Hannah & the Dom Next Door (30 page)

Read Hannah & the Dom Next Door Online

Authors: BJ Wane

Tags: #BDSM, #Erotic Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Hannah & the Dom Next Door
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“Sometime tonight, unless you want to head home.” Mitch held two wrist cuffs in his hands and made no move to help her. She had to make this decision, and comply or not, all on her own.

Keeping her eyes averted from the other people in the room, most of them engrossed in their own activity, Hannah toed off her sandals before shimmying out of her skirt, taking her panties with it. Thankful for the dimmer lighting in this room, she slipped her top over her head then handed all her clothes into Mitch’s outstretched hand.

“Good girl,” he praised her softly before setting her garments on a chair. “Keep your eyes, your attention on me, Hannah, and you’ll do fine. Put out your wrists.”

Hannah obeyed, refusing to embarrass him by balking or questioning what he was doing. There had been a little information in her book about bondage, and he had already bound her several times at home to prepare her for tonight, so this part was rather easy. In fact, as he fastened lined leather wrist cuffs on her, she felt her body ready for him like it always did; her blood pumping hotly through her veins, her heart beating rapidly, her nipples tightening and her sheath swelling and moistening. But when he lowered a chain and attached the cuffs to it then raised it again, leaving her arms stretched over her head, her body taut as a bowstring, she struggled in panic.

“Hannah,” Mitch snapped, cupping her face with his hands. “You’re fine. I’m right here, I’ll stay right here.” Mitch gave her a moment to focus on him, waited until her body relaxed and the panic left her eyes and she gave him a rueful smile before saying softly, “That’s my girl.”

Those three words went straight to Hannah’s heart and turned it over, sealing her fate with this man. Too overwhelmed to say anything, she nodded to let him know she was ready to continue with whatever he had planned.

Mitch breathed a sigh of relief as Colin walked up and pointed for Olivia, who was naked except for her collar, to kneel on the floor. “Are we good to go?” he asked of Mitch, but his eyes were on Hannah.

“Yes. Start lightly,” he cautioned his friend.

telling me how to proceed with a newbie?”

“Okay, okay. Cut me some slack. You were in my shoes not long ago.”

Colin winked at Olivia. “Point taken.”

“Uh, Mitch?” Hannah wanted to twist around to see where Colin went, but just then Mitch pulled a bar and two more cuffs from his bag and knelt at her feet.

Slipping the ankle cuffs on, Mitch ignored her hesitancy and said, “Spread your legs,


Sometimes she thought he called her that endearment, in that softly caressing tone to distract her from what he was doing. If so, it worked. She automatically obeyed, spreading her feet and watching as he attached the bar to the ankle cuffs leaving her completely bound. When he rose in front of her, he was holding one more object in his hand.

“I’ve decided you’ll do better if you’re blindfolded.” Covering her eyes with the black satin cloth, he tied it behind her head, saying, “This way you can concentrate on feeling and not worry about the surroundings. There’s only us right now, Hannah, and we’re going to make you feel good.”

Even though she could still hear the low murmur of voices, the sounds of slapping flesh and the high pitched cries of pleasure, Hannah was glad she didn’t have to see people watching her. She even quit worrying what Colin was doing behind her when she felt Mitch’s mouth close over her right breast, the strong suction of his lips followed by the sharp nip of his teeth making her moan in pleasure. The barely discernible swoosh coming from behind her wasn’t enough warning to prepare her for the sudden snap of leather strands across her buttocks, the contact more startling than painful.

“What is that?” she gasped as a second stroke landed with more bite, but nothing compared to the spankings Mitch had tormented her with.

“A flogger and Colin is very good at wielding it. Having him behind you leaves me free to do this.” Mitch drew on her left nipple and tortured that bud as he heard the flogger land again on her ass. Most women, especially newbies like Hannah, tolerated the sting of leather strips better on the fleshier parts of their bodies, such as their asses, thighs or even breasts. Those into harder core pain liked the strokes on their backs also, where there wasn’t as much padding to absorb the blows.

Mitch nodded to Jason who had just joined them, watching Hannah closely when they both bent to her breasts just as Colin snapped the flogger on her ass again.

