Harley's Achilles (The Rock Series Book 3) (16 page)

Read Harley's Achilles (The Rock Series Book 3) Online

Authors: Sandrine Gasq-Dion,Kelli Dennis,Heidi Ryan,Jennifer Jacobson,Michael Stokes

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Gay, #Lgbt, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Harley's Achilles (The Rock Series Book 3)
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Chapter 18


California was sunny and warm, a huge difference from Flagstaff. Christmas was just days away and I was making sure Harley’s gift was coming along nicely. I’d taken him to the doctor to have his stitches removed and he was given a clean bill of health. Harley was holding my hand as we entered the hotel. Jinx and the rest of the guys were right behind us. Jayden’s London Boys guys had come along with us as they were playing in the show as well. Ransom was laughing with the Spiros twins as we hit the check-in desk. I was feeling ten times better, my body recovering nicely from my ordeal in the woods.

“Well, well, if it isn’t the Skull Blasters.”

I turned, along with the rest of the guys, to see Tony Wilcox, keyboardist for Ivory Tower, standing behind us.

“I hear you and I are going to be playing piano, Jinx.” Tony stuck his hand out.

“That’s what I hear.” Jinx shook the hand and pulled Tony into a bro-hug.

“No Backstreet Boys this time, though. Eh?” Tony ribbed Jinx.

“No need.” Jinx motioned to Jayden. “Got my boy-bander right here.”

“It’s good to see you guys!” Tony shook all the guys’ hands, then stopped on me. “So, you wrangled Harley?”

“In more ways than one.” I grinned, extending my hand.

“Well, I’ll see you guys later at practice? Sebastian said they had a poll online with six songs, and the public gets to pick what we’re all playing together. Should be interesting.” Tony regarded all the guys and then waved. “See ya soon!”

Harley squeezed my hand and I looked down at him. “What is it?”

“Can we see Paul while we’re here?” he asked.

“Of course.” I nodded.

“Okay, well, let’s get unpacked and get to the studio. I’m curious to see what we’ll be doing. I’m so excited, though!”

I had to smile at Harley’s enthusiasm. He was so childlike at times. It was one of the traits that made him so damned loveable. We went to the room and unpacked, and then headed back downstairs to the waiting van. I slipped in the back with Buster and Hammer and reclined, letting out a soft sigh. Hammer nudged me and I opened my eyes to see him smiling at me.

“What?” I asked, suspicious.

“I saw this coming the first day. Buster and I had a bet.”

“Yep,” Buster chimed in. “I gave it a year; Marc had 6 months. He won.”

“You bet on my love life?” I glared at them both.

“You’re talking again!” Jinx shouted at us.

Hammer grunted and folded his arms, as did Buster.

“Aw man! Come on!” Gareth pouted. “You can’t go back to being quiet now!”

I looked from Buster to Hammer and laughed. “Sorry guys, but I heard you were very vocal when I went missing.”

“Fine,” Hammer balked. “But don’t expect it all the time.”

“Hey,” Harley started as he leaned over the back of the seat. “Will you guys sing?”

“No,” they both answered in unison.

I laughed.

We hit the studio and I sat in the front row as all the guys assembled center stage, waiting for Sebastian. Harley had his guitar in one hand with his back to me, and fuck if he wasn’t hotter than hell from the back. He was even hotter from the front. I chuckled softly and Harley glanced over his shoulder at me with a grin.

“Um, excuse me?”

I looked up to see one of Jayden’s band mates standing in front of us. He was looking from me to Hammer to Buster.

“I’m Evander,” he continued. “One of the roadies hurt his back and I was wondering if you could maybe help with the amps?”

“I’ll go.” Hammer stood up immediately.

Buster and I stared at him and he shrugged, following Evander backstage. Buster threw a look at me and I raised my hands in an “I don’t know” gesture.

