
Read Hard Online

Authors: Jamieson Wolf

BOOK: Hard
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by Jamieson Wolf

Breathless Press

Calgary, Alberta


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or

persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Copyright© 2009 Jamieson Wolf

ISBN: 978-1-926771-15-1

Cover Artist: Justyn Perry

Editor: Raynene Burgess

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in reviews.

Breathless Press


For Robert who keeps me so


More than anything, Owen
remembered the taste of him.

You never forget the first one. Nineteen and horny, they did what guy friends did together. He and Daniel used look at porn in Owen’s bedroom. He could smell it even now: the scent of fresh paint, sweat and heat. He remembered how Daniel smelled sitting beside him: spicy, as if his skin was burning.

Sometimes, when they were really turned on, they would lie next to each other, rub their crotches together. Daniel would even lie on top of him, pressing his crotch into Owen’s.

He remembered how good it felt to rub his body against Daniel’s. How flushed he got in his cheeks, his crotch so hot it felt as if it would go ablaze. He knew it wasn’t right to get hard when fooling around with another boy.

But Owen wanted to,
to, anyway.

It had been an eye opener. He hadn’t been able to get an erection while thinking of girls, but one thought of his friend’s body pressed against his and he felt hard all over.

Daniel always said he was straight. “I’d never fuck a guy,” he’d say. “I wouldn’t know what to do.”

But there’d be a look in Daniel’s eyes that made Owen wonder. Sometimes, Owen caught Daniel looking at his crotch, at his hard dick straining against the front of his jeans.

At night, after Daniel left, Owen would lie on his bed and think of his friend. He pictured Daniel’s straight brown hair that framed his face in crude spikes, the greenness of his best friend’s eyes.

He would picture the tight mound of Daniel’s crotch as his own dick strained against the fabric of his pants. These thoughts would take him into sleep. In his dreams, he was able to do what he knew could never happen; he was able to touch Daniel. He was able to run his hands all over Daniel’s hard body.

He would wake, his sheets soaked with cum, his dick still hard and dripping.

After the euphoria, a slight sadness would settle in. Owen knew that dreams could never be reality. Daniel would reject him if he knew how Owen felt. He knew Daniel would never talk to him again if he had any inkling of his feelings.

If Daniel found out, he’d leave Owen and Owen would lose the man he loved. He’d been friends with Daniel so long that the boy he had been was a thing of the past. Instead, all Owen could see was a gorgeous man.

But Daniel would never love him back.

All that Daniel worried about came into sharp focus on a hot summer afternoon. The windows were open and a light summer breeze filled the air. Owen’s parents were at the cottage and he had the house to himself.

Except for Daniel that is. Knowing that Owen had the house to himself, Daniel had rented some porn and was bringing it over with a few stolen beers. Owen wondered if it was wise to drink something that would lower his inhibitions around Daniel.

He had enough of a hard time controlling himself around his friend as it was.

But Owen could never say no to Daniel. Not for anything.


Daniel arrived with a brown paper bag clutched under his arm. “I got the beer.” He grinned and Owen followed him into the kitchen. “It’s Budweiser, so it’ll suck, but it will be better than nothing.”

He popped open two beers and passed Owen one, putting the rest in the fridge. “And wait till you see the porn I rented.” He reached into the bag and pulled out three videos. “I got one with this Swedish model—“ Daniel’s words drifted off.

“What?” Owen asked. “What is it?”

Daniel laughed, his cheeks flushing a bright red. “They put in a gay one by mistake.” He held up the video. On the front of the cassette Owen could see two men kissing, their shirts open and their muscles bared.

Owen felt his dick throb a little and forced out a laugh. “Huh.” He tried to sound casual. “That’s odd.”

Daniel laughed and blushed a deeper red. “I’ll say.” He looked at the men on the video cassette. “Hey, you ever wonder how guys fuck?”

Owen felt his skin go pale. “No.” The words seemed forced to his ears.

“But they’ve got to somehow, right?” Daniel took a swig of his beer. “Let’s watch the video and find out.” He laughed. “It’ll be hilarious.”

Owen nodded and thought he’d be sick. “Sure, that sounds like fun.”

Daniel grabbed two more beers from the fridge and they went into the living room. Owen turned on the television and Daniel popped in the video cassette. He hit the fast forward button, but Owen could still see guys getting sucked off and one guy getting fucked.

Feeling nervous, Owen sat on the living room couch and took a large swig of beer. Gay porn, booze and the best friend he wanted. Owen grabbed one of Daniel’s cigarettes.

Daniel frowned over at him. “Since when do you smoke?”

“I just started.”

“You just want something to suck on.” Daniel pressed the play button. The volume was on low but Owen could hear the sounds of the men on the television.

As he watched, a gorgeous muscled man took his thick cock and pushed it into the anus of a waiting man. Once the first man was inside, he began pounding away on the other man’s ass.


Owen was jolted out of his reverie by Daniel’s voice. It was like he’d been in a trance. The sight of the two men fucking on the television had sent a shock through his body. “What?” he said.

Daniel pointed to Owen’s crotch where his cock strained against his pants.

hard…” Daniel commented.

Owen shook his head no, tried to deny it, but how could you deny a hard rod in your pants? How could you deny and ignore the evidence when it was right there, taunting you?

“No, I’m not.” He tried to laugh and play the whole thing off as a joke.

Daniel reached forward and grabbed Owen’s cock, squeezing it like an apple to judge for firmness.

“You’re a fucking liar.” Daniel’s voice was low, almost smoky. “Show me your cock.”

“What?” Owen felt his world spin.

“Take it out. You say you’re not hard? Take out your dick and prove it to me. I want to see your proof.” Daniel eyed him with a grin. “Come on, I dare you. Take your cock out. I want to see it.”

