Read Hard Rock Unrehearsed Online

Authors: Rene Van Dalen

Hard Rock Unrehearsed (18 page)

BOOK: Hard Rock Unrehearsed
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Trace walked around and handed everyone the music sheets he had been working on and they stood in a group as he explained what he wanted.  Jade grinned as she saw that RJ had been tweaking the lyrics she had been playing with, he had made it better and easier to sing.  Essentially they would be backing Jade and Trace would be playing rhythm guitar in Jimmy’s place.  He would do backing vocals on the chorus but the rest was up to her.  Trace moved his mic so he was standing next to the piano.

Jade ran her fingers over the keys of the piano to loosen her fingers and played a few scales.

Rick was back in the booth.  “Give me a few bars Jay.”  He ordered and she sat and played a Storm Front song.  “Okay I’ve got it.  Any time you guys are ready.”

Jimmy ran through a quick drum lick and Jade was pleasantly surprised at his playing and grinned at him to let him know she approved.

“This song is called
‘Hell No Never Again’.
”  She nodded at Jimmy and he counted them in.

Jade lost herself almost the minute she played the opening bars.  The music burst over her and she felt the rage of the song enter her with its driving baseline and she gave the opening scream without even hesitating pulling everyone along with her.

All the times I’ve let them take me down

I’ve let my demons reign

Gathering at the edges of my mind

Fluttering flames in the storm of my rage

I swear to myself they’ll never win

I swear to you I’ll never let them in

Hell no never again

Will they take me

Hell no never again

Will they break me

Hell no, hell no, hell no, hell no

Jade and Trace screamed the last
together as she stood hammering the keys of the piano while her foot thumped out the time on the floor.  Her whole body rocked with the music and it was a shock to come out of it as she realised the song had ended.

There was a sudden silence as the last note faded away and then the door to the booth was flung open and Rick stormed in with a huge smile on his face.  Diego and Tag were on their feet and clapping while everyone laughed and tried to speak at the same time.

“Holy fuckin’ shit!  Holy fuckin’ shit!  We have another fuckin’ star in the Galloway-Delgado family!  That was awesome mind bending shit you gave us there princess.”  Rick grabbed her and hugged her tight.

She was summarily ripped out of his arms and Diego lifted her up in his arms as she laughed and clasped his shoulders to keep her balance.  “My baby is going to be a fuckin’ rock star!  Unrehearsed and you pull that off your first time out, baby you are the shit.”  He smiled huge as he dropped her down slowly to set her on her feet.

Jade shook her head.  “It’s not just me, it’s all of us.  I wouldn’t be able to do this without them.  RJ refines what I write and Trace just adds so much more with his voice and having Jimmy and Givens driving us along makes it all perfect.”

Rick laughed as he made his way back to the booth.  “Wait until you hear yourself princess, you’ll not believe how fuckin’ great you are.”

They all tensed as he started the playback and the room filled with the hiss of dead air before Jade’s voice filled the space.  “This song is called
Hell No Never Again
.”  Her mouth dropped open as she heard herself for the first time, the raunchy power of her voice was like a hammer in her chest while Jimmy and Giv drove them on.  RJ’s guitar sang out in a wail of tortured strings and then Trace’s growl was right there filling out the vocals supporting her through the agonising screams and moans as the song came to a clashing end.

Hands over her mouth she stood and stared wordlessly at the men gathered around her.  Slowly dropping them she tried to speak and only on her second try got out a sound.

“Holy shit that was just..... I don’t know what that was!”

“What that is right there is the first single that will be released by Jade Delgado or whatever the fuck name you decide to go by.”  Rick stated as he stood next to Trace going through the pages of music he had clasped in his hand.  “And this here is the future princess, your future and the future of Storm Front.  You need to prepare yourself baby, you lot are going to hit it bigger than big, I can guarantee you that,”

Jade just shook her head as she leant into Diego letting him take her weight because her legs suddenly felt as if they could no longer support her.  Her day had started out good, turned ugly, then sweet and now it was so good she could barely comprehend the goodness.  What she had here she had never expected to happen. Like every other musician she had had dreams of making it big with her band but life intervened and put her on another path, a path she had enjoyed but now it was time to get back to following her dream.  And this right here was the dream she never knew she needed until it reared up and smacked her straight in the face.  She was still floating in a haze when Rick’s voice started to intrude.

