Happily Ever Afton (4 page)

Read Happily Ever Afton Online

Authors: Kelly Curry

BOOK: Happily Ever Afton
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‘So how did it work out for the men on the train?’ He sliced off another hunk of the succulent steak.

‘Hmm, oh one of them gets killed,’ Afton murmured absently as his fork halted mid-way to his mouth. ‘But it worked out pretty well for the other one who got the woman he really loved in the end.’

‘Sounds like a real thriller,’ Cooper commented dryly. He concentrated on devouring his steak while Afton questioned him further about his upcoming events for the next few minutes.

‘Okay, your first event is next weekend and mine is this Friday,’ her head was bent, scribbling dates on a pad she’d pulled from her purse. ‘We’ll need to know more about each other – now what do you do exactly?’

‘Well – I…er…handle funds,’ Cooper began before hesitating. Usually when he stated his profession, women tended to change – began mentally counting dollars signs and became a little clingier – more pliable…and a lot more
. He almost hated to see the metamorphosis occur with Afton. ‘At a pretty large bank…I’m an –’

‘You’re a
?’ Afton interrupted sounding disappointed. ‘No offense, Cooper, I’m sure you’re really great at your job, but I’m going to need to come up with something a little more…
…to really get Jason’s goat.’

Cooper choked back a laugh.

‘What about…’ She looked up at the ceiling as though searching for the best answer while he waited expectantly to see what she would come up with. ‘Vice President of Business Development?’ she suggested with a triumphant smile.

Cooper nodded his agreement. It wasn’t that far off, after all, from his
title – Managing Director and Partner at one of the largest investment banks in the city. They’d both get a good laugh when he told her the truth, he smiled to himself, admitted he was actually one of the top investment bankers in the country. He’d wait until after the first event and have some fun in the meantime!

‘What about you? Is your current position er…
…enough for me in my role as Vice President of Business Development?’

‘I think so,’ she nodded, ‘I’m the movie reviewer at the Chronicle.’

‘You mean you watch
for a living?’

She flushed in indignation; ‘it’s not all popcorn and Milk Duds you know,’ Afton informed him pertly. ‘I do have a degree in journalism, I have to travel to premieres for interviews – and I’ll have you know a few reviewers have even won the Pulitzer Prize!’

‘Whoa, calm down!’ Cooper raised an appeasing hand, ‘I wasn’t knocking your profession at all; it actually explains how you know so much about movies.’

‘Yes, now where do you live?’ Her pen was raised expectantly to take notes in a scrawled shorthand already filling one page of her pad.

Cooper faced another unexpected hurdle. He was supposed to be a teller. He couldn’t tell her now he lived in the penthouse of one of the most exclusive residential buildings in all of Seattle with a breathtaking view of Puget Sound, without giving away his real identity and profession. Nor that he also owned a showstopper of a home overlooking Lake Washington with one of the richest men in the world as a close neighbor.

‘I live by the waterfront,’ he said which wasn’t exactly a lie.

‘Great – that’s not too far from me. Do you have a car?’

Yes, it’s the red Lamborghini parked down the street

‘Er,’ he carefully dodged the question, ‘I usually just take the light rail or borrow my neighbor’s – he’s got a pretty nice sports car he lets me drive in exchange for helping him out each year with filling out his taxes.’

Afton scribbled something furiously on her pad then looked up, tapping the end of her pen against a cutely upturned nose. ‘Now there is something else…’ she hesitated, nibbling the cap to the pen.

‘Yes,’ Cooper prompted one black brow elevating, ‘what is it?’

‘It’s just – my first event is a pretty highbrow society ball thrown each year by our publisher.’ She cast a wary eye his way clearly measuring his reaction, ‘I’m sure you haven’t been to one of these things, but it’s a
dressy affair. Men in black tie, women in long gowns. Real fancy, shmancy.’

Black tux, white wing collar shirt, cummerbund and bowtie.
They were hanging ready to go in his closet and he knew the dress code, he’d actually attended the event several times over the years although he’d missed the last few being out of town on business.

‘I see… and you’re worried I’ll show up in a pair of bib overalls,’ Cooper stated slowly, folding his fingers in front of his mouth to hide a smile.

