Happy Hour (Racing on the Edge) (23 page)

BOOK: Happy Hour (Racing on the Edge)
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I had no idea how fast we were going but I could have sworn on a stack of bibles, I saw Jesus when my face was inches from the wall on the third straightaway. It was exhilarating, terrifying, and hot as hell all at the same time as I watched him push this 800 horsepower race car around the track. The adrenaline coursed through my veins, pumping throughout, shaking my very core with excitement.

Never in my life had I ever been so scared of dying, and in awe of how addictive this could be, pushing yourself to the limits. I finally understood the rush he got out there all these years.

Jameson remained focused, occasionally he glanced my direction. I could tell he was nervous, having me in here with no seat belts on, wrapped around roll bars with a discharge nozzle in places he only wished to be right now.

Watching him was probably the best assembly prep I’d ever had and the boy wasn’t even touching me. Dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, I could see his forearms contracting with each shift and the way his long fingers gripped the black wheel, the quick movements his feet made while working the clutch, break, and gas simultaneously—it was addicting just to watch.

Suddenly he shifted down to the low gear, pulled down on the apron in turn two, and jerked the wheel left. The car whipped around throwing us into a burn out. And if the driving didn’t turn me on, the revving of the engine and the smell of the burnt rubber pouring into the cockpit of the car sealed the deal.

After a few more laps, Jameson slowed the car down, pulled onto pit lane again and then drove into the garage. The tires still smoking, the thick burning smell swirled through the bays, hovering in the air like fog.

Jameson was breathing heavy when he reached over, killed the engine and pulled off his helmet. I pulled mine off as well and tried to fix my helmet hair. Completely useless.

“That was
.” I said breathlessly shaking from the adrenaline.

Jameson nodded once and grinned but said nothing.

“So what are all these switches?” I knew most of them but I wanted some dirty car talk and I knew damn well he could provide it.

He chuckled, giving me the smirk again. “Well, let’s start on your side.” He raised an eyebrow. “I know you know what all this is, so I’m just humoring you with this shit.”

I let out a little giggle knowing he saw right through me.

“All right so what is
” he looked at the way I was sitting. “Up your ass right now is the discharge nozzle for the fire extinguisher. And this,” he pointed to the switch to the left of it. “is the fire extinguisher switch for suppressing the chemicals,”

I nodded as he pointed behind the seat. “And that’s the fire extinguisher.” He then pointed towards the dash in front of me explaining the switches from right to left. “This one here is the master switch. It shuts down the electrical system in an emergency. These,” he pointed to a cluster of switches. “are the auxiliary switches. They turn on the back up ignition system, ventilation fans, and my helmet cooling system.” He paused placing his hand over the gearshift. “And this
is the,” Jameson licked his lip slowly and winked once. “Gearshift,”

Now it was my turn to shift uncomfortably.

He then pointed to the dash in front of him. “This is the starter, ignition and cooling fans. This one is the engine gauge cluster that tells me the oil pressure, voltage, and fuel pressure.” He moved on to the tachometer. “This one monitors my RPM and then this switch shuts off the engine in an emergency situation.”

I swallowed, this was
too much to handle.

“And here, on the wheel, we have my radio button.” His eyes scanned the cockpit for anything he hadn’t explained yet. “Any questions?”

By now, I was panting and so was Jameson. I didn’t realize anything besides my own excitement during his allocution, but this was turning him on just as much.

His head tipped back against the seat. “Come over here, honey.” He rasped in a thick gravelly voice.

Eagerly, I tried to shimmy my way over there all sexy like but it didn’t go down that way, in fact, it looked rather ridiculous from the outside.

There were switches, roll bars, a gearshift, a fire extinguisher, and just random shit everywhere.

Eventually, I was able to get close to him after he removed the steering wheel and tossed it on the dash.

Just as hot and bothered as me, he was grabbing me in any way he could. And though it was also frustrating that we couldn’t really maneuver very well, it was incredibly erotic, providing an alluring temptation that was just within reach but couldn’t be achieved.

“Goddamn it,” Jameson grumbled against my lips when he couldn’t get me close enough to his camshaft. The poor boy was grunting, pushing, pulling, tugging, anything he could do to get me closer.

My fingers inched towards him following a path along his leg. I had other plans when I slowly unzipped his jeans. “I have something in mind.”

His eyes shot up to mine. “What are you
?” his voice trailed off as his eyes widened in surprise. “Oh

“This is going to be difficult but I need this,” I gestured south with a nod. “In my mouth
right now,”

” Jameson cried out slowly pulling his jeans and boxers down, revealing his incredibly hard camshaft to me.

