Hard To Love (10 page)

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Authors: Tina Rose

BOOK: Hard To Love
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“I just feel like I’m too old for you, Carter. There’s so many other young beautiful woman out there for you to set your sights on.”

“Are you freaking kidding me? That’s what your issue is? You think you’re too old for me? Woman, you’re killing me,” he groaned, rolling his eyes at her ridiculousness. Not once since he had set eyes on her had their age ever crossed his mind. “Hell, I don’t even know how old you are, and I don’t give a damn.”

“But,” Ella began to protest.

“No buts. Now go grab your suitcase before we miss the flight,” he said, turning her down the foyer and giving her a swift swat on the derrière as she walked away. Yes sir, he was definitely trudging in uncharted territory. Hell must be freezing over.

Chapter Ten

“I’ve never flown first class before,” Ella whispered to Carter once they were settled in their seats on the flight.

“Me either,” he grinned. “Pretty sweet, huh?”

“Yes, it is. I hate to break this to you now, but, I kinda have a fear of flying.”

“I think it’s a little late for that now, sweetness. I’m right here beside you.” Taking her hand in his, Carter kissed her wrist and laid their joined hands in his lap.

They were seated in the last row by the doorway that led to the rest of the passengers. Not many people were seated in the first class section, and those that were, were seated several seats away from them. It felt secluded and private.

“It must feel nice to finally realize your life’s dream coming true,” Ella said, sipping the glass of wine the stewardess had just brought her.

“Not my dream,” Carter said matter-of-factly.

“What do you mean? Whose dream is it?” she asked, confused.

“Being a big star is not my dream, it was my momma’s. I’ve always been perfectly happy working with Gabe. It’s an honest living and I love horses. But my momma said God gave me the gift of singing, and I shouldn’t waste the talent God gave me singing in honky tonks.” Carter smiled fondly, thinking of his mother’s sermon. “When she started getting sick, she loved for me to sing the classics to her. I would sing for hours, if that’s what she wanted. I never wanted to be famous, I just like to sing. But, the day she passed away, she made me promise her that I would make something out of myself, and not look a gift horse in the mouth. So, I made a demo and sent it off to a few record companies. One thing led to another, and here we are.”

“I’m sorry you lost her, I bet your mother was a sweetheart. How long has it been since she passed away?” Ella asked.

“Almost two years.”

“So you were close to her then?”

“Oh yeah. I was the baby. I have three older brothers and a sister. By the time she got to me, there was no getting one over on her. I figured, if you can’t beat’em, join’em, so I never tried to hide anything from her.” Carter chuckled. “She was always there for me. I could talk to her about anything, and usually did. I miss her. My daddy used to tell her she was ruining me for all other women, making it hard to love a momma’s boy. What about you? Are you close to your parents?”

The announcement that the plane was taking off began, and Ella could feel the panic rising in her chest. Her eyes darted around the plane’s cabin and a light sheen of sweat began coating her forehead.

“Breathe baby, I’ve got you,” Carter said, squeezing her hand. “Tell me about your family,” he prodded, in an attempt to take her mind off the moving plane.

Ella began taking shallow breaths as her heart rate accelerated when she felt the plane moving down the runway. Seeing Carter’s lips moving, but not hearing the words coming out, she just knew she was going to pass out.

“Ella,” Carter snapped. “Look at me.” Holding her head between his hands, Carter forced her to look him in the eye. Seeing her tanned skin turn suddenly pale, he was afraid if he didn’t get her attention, she would pass out. Once he got Ella’s eyes focused on his, Carter pulled her mouth to his, devouring her lips and exploring her mouth until he felt her relax beneath his touch.

The plane lifted from the ground in a sudden rush, but Ella was too wrapped up in the delectable kiss to even notice the shift in gravitational force. Blinking several times as Carter pulled away, she stared into his blue eyes. Breathtaking. That’s what he was, simply breathtaking.

“You back with me now?” Carter asked, in a worried tone. “I thought I was losing you there for a minute.” Pulling Ella to his chest, he kissed her on the top of the head and released her once again.

“Me too,” she breathed. “I’m sorry. I told you I had a fear of flying.”

“No, you said you “kinda” had a fear of flying, not an “I may pass out” fear of flying,” Carter chuckled.