Sebastian hit the stage and let the guys in on what was going on and what the public had chosen. I smiled as he revealed what song they were all going to play together. “November Rain” by Guns N’ Roses. I could actually see them all playing that together. The finalist from last season’s
would be there as well, with his runner-up. They had formed a band together and were already rocking the charts from what Jinx had told us. They would be closing the show with Sophie B. Hawkins “Damn, I Wish I Was Your Lover” and Tesla’s “Love Song.” I really couldn’t wait to hear it.

Jinx and Tony sat at grand pianos, facing each other, and Harley and Gareth were with the guitarists from Black Ice and Ivory Tower. I loved watching Harley play. He and Gareth together were fucking amazing, but add in the other guys? It was phenomenal. For five hours, I sat with Buster and Hammer while the guys rocked it out onstage. I’d never seen Harley so sexy, his hair and shirt were soaked with sweat and his brow was creased in concentration.

Sebastian called a halt to the day and Harley bounded down the stairs and right into my arms. I held him close and inhaled his scent.

“Wanna go shower with me?” He grinned.

“Was that a real question?” I answered.


I swear Harley actually ran back to the room, dragging me along with him. He quickly swiped the key and pulled me into the room, attacking my lips. I wrapped him up tightly in my arms and returned his fevered kisses. I loved the taste of him, knew I’d never get tired of it. Harley was what my mother would call “my lobster.” The one just for me.

“Agapi mou,” I murmured against his lips.

Harley pulled back a bit and searched my eyes. “What does that mean?”

“It means my love in Greek. You are kardia mou and psihi mou—my heart and my soul.”

“Will you teach me Greek?”

“Yes. Of course.”

“I want to be able to talk to your parents.” Harley beamed.

“You talk to them now.”

“You know what I mean.” Harley leaned in and kissed me again.

I stripped him down and dragged him into the shower with me. Harley was all over me, his lips nibbling at mine, tongue sliding erotically over my lips. I was in sensual overload with him and I fucking loved it. Harley slid down my body and dropped to his knees in front of me. I cupped his cheek and our eyes met. Damn, he looked so fucking good on his knees, my dick right at his lips. Harley swiped the head of my dick and I grabbed the wall immediately as he sucked me down. The guy was really good at that. My hips bucked into his mouth as he upped his tempo and swallowed me down. I came with my fingers gripping the tile, almost shouting through my release. Harley licked through my slit, then licked his lips and stood up. I grabbed his nape and pulled him into a kiss. Harley rocked against me as I basically fed from him.

“Let me take care of you,” I murmured.

“Nope. Already came.” Harley smiled shyly.


“Yep. Just hearing you.” Harley shivered. “Turns me on.”

I licked his lips and pulled him in again. Harley melted into me and I took my damn time feasting on him. We pulled away from the kiss and Harley tilted his head, staring at me. “You need to go to bed. I can tell you’re tired.”

“Well, you sucked the energy from my body.”

“Come on, big guy.” Harley turned the water off and helped me out. He dried me off and then took me to the bed. I crawled in and rolled to my side, lifting the covers and inviting him in. Harley got in and wrapped his arms around me, placing his head on my chest.

“I love listening to your heart,” Harley whispered. “Sometimes, I swear it beats in time with mine.”

“Because it does.” I played with his hair as he snuggled into me further, placing his ear above my heart.

“I want you to read Holden’s letter to me.”

“Are you sure? That’s really personal, Harley.”

Harley lifted his head and met my eyes. “Yes. I think you need to read it. When you said you saw me, it meant so much to me and then Holden…” Harley swallowed hard and I brought him in close to me.

“He was a very special man, Harley. He saw what I see. You are so full of light and love. I’m so warm when I’m with you. Does that make sense?”

“Yes, it does.” Harley sighed against my chest. “Because that’s how I feel when I’m with you.”

