Harley and Me (29 page)

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Authors: Bernadette Murphy

BOOK: Harley and Me
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Like every challenging journey in life, writing a book takes the support and love of countless people. I am blessed in having many sources of light and love in my life.

For teaching me about fearlessness and risk taking at the most core level, my three stellar children, Jarrod, Neil, and Hope, are unparalleled.

I am grateful for all in my literary community who hold me close and keep me sane, especially Tara Ison, who has to convince me regularly to keep going; agent Bonnie Nadell, who keeps pointing me in the right direction; and editor Dan Smetanka, who helps me find home. Counterpoint Press was stellar in its support of this book. I especially thank publicist Megan Fishmann, copyeditor Mikayla Butchart, and publisher Rolph Blythe for their loving attention to my work. Literary sojourners who carried me on this path include Emily Rapp Black, Nina Revoyr, Felicia Luna Lemas, Charles Flowers, Rob Roberge, Jillian Lauren, Lynell George, Victoria Patterson, Gayle Brandeis, Christine Hale, Brad Kessler, Patrick O'Neil, Craig Clevinger, Rae Dubow, Patrick McGowan, Kitty Nard, and Edmond Stevens.

Doctors Edward and Leah Schneider gave me a gorgeous above-a-garage abode when I needed it. Thank you for your hospitality and generosity.

My brother Frank and his wife, Hinano, lured me to Mo'orea, French Polynesia, during the writing of this book, a gift I treasure greatly, while the staff of the UC Berkeley Gump Field Station and
the Atitia Cultural Center on Mo'orea welcomed me with great hospitality on that beautiful island.

Many friends held my hand when I felt shaky, including Joseph Argazzi, Tom Haskins, Brad Griffith, Juliana Jones-Munson, and all the folks at Hollywood and Gardner.

I owe an eternal debt of gratitude to Emily Shokouh and everyone at Harley-Davidson of Glendale, in particular Oliver Shokouh, Ernie Snair, Maddeson Kline, Lee Hanes, Mario Vindeni, and Kiersten Cherry. Thanks to Edna and George Clingerman and Donna Kaminsky for riding to and around Milwaukee with me, and to Roger and Crystal Graves, Amy and Jim Anderson, and Sue and Russ Kahler, who gave me a place to stay as I traveled.

I am grateful to the students, faculty, and administration of Antioch University Los Angeles for supporting my efforts and being a beacon of hope.

And finally, for my father, who said I could be anything I wanted. I don't think you had motorcyclist and
in mind, but I hope this book might please you all the same.



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Brown, Brené. “Listening to Shame.” Filmed March 2012. TED video, 20:38.

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Zak, Paul. “Trust, Morality—and Oxytocin?” Filmed July 2011. TED video, 16:34.

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