Harlequin American Romance November 2014 Box Set: The SEAL's Holiday Babies\The Texan's Christmas\Cowboy for Hire\The Cowboy's Christmas Gift (51 page)

BOOK: Harlequin American Romance November 2014 Box Set: The SEAL's Holiday Babies\The Texan's Christmas\Cowboy for Hire\The Cowboy's Christmas Gift
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Son of a...

She bounced over a hard rut and gripped the handlebars tighter. Why the hell should she care what color his hair was anyway?

If she was lucky, Duke would spend most of his time with Quinn. Quinn was the real boss here, overseeing most of the ranch operations, especially once Joe had gotten older and his health had declined. Duke could stay out of her way and just let her do her job. She had enough to worry about. Like paying off her mom's medical bills. The estate hadn't covered the expense and now, two years after the funeral, Carrie was finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe in another year she could stop scrimping and saving quite so much as she got out from under the debt.

Worrying about money wasn't going to solve the current problem, though. She had cattle to take care of...and a coyote problem to solve. She was just thankful that Duke was here to take over, no matter how annoying she found him on a personal level. Someone needed to take responsibility for the ranch. It wasn't the perfect situation, but it was better than nothing.

* * *

, C
Kailey Brandt fell back onto the bed with her arms outstretched. “It's Friday night. And I don't want to go to the Wooden Nickel alone.”

Carrie tried not to laugh. The Wooden Nickel was the nickname Kailey had given the Silver Dollar Saloon, saying a dollar was far more than the old bar was worth. “I'm tired. I had a busy week,” she answered.

“Didn't we all,” Kailey replied, undaunted. “Girl, you've been wrangling cows and coyotes. You need to blow off some steam. Have a beer. Flirt with a good-looking cowboy and have a dance or two. Maybe some mattress mambo.”

Now Carrie did laugh. “You just want to see if Colt's going to be there.”

Kailey turned her head away and the grin slid from her face. “Colt Black can dry up and blow away for all I care.”

Carrie sat down on the bed beside her friend. She and Kailey were close, both being farm girls at heart. Kailey was in charge of the bucking stock over at the nearby Brandt place, and they were both used to working in a physically demanding, male-dominated industry. Once in a while they got together and decided to feel like girls for a few hours. Friday nights at the saloon usually fit the bill.

“What happened between the two of you?” Last Carrie had heard, Colt's gaze had been fixed on Kailey just as much as hers was on him. The last time they'd been in a room together, Carrie had been certain she could light a fire with the hot looks passing between the two.

“I waited too long. He hooked up with some girl from Great Falls with big hair and bigger boobs.” Kailey looked down at her ample but not overly huge chest. “What is it with guys and breasts?”

Carrie laughed again. Kailey was like a breath of fresh air.

“Please, Car.” Kailey stared up at Carrie with big blue eyes. “If you don't, I'll end up spending Friday night at home with the old folks watching Thanksgiving Hallmark movies on TV.” She shuddered.

“Oh, all right. But I'm not staying late. I'm dog-tired, Kailey.” Never mind she'd spent the past few days trying to stay out of Duke's way. Their paths had only crossed a few times since their initial meeting, and he'd been engrossed in conversation with Quinn, just as she'd wanted it.

So why had she felt so disappointed when he hadn't answered her hello, but merely nodded and kept walking?

Because she was a damned fool, that was why. Truth was, everything she held dear was tied up in Crooked Valley Ranch. The fact that Duke had showed up had been nothing short of a blessing. He could be as crotchety as he liked, as long as he kept Crooked Valley running and her in a job.

She straightened her shoulders. “I guess I should get dressed, then. And put on some makeup.”

Kailey sat up. “That's the spirit! You should wear that red shirt with the V-neck. And I'll fishtail your hair. You've got way better hair than I have for that. The braid makes your summer sun streaks stand out.”

And so it was that less than an hour later, both girls walked into the Silver Dollar. It was busy already, and they had to wait for one of the tables on the perimeter of the scarred dance floor. The Dollar had once been an old barn that Cy Williamson had renovated. Right now the latest country hits echoed to the rafters, along with lots of chatter and laughter.

Carrie took off her coat and tugged at the neckline of her shirt. She'd let Kailey steamroll her and now felt conspicuous at the little bit of cleavage revealed by the V. She was wearing makeup, too, eye shadow and a bit of liner and mascara and lipstick, of all things.

Scott Johnson was staring over at their table and Carrie gave Kailey a kick. “You're getting attention already. Jerkwad Johnson at two o'clock.”

“Oh, for Pete's sake.” Kailey forced a smile. “Let's get a beer and forget he's there. First round's on me.”

Kailey got up and went to the bar rather than waiting for one of the waitresses to make her way over. Carrie watched as several eyes fixed on her friend's attractive figure as she leaned against the old wooden bar to give her order. She wondered if Kailey really knew how beautiful she was. No matter how dolled up Carrie got, when she was with Kailey she always felt a bit like the ugly stepsister—without the bad temperament.