Hannah jerked with the next stroke then was shocked to feel two mouths surrounding her nipples, two pairs of lips suckling, two sets of teeth nibbling her sensitive tips. The stunning pleasure of the dual assault combined with the heat now building across her cheeks was enough to temporarily shelve the instant feeling of betrayal that Mitch was allowing someone else to touch her so intimately, but not enough to suppress her need for reassurance.


“Right here, like I promised. Don’t think, Hannah,” he told her as he tugged on her nipple with his fingers, “just feel.”

Hannah relaxed at the sound of his voice, winced as the next slash of the leather strands struck with more force, then trembled as the slight sting spread straight to her core. The images of the three men and what they were doing to her and the pleasure they were wreaking on her senses made her want to let go without feeling guilty about betraying her moral beliefs. There will be time later to question her actions, as well as Mitch’s, but right now her body insisted she go with the pleasure.

The small nips of pain from the flogger were gone so fast she barely had time to register them, but the tingling and warmth they left behind was having a prolonged effect. Her sheath felt so swollen, so wet she ached and her nipples were being tortured into fiery pinpoints of pleasure and all the while she held her breath waiting for the next stroke from Colin. When it came, it was slightly harder, making her cry out more from the stinging pleasure than pain. Her head fell back as she felt lips move down her waist, but her attention was returned to the surface when those lips caressed the bare folds of her labia.

“Oh, God,” she moaned, vaguely wondering which man had his mouth on her most private area, then, as a tongue licked insidiously up her slit, she discovered it didn’t matter. At least, not right at that moment.

The three of them played her, teased her endlessly, driving her right to the edge of madness before pulling back instead of letting her topple over. They kept her in a state of suspended euphoria, one where nothing existed except the pleasure they heaped upon her. Colin slapped her harder as fingers spread her folds and a tongue dove deeply inside her. Teeth bit down on her right nipple just as lips drew on her swollen clit and the flogger snapped with painful intensity across her thigh. She cried out as she exploded in climax, her hips jerking against the marauding mouth.

Hannah was still lost in the aftershocks of small pulses of pleasure when it started again. They were relentless, bringing her to orgasm over and over until she didn’t know when one ended and another started. The degree to which she responded stunned her, her senses were so steeped in pleasure she felt like she was floating on a pillowy cloud, held aloft from reality, kept suspended in a perpetual state of bliss.

It barely registered when they stopped, barely fazed her when hands caressed the abused flesh of her buttocks and thighs, a tongue softly laved her tortured nipples and Mitch’s mouth closed softly over hers. She’d know those lips anywhere and as she tasted herself on them and on his tongue, she breathed a sigh of relief that it had been him kneeling before her. She sank into the kiss and then sank onto his hard chest when her hands and feet were freed.

Mitch reached up and pulled the blindfold off before lifting Hannah and carrying her over to a chair. Cradling her on his lap, he pushed back her damp hair before running his hand over and over her body. Her responses had been awesome, more than he had ever dared to hope for and such a fucking turn on he couldn’t wait to get inside her. It was definitely a testament to his willpower to sit here calmly and give her the time he knew she needed to come down from her orgasmic high. He had waited until Jason left the room before removing her blindfold, thinking she would be more comfortable not knowing who had been touching her other than him.

“Are you with me?” he finally asked her fifteen minutes later.

“Barely, but then, that’s your fault.” Looking up at him, her numb mind finally registering the lingering pain and warmth across her butt, the soreness in her nipples and her aching clitoris, she thought she has never felt more sated. “That was…awesome.”

“So, you’re glad you trusted me?”

“Yes, of course.”

Her prim reply made him smile. “Good. Remember that because we’re not done.”

Mitch led her to a bench that resembled a vase, long and narrow then widening at the end. Easing her torso down, he bent over her and arranged her breasts to dangle down on either side of the narrow end. “Comfortable?”

Surprisingly, she was even if she wasn’t sure she was up for anything more right now. Still, she told him she trusted him, and she did, and she was curious enough about this bench and what he had planned to not complain. “Yes, but...”

“I know what I’m doing and I know what I’ve put you through,” he told her as he pulled a strap over her lower back before bringing her wrists together behind her back, snapping the cuffs together then securing her ankles two feet apart. The bench was short, only enough room at the wider end for her hips to rest comfortably, her feet barely reaching the floor because she was short. “Let your head hang down, you’ll be more comfortable.”

