Harem Girl (2 page)

Read Harem Girl Online

Authors: Phebe Bodelle

Tags: #anal, #ff, #tits, #oral, #ass, #arse

BOOK: Harem Girl
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“Fuck no.” I

It was a mile
or so until I could turn around and attempt to follow my husband, I
tried what was a forlorn attempt but at the junction with the M1 I
had no idea which direction Stephen might have taken. I headed home
found the note. ‘Sorry, duty calls,’ and cried my bloody eyes out.
A half a bottle of whiskey later and I was totally bladdered and
still crying. A whole nine hours wasted when we could have been
together all for the sake of keeping up appearances, nine hours
when we could have fucked each others brains out. We hadn’t even
had time for our normal row about his disappearances. Fuck I was
really beginning to hate this life.

It was a good
job the next day was Saturday because I woke up with a humungous
hangover and it was not self inflicted it was my bastard husband
disappearing that was at fault. I woke at eleven drank a pint of
water and took three paracetamols and sat on the sofa with my arms
around my legs and my head resting on my knees. This was so unfair,
so unjust.

By one o’clock
I was feeling more like my normal self and had a bowl of cornflakes
and a mug of coffee and then picked up the phone and speed-dialled
the number of my best friend, confidant and sometimes lover

“Can you come
over?” I asked as soon as she answered.

minutes.” She replied and put the phone down.

She knew
straight away what the problem was; I’d bored her with the same
thing time after time. Beth was a free and single woman after a
messy divorce from an alcoholic bully and was always happy to come
and spend time with me. We had met at primary school and had been
friends ever since. Before I married Stephen, even though she liked
him, she had tried to persuade me not to tie the knot with him for
the very reason I was now so upset.

She let herself
in with her key and we immediately cuddled, a hug from her was
worth a thousand words to me at that moment and we must have stood
like that in the middle of the living room for ten minutes. We
finally broke off and holding both my hands she looked at me and
said. “You look like shit.”

I told her
exactly what had happened the day before and about the whiskey. She
shook her head and could very easily have said. “I told you so.”
But that wasn’t Beth’s style. Instead she said. “What you need is a
holiday, a complete break from things.”

I was stunned,
“What if Stephen comes back home?”

“What if he
does, if he does, will it be for an hour, a day, a week?”

My head slumped
down; would he forgive me if he came home and I wasn’t here, should
I give a fuck what he thought for all the consideration he gave

“I’ll have a
think about it Beth.”

“When people
say that they usually mean no; I’m serious Sue let’s both get away
somewhere new and different.”

“I can’t think
about it now. God I’m tired.”

“Why don’t you
go back to bed for an hour, I’ll have a coffee and we can chat
properly when you’ve revived a bit.”

“You are the
best friend a girl could have, do you know that?” I said with
genuine affection in my voice. “I’ll slope off, just for an hour

I left Beth to
her own devices and went upstairs, slipped off my dressing gown and
got between the sheets, I was asleep in minutes.

I woke up an
hour later with the wonderful feeling of my cunt being licked, for
a moment I thought Stephen had returned but no it was Beth her dark
head of hair buried deep in my crutch.

“Oh Hiya,” She
said when she realised I was awake. “I just thought you could do
with a bit of tender loving.”

“Mmm you carry
on girl; I’ll catch up with you in a minute.”

As I mentioned
Beth and I are some time lovers. Neither of us were lesbians and I
didn’t count this as being unfaithful to Stephen, my logic dictated
that this was two girls sharing a common need, some loving, some

Beth was doing
an excellent job of licking my clit and with one hand groping my
left tit I couldn’t think of a better way to be woken up. I let her
carry on for a while before I wanted to get to her fanny.

“Turn round so
I can lick you too.”

She moved up to
kiss me but quickly gave that up as a bad idea.

“You need to
clean your teeth before I kiss you again madam. You taste like a
jock strap.”

