Hard Ridin' (9 page)

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Authors: Em Petrova

BOOK: Hard Ridin'
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He’d been so set in his ways, no wife would have him. So he’d spent his years alone, accumulating any scrap of land adjoining his, until he owned most of the township. As a result of his meanness, he’d also alienated his extended family. So when he died, the land went up for auction, and Jens and Holden had entered the scene.

That was one of her biggest fears about Jens’s scheme for the three of them. Things couldn’t end well between the friends if she chose one over the other. The land would be split, maybe even sold off. And out here in this rugged land, men needed everything in their favor to earn a living.

“Hey, beautiful.” Jens’s deep rumble filled her ear.

Her stomach hollowed out and pooled with liquid want. She clamped her thighs together. “Where were you?”

“Around back of your place, shoveling up the horse turds Stargazer left last night. Not very gentlemanly of me to let my animal leave piles like that on your land.” He pressed his chest to her spine, nestling his erection against the seam of her ass.

She couldn’t stop herself from arching against him, seeking more of that rigid goodness. “That’s true love right there.”

He placed his mouth right against her earlobe. “Yes, it is, Laurel.”

Shivers coursed up and down her spine. If she didn’t get control of herself, she’d end up shoving him down and straddling him, right there in the open.

Holden drove closer and closer, and then made a wide sweep, heading back the other way. While she and Jens could get a quickie in before Holden turned around, she couldn’t. Wouldn’t. It was rightfully Holden’s turn.

“Holden’s fertilizing?”

“Mmm. Changing the topic on me. That’s all right. In the end, I’ll have my way with you.” Jens flicked her earlobe with his hot tongue. “But yeah, that’s not just any fertilizer. That there is Grade-A, top-of-the-line fertilizer that’s gonna put the acid back in your soil. The nitrogen is the source of the amino acids, which makes it very stable.”

Worry snaked through her. “What’s it cost?”

He pressed his lips to the side of her throat and nibbled. Her pussy squeezed hard with want. “Don’t you worry about the cost. Holden and I said we were investing in this venture. It’s our contribution.”

She turned into his arms, wrapping him close. “I don’t know if I can agree to allow you and Holden to share the costs. I have money—”

“Ohhh, no, you don’t. You accept us both into your bed, you accept our help as well. It’s one big package deal.”

Confusion, guilt and excitement wrestled inside her. She couldn’t help but feel as if she were a sapling, bent by the forceful winds of two men. When Jens had suggested they share funds as well as beds, she’d grabbed at his idea because she couldn’t fathom another course. Living without Holden had been misery. And she couldn’t begin to think of an existence without Jens.

“You’ll have to thank Holden for hauling the smelly fertilizer around the field instead of being able to stand here with you.”

She studied Jens’s face. He looked completely serious. Confusion wormed through her. “I don’t understand your way of thinking, Jens. Why would you suggest I spend time with the man who could end up taking me away from you?”

Something moved behind his eyes. “I told you. I can’t stand to see you torn up. If this keeps you happier longer, then I’m all for it.”

“But in the end, someone’s going to get hurt.”

He pressed his lips into a hard line and lifted one bulky shoulder in a shrug. “We’ll deal with it then.”

She threaded her fingers into the short hair under his hat. “It doesn’t bother you to suggest that I spend time with Holden?”

“Well, I’ll admit it was no picnic for me yesterday, knowing you were in his bed. But then you came into my arms…and came quite a few times, if I recall.” He pitched his voice low as he moved in to claim her lips.

Using a rough fingertip, he nudged her face up to receive him fully even as he separated her lips with his tongue. She moaned as his flavors filled her head. Dark need wove through her body, puckering her nipples and capturing her pussy.

She wiggled closer to him, more in love with the feel of his hard body now that she knew it intimately.

He broke away and stared deep into her eyes. “I have a hard time keeping my hands to myself around you, Laurel.”