“We have to sit down with Luis and go over your contract with your label.  Do you know if they can force you to accept a producer of their choice and not that of the band?  I need to know if they own the rights to your music and if so how would it impact Jade’s rights.  I have to warn you that Michael is going to get involved in this because his little girl is the apple of his eye and there is no way he’s going to allow her to sign with anyone but Regional.”

“I’ve already spoken to Michael and we have a sit down scheduled when we get back from Europe.”  Luis’s deep voice over rode everyone and they swung around to face him where he stood inside the open door.  “Jade is unsigned at this moment and under a short term contract with Storm Front until the end of this leg of the tour.  Her music belongs to her exclusively but we might have some problems with the label regarding RJ and Trace’s involvement.  Their contract with the label is pretty standard but their legal representation did manage to exclude outright ownership by the label of any and all of their music.  That doesn’t mean that they don’t have a stake in it and it means that they will fight dirty to keep the band in their stable if any of this new material leaks.  At the moment the label is pushing for a tour album and a best of album which means that the executive who looks after them thinks they are going to crash and burn without Richie and they are trying to make as much money out of them as they can before that happens.  My loyalty lies with Storm Front so whatever you decide to do I will see to it that it happens the way you want it to happen.”

Rick opened his mouth to speak but Trace was there before him.  “I’ve spoken to Michael and he wants us with Regional and last night I had a long talk with Richie to tell him about the offer and what the rest of us thought about it.”  Trace shuffled his feet and rubbed a hand over the short fuzz on his head before he continued.  “When we signed with our label we had to take on the manager they assigned us and that was an absolute disaster.  Leon Sharpe never got us the gigs we needed until we had built up a buzz about the band and then he was all over it.  When we went overboard with the parties, booze and drugs he joined the party and we all know where that ended.  The day the label sent him to rehab was a blessing in disguise for us because that's when I insisted we be allowed to hire a manager of our own choice.  Luis Delgado taking on a fucked up band and starting to lead us back to ourselves was the best thing to ever happen to all of us, and that includes Richie.  If Sharpe had still been with us Richie would not be alive and recovering right now.  What happened to Richie also brought Jay into our lives.  Before she joined us the band had become sloppy and lacking in direction, we were just going through the motions and RJ and I hadn’t done one fuckin’ new song in months, we had run dry.  That’s why the label wants us to do a best of album because I told them we weren’t writing and with Richie gone we wouldn’t be able to work on anything until sometime next year.”  Trace suddenly grinned and winked at Luis.  “So Mr Manager, I suggest you sign us up with Regional Records double quick because a few of the crew have heard us playing some of the new stuff.  And you know how those bastards gossip, they’re like a bunch of old women.”

Luis smiled then shook his head as if exasperated.  “Where do you kids think I’ve been all this time?  I went to L. A. to negotiate an early release from your contract and today I’m pleased to tell you I’ve been successful in pulling it off.  It’s horrible to say this but Richie falling apart, Jay’s problems and the band not releasing any new material made it easier to get you out of your contract.  Storm Front is no longer signed to them with the proviso that you finish this tour as per agreement.  As soon as you sign the documents, and Richie has already signed, I’ll messenger it back to them and start negotiations with Regional.  You’re going to have to keep the new stuff under wraps until everything is finalised, so you can’t perform it at any of the upcoming events.”

Pandemonium broke loose as the guys stormed Luis, hugging him while RJ went as far as kissing his cheeks!  Jade stood between Diego and Tag grinning as she watched their antics.  Rick had a wide smile on his face as he joined them, the music sheets still clutched in his hand.

