Hard To Love (22 page)

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Authors: Sabrina Ross

BOOK: Hard To Love
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The next morning I woke to the smell of freshly brewed coffee.
I grabbed his shirt and pulled it over me. Nick was making
breakfast and hadn’t noticed that I had taken a seat on the counter
behind him. When he turned around, he jumped then smiled.

Good morning, beautiful,” he said, walking over, sliding his
hands up my thighs as he kissed me.
“I could get used to this,” I teased.
“I figured we’d spend the day together before you have to go to
the gallery tonight,” he said through our lips.
“I’m fine with that.” I wrapped my arms around his neck.
“What did you have in mind?”
“A little of this.” He kissed me hard, his tongue slipping
through my lips. “Maybe some of that,” he said, gently biting my
“I think I like what you have planned,” I replied, wrapping my
legs around his waist. The doorbell buzzed. Nick’s brow furrowed
as he wondered who would be stopping by unannounced.
“Excuse me a minute,” he said, kissing me again before slipping
out of my arms. I pouted, making him chuckle. When he returned,
I was caught a little off guard. He hadn’t made it back to me in
time to warn me that Mason had walked in.
“Mason—Mason!” Nick shouted as he came close to the
kitchen. I hopped off the counter and pulled the shirt down as far
as it would go. “Shouldn’t you have called before just showing
up?” he asked.
“What’s the big deal?” Mason scoffed, then turned around and
we came face to face. He glared at me, and then turned back to
Nick stuffed his hands in his pockets and held Mason’s stare.
“When did this happen?” he asked.
“That’s none of your business,” Nick replied, and peered over
Mason’s shoulder at me. “What are you doing here?” He asked
“Never mind,” Mason said and started to walk back to the front
door. “You know—if you wanted to be with my brother, why
didn’t you just say so?” he said, turning around. I looked at Nick,
then back at Mason with dismayed eyes.
“I think it’s been far too long to even get into it anymore,” I
replied, and then walked past Mason.
“No, I want to know.”
Mason ignored Nick and interjected, “You liked me, then you
liked Nick, then you liked me again and now Nick again. Is this
some sort of a game for you? If you wanted a threesome, why
didn’t you ask?” he snarled.
“Mason!” Nick snapped.
“No, its fine, Nick. I can defend myself,” I said, looking over at
him, walking towards Mason. “You want honesty, Mason?” I
asked, and he nodded. “What makes you think you deserve it
considering you were never honest with me?” I paused. He held
my stare. “I don’t know what it was that I ever saw in you. You are
selfish and deceitful. Our relationship was a lie. I was in love with
Nick, and he was all I could think about.” I hit a nerve with that
one. I knew it was a little spiteful, but he angered me. It wasn’t
normal for someone to date two brothers, was it? It certainly was a
new thing for me. “Even when you kissed me, I thought of Nick,
and he was also the reason I never slept with you.” I was a little
too honest, but there was no going back now. Mason’s jaw
unhinged and he glared at me.
“You’re a whore!” he growled.
“That’s the kettle calling it black.” I crossed my arms. “At least
in my basket, I can admit to having two eggs my entire life, not
more than a dozen—in a month or a week,” I said, and walked
away. Nick tried to hide his smile, but it didn’t work. Mason spun
around and stood there speechless as I disappeared down the hall.
“Good luck with that one,” he sputtered, and then stormed out.
Nick snickered. I paced the room, furious and hurt.
Nick joined me after the front door slammed.
“You are amazing.” He laughing, scooping me up in his arms.
“This isn’t funny.” I froze.
His head tilted as he came towards me. “No one ever stands up
to him but you.”
“I don’t see why no one does.” I scoffed.
“I don’t know either.” He kissed me. “Was all of that true?”
“Yes,” I said, jerking my head back to look at him. “He tried
several times to set up a romantic night, but I never could.”
“Because you still loved me?” he asked, and I nodded. “Why
didn’t you ever tell me?”
“I thought you were with Stacey,” I replied, looking away. “It
wasn’t until my birthday when you told me you broke up, and then
I figured it was too late,” I said with a shrug.
“It’s in the past. Let’s forget about all that and just start fresh,”
he said, wrapping his arm around my waist. I nodded.
“I love you, Nick.” I said wrapping my arms around his neck.
“I love you, Lauren.” He lifted me up and carried me over to the

Later that night at the gallery, things got interesting. Claudia
had invited a big group of her wealthiest clients. Her father was
there again as well, and he brought a few of his colleagues. The
one person I never expected to see was Mason. I kept my distance,
not wanting to cause a scene because it would not be pretty. Nick
mingled, fitting in perfectly with the clientele. Some of them
recognized his face in my work and asked about it. He easily spoke
of being my inspiration. I could feel the pride emanating from him.