A shudder tore through her, stealing away the last remnants of her strength. If he wanted to fuck her against the truck door, she’d have her pants around her ankles in a blink.

The sputter of the tractor seemed to grow louder, reminding her that Holden wasn’t far away. When she found herself in Jens’s arms while Holden was present, she was mentally driven back to The Hellion and a crowded dance floor where Holden had tried to lighten his best friend of a few teeth.

Yet, it was torture to stay away from Jens now. For two months, they’d been practically inseparable—poring over seed books, drawing up planting plans and generally having fun. How many Friday nights had they danced away? And how many late-night phone conversations had they shared?

Her budding feelings for Jens were bursting into full bloom, which was why she had agreed with his scheme to date both men. Selfish of her? Yes. But honest. And if Laurel was anything, she was honest with herself.

When she’d rolled into her sixth year as a nutritionist in the hospital, she’d taken a good, long look at her life and found it lacking. That was how she landed here with a field of fertilized and turned earth, ready for the planting.

And that was how she found herself with two boyfriends.

Holden was coming back. The sun beat down on his head, and his hat was pulled low against the glare. He was wearing a tight-fitting white T-shirt and smudges graced the front, as if he’d swiped a dirty hand down it. His bronzed biceps flexed as he cranked the wheel to make another pass.

Catching her eye, he flashed a grin.

Her breath caught. Shock stole her senses. She was standing in Jens’s embrace, yet Holden could still smile at her?

Jens must have noticed too, because he spoke against her ear once more. “See? Even Holden’s getting used to seeing us together. I’m surprised it took so little time, but I’m pleased.”

She shook her head. “What did you do to him? Drug him before you put him on the tractor?”

His chest rumbled with laughter. “Nah. He’s a level-headed guy, for the most part. He sees the logic in the situation.”

“Does he?” Did she? She still had difficulty figuring out what she was doing, and why. It had only been a day, but she felt as if she’d lived this strange arrangement for months—mainly because she had. Even while loving Jens, Holden had always been a shadowy figure in her life.

“Darlin’, I see that look on your face. You don’t have to worry. Holden and I might have our ups and downs, but we’re both smart enough to do what’s right for you. I knew you couldn’t be made to choose there and then—everyone’s emotions were too high.”

It was on the tip of her tongue to ask what he would do if she couldn’t ever make a choice. The thought of giving up either her old lover or her new made her throat clamp shut.

Jens dipped his mouth to hers, and for a moment she was distracted by the scuff of his rough facial hair against her skin and the lingering traces of her arousal on his lips.

“Mmm. You didn’t shower,” she murmured, nipping at his full lower lip.

“Uh-uh. Couldn’t bring myself to wash away your scent.”

A shudder racked her.

“Kiss me, Laurel. Show me that you’re glad you’ve given yourself to me. Glad you’ve given me a chance. Because in another few minutes, Holden will be standing here, demanding his time with you.”

“Oh, Jens.” She stretched and pressed her lips to his. He held the kiss, eyes shut, chest rising and falling as if he’d run a mile. She moved closer, deepening the kiss by gliding her tongue over his lips.

Moaning, he continued to let her do the work. She cupped his face and delved her tongue into his mouth, tasting mint and male. His crisp facial hair stung her fingertips. Angling her head, she devoured him—biting at his lips, sucking his tongue and learning the depths of his mouth in a way she never had before.

Warmth infused her, causing her limbs to tingle and her sex to throb.

His groan drew her back to the present, and she realized the tractor engine had stopped.

She started to draw away, but Jens gripped her upper arms and held her. She met his bright blue gaze and fought to keep from tearing off his pants and spearing herself on his cock. Hell, a sidelong glance could cause a woman to strip immediately.

“I’m heading into town for some parts for that old truck, Laurel.” Jens jerked his chin toward the upper part of the field where an old 1940’s Ford sat in a heap of disrepair near her house.

She gasped. “What? Why? You have a truck.”