“This right here sweetheart is going to turn all of you into a household name, I would bet my last penny that by this time next year Storm Front will be rated as one of the best hard rock bands in the business and you are going to be at the top of the newcomers list.  One might say that you are Storm Front’s muse and the reason for their resurrection.”

Jade just shook her head, turning her face into Diego’s chest to hide her burning cheeks.






His heart was beating like a damned drum in his chest as he stood at the bottom of the bed and stared down at his woman laid out on the bed in front of him.  Her vibrant red hair was stark against the white of the pillows, cascading over them like a waterfall.  Her body was covered by an indigo blue lace teddy that covered her but concealed nothing, it made her creamy skin look even creamier.  Through the lace her skin gleamed and he could make out the tattoo that framed her amazing pussy and it made him even harder if that was at all possible.  The arm covered in a sleeve tattoo was thrown over her head her hand open and relaxed.  The other hand lay motionless on her belly, the wide silver ring on her middle finger glinting in the low light.  Those long-ass legs of hers moved a little restlessly as he stared down at her then she raised one just a little while the other moved to give him a peek at the heaven that awaited him.

Sliding his eyes away from her beckoning pussy over her belly, her amazing tits and up to her beautiful face he knew that he had never seen anything more beautiful in his life.  The blue of her eyes glittered from under her long dark eyelashes as she watched him through half opened lids.  The tip of her tongue made a pass over her full lower lip, leaving it glistening and wet.  His breath stuttered as her teeth bit down on that very same lip, pulling it ever so slightly into her partly open mouth.  A slight smile curved her lips as she heard his breathing pick up.  His little siren was playing with him!

He thanked every deity he could think of that he wasn’t wearing his boots as he lifted his arms, grabbed his long sleeved tee behind his neck and pulled it over his head, dropping it on the floor next to him.  His jeans quickly followed.  He stood naked with his hand on his heavy and aching cock as her eyes widened while she took him in.

“Wow, you’re big.  If I had seen this before we made love last time, no way would I have let you anywhere near my guava.”  She mumbled her eyes still on his cock.

Diego laughed softly as he rested a knee against the bed.  “Baby I gave you two orgasms before I took you, no way was I going to give you pain instead of pleasure.  I knew you hadn’t had a dick inside you in almost eight years and I took care of you.  I will always take care of you.”

With that he had had enough and crawled onto the bed with his woman, only stopping when he had her caged in between his arms and legs and was hovering over her.  He smiled as her arms curled around his neck and he lowered his head and took her mouth, finding it with her, sinking into her mouth and kissing her hot, wet and deep, so very deep.  The smell and taste of her filled his mouth and lungs and raced through the pathways to his brain to be stored there for all time.

Stopping the kiss and lifting slightly away from her he breathed against her lips.

“I need you out of this gorgeous little confection you’re wearing baby.”

His woman gave one of those little smiles women give you when they know that they have rocked your world and on his woman it was fuckin’ phenomenal.

“You will have to pull it off me babe, it’s got no snaps.”  She whispered as she lifted her head ever so slightly and licked his bottom lip with the tip of her tongue.

He shuddered at the feeling of her little tongue on his mouth and because he wanted to rip that damned teddy right off her body and slam his dick inside of her until he bottomed out against her cervix.  But he wouldn’t do that now, maybe at some time in the future when he had her so prepared that he could slide right in without causing her any pain.  Right now though he had to get that damned lacy temptation off her so he could get to her pussy and play.

Sliding his mouth down her throat he surrounded her pulse with his teeth and pressed his tongue against it, licking and tasting her before moving on down to the dip at the bottom of her neck and then down between her breasts until the lace stopped his further exploration.  Turning his head he licked her nipple through the lace and grinned against it as she moaned.  Sucking her into his mouth he moved the lace over her nipple with his tongue and his cock jumped as she moaned even louder.  He sucked and licked and then surrounded her nipple with his teeth and bit ever so lightly, that got him a full body shudder.  Immediately he moved to her other breast and proceeded to give it the attention the other had had.  Her shudders grew in intensity and he slid his hands up her arms and pulled the straps down slowly, baring her breasts a little at a time, looking up he smiled into her dazed eyes as both nipples popped free of the lace.  He dropped his head and sucked her left nipple into his mouth while still drawing the stretchy lace down her body.  As his hands stroked over her she moved restlessly, arching her back as he alternated sucking her breasts.  Shit she was so turned on she might just come from him sucking her breasts!  Using his knee to part her legs he opened her wide and pushed himself against her mound as he sucked, giving her the friction she needed and she came!