His father was a little surprised.
“So I hear you and Nick are
back together,” he said, walking up behind me, standing at my side
looking out at the crowd.

,” I said, then wanted to cower in a corner. “I hope that is
all right? I know Abigail wasn’t too happy about it the first time.”
“I wouldn’t worry about her. She’s a little pretentious for my
liking.” He chuckled. “Nick is happy, and it’s been a long time
since I have seen that boyish smile of his.” He glanced down at
“I know how terrible it must look—”
Robert interjected, “You don’t have to explain anything to me.”
He wrapped an arm around my shoulder. “I am quite aware of
Mason’s—indiscretions,” he said, and laughed. Then he saw a man
he knew and called out to him, “John, how’s it going? Excuse me,
sweetheart.” He said, and walked away.
“Everything all right?” Nick asked, wrapping an arm around my
“Better than all right,” I said, resting my head on his shoulder.
“I have the man I love next to me and I am doing what I love
most.” I felt my cheeks flush with excitement. “This couldn’t get
any better.”
“Oh no?” he said, grinning devilishly. “I think it can.”
“I’m looking forward to it,” I said, giving him a peck on the
lips. As I stepped back, I saw Mason walk towards us. “What is he
doing here?” I whispered.
“I don’t know, but I will make sure he doesn’t cause a scene,”
Nick said, walking away. I watched as Nick walked up to Mason,
who looked as if he had had one too many drinks. I rolled my eyes,
annoyed. The conversation started out calmly. Then Mason’s eyes
changed and they darted in my direction. I hated the scowl on his
face. It was frustrating that I was the one who always felt bad for
others people’s actions. Not to say I’m innocent. I had said some
cruel things, but he had hurt me. Nick made his way back to me.
Mason stayed where he was.
Then Claudia joined Mason, but he didn’t acknowledge her
At the end of the night, Nick helped me gather the pieces that
were left unsold. We put them in boxes and as I fingered through
them Claudia and Nick were chatting.
“Lauren, I think I would like to have you on my team,” she said,
walking over. I looked up, unable to help but smile.
“I appreciate that.” I nodded.
“I’ll be in touch,” she said, shaking my hand, then left.
“Ready?” Nick asked, walking over to me. I nodded, then slid
my hand in his and lifted the box with the other.
“As I’ll ever be,” I said glancing up at him with a big grin on
my face. I was so happy and it poured out of me.
When we got outside, we were surprised to find Mason standing
there. My heart stopped.
I was worried about what he was going to do.
“Mason, go home,” Nick said, letting go of my hand.
!” He stumbled forward, slurring. “Don’t—
tellmewhattodo,” he slurred. “Nick, the prodigal son, the one
everyone loves, everyone is so proud of, the shining star in
everyone’s eye!”
“Mason!” Claudia came walking out.
“You—another one everyone loves,” he hissed.
“Great, Mason, you’re drunk. Go home before you say
something you will regret,” Nick said. I put the box down on the
“Stop pushing me around,” Mason growled. “I’m sick of it, of
you, of all of you!” He tripped over his foot as he came forward
and clumsily fell forward, but I was able to catch him and steady
him on his feet. He stared up at me for a long uncomfortable
moment. “I’m surprised you didn’t weasel your way into her
heart!” he shouted at Claudia as he turned to face her. “Did you
know she is a lesbian?” He said to me.
“Mason!” Claudia hissed.
“I loved you. I really did.” He looked down at me, eyes glassy. I
looked away embarrassed.
“Mason,” I whispered, feeling regretful of my hateful words
before. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. “I’m sorry for
those things I said earlier. I was hurt and didn’t think before I
spoke. You know what that’s like, right?” I looked him in the eye.
“Yeah, I know I hurt you many times. I’m sorry I did that. I
really am.” A tear escaped. I looked back at Nick, who was
watching nervously.
“It’s in the past, Mason. I am not one to hold a grudge, trust
me.” I smiled and glanced over at Nick.
“Didjueverloveme?” he asked, his words mashed together.
I shook my head and stepped towards him. “Mason—”
“No, don’t—don’t tell me. I can’t take it. Not right now.” He
backed away. Claudia stood horrified, tears hanging on the brim of
her lashes. I was afraid to say anything. I didn’t know that would
send Mason over the edge.
“Mason, let me take you home.” Nick said stepping forward.
“No!” He snapped.
“I cared about you a lot.” I said taking Nick’s hand as I walked
in front of him. “I know you can be a good person because I have
seen it.” I clasped my hands together. “You just need to let go of
this anger you keep inside.” Mason looked at me in a way that
made my heart melt. I had never seen him in pain before, and I
hated that I had a part in it. “I am sorry if I hurt your feelings or
caused you any pain. I never intended to do that. I was happy
when we were together, but my heart was never there, and I should
have been honest with you about that.” A tear trickled down my
cheek. “This is all so crazy and new to me too. You think it was
easy to fall in love with the both of you?”
“Y—you loved me?” he gasped.
I bit my tongue, not thinking again. I tried to find a way to
recover my words, but nothing came to mind.
“Yes,” I replied just going with it. “There were things that I
loved about you. You need to show those parts of you, even if it
makes you feel vulnerable.” I saw his eyes light up a little, and I
felt the weight lift away. I looked over at Nick, who was smiling
adoringly at me. “Can we take you home?” I asked. He nodded,
and then started to walk towards my car. “Thank you again,
Claudia,” I said. She was already standing behind me and grabbed
me in her arms.
“I think you were great for my brothers, despite the weird
situation,” she said, pulling back to look at me. “You changed
them both in so many ways.”
“Really?” I cocked my head.
“You have no idea.” She smiled. She walked over to Nick and
hugged him, then Mason. “I love you guys.” She said. Nick kissed
her forehead then hugged her again before we got in the car.
Mason climbed in the back and I got in the passenger seat.

