Harley's Achilles (The Rock Series Book 3) (5 page)

Read Harley's Achilles (The Rock Series Book 3) Online

Authors: Sandrine Gasq-Dion,Kelli Dennis,Heidi Ryan,Jennifer Jacobson,Michael Stokes

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Gay, #Lgbt, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Harley's Achilles (The Rock Series Book 3)
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“Fine.” I exhaled loudly, hoping Achilles would think I didn’t want him there. Truth be told, he chased away the silence and made me feel…wanted. Too bad it was just his job to hang out with me. I knew the guys thought I was a loose cannon, and in a way, I was. I also knew I had disappointed them at times with my behavior.

Achilles and I cleaned up the table and ate some more food. We ended up on the couch, lounging and watching stupid TV shows.

“See? If that was me out there, that fucker would be thrown off the island immediately,” Achilles practically snorted.

“Why? That’s the whole point of the show. It’s reality TV, fuck each other over and all that. Form alliances and then stab people in the back to win.”

“They wouldn’t last five seconds in the desert.”

I sat up on my elbow and eyed him. “Were you scared?”

“I let it in, and then I let it go. You have to. A certain degree of terrified is good, you can’t go off all half-cocked. You’ll get your guys killed.”

“Is that what happened to you?” I asked quietly.

“The guy in charge had just come out of officers school. He hadn’t spent one second in a real world situation. You can’t go by the damn manual in that kind of clusterfuck, so yeah, he got them dead.”

“Did he die?”

“He did. I was the only one to make it out alive, and I did it kicking and screaming.”

I glanced over at Achilles’ biceps. He had some pretty colorful tattoos and Greek letters. I could see just beyond them, though, and the scars were visible.

“Can’t hide it all.” Achilles ran a hand over his bicep. “I have more scars. I’ve kept them uncovered to remind me.”

“Remind you of what? That day?”

“No, to remind me that I’m still here. They tried and they failed to kill me.”

I reached over and took his hand. “I’m glad you’re still here.”

Something passed between us in that second and I knew I saw something in Achilles’ eyes just then. My phone shrilled and we pulled apart like we were on fire. I grabbed it off the coffee table and saw that Jinx was calling. I grinned and swiped “talk.”

“Hey!” I said, excitedly.

“I just heard from Gareth that you and Achilles are sick! Are you guys okay? Do I need to come back—”

“I’m okay, I swear it. Achilles is looking much better, too.”

Jinx let out an audible breath on the other end and I had to smile. Jinx was one of those guys who would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. Yeah, he was a former man-whore, but he was one of the best friends I have ever had. I really missed him a lot.

“So how’s the tour going for Jayden? He getting used to it yet?”

“He’s eating better, I’m making sure of it. He’s still tired, but we know how that goes. I’m actually looking forward to going home with him.”

“I can’t wait to see you. I miss you, man.”

“I miss you, too. How’s Achilles holding up? You run him into the ground yet?” Jinx chuckled.

“He’s just fine.” There was a commotion on the other end of the line and then girls screaming. “I’ll let you go, sounds like you have your hands full.”

“If you need me, just holler. Love ya, man.”

“Love you, too.” I hung up with a sigh and reclined on the sofa.

“You look beat,” Achilles observed.

“I am. Fuck, I’m so tired.”

“Go to bed. I’ll lock up.”

“Are you… staying?” I tried to keep the hope out of my voice.

“Yeah. I’m staying.”


I went to bed, but I left my door open. I didn’t know why part of me was hoping Achilles would join me. There was just something about him that got to me where no one else ever has. I’d found men attractive in the past, but Achilles was one of those men who stopped you in your tracks and stole your breath. Add in the fact that he was sweet as hell? He was a catch and then some. I chuckled to myself because this was the first time in my life I wanted a man — a straight man, no less. Oh, the irony.

Would I let him fuck me? My dick sat up at that thought and I gripped it, stroking slowly. Achilles bending me over and stuffing his fat cock in my ass. Oh yeah, I’d let him fuck me for sure. I’d seen the outline of his dick when we went swimming. He was not tiny.