Harley fell asleep and I continued to run my fingers through his hair. I kissed the top of his head and closed my eyes. I wished Harley’s parents could truly see him the way Holden and I did. Everyone who spent even a little time with Harley Payne could see he was caring. Even after being treated the way he was, he still had hope for his parents. I guess I couldn’t fault him for that. I didn’t know what I would have done if my parents ever treated me that way. Harley mumbled into my chest and I lifted his face to mine, placing a soft kiss on his lips.

“Love you,” Harley murmured in his sleep.

My chest tightened and I kissed him again.

“I love you too, Harley Payne,” I whispered.

Chapter 19



I woke up alone and quickly sat up, throwing a glance around the room. I didn’t hear the shower and there was no sign of Achilles anywhere. I hopped out of bed and checked the room from top to bottom. On the desk by the phone was a note, and I could see Achilles’ neat script.


Didn’t want to wake you, went to the gym. Be back soon, agapi mou.



I couldn’t stop the smile spreading across my face as I read it again. I felt like a giddy teenager. I jumped in the shower and let the showerhead massage my body, my mind full of Achilles. It seemed as if my life was finally turning around. I was in love with a great guy and had a career I enjoyed. Now if I could just get my parents to actually admit they had another son, life would be golden. I stepped out of the shower and stopped in my tracks. Achilles stood in the middle of the room naked, practicing some kind of martial art moves. He was so damn graceful for his height and size, it never ceased to amaze me.

I leaned against the wall and just watched him. Scars peppered his arms, legs, and thighs, as well as his chest, but to me, they were a daily reminder of what Achilles endured and survived. And if he could go through all that and remain who he was, then I needed to stop focusing on what I didn’t have, and concentrate on what I did. Achilles turned in my direction and he stretched his arm out fully, motioning to me with his fingers. I walked to him and he placed me in front of him, running his hand down my arm to my fingers. He threaded them together, and then began to move us as one.

“What are we doing?” I whispered.

“Tai Chi Chuan. Just move with me.”

I closed my eyes and just moved with Achilles, matching my breathing to his. A sense of peace washed over me and I began to move effortlessly along with him. Our chests rose and fell together, our bodies in sync. I’d never felt so close to another human being before. I had no idea how much time went by, but Achilles moved to stand up straight and brought our hands together. We both bowed, keeping our heads at shoulder level, and then broke apart. I turned to see Achilles wiping sweat from his brow. He was fucking glorious naked.

“I’m going to shower.” Achilles kissed the top of my head as he crossed the room to the bathroom.

“Will you teach me that, too?” I called after him.

“Anything you want.”

I snickered at that and heard his laugh from the bathroom. I couldn’t help it, he was just so damned sexy. My phone pinged and I grabbed it off the nightstand. I had a message from Calli. I smiled as I read it.

Good luck with the LGBT special! So proud of you! Kisses to you and Achilles.


I wiped at my eyes at that one word.


Achilles’ mom was more of a mother to me than my own. I texted her back and then laid back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Achilles leaned over me, resting his hands on either side of my head. I hadn’t even heard him get out of the shower.

“Hey.” He leaned down and kissed my nose. “What’s wrong?”

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down, kissing him. Achilles responded right away and I arched up into him, rubbing myself all over his lower body. Achilles broke from the kiss and eyed me.

“You okay?”

“I’m fine. Ready to go eat?”

“Yep.” Achilles pulled me up and enveloped me in his arms.

“Oh, your mom texted. She said she’s proud.” I leaned back to meet eyes with Achilles.

“Yeah? She really does love you. I think if she could, she’d trade me for you.”

“Nah. But it’s a nice thought.” I took his hand and walked to the door. “Let’s head down and see who’s up.”




I headed for the buffet as Achilles went to find the gang. I loaded up a plate for myself and then loaded one for Achilles as well, making sure it had a ton of fruit on it. I headed back to the dining room to find Achilles surrounded by the guys, his phone up for all to see. I furrowed my brows as I approached the table and the unmistakable sound of my voice floated on the air. I groaned as I recognized the song. My karaoke night was being played for the guys.