The double doors opened again and Carrie froze.

In walked Quinn Solomon—he must have got a sitter for his daughter tonight—and Mr. Prodigal Grandson himself, Duke Duggan. Jumpin' Judas, the man was good-looking. He smiled at something Quinn said and it made his face light up. His jeans fit his lean body just right and he wore a brown coat with a sheepskin collar that made his shoulders look impossibly broad. His boots were clean but not new, and he'd hidden his buzz-cut look beneath a brown hat.


Kailey returned to the table and put down two bottles of beer. “Mother McCree, who is that?” she asked, nudging Carrie's arm with the cold bottle. “Whoo-eee.”

“My new boss,” Carrie replied drily, blindly reaching for the bottle. “Duke Duggan.”

“What? No way. I don't remember him looking like

“He was eight when he moved away,” Carrie reminded her. “You were six. Your memory might be a little foggy.”

“Right. Well. This changes the evening significantly.”

There was no reason on earth that Kailey's words should inspire a flicker of jealousy, but they did. It was ridiculous. Carrie didn't like Duke and had absolutely no claim on him. Why should she care if Kailey was interested?

As if he could feel their eyes watching him, he turned their way. She could tell when he looked at Kailey, because his eyes twinkled a little and he raised an eyebrow just a bit.

But then he looked directly at Carrie and her breath froze in her chest. The twinkle disappeared from his eyes, but they remained warm, and a smile touched his mouth. And then he lifted a finger and touched the brim of his hat before turning away and following Quinn to the bar.

Her breath came out in a hot rush. Oh, man. She was in big, big trouble. He was her boss. He was a pain in the butt. And he made her pulse race in a way it hadn't in a very, very long time.

Copyright © 2014 by Donna Alward

ISBN-13: 9781460342251

Cowboy for Hire

Copyright © 2014 by Marie Rydzynski-Ferrarella

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Returning to Crooked Valley is more terrifying than the battlefield to ex-soldier Duke Duggan. Still, Duke has an important reason to be back—to take control of his late grandfather's ranch. But being thrown headfirst into his old life makes Duke feel like a fish out of water. That is, until he sees Carrie Coulter again. Twenty years may have passed but the chemistry between them is stronger than ever.

When Duke threatens to sell the ranch, Carrie, the foreman, realizes she could lose her livelihood. But no decisions will be made until after the holidays. Until then, they have time to explore the feelings that draw them to each other. Together, can they come up with a way to keep the ranch…and the burning love between them?

The past twenty-four hours had felt very strange, and yet very right.

At times it had almost seemed as though they were a real couple, decorating their place for Christmas.

Except for the constant reminder that their relationship was transient. That she shouldn't get used to spending time with him when he could be gone again before she knew it.

Saying goodbye to Duke was going to be torture.

As the afternoon waned and the light dimmed slightly, Duke went inside and flicked the switch to the outdoor plug, making the lights come alive.

It was beautiful.

Duke came back outside and jogged down the steps, coming to stand beside her. “So what do you think?” he asked. “We did good, huh?”

Her breath made clouds in the air, and Duke tugged on her hand, pulling her closer.

He kissed her, slow and soft, making her melt against him. The man knew how to kiss—she'd give him that.

“Whew,” she said when the kiss broke off. “I'm not sure the fun's quite over, you keep kissing me like that.”

His eyes warmed. “It doesn't have to be.”

Dear Reader,

Welcome to a brand-new trilogy—and just in time for the holidays!

In the Crooked Valley Ranch series, you meet the Duggan siblings: Duke, Lacey and Rylan. None of them are ranchers, so it's a bit of a shock when they inherit the family spread from their grandfather. Each of them must take their place at the ranch or it goes up for sale.

Which doesn't really matter much to any of them…in the beginning. In
The Cowboy's Christmas Gift,
Duke Duggan returns to the ranch to figure out what to do next with his life. A career soldier, he's at loose ends now that he's lost his hearing in one ear. At first he just wants to get his bearings. Look at his options. It all sounds great until two things complicate his “no commitments” plans. First of all, he kind of likes the ranch and the open spaces and freedom. And then there's Carrie Coulter, the cattle foreman. Smart, feisty and loyal, she keeps Duke on his toes. Duke's torn between his freedom, wanting to reunite his family for Christmas, and knowing that selling the ranch might have devastating consequences for those who count on it for their livelihoods. That's a lot of responsibility for one guy to shoulder.

Good thing Duke loves a challenge.

I hope you have a wonderful family holiday and enjoy the warmth of the season—as well as a good book or two!

Best wishes,


The Cowboy's Christmas Gift

Donna Alward

BOOK: Harlequin American Romance November 2014 Box Set: The SEAL's Holiday Babies\The Texan's Christmas\Cowboy for Hire\The Cowboy's Christmas Gift
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