After dropping Mason off, Nick and I went home to celebrate
my success and our rekindled love. The sweetest thing about the
night was the little sweet stares Nick gave me at the gallery. Every
time he looked up at me through his lashes, I wanted to grab him
and devour him. He did it again and I wasn’t sure I could wait out
the entire ride in the elevator to touch him. I dropped my purse and
grabbed him, pushing him back against the wall of the elevator.

He breathed in my mouth desperately. His thumb stroked the
side of my neck, feeling the pulse under my warm skin. He pressed
his lips down running his lips up to my chin, playfully biting. I
gasped, digging my fingers in his hair, gently pulling his head back
to kiss his neck. The sweet smell of his musk tantalizing my
senses, I quickly nibbled on his lobe as his hand scratched up my
thigh, lifting my skirt. He moved, pinning me against the wall,
lifting me, his hands gripping my bottom. I moaned loudly, pulling
away to breathe.

“You need to stop wearing shirts with buttons.” I laughed
unbuttoning a few before a voice came over the speaker.
“Mr. Porter, this is security, your privacy—”
“Right. Sorry.” he said, clearing his throat and stepped back
enough that I could stand on my own. His cheeks flushed and I
hung my head, embarrassed. The bell rang and the doors opened.
We scurried out laughing and he pulled me down the hallway.
“Sorry about that. I forgot they have cameras in the elevators.” We
both chuckled nervously.
“We could have made their night.” I laughed. He blushed
looking down at the ground. God how I love this man, everything
thing he does turns me on.
Once in the apartment, Nick grabbed me from behind and
kissed my neck. His hands ran up my thighs, thumbed across the
band of my panties, forcing a gasp from me. He knocked the table
next to us and a few things fell to the floor, but he didn’t care. He
held me up against the wall, kissing me hard. “I love you,” he said
through our pressed lips.
“I love you too,” I gasped.
“No, I want to love you for the rest of my life.” He pulled his
shirt off over his head.
“I want to love you for the rest of my life too.” I kissed his
neck. He pulled away.
“Forever,” he said breathy.
“What are you saying?” I breathed.
“I want you to be my wife,” he said, pulling away. “We don’t
have to tell anyone right away. We can just keep it to ourselves.
We can talk about a date much later, whenever you want. I just
know that seeing you again made me realize how much I love you
and wished that I had been stronger.”
“I don’t want to think about what happened before. It happened,
we dealt with it—sort of, and now we are together. I love you, you
love me, and yes, I will be your wife one day, if you still want
me,” I said in one breath.
“Wait—yes, you’ll be my wife?” His voice broke.
“Yes, and I mean it, with all of my heart,” I said, tears flowing
from my eyes. “I don’t think anything could make me any
happier.” I sobbed happily into his shoulder. This was the strangest
year of my life. From seeing Matt’s ghost, then my father’s when
my life was hanging on the brink of death, to Mason’s unexpected
proposal, Nick’s unhindered devotion and ending with his
proposal. I didn’t even know if I had taken it all in yet. One thing
was for sure, I loved Nick so much that I would marry him a
hundred times over. His kiss was gentle and loving.
“You have made me so happy.” He smiled and then a tear
trickled down his cheek.
“Then why are you crying?” I asked, caressing his face.
“You, you make me so happy.” He hugged me tight. Now I
started to cry. I had never felt so loved before.
“I love you. You don’t have to worry about that going away. I
will devote myself to you. When we are married, I will be
everything you want me to be.” I kissed him over and over until he
opened his eyes to look at me. “Okay.” He nodded, and then kissed

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