzzle finally put together? I had my answers. They were staring at me, they were never going away. It was as if my father had been in the room with me, guiding me along this whole time. I just needed his push. I knew exactly what to do now. It’s crazy to think I was actually waiting for his approval, to help me get rid of my anger. It’s all insane.


She’s been there for me, whether I knew it or not. I felt as though my dad sent her my way - to help heal me. It sounded so fucking sappy I wanted to puke, but I couldn’t ignore it. I needed to get her back. I wanted to tell her face to face how sorry I am, how much I needed her in my life. She made me happy. Time to forgive her and myself. Time to forgive my best friend too. He’s one sick dude, but he’s got a big ass heart.
Damn bastard
. Soon after, I opened the check my dad made out for me. I almost fell out of my bunk, the check was that fucking big. Twenty-five million dollars - in my name.
This had to be some kind of hoax, it couldn’t be right. I studied the check a few times to make sure I was seeing it clearly enough.
Hell - it was real.
With this check and the check I received from our music label…...I am filthy fucking rich. I didn’t know whether I should cry, shout out to the world I’m loaded, or sit here quietly and think about what I could do with this kind of money. I was so overwhelmed. How the hell was I supposed to go to sleep?

The next morning I was so tired. I didn’t get any sleep after reading my dad’s letter, and opening the check. I was up most of the night thinking about the money and how to get Harmony back. Before I knew it we were in Orlando, Florida.

I am one of the first ones up and ready to head out, but I wait until the guys get off first. I need to speak to Faith. I pull her to the side before she steps out. I’m not sure anything will work, but I have to at least try. "Look, uh, I need you to do me the biggest favor."

"Depends on what it is." She crosses her arms and winks. I know she’s just joking, but I am too serious right now.

"I know I shouldn't even be asking you this, but....." I exhale nervously, swiping a hand through my hair.

"Danny, tell me,” Faith urges.

"I need you to figure out a way to get Harmony here for the concert - like tomorrow."

She blinks in surprise. "Of course I'll help." Then she smiles.

"You will?"

"Danny,” she chuckles, “I've been waiting for you to get your shit together for months now, so yes, absolutely, one hundred percent, yes."

"Thank you." Damn, I feel so much better.

"Ok, so lets talk."

Once we head off the bus, and into the Amphitheater we initiate a plan, involving June, Helene and Melody. It’s a damn good plan. I just pray to God it works.

After a few hours of rehearsal we have a catered dinner and finally have some down time on the bus. Throughout the day there was never a good time to talk with Wayne. We got so caught up in rehearsing and press interviews I couldn’t pull him aside. Even though he’s now in the middle of playing a car racing video game, I interrupt him and Slim. "Bro, can we talk?"

Without looking up at me he says, “Sure, dude. Hold on one sec.” He takes his last lap and beats Slim. He smacks his hands together and yells out, “Wooo!”

“Shit,” Slim hisses. “Alright, who’s next?”

"I'll play!" Lyric speaks up.

"You play, seriously?" Slim is just as surprised as all of us that Lyric pipes in. We never would have thought she’d want to play; she’s usually stays within her said boundaries - never mix business with pleasure.

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