Trust Beth to
be frank, I hadn’t washed or done anything to myself since
showering after making love to Stephen yesterday morning. My fanny
probably tasted a bit ripe too but that didn’t seem to be bothering
her. She knelt with a knee each side of my head and leant forward
to carry on at my cunt. Her fanny was just above my face, I used my
fingers to separate her fanny lips and dug in with my tongue
licking her slit from bottom to top giving her lovely little clit a
good seeing to along the way. She and I could carry on like this
for ages just enjoying the feelings we were giving each other but
after a while though we both slipped a couple of fingers into each
others holes to add to the pleasure. It was no good though, I think
I was more upset about Stephen going off the way he did than I
realised. Despite Beth’s very best efforts I knew I wasn’t going to
achieve the sexual satisfaction I needed so I said to Beth. “Sorry
but I’m going to need some additional help.”

“You do what
you have to do girl.”

She got off me
and I reached over to my bedside cabinet for my electronic friends.
Don’t be shocked, I’m a normal healthy woman with needs and if
Stephen isn’t here to satisfy those needs and Beth isn’t available
then I just look after myself with my little assistants. I
extracted from the draw a two pronged dildo. It had larger prong
for your fanny with a smaller one to go in your arse. I found the
tube of lubricant, smeared the two prongs and passed it to Beth who
slowly inserted the device into me. She pressed the button at the
end and pulses of movement began in my cunt and arse. Now every
girl knows that it is your clit that really does the job, so I
reached into the draw and got out my favourite little vibrator. It
was gold plated and about as thick as a big man’s forefinger. Again
I passed it to Beth; she switched it on and began to work it on my
clit. I lay back, closed my eyes and let the wonderful feelings
take over my body. Beth bless her reached up with her free hand and
pinched a nipple, fiddling around with it just the way I liked. Now
the feelings in my cunt rapidly began to build. I clenched my cunt
muscles and very soon my orgasm started. Not a stonker but very
satisfying all the same. I cried out quietly as the waves of
pleasure pulsed through me. Finished, I lay back for a moment and
looked up at Beth.

“Thank you for
that, it was just what I needed; your turn now.”

She laid back
as I extracted the double dildo from myself and pushed it into her,
what are friends for if you can’t share and share alike. I then got
to work with the other vibrator running it around and over Beth’s

“That feels
sooooo good.” She murmured as I increased the pressure on her clit.
It didn’t take long before she let out a scream as her climax
began. I watched her face enjoying the contortions it went through
under the influencer of an orgasm. She finally relaxed her climax
done with. I pulled the dildo out of my best friend and lay
alongside her. She gathered me in her arms and we cuddled like that
for a while.

Later, over a
cup of coffee she said. “Well what about a holiday then, just the
two of us?”

I thought for a
moment, looked at her and said. “Fuck it why not.”

Chapter 2

Ten days later
Beth and I were on a plane to Málaga and there we would board a
cruise liner for a two week sea voyage around the Mediterranean.
The itinerary for the cruise meant we would be stopping off in
quite a few countries, some with overnight stops where you could do
your own thing or take a guided tour.

Beth and I had
flown out two days early so we could meet up and stay with some
friends of ours who owned a villa in the mountains north of
Marbella. Another friend of the couple Selina has recently written
a book, (well ghost written by Phebe Bodelle entitled
My very
Sexy Holiday
,) about a two week vacation she spent with the
couple and her husband. The book was very revealing; it seemed that
Judy and Alec have changed a lot in the two years they had lived in
Spain. So be it, it would be good to catch up with our old

Judy was there
to meet us at the airport and quickly whisked us off in her BMW for
the hour or so trip to her home. The girl looked good, slim and
tanned. We chatted away like school girls on the trip and when I
told Judy about Stephen’s ‘job’ she was disgusted.

“You should
dump him for someone who cares more about you than his work. He
obviously doesn’t realise that a man’s time with his woman is the
most important aspect of a relationship, more important than

Judy was always
forthright with her opinions. I was sat in the back of the car and
went quiet for a while thinking about what she had said. I really
had not even thought about separating from Stephen, I loved the man
with all my heart and soul and the thought of leaving him filled me
with pain but his absences also filled me full of pain. I dismissed
her words, for the time being and rejoined the chit chat, three
girls together after two years; you just knew there were lots to
catch up on.