“Fuck me baby!  You just came from me sucking your tits and rubbing up against your pussy.  That’s a first for me baby.”  He kept his cock tight against her clit as she moaned and writhed.  And then he couldn’t stand it any longer, he had to have her.

Rearing up he dragged the lace off her body with almost violent haste, reached over for one of the condoms he had thrown on the bed, had it open, out of the packet and on him in seconds.  Using his one hand to open her and the other to guide him in he knelt between her open legs and slowly oh so slowly slid inside.  It was tight, so damned tight it hurt in a good way to push his over excited cock inside her hot, wet pussy.

“Take me baby, take fuckin’ all of me.”  He whispered as he pushed then withdrew slightly only to push back in again.

“Diego!  It feels so good, so very, very good.”  She moaned as she lifted her hips to help him.

With one final push he was balls deep inside her and he shuddered as she clenched around him.  She rose tight up against him and did some kind of a shimmy thing which shot arrows of pleasure right through him and then he was gone.  Gone!

His withdrew and slammed back into her soaked pussy drowning in the sounds of her pleasure as she moaned and called out his name.  Egging him on by rocking back up at him as hard as he was slamming into her.  It was rough, hard and so overwhelming he lost himself in the sound of their flesh slapping together, the sound of her soaked pussy taking him and getting even wetter.  He knew she was close by the sounds she was making and by the quivering of her muscles surrounding his driving cock.  Slamming his mouth down over hers he kissed her, not hard, not rough but soft and deep and swallowed her scream as she came.  It did not take long for him to join her, he slammed back in her twice and then he was there, his climax boiled up from the bottom of his back, arching him into her and seating him so deep he felt as if he had become a part of her body.  Shudders wracked his body as he pushed his face into her neck, tightened his arms around her and tried very hard to breathe.  Right at the end there he had given her his weight and now he lifted himself back onto his forearms, taking it away from her.  She sighed and tightened her strong legs around his hips keeping him from withdrawing from her.

“That was rough.”  He growled.  “I’m sorry baby I lost it, I wanted to take it slow and easy but I just lost it.  Are you okay?  Did I hurt you?”  He looked down into her shining eyes and watched a satisfied smile curve her lips.

“I liked it and no I’m not hurt.  I won’t break Diego.  I’m strong and I want you so much that taking that big cock of yours is nothing but pleasure.  Trust me babe, if you hurt me I’ll tell you.”

“Thank fuck!”  Rubbing his cheek against hers he growled as she tightened her muscles around his semi-hard dick.  “Not done with you yet baby.  Want to clean you up then eat you then fuck you again.  You okay with that?  I want to take you on your knees this time.”  The way her pussy clenched around him he knew she was okay with it and he chuckled as he slowly withdrew from her making her shudder and moan as he slid out of her sensitive pussy.

His woman lay there open to him as he sat back on his calves between her wide spread legs.  He ran a finger over her soaked pussy and watched her shudder before he stepped off the bed, cleaned up and came back to her.

He then proceeded to eat her but he didn’t get a chance to fuck her on her knees as she had rolled him and rode him until they both exploded.

Fuck his woman was phenomenal and he loved everything about her.  He just flat out loved her.


Rising up through sleep toward wakefulness she slowly became aware that she was surrounded.  Surrounded not in a bad way, never that, but surrounded by her man’s arms and legs as he had caged her in against him while they slept.  His one arm went under the pillow she lay on then curved up with his hand clasped around her breast.  Her hand was tight around his wrist, holding on.  The other arm lay over her waist with his hand on her belly.  A heavy leg was thrust between her legs and tangled her up with him.  It felt good, it felt better than good, it felt sensational.