“Yeah, but you don’t.”

“I-I don’t need a truck! I have my car.” She gazed at the rusted and chipping black paint and dry-rotted tires.

“A car can’t haul the stuff you’ll need to haul, Laurel. How do you think we’re gonna get the produce out of this field? We’ll have to pick it, load it into crates and head to town with it to sell to the surrounding cities. Holden and I can use our trucks, but we’ll need a third. Even hauling three loads at a time, it will take us a ton of trips.”

A smile stretched her lips and a glow lit her from the inside. “You really believe my fields will produce that much?”

He rubbed her earlobe between his rough thumb and forefinger. Small crinkles appeared around his eyes. “I do. Now, no more arguments from you. It will cost a helluva lot less to get that truck on the road than to buy a new one. Especially if you’re sleeping with someone who knows his way around an engine.”

At this, he ground his hips against hers, showing his full state of arousal.

Laurel squeezed him tight, nuzzling his throat. “Thank you.”

“Oh, you’ll thank me later and often, darlin’. No worries about that.”



Jens slammed his truck into reverse and slid easily into the parking space between a Jeep and an SUV. The main street was lined with traffic at this time of day. Damn irritating, really. He wanted to get in and out and back to the ranch, but there were bound to be wait times at the check-outs.

He mentally ran through his list. Besides four tires and a bunch of parts for the old Ford, Jens planned to find something special for Laurel. A little surprise. In the months since they’d been dating, he’d refrained from sending her flowers, arriving with boxes of chocolates and giving her jewelry. He wanted to shower her with gifts reflecting his affection, but she hadn’t welcomed such displays.

Probably because she wasn’t mine all this time.

He dropped his head and stared at his boots as he made his way up the sidewalk. For the twentieth time, he wondered if his suggestion that she date both of them was the right one. Yesterday, he’d been out of his head knowing she was in Holden’s bed. Today was no different.

But it was what she wanted—needed right now—so Jens would give it to her. He’d also give in to his desires and buy her a gift. Nothing with a diamond, though that’s exactly what he wanted. If she’d been remotely open to his early advances, he would have slid a ring onto her finger a month ago, and they would have run off to Vegas to get hitched by a man wearing an Elvis costume.

Now they were stuck in a love triangle with his best friend. At least Jens had gained some ground in this battle for Laurel’s love. His body still burned from last night’s lovemaking.

She’d been just as responsive as he imagined—fiery and needy and eager to pleasure him.

“’Scuse me, ma’am.” He stopped behind a woman standing in the middle of the sidewalk.

She tossed a look over her shoulder, and her features rippled with happiness. “Jens!”

He gave Belinda a short nod. They’d dated once or twice, but she hadn’t been his type. There was nothing wrong with her. Jens just wasn’t interested.

She wobbled over on her spike heels and threw her arms around him. Floral perfume filled his nose and permeated his clothes. Hell, even his under-drawers probably smelled like Belinda.

He gave her a pat on the back and then set her away from him.

“How are you? Where you been hiding yourself? I haven’t seen you at the club.” She batted her lashes.

Jens had frequented the Moose Club a few times, which was where he’d met Belinda. But he was more of a bar kind of guy and preferred The Hellion. Besides, he’d never forget holding Laurel close on that dance floor.

“Been around,” he said noncommittally. “Almost plantin’ season.”

“Maybe I could come up and help you with that. Remember we talked about it?” She leaned so close, another wave of her perfume threatened to choke him. What he remembered about that discussion was Belinda inviting herself to help him around the farm and him practically running away.

“Well, Holden’s home now. Got enough help, but thanks.” He tugged on the brim of his hat and side-stepped around her. “Nice seeing you again. I’ve got some errands to run.”

Her face fell, and he suddenly felt like a cad. Had he led her on in any way?

“Okay. Glad I ran into you.” She thrust out her glossed bottom lip and stared at him through big blue eyes.

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