Mitch ran his palms down her tense back, kneaded her muscles until he felt her relax then palmed her reddened buttocks. “I wish it was lighter in here, Hannah. I can barely make out the red stripes across your ass, but I can feel how warm they still are.” He traced over the vivid stripes with his fingers and smiled when she couldn’t hold back a quiet moan. “See, you still have a little more juice left in you.”

Hannah was too busy struggling with the embarrassing position he had her in and knowing by the number of feet within her view how many people will be witnessing whatever he had in mind next to relax completely or formulate an answer. She has never been so decadently exposed, her whole lower half and both her private orifices openly displayed. But as his fingers glided down her crack, tantalized her sensitive anus then slipped between her folds, she found herself succumbing to the pleasure only he seemed able to invoke in her, no matter the circumstances or surroundings.

Mitch teased her clit with feather light caresses as he unzipped his jeans and finally freed his swollen, aching cock. Her small whimpers encouraged him as he sheathed himself in a lubed condom, then surprised her by spreading her cheeks and slowly, inexorably pushing past her tight sphincter.

Hannah gasped at the startling intrusion into her back hole. Then Mitch’s deep voice whispered in her ear, “This is why I had you wearing the butt plug so much this past week. Relax; push back as I enter then let me do the rest.”

Mitch breathed a sigh of relief when she didn’t shy away or demand he stop. With his right hand still between her legs, his fingers surrounded with her slick heat, he stroked her clit as he pushed into her ass. When she tightened around him, he milked her small bundle of nerves until she was gushing with another climax, her small whimpers turning into cries of pleasure he took advantage of by embedding himself fully in her ass.

The intensity of his need shook him as he fucked her ass with slow, deliberate strokes, taking her with care when what he really wanted, needed was to pound into her. She was still contracting around his fingers, still struggling through yet another surge of pleasure and it was her quick response that set off his own. Balls drawing up tautly, he thrust three more times before he came on waves of pleasure so racking and intense they left him shaken. Normally, he preferred a longer, slower ass fucking, but for her first taste of anal sex, it was probably best this time had been quick.

This was more than sex, he thought as he slowly pulled out of her, leaving his fingers in her still gripping pussy, more than getting his rocks off on a Saturday night, and it was past time he admitted it. Mitch left her pussy, unclipped her wrists then released the strap across her back.

“Just a minute, sweetheart.” After freeing her ankles, he took her into a reassuring embrace. Kissing her, he said, “Now we’re done. Why don’t you get dressed and take a few minutes in the restroom then meet me in the main room,” he suggested when her face reddened in mortification, replacing the look of stunned pleasure as she got her bearings and glanced around their surroundings. Reality just intruded rudely and had to be dealt with.

“Okay, thanks,” Hannah replied, not realizing how much she needed those few minutes until he suggested them. “I’ll be right out.”

Chapter Sixteen

Hannah bent over the sink and splashed cold water on her face, thankful that she never wore makeup. Her body was still humming with pleasure despite the soreness in her nipples, her clitoris and her rectum that she was just now noticing. Lifting her head, she shuddered as she gazed into eyes that still looked as shell shocked as she felt over what she had allowed Mitch to do to her the past two hours. Now that the haze of pleasure was diminishing, she couldn’t believe she had succumbed to such decadent pursuits so easily. Then again, there has always been something about Mitch that drew her, made her want to shuck all her misgivings and just go with whatever he dictated. And she wasn’t sorry. She watched her face redden as she recalled being bound naked in the middle of a room full of strangers, and could now admit knowing others were watching had added to the pleasure.

Grabbing a paper towel, she dried her face and ran her fingers through her hair. She could still feel the way Mitch’s penis had stretched her rectum, how his thrusts awakened sensitive nerve endings she never knew were in that area. All the anal play hadn’t prepared her for the pleasure that could be had from that orifice and, God help her, she wanted to experience that taboo act again. She had no idea where they were going to go from here, where Mitch wanted them to go, but she did know that her introduction to this part of his life was something she wouldn’t mind exploring further.

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