There were men having sex on the television screen and he could feel his dick pulse inside his pants.Owen’s hands shook as he tried to undo his zipper. His face was flushed and the room seemed to spin.

“Do you want me to do it?” Daniel asked him.

Owen met the hungry look in his friend’s eyes. Unsure what to say, he simply nodded. The room stopped spinning when he looked into his best friend’s glowing green eyes. Slowly, Daniel reached forward. He unbuttoned and unzipped Owen’s pants. He stroked Owen’s hard cock through his underwear, running his palm along the shaft. It jerked under his touch.

“Relax,” Daniel crooned. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

Daniel hooked his fingers under the elastic waist band of Owen’s underwear and slowly pulled them down. Owen’s dick sprung up, straight and incredibly rigid.

Hardly daring to breathe, Owen watched Daniel take his cock into his hands. He groaned when Daniel encircled the shaft of his cock with his hand, running his hand up and down his rock hard shaft.

“Nice,” Daniel said. “Really nice.” He ran a hand up the shaft and down again, forcing a moan from Owen’s mouth. “What is it, like nine inches?”

Owen shrugged. He’d known he was well endowed, but it made his dick quiver to see Daniel eyeing it with such hunger.

nice,” Daniel said. And lowered his lips to Owen’s cock.

When Daniel pulled Owen’s foreskin down and took the mouth of Owen’s penis into his mouth, Owen thought he’d explode. A loud moan escaped his lips.

Daniel looked up at him, his green eyes flashing and then took Owen’s cock further into his mouth. In one fluid motion, he took Owen’s dick into his throat, all the way down to the bottom of the shaft. He slicked back up with his spit and released him. “You taste nice, too. Do you want to taste me?”

Owen nodded and Daniel kneeled in front of him, took Owen’s face in his hands, and kissed him. Daniel tasted hot and spicy, as if he was on fire. Daniel’s tongue slipped forward and dated into his mouth, tasting his own tongue.

Daniel moaned softly. He grabbed Owen’s hand and brought it down the front of his body until he stopped at his crotch. Owen could feel the hardness of him, the sheer size of Daniel’s cock. With steadier hands, he unsnapped and unzipped Daniel’s jeans. He slipped his hands into Daniel’s underwear and pulled out Daniel’s penis.

It wasn’t the length that shocked Owen; it was the sheer girth of Daniel’s dick that had him moaning softly. It was so thick, Owen Daniel could barely get his fingers wrapped around it.

Daniel’s cock felt hard and hot in his hand, almost as if it would burn his skin. Owen ran his hand up and down the rock hard shaft. It pulsed and throbbed in his hand.

Daniel pulled his mouth away from Owen’s cock and smiled at him. “Want to know how we can both have fun?”

Owen shook his head. He felt as if he was dreaming, as if this was some incredible fantasy brought to life. Daniel squeezed his cock and Owen moaned. “Oh, yes....” Owen whispered. He could barely find his voice.

“Let me show you.”

“You’re so hard,” Daniel whispered and kissed Owen again. Softly at first, but with more persistence. His tongue darted into Owen’s mouth and Owen let his own tongue explore Daniel’s mouth.

Moaning when Daniel pulled away, Owen was shocked when his friend stood and let his pants drop to the floor. He took off his shirt and Owen saw his best friend naked for the first time.

Daniel had a scattering of hair sprinkled on his chest that ran all the way down to his stomach where a treasure trail led the way to his dick. Owen’s cheeks flamed hot at seeing Daniel’s hard dick. Owen’s gaze traveled back up to Daniel’s muscled chest and arms. His breath quickened when his gaze stopped on Daniel’s dime-sized rose colored nipples.

He wanted to touch them, to have them in his mouth.

“Come on,” Daniel encouraged. “I want to see you. I want you naked.”

It was too late to turn back now, Owen thought. It was now or never. He stood slowly and slipped off his shirt, let his pants fall to the floor. When he was completely naked, Daniel kneeled before him, and took Owen’s cock into his mouth all the way down to the bottom of the shaft.

Owen had never been so hot, his dick never so hard.
His whole body felt as if it were vibrating.

Having Daniel’s velvety hot mouth around his rock hard length was better than any fantasy he could have imagined. His cock throbbed as Daniel licked as it with his tongue and Owen wondered if his entire body would soon explode.

Daniel began to stroke Owen’s cock with his mouth, riding the shaft of Owen’s dick with his lips. Owen’s fingers gripped the back of Daniel’s head, tangling in his thick hair.

The sounds from the men on the television screen seemed to charge the air. Owen grunted when Daniel pulled away from him.

Pushing Owen back onto the couch, he instructed, “Lie on your side facing me.”

Owen did as asked. Daniel lay facing him, but with his head at Owen’s crotch. He knew what Daniel wanted when he positioned his cock in front of his mouth. Owen waited only a heartbeat before inching his head forward and tasting the salty-sweet precum dripping from Daniel’s cock with his tongue. Not wanting to wait any longer when the object of his fantasies was right in front of him, Owen took Daniel’s penis into his mouth in one fluid motion.

When Daniel moaned, Owen sucked the rock hard cock deeper into his mouth. He tasted like sweet satin and as Owen began to work Daniel’s dick with his hands, Daniel worked on Owen’s cock.

The twin sensations of sucking Daniel’s cock and having Daniel suck on his own hard dick were almost more than he could bear. His mind was filled with nothing but his passion for Daniel. When he felt Daniel take his cock further into his mouth, Owen felt a heady dizziness, knowing that this was all real. And that he was incredibly hard.

As Daniel began to thrust his cock into Owen’s mouth, Owen did the same, making Daniel moan around the hardness of Owen’s dick.

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