I came quietly, trying not to make too much noise as my orgasm overtook me with thoughts of Achilles fucking me swirling in my head. I cleaned up and rolled to my side. I wondered if Achilles ever thought of me in that way. I shook my head and laughed. Pfft, yeah right.

Chapter 5



A ringing phone woke me at noon. I grabbed it off the nightstand and swiped “talk.”


“I heard you were knocking on death’s door.” Rebel laughed into my ear.

“I’m good now. I feel tons better.”

“How’s Achilles?”

“I don’t know, let me check.” I crept out of bed and into the living room. The couch was made and the blankets folded neatly. I searched the whole house before going back to the living room and collapsing on the couch. “Well, he must be better because he’s gone.”

“He’s never
gone though, is he? You want to hang tonight? Maybe hit the Green Room?”

“Sounds good. Any locals playing there tonight?”

“Aren’t there always? See you at seven?”

“Sounds good. Later.”

I hung up and jumped in the shower, moaning at the feel of the water hitting my skin. It felt good and my muscles were sore from puking. I got cleaned up and then got out. My face needed to see a razor, badly. I sprayed some shaving cream into my hand and lathered my face. I was just swiping up my right cheek when movement caught my eye. I froze mid-swipe and cocked my head to the side.

“Harley?” Achilles called from the bedroom.

“In here.”

Achilles cracked the door and peered in. “Hey, just came back from my run.”

“I thought you’d left,” I admitted.

“Not yet. I do need to go home and get changed. Check in with Axel and all that.”

“Well, I’m headed to the bar tonight to see Rebel. Do you want to join us?”

“I could maybe swing that. What time?”

“Seven. You don’t have to —”

“Oh, I know. I want to.” Achilles grinned at me and my stomach fluttered and flip-flopped. Well, now what? I was acting like a chick in love around this guy. I needed to reel this shit in.

“You okay?” Achilles asked.



I got to the bar at six thirty and jumped on one of the stools. Tyler, the bartender, came by and I ordered a Recycling Bin. What the hell, I’d have one and be done with it for the night. A local band was rocking it out on the stage in the back and music thumped over the floorboards. A few of the guys came by now and then and chatted me up before heading off to the back to play their set. I got up and headed for the bathroom. My stomach was doing much better, but I still felt a little off. When I came back out, a woman was sitting at the bar. Her long hair reached the middle of her back and she was wearing six-inch heels and a miniskirt. I sat down and she turned to me with a smile. The face I knew, the boobs I definitely knew.

“Arielle?” I said in astonishment. “What are you doing here?”

“Visiting. Why?”

“Well, the last time I saw you was in California.”

“Yes, and you didn’t even spend any time with me,” Arielle pouted.

“Sorry about that. You know, the show and all. I had to mingle. What were you doing there?”

“Oh, I was auditioning for a movie that Sal Falco was in. He invited me to the party afterward.”

“I didn’t know you were an actress.”

“Aspiring.” Arielle flipped her hair back, shoving her boobs out.

“Did you get the part?”

“No. I even tried sleeping with the guy, but no dice.” Arielle clucked her tongue. “He’s probably gay anyway.”

I bit my lip to keep from laughing. Most of us agreed that Sal Falco was probably gay, except for Ransom. We all knew he had the hots for the guy, he owned every movie that Sal Falco had ever made.

“So anyway,” I turned on the stool to face her and picked up my pitcher. “Who are you visiting?”

“Hey, Harley.”

I glanced over my shoulder to see Rebel behind me, removing his Harley Davidson jacket. His eyes fell on Arielle and he cocked a brow at me.

“You remember Arielle, Rebel?” I motioned to her with my free hand.

“Sure do.” Rebel stuck his hand out. “How are you?”

Arielle flipped her hair again and slid off her stool, completely ignoring Rebel. I shot him a what-the-fuck look and he shook his head and smiled.

“Well, nice seeing you.” Arielle pulled a jacket over her shoulders and click-clacked her way out of the bar.