We turned right
off the motorway and headed off up hill toward Monda and then it
was a short ride along a dirt track to their place and from the
first sight it looked impressive. It was big and although fairly
new it was built in the traditional Spanish style. Judy took us in
and we dumped out bags in a twin bedroom then out to the kitchen
where Judy put the kettle on.

“Alec’s out by
the pool working on his lap top, go and say hello while I get out
of these clothes.”

Beth and I
wandered out and the swimming pool looked gorgeous as it was
surrounded by various trees and vegetation. It was totally private
and just as well Alec had is lap top on a table under an awning and
was totally naked. He got up to greet us walking around the table
and gave us both a big hug and a kiss. Beth and I looked at each
other with raised eye brows. Moments later Judy came out, she was
now starker’s too.

“Bloody hell
you two,” I said, “let it all hang out why don’t you.”

Judy laughed.
“Listen you don’t get an all over sun tan wearing clothes. Nobody
can see us; the sun’s hot and swimming nude is divine.”

Alec chipped
in. “Come on girls don’t be shy, join us.”

I looked at
Beth, she looked at me, I shrugged my shoulders and the next thing
we were both stripping our clothes off. When we were both naked
Judy said. “Now doesn’t that feel good, go and jump in the pool,
you’ll feel great.”

She was right
swimming without the encumbrance of even the tiniest bikini felt so
much better. I felt free as I swam casually on my back looking up
at a cloudless blue sky. Wow who’d have thought it, within five
minutes of arriving Beth and I had thrown off any inhibitions we
might have had, along with our clothes and were enjoying our first
naked swim, well it was for me and I was pretty sure the same held
for Beth too. Judy joined us and the three of us were quickly
laughing and joking. Alec closed down his laptop and jumped in with

“Well then
ladies, what do you think of the place?”

gorgeous,” Beth said, “did you win the lottery or something without
telling us?”

“Nope, we just
managed to buy at the right time and as long as I’ve got the
internet I can work anywhere.” Alec replied.

“Well I’ve got
to hand it to you, the place is fabulous.” Then turning to Judy,
Beth said. “You always were a jammy cow.”

Judy leapt onto
Beth and pushed her under the water’s surface. “Cheeky cow.”

We all dried
off in the sun and sat under the awning drinking ice cold beers
that Alec fetched from the kitchen. We were all still naked which
seemed a bit weird but I suppose when in Rome. Naked was the order
of the day even when Beth and I helped Judy prepare a salad for
dinner we did it in the nude and ate it under the awning the same
way. After the food had settled and with a couple more cold beers
inside us it was all back in the swimming pool for some more wet

Later back
under the awning with more beer and some nibbles Judy announced.
“We’re having a pool party tomorrow afternoon, we’ve invited some
friends we know from a local bar.”

“That sounds
like fun.” Beth said.

“Judy!” Alec
said a distinct tone in his voice. “Tell them the rest.”

Both Beth and I
looked at our friend.

“Well?” I

“Our pool
parties can get a bit, err wild.”


“Yes everybody
tends to strip off and well, anything goes really.”

“Anything?” I

“Pretty much,”
said Alec, I don’t want you two to be taken by surprise. They’re a
pretty crazy bunch and after a few drinks their inhibitions tend to

“Along with
ours,” Judy added quickly.


Judy had put
Beth and I in a twin bedded room. “I hope that’s okay for you or
would you prefer separate rooms.”

“No that’s
fine.” I said answering for Beth and me.

When Judy left
the room and closed the door I looked at Beth and laughed. “Well
what do you think?”

“Christ Judy’s
really gone au natural hasn’t she?”

“I’ll say, and
what about Alec, nice cock I’ve got to say.”

“Sue really,
he’s a married man and anyway at least you’ve had a cock recently,
all I’ve had up me are your toys and they just aren’t the same as
the real thing.”

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