“Really, Achilles?” I set the plates down.

“What? At least you’re clothed,” he retorted.

“Nice, Harley.” Jinx wrapped an arm around Jayden and leaned back with a grin. “The Tubes?”

“Shut up.” I pointed at him with a croissant.

“So, Sebastian has informed us that rehearsals start at noon today.” Jinx bit into a blueberry muffin and Jayden stole the rest of it from him. “So what’s on the agenda until then? Jayden wants to hit the beach.”

“I’m going to go see Paul,” I announced, sitting down.

“Speaking of Paul,” Ransom piped up. “If it’s okay with you guys, I think I’m going to spend Christmas with him. He shouldn’t be alone.”

“No, you’re right,” I said. “Paul should have at least one of us with him. When are you going to transfer him to Arizona?”

“Probably in January, after the New Year. His doctor says he’s doing very well,” Ransom informed us.

“Well, let’s eat and head out.” I pushed Achilles’ plate in front of him and pointed at it. “Eat.”





The hospital was decorated to the nines in holiday cheer. A huge Christmas tree stood in the middle of the waiting room with tinsel brushing the floor. Everywhere, there were holiday candles, and mistletoe hung from the ceiling. Achilles and I signed in and then were led out to the garden. Paul was seated against a large tree with a book in his hand. The waterfalls gurgled around us as we approached him.

“Hey, Paul,” I called out.

He looked up and a large smile formed on his face. He set the book down and stood to receive my embrace.

“Harley! God, it’s good to see you!” Paul enthused.

“Good to see you, too. Ransom said he’s springing you to a new place next month.”

“That’s what he said.” Paul nodded. “I’m looking forward to it. Not that I don’t like this place, but I miss Arizona.” Paul looked from me to Achilles, and a smile spread his lips. “Hey, Achilles. How are you?”

“I’m good. It’s nice to see you looking so healthy, Paul,” Achilles commented.

I sat down and motioned to the ground. “Come sit, Paul. I wanted to catch you up.”

“Well, if it has to do with why you look so happy, I’m all for it.” Paul sat down and moved his book to the side.

“I see you got wrangled into reading the assassin werewolves, too?” I motioned to the book.

“I’m already on book five!” Paul exclaimed. “They are really good!”

“I know. I have a huge crush on Mateo,” I admitted.

“Wow, so you too, huh?” Paul stared at me.

A huge sigh came from above us and we both looked at Achilles.

“I guess I’ll have to read them now as well.” He grinned.

“Paul, I want to tell you myself that Achilles and I are together now.” I wrapped an arm around Paul’s shoulders. “He confronted my parents, and it turns out Holden wrote me a goodbye letter leaving me his motorcycle.”

“I knew it!” Paul blurted. “I’m so sorry you had to go through all that, Harley.”

“Well, it made me stronger. I went to Holden’s grave and lost my shit.”

“Good.” Paul nodded. “You needed to grieve.” Paul stared up at Achilles with a grin. “So, you finally got your man. Does he know how you found him all those times he disappeared?”

“Wait, what?” I glared at Achilles.

“Your watch and phone are equipped with GPS devices,” Achilles winked.

“Sonofabitch! I thought you were just really good.” I cursed.

“Oh. I am.” Achilles wiggled his brows.

“Yep. You two are meant for each other,” Paul laughed.

“I can’t wait until you come home, Paul. We really miss you.” I hugged him to me.

“Well, I needed time to heal. You know Gareth calls, writes, and comes to see me? After everything I did to him, he still watches out for me. He forgave me for everything.” Paul shook his head sadly.

“PTSD and clinical depression are serious, Paul,” Achilles spoke up. “The guys were right to put you in here. Your doctor says you’re coming along quite nicely.”

“Well, I look forward to the day that I can be back in my house and be a part of your lives.”

“You’ll always be a part of our lives, Paul; you’re family.”