‘No of course not!’ Afton quickly denied, her guilty flush telling him otherwise, ‘I was just going to offer to pay to rent a tux for you –’

‘Not necessary,’ Cooper cut her off with a flick of his hand.

‘It’s only fair,’ she protested, ‘I don’t want you wasting any of your money on me!’

‘I won’t,’ he thought fast, ‘my neighbor – he, um, actually works at a clothing store. I’m pretty sure he’ll be able to loan me something suitable to wear.’

‘Just one final thing, Cooper,’ she paused, her hand inching up her neck to her hair, running her fingers quickly through.

He didn’t understand, cocking his head to one side puzzled.

‘Your hair!’ Afton finally blurted out, ‘Could you please trim your hair a little?’

‘Oh, that,’ Cooper passed a hand over unruly dark hair that had not been groomed in the month long sabbatical he’d taken from his job for his expedition to Alaska to climb Mt. McKinley. There hadn’t been many barbers located at twenty thousand feet. ‘Yes, I’ll have a run at it with the scissors before Friday.’

He raised his cup to his lips, almost spitting out his coffee with laughter as Afton’s face fell at his words. She did not push any further, obviously just hoping against hope he wouldn’t show up with some kind of hideous bowl cut.

‘The publisher’s ball is being held at the Plaza hotel downtown, I’ll pick you up and we’ll go together…’

‘No! Er… let me pick
up,’ Cooper quickly counter offered.

She looked over at him with a mistaken understanding dawning in the almond-shaped hazel eyes. ‘Cooper,’ her voice was all compassion reaching out a hand to clasp his on the table, ‘I really don’t care
you live.’

Cooper found himself strangely moved – but still, he really couldn’t let her pick him up or the jig would be up before it even started!

‘Thank you, Afton.’ He did his best to sound bashful and diffident. ‘If it’s all the same to you, I’d really like to pick

‘All right then,’ Afton said after a moment; seeming to realize she might be unintentionally insulting his manhood. She wrote down her address, ripping the page from her pad and sliding it across the table. ‘We’ll meet at seven o’clock at my place.’

Cooper took the paper and folded it neatly into his wallet. ‘So we have a deal.’ He extended a hand across the table, mouth quirking. ‘Your murder first?’

‘Deal,’ she agreed with a binding shake.



Chapter Three



sooner than anticipated and Afton got ready in a rush. She had a few days ago, started to feel some regret over the, what now seemed nutty deal, she’d struck with Cooper. But then she’d stumbled upon Jason in the break room – bragging about how he’d have the most
date ever at the ball. The room had gone deathly quiet, and Afton had rushed over to grab a bottled water from the refrigerator before quickly fleeing.

It had been that way all week since she’d bravely announced their split to coworkers. People stopping whispered conversations when she walked by, avidly curious eyes quickly averted from hers and endless comforting pats to her shoulder.

Why was the woman always the one who was pitied

She’d fumed, noticing Jason seemed to have become some sort of folk hero almost to the men at the paper. I guess scoring the chick
her best friend was the ultimate men’s fantasy, Afton speculated in disgust. She’d show them all though – she’d sail in to the ball with Cooper tonight with her head held high and let them know life does indeed go on!

‘Cooper, you’re late!’ she scolded pulling open her apartment door at seven-fifteen. Afton froze in place with her hand on the doorknob, freshly glossed mouth falling open. ‘Holy moly – it’s freaking
My Fair Lady
!’ she breathed.

Cooper rocked on his heels, chuckling at another of her litany of colorful expressions she’d gleaned from movies of past eras. ‘Er…Afton,’ a dark brow arched as she continued to stare wordless, ‘may I come in?’

‘Of…of course, please come in.’ Afton hastily stepped back in towering stilettos, swinging the door wide, but found she could not take her eyes off him.

She never would have guessed it – not after the first time they met – under the scruff of beard, the mop of hair and nerdy pair of glasses had lurked the most
handsome man she’d ever seen in her life!