She lay still in his arms and just revelled in being where she had dreamt of being for a damned long time, waking up in the heavy arms of Diego Delgado.  A place none of his women had ever been if rumour was to be believed.  Diego Delgado never did sleep overs, he gave pleasure, he came, he cuddled a little and then he left to go to his own bed.  She hoped to hell he’d never done this with that bitch Marcella Vincent!  Just the thought of that bitch in Diego’s bed made her mad as hell and she involuntarily jerked as her limbs stiffened in anger.

Diego’s arms tightened around her and his hand squeezed her breast.

“You okay baby?”  His sleep rough voice rumbled against her shoulder as he moved her hair out of her neck with his nose and nuzzled in, laying down soft kisses over her neck and shoulder.  “Morning.”  His rough voice sent shivers down her spine as he moved back to her neck and stayed there.

“Good morning.”  Running the fingers of her free hand over his forearm that was clasped around her belly she smiled as he pulled her tighter against him, settling her tight against his groin where a part of him was rock hard.  His hand slid down her belly and over her mound, clasping her and she shivered again.

“You sore baby?”

“No, just sensitive.”

“Thank fuck.” 

With that he slid his fingers through her folds and groaned as he encountered her wetness.  Wetness he caused by just breathing in her neck.

She gasped as he suddenly pulled her leg up over his to open her up, pulled his hips back and slid right in, seating himself deep inside of her.  His groan as he slid out and back in was answered by her groans.  Damn it felt so good!

He was taking it slow, sliding in and out while playing with her clit and she moved her hips back to try and speed it up, she needed him to move faster!

“Faster baby.”  She demanded.

“Uh-uh.  Want you slow, very slow.”  He groaned against the back of her neck.

The hand on her breast rolled her nipple between his thumb and fore finger and shot spikes of hot want right down to where he was playing with her.  Jade felt it build and build, a slow burn that rushed through her as he slowly moved in her.  By his breathing she knew that it was building for him as well and she reached back with her free hand to grab his ass and clasp him to her.  To somehow get him deeper inside her.

Suddenly it rushed through her, a tide of white hot heat shot through her as she shuddered and shook through her climax.  She felt Diego jerk as he tried to slide out of her but she held on tight with her leg and arm.

“Baby no condom!”  He gasped as he jerked hard and pulled out of her, immediately sliding his hand over her pussy and holding on hard as he shoved himself up the crack of her ass and came all over her back.

“Don’t care, this feels so good!”  She threw her head back against his shoulder and held on tighter.

“Fuuuck!”  Diego groaned as he ground down against her back.  He slid his head down next to hers and whispered in her ear.  “If I’d stayed inside you we would have been welcoming baby Delgado in to the world exactly nine months from now baby.”

Jade grinned.  “How can you be so sure?”

“Fuck baby I just know.”  He growled as he rubbed his stubbled chin over her shoulder.  “We Delgado’s have powerful swimmers.  My dad got my mum pregnant both times on their first try.  And not to bring sadness into our bed, but you got pregnant with Val pretty quickly as well.”

Jade lay silently in his arms, trying to find ways to tell him that wouldn’t cause unnecessary pain to both of them.  Taking a deep breath she did it the way you would rip off a plaster, quick.

“Val and I tried for months before I got pregnant.  He wanted a baby so bad and I wanted to give it to him but it didn’t happen like with your mum and dad.  We secretly went to doctors and found that he had a low sperm count.  It pissed him off so badly!  But we did what the doctors told us to do and eventually it happened for us.”

Diego’s arms tightened around her so hard for a second it hurt, then he loosened his arms but didn’t let her go.

“Fuck!  That’s why he did it.  Fuck, shit, fuck.”  Diego muttered against her shoulder.

“What?  What did he do?”  Jade twisted her head to look back at him and Diego lifted himself on his forearm so he could look down at her.  There was a strange look in his eyes.

BOOK: Hard Rock Unrehearsed
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