I’ve only handed out a few camshaft micro polishing’s in my time (which is just a thorough cleaning of the camshaft to keep from thrust failure—which would be horrible by the way), and I’d never finished one or given one to such a monstrous shaft before. Though I was terrified, I decided to just go with and try.

After sneaking a quick glance at Jameson’s lust stricken eyes, I lowered my head in his lap and darted my tongue out to taste him. Jameson took a sharp intake of breath, arching his back slightly and raising his hips when I did that.

Just do it Sway, don’t be scared of the colossal shaft staring at you. Just do it.

After my
pep talk with the pervy pit lizard within me, I lowered my mouth, slowly wrapping my lips around him. There was no way I’d be able to get the entire thing in my mouth, so my hand had to assist.

His camshaft was perfect—absolutely perfect.

Seriously though, if he weren’t so good at racing, I’d think he could have a job modeling this flawless member. I felt drunk on his scent alone, the taste and the feel of him inside me.

“Jesus Christ honey, you’re amazing
don’t stop.” He groaned. His eyes focused on my ministrations as he moved my hair aside for a better look—the other hand was on a roll bar gripping it tightly.

I don’t think he would have let me stop at that point. And I didn’t as I drew him back in, grazing my teeth gently along his sensitive skin. I bobbed, I swirled, I stroked, and I licked.

I could tell by the way he was moaning my name over and over again, that he was close. There was no more dirty heathen talking, there was no more teasing. It was just breathless moans of pleasure, pleasure I was causing.

Hot damn.

I was on a mission, and I’d finally found something that made Jameson Riley speechless. Well, aside from him moaning my name, but that seemed to be the only word he could form, so he threw his head back and held on, his hips squirming and lifting to meet my stroking and sucking.

I don’t know what our newfound fascination with race cars was but I wasn’t about to complain. I will say that trying to give someone a good micro polishing in a race car that only had one seat and a shit load of obstacles in the way, it was extremely difficult, damn near impossible.

What was even more impossible
getting some alone time on a race weekend.

“Jameson, are you in here?” Alley called into the garage when she opened the door that was not more than ten feet from the car we were currently in.

During the race weekend, the cars were held inside the garage area under lock down. Being in here wasn’t even legal and neither was our public display we were putting on.

Just another embarrassing situation to add to my dossier.

It wasn’t lost on me that it was damn near three in the morning, why she was looking for him wasn’t really a concern, but it did cross my mind. I stopped my bobbing but of course kept him in my mouth, what kind of pit lizard would I be if I let go?

“What are you
?” Alley looked closer I’m sure.

Naturally, I couldn’t tell, because once again, my head was buried. Only this time, I was in Jameson’s lap and my mouth was
wrapped around his camshaft assuring his thrust bearing wouldn’t fail.

“Jesus Jameson,” Alley balked. “you’re such a whore.”

He laughed. “Let’s face it Alley
you’ve caught me in

I was half-tempted to bite him because now, I wanted to know what’s
than getting caught micro polishing in a race car.

Instead of biting, I decided to make this more awkward for him by continuing my efforts.

His hand flew back to my hair, trying to stop me, but I was determined you see.

“Whore!” Alley yelled and I assume began to walk away by the shuffling. “Gordon wants to see you in the morning. Something about doing a burnout on the track
” she sighed loudly just about the time Jameson threw his head back against the seat. “I don’t even want to know how much you’re going to get fined for that little stunt out there.”

I don’t think Alley was looking at him because when I snuck a peek at him, his head was leaned back and his eyes were closed.

“Are you even
how disgusting
!” She wailed and stomped towards the door leaving both of us laughing but the laughing didn’t last long, especially with the vibration it created around him.

“My god,” His hands flew to my face trying to pull me up. “Honey
” he moaned trying to pull me up again.

Shaking his hands away, I doubled my efforts causing him to give up and finally let go. His hips moved once, then again with a shudder and a scrumptious groan, Jameson let go completely. Tighten his grip on the roll bar, his hips jerked as I once again showed him just how skillful I was in the art of engine maintenance. All this, him, the noises he made, the feelings I was having was a pit lizards dream come true, my dream come true.

Moments later, he pulled me up and I returned to getting to know the discharge nozzle.

Jameson sighed with a whoosh of breath shaking his head. “
Good lord
, that was amazing.”

I giggled at the admission and kissed his hand that was now on my cheek. “I couldn’t help myself after that

“I’ll say.”

“Do you think we will ever be able to have sex without being caught?”

BOOK: Happy Hour (Racing on the Edge)
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