He wore an obviously expensive, expertly tailored black tuxedo with cummerbund fastened snug around his lean waist, a crisp white pleated shirt accentuating the rich warm tone of his skin, and a black bowtie expertly knotted beneath his neck. His hair, midnight-black and shiny as a raven’s wing, was now much shorter and tamed, the curls replaced by just the barest hint of a wave and the scruffy beard was gone completely, revealing a square chin and a matching pair of deep indentations in his lean cheeks. The eyes tonight she would call turquoise, Afton decided, or no, maybe aquamarine. Oh, whatever you call them –
this man was a knock out!

Cooper spun around in a slow circle before her, his arms held out wide, ‘so will I do?’

‘Y– yes,’ Afton swallowed, searching for her voice that had suddenly gone missing. ‘Yes, you’ll do, Cooper. Is that your neighbor’s tux?’ Her brows knit, puzzled. ‘It seems like it was almost custom made to fit

‘Er…we’re almost the exact same size, so he let me borrow it. I have to return it by midnight. Guess I’m Cinder–
tonight,’ he said with a wink as she laughed appreciatively at the movie reference.

‘Well our pumpkin awaits! Let me just grab my purse.’


Afton hurried from the room and Cooper needed that moment to pull himself together, adjusting tense shoulders in the tuxedo custom made for him by one of the finest tailors in Italy.

Dear Lord, she was a

He’d known she was attractive, but when she’d pulled open the door in that sequined,
red gown cut down to here, the back cut down to there, his tongue had almost rolled out of his mouth and hit the floor! She’d slicked her dark hair back behind her ears, and the juxtaposition of the masculine hairstyle with the beyond feminine curves was

Afton came back in the room holding a sparkly clutch purse matching her silver stilettos, an aromatic cloud of perfume drifting around her.

‘I guess we aren’t expecting any bees tonight,’ Cooper teased enjoying the intoxicating scent of her wafting beneath his nostrils.

‘They never leave their hives at night,’ she replied with a wicked smile. ‘Now let’s get to the scene of our first murder!’

They sped across town reaching the hotel quickly. Cooper parked the Lamborghini carefully in an empty slot in the hotel’s underground parking garage, helping her out of her seat. Afton had quizzed him the entire way on just how his neighbor could afford such an expensive car, nodding only when he’d mumbled something about the man buying early stock in the well-known computer company headquartered in the city. Tucking her hand under his elbow, they walked to the entrance of the ballroom where the publisher’s ball was being held.

‘Ready to kill him?’ Cooper gently checked for any signs of cold feet.

‘Cocked and loaded,’ she sounded confident, yet he felt her grasp tighten on his arm as though suddenly grateful for his support.

When they entered the packed ballroom where a band was playing and couples were swaying on the dance floor and seated conversing at round tables set up throughout the gaily-decorated space, Afton pointed to the front where she said seats were reserved for her and a guest. Cooper, with his superior height, glanced over to the entrance across the way as they wove their way through the crowd, his mouth tightening spotting two blonde heads wending their way up front as well.

‘Better buckle up – looks like it’s going to be a bumpy night,’ he muttered beneath his breath quoting a movie of his own.


As Cooper guided her to their table, he seemed unaware of the
amount of attention he was attracting, but Afton clearly saw the numerous female heads swiveling and swerving to take in every inch of his long, lean frame along their route. Pity he was a teller, she thought, stealing a look herself at his picture-perfect profile, because he could definitely make a fortune in the movies!

When they reached their assigned table, Afton was horrified to discover some evil prankster had apparently switched the place cards so they shared a table with Jason and Mollie who arrived at almost the same moment from the opposite side of the ballroom. Both looking just as dismayed to see her. She started to turn away to search for a seat
else until Cooper’s warm hand in the middle of her back stopped her cold.

‘Steady,’ he murmured near her ear, ‘never let them see you sweat.’

He was right, Afton realized. If anyone should be uncomfortable, it should be
She graciously took her seat, allowing Cooper to push her chair in. With the aplomb of a queen, Afton nodded her head towards Jason and Mollie. ‘Good to see you both tonight,’ she kept her tone light as though it were just a casual greeting one would give to casual acquaintances.

Mollie jumped at the chance to mend fences. ‘Oh, Afton, you look
beautiful! And just
is your gorgeous date?’ the last was whispered in the low decibels they’d adopted whenever they’d spotted what they’d considered a ‘hunk’ as giggling teenagers at the mall.

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