“Wow, she didn’t even shake my hand and I showered and everything.” Rebel cracked up, jumping on the vacated stool.

“To be fair, you look like one of Satan’s rejects.”

“Excuse me? I’ll have you know, I’d be his right hand man.” Rebel wiggled his brows.

“That’s a load of shit. You went to church every Sunday with your grandmother before she passed, and I know your grandfather keeps a Bible by his bed.”

“Shh! People will find out I’m ordinary.”

“You are far from it, my friend.” I slapped Rebel’s shoulder.

“How are you doing? Feeling better and all?”

“Pretty much. I felt like I was dying,” I admitted. “I think Achilles got it worse than me because he was still a little pale in the afternoon.”

“It’s hard to imagine that big guy sick at all,” Rebel mused.

From my seat at the bar, I noticed every female head looking at the entrance. I followed their line of sight and sucked in a breath of my own. Achilles was wearing a flannel gray shirt with faded blue jeans and black hiking boots. A matching gray scarf was wrapped around his neck and he wore a black leather jacket. Rebel let out a whistle as Achilles crossed the bar to us.

“Damn, he should have been a model,” Rebel said quietly.

“Hey,” I greeted. My voice cracked and I tried again. “Hey,” I said more firmly.

“You look better.” Achilles motioned to my drink. “Are you done with that?”

I looked at my drink and nodded. “I’ve had a few sips here and there, but I don’t want to push it.”

“You look good, Achilles,” Rebel said with a sly grin.

“I feel better. Much better. At least my stomach doesn’t feel like it’s liquefying.”

We sat around for an hour shooting the shit. Rebel and I discussed the tracks we needed to finish and Achilles listened, but only asked a few questions. He drank water and I couldn’t blame him. My stomach felt funky again and I excused myself to go to the bathroom. I washed my hands and looked in the mirror. A line of sweat began to bead at my forehead and my hands shook.

“What the fuck?”

I rinsed my face with cool water and headed back to the bar. Rebel and Achilles were in deep conversation as I walked up. They both clammed up as I sat down.

“What were you two talking about?” I asked, suspicious.

“It’s nothing.” Rebel shook his head.

“Bullshit.” I glared at them both. “Don’t treat me like an idiot.”

“Fine,” Achilles sighed. “I was asking Rebel about your brother.”

“What about him?”

“I just wanted to know if Rebel thought he was the kind of guy who would have left a letter. Especially to you, Harley. We both agree that he would.”

“I would have gotten it,” I argued.

“Would you?” Rebel took my hand.

“They wouldn’t.” I shook my head. “They wouldn’t keep something like that from me.”

“Harley.” Rebel took my hands.

“No! They wouldn’t do that to me!” I shouted.

I pushed away from the bar and ran out the front door. I didn’t check to see if Achilles was behind me. I jumped into my truck and floored it out of the parking lot. My head swam and my stomach rumbled as I headed down the back streets. Rain began to fall as I headed towards my parents’ house. They wouldn’t have kept that from me, would they? I mean, I knew they hated me, but to keep something like that a secret? I screeched to a stop in front of the house and jumped out of the truck. One of the living room lights was on as I trudged up the front walk. I unlocked the door and stepped into the foyer. The TV was on low in the living room and I headed that way. My father was passed out in his chair, a glass of bourbon on the table.

“Wake up!” I shouted, gripping him by the front of his robe. “Where is it?”

“Huh? What? What the hell?” my father slurred.

“Where is it, Dad? Where’s the letter Holden wrote to me?”

“What the hell you talkin’ bout, boy? What letter?”

I narrowed my eyes. Underneath that bravado, my father was scared shitless.

“You’re lying! I know he would have written me a letter! He would have never left me without saying something!”

“What the hell is wrong with you? We didn’t get any letter!”

“You didn’t, huh? Fine. Watch this shit,

I stomped out of the living room and headed for the garage. I knew where they kept the keys to Holden’s bike.

“Where you goin’?!” my father shouted.

“To take what’s mine!”

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