“I’m sorry. I’ve never had a panic attack that bad from lift off.” Feeling embarrassed by her display of weakness, Ella turned her head toward the tiny window, and took another sip of her wine.

“Hey, don’t do that,” Carter said in that domineering voice of his. That voice that made her insides tremble with desire.

“Don’t do what?”

“Don’t distance yourself from me over something like that.”

“I’m sorry, I just feel like such an idiot now.”
“Stop apologizing. You’re not an idiot. Shit happens, deal with it and go on.”

“That’s easy for you to say, you didn’t just make a fool of yourself.” Now Ella was sulking.

“Kitten, stop sulking or I’m gonna spank that nice round ass of yours right here in the first class section of this plane. Now, tell me about your family.”

“You’re wicked, you know that?” Cocking an eyebrow at him, she shook her head and smiled. God, how Carter loved to see that smile and the sparkle in her eye.

“You ain’t seen nothing yet, sweetness.” Carter waggled his eyebrows while giving her that smile that liquefied her insides.

“Stop it,” she giggled.

“Then spill it,” he urged.

“There’s not much to tell really. My mom and I never see eye to eye. She’s more like the child and I’m the parent. She and my dad married young. He was the love of her life she said. He was really into motorcycles. Loved fixing them as much as he loved riding them. When I was about four, he was test driving a bike he had been working on, when the motor locked up on him. Of course, he wasn’t wearing a helmet when he lost control and hit a brick wall head on. Mom was devastated when he didn’t make it through the wreck.”

“Wow. I’m sorry to hear that.”

“It’s okay. I don’t remember much about him. Mom was devastated, and basically had a nervous breakdown. My grandmother came and stayed with us for a long time, then I took care of her. But my mom never really came back around. Not until she met Paul anyway.”

“Paul is your stepdad then?”

“No, he’s so much more,” Ella sighed. How could she explain her heartfelt emotions for the man she called her hero, her dad. “Paul saved my mom. I was about eight when my mom met Paul. She had been living inside herself. I really lost my mom too, when my dad died. But Paul was a free spirit. He swooped in and made her get out of her own head. He never took no for an answer.”

“Sounds like a good guy.”

“He is. Always was good to me and my mom. And then Liv came along, of course.” Ella smiled thinking of her mischievous little sister. “By then, mom was as free living as Paul was, and I took care of Liv. She’s always been rotten.”

“I see. So, you’ve always been the caretaker, huh? No wonder you’re a control freak.”

“Hey!” she squealed, gaining the attention of the stewardess and the blonde lady setting several rows up from them, embarrassing herself
once again

“I am not a control freak,” she whispered angrily.

“Sweetness, not only are you a control freak, but you are the most uptight person I’ve ever met.”

“That kind of hurts my feelings,” she said, sounding hurt. And she was. That was the last impression that she wanted to give Carter. He was the life of a party. No one could be around him and not be happy. Bringing a smile to people’s face is what he did, and he certainly brought a smile to Ella’s face.

“Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.” Carter trailed his index finger down her cheek. “I like that you’re a control freak, kitten. I told you, I like the thrill of the chase. It makes it more exciting when you finally submit to me, that you’ve made me work for what I want. And right now, all I want to do is take you in the bathroom and bury my dick deep inside your pulsing pussy, and you milk me until I’m dry.”

Ella’s breath hitched in her throat, as she scanned the first class section of the plane. “Carter, someone may hear us.” The thought scared and intrigued her at the same time.

“Then I suggest you be quiet, kitten.” Ella swallowed hard as she rose from her seat and let Carter lead her to the tiny bathroom. She was beginning to think she’d let him lead her anywhere.


The plane landed, and Ella and Carter were ushered through the crowd to their waiting limousine driver. The driver stood in his black uniform holding a printed sign that read, “DAWSON”, just like Ella had seen in the movies. It all seemed so surreal actually. This was the life Carter was destined for. He was a star in the making. That thought made Ella a little depressed, to think he would be so far away from their little town of Paradise City. Especially now that they seemed to have connected on some level. Or, it could still be her post-coital bliss she was feeling. After their tryst in the bathroom, Ella had curled up in Carter’s arms and taken a quick cat nap. Maybe he wasn’t the devil she had made him out to be after all.