Paul and I sat around, chatting about the books and the band. Achilles was over at the bench on his phone, and Paul ribbed me. I glanced over at him to see a huge smile on his face.

“I knew he wanted you, he pretty much said it last time you guys were here,” Paul admitted.

“He’s such an awesome man.” I sighed, staring at Achilles dreamily.

“I’m happy for you, Harley. I knew some day the right person would come along and see you.”

“Thanks, Paul.”




The halls were crowded with fans as Achilles and I entered the hotel. I stopped and signed quite a few autographs while Achilles kept a lookout. The rest of the guys were filing in and I caught sight of Jinx with Jayden and his boys. I waved and Jinx winked as he and Jayden crossed the lobby to us. A scream filled the air and Achilles moved in front of me instinctively. I peered around him to see Evander Torrin pinned to a wall by a crazed fan. Achilles made to move, but in a flash, a huge body ripped the crazed fan off of Evander and held him firm.

“Back it off!” Hammer shouted.

I stood transfixed to the spot as Hammer assessed Evander from head to toe. He said something to the young man, who just nodded, eyes wide, before he stepped back and put a hand out, indicating that Evander should keep walking. Hammer held onto the fan as Evander left, throwing glances over his shoulder as he did. I pulled on Achilles’ shirtsleeve and he looked down at me with a grin.

“Seems our bodyguard is guarding a new body.” I winked.

“Well, Marc doesn’t talk about his love life, so who knows?” Achilles took my hand.

We filed into the studio and I sidled up to Evander, elbowing him in the ribs.

“What was that all about?” I asked.

“I have no idea where that fan came from. He tried to grab my dick.” Evander stared at me with huge eyes.

“You’re so cute, all British.” I wrapped an arm around him.


Sebastian floated into the room with a folder in his hand and flopped into his director chair. He flipped the folder open and then assessed us all.

“We are sold out, gentlemen. Not only have you all agreed to be here, but Sal Falco has come on as master of ceremonies. I don’t have to tell you how fortunate I am that you all signed on for this, so I owe you all a huge debt of gratitude. You have today to rehearse and we go live tomorrow. I wish you all the best and thank you all for doing this.”

“Not a problem, Sebastian. You know me and the guys would do anything for you,” Jayden said.

“Any chance you and Jinx could do another song together?” Sebastian grinned like a Cheshire cat.

“We’ll all be out onstage together and we’re already singing side by side,” Jayden reminded him.

“I had to ask.” Sebastian stood, righted his slacks, and then shot us a half wave. “Have fun.”

I immediately sought out Ransom and grinned at the look of shock on his face. Ransom seriously had the hots for Sal Falco and, right about then, he was shitting himself. I crossed the room to him and flung an arm around his shoulders.

“Sooo.” I eyed my fingernails casually. “Sal Falco, huh?”

“Don’t start. I’m nervous enough as it is.” Ransom ran his hands through his hair.

“We’ll be great! We always are. Now, let’s get to rehearsals.”




All of us together on one stage was actually pretty comical. We all had different ways of doing things, so coming together and making it work? Not an easy feat. I was sandwiched between Dante from Black Ice and Wheland from Ivory Tower. Not a bad sandwich, if you asked me. Ransom was out front with Dagger and Zander. Gareth was on the other side of the stage with Lincoln and Jared. Cooper and Ashton, along with Jayden, were on drums and Jinx was out front with Tony on piano. I had a great view of Achilles in the front row, and halfway through “November Rain” he gave me a thumbs up. Evander and the Spiros twins were singing backup and we’d have an orchestra behind us tomorrow night for the live show.

We practiced all three songs, and when we were done, Sebastian walked onto the stage clapping.

“Wonderful! I shall see you all tomorrow night. Relax tonight and have some fun.”

I shot down the stairs and jumped on Achilles, wrapping around him like a boa constrictor.

“Was it good?” I asked.


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