Upon reaching the hotel, a bellman in a navy uniform stood awaiting their arrival. Hurriedly, he loaded their luggage on a bell cart, and whisked them to the glass elevator in the center of the large hotel. Ella watched in awe as the elevator zoomed to the twenty-first floor. The hotel was majestic looking, home to the elite and socialites. Entering their room, Ella followed Carter to the end of the king-sized four poster bed. Dark rich reds and browns decorated the room giving it a very relaxed feel. Once the bellman finished unloading their luggage, he bid them good day and left them in an awkward silence.
Now what?
Ella thought.

Carter turned to Ella, and as he was about to speak when his phone rang. “Shit,” he cursed. “I have to take this, I’m sorry.” Stepping out the sliding glass doors onto the balcony, Carter answered his phone. “Hi Ms. Harmon. Yeah, we finally made it…”

As Carter closed the doors behind him, Ella watched him through the sheer white curtains, while she began unpacking her suitcase. He looked so tense, rubbing his hand up and down the back of his neck. After their conversation on the plane, Ella wondered if he should be pursuing a career that didn’t make him happy. Yeah, he promised his mother, but isn’t it every mother’s dream for her children to be happy? Surely she wouldn’t want him doing something that didn’t make him happy?

Carter finished his conversation with the cougar, and returned to the room to find Ella bent over the bed, unpacking her suitcase. She had removed her shoes and jacket, and Carter’s dick stood at attention as her long, tanned legs disappeared under her short skirt. Moving in behind her, he slipped his hands beneath her skirt, grabbing her hips and pulling her toward his thickness.

“You look good barefoot and bent over the bed like that.” Carter rolled his hips, nudging her legs apart and rubbing the hardness behind his zipper against her ass.

“Do you ever get enough?” she asked, pushing back against him.

“Not lately,” he teased. “Unfortunately, I can’t do a damned thing about it right now. I have to go meet with the record exec to get the schedule, and the crazy lady won’t let it keep until tomorrow.”

Carter lightly smacked her on her bottom, and moved away toward the door.

“Get some rest while I’m gone, kitten. You’re gonna need to conserve energy while we’re here,” he grinned salaciously, before winking and walking out the door.

Damn that man made her hot!
Ella shook her head and went to the bathroom for a cold shower, before crawling under the coolness of the sheets and drifting off to erotic dreams of Carter’s talented hands.

“Do you like that kitten?” Carter’s voice drifted through her mind. Ella’s body hummed as she dreamt of Carter’s hands exploring her body, fondling her clit and dipping his large fingers inside her. This was the most realistic dream Ella had ever experienced, she didn’t want it to end.

“Mmm hmm,” she mewled. Warm lips caressed her clit, then cool air blew against it. An overpowering orgasm began to build within her, tossing and turning her head, she called out “More, oh Carter, more!”

The intensity of his fingers penetrating deeper and the sucking became powerful. Rising off the bed with a scream, her orgasm overtook her, exploding through her entire body. Ella’s eyes flew open to find Carter’s head submerged between her legs. It hadn’t been a dream at all.

“Carter!” she exclaimed on a shaky breath. Carter leisurely raised his head, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as if he’d just finished dessert.

“What are you doing?”

“Mmm, I was thirsty and that was delicious, sweetness.” Carter inched up her body, kissing her burning skin. “And your body responds to me the same when you’re sleeping. It’s mine to command.”

“Carter, you can’t just do what you want. I was sleeping.” She said breathlessly, with less conviction than she planned.

“Oh, but I can, I will, and I did.” Carter’s lips came crashing down on Ella’s, the taste of her own orgasm still on his lips. Grabbing her hands, he pulled them above her head, holding them there as he ravaged her mouth. In one swift motion, Carter was inside her, sinking deeper and deeper into her moisture.

“Jesus, you feel good,” he huffed. And she did. After spending all day, thwarting off the cougar’s sexual advances, plunging into Ella’s sweet wetness felt like coming home. Carter wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. He had never been a one woman kind of man, and wasn’t about to start now. Once this week was over, he’d have Ella Reid out of his system, but for now, all he wanted to do was feel her inner walls pulsating around him, milking his dick while he drove in and out of her. Feeling her body shudder beneath him, he tilted his hips slightly, pulled back and plunged forward again and again until they both came on a roar.

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