Hannah Howell (6 page)

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Authors: A Taste of Fire

BOOK: Hannah Howell
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“Thank you for my morning coffee,
Bancroft,” Antonie said calmly as he stood up and she pulled up the covers.

Keeping an eye on the twins, Royal made his way to the door. “Maria will have breakfast ready soon."

After he was gone, the twins holstered their pistols and sat on the bed. Propping herself up against her pillows, Antonie redid her shirt with a hard-won calm and reached for her coffee. She was glad they had interrupted what was happening between her and Royal, for she needed some time to think about her reactions to Royal Bancroft.

“He wants you,
Oro said quietly. “He thinks you are free for the taking."

“Maybe for him I am,” she replied, a cautious tone to her still husky voice. “He makes me feel very good, eh? I did not want to say no."

“His wanting you does not mean he will love you or make an honest woman of you,” Tomás said.

“That I know, Tomás. He thinks I am a
This he will see is not true if I let him have me."

“You cannot love this man,” protested Oro. “You do not know him. It is your body that speaks."

“But so loudly, eh? Such a fire. I am thinking I might be foolish to pass it by. You tell me, a fire that burns the mind clear of all thought does not happen all the time,
With just one kiss I am burning and his for the taking. Is this usual?"

“No, little one, it is not,” Tomás answered. “A fire like that can happen only once, I think. It also means that, if you do not love him now, you may soon. That could bring you much pain. He is a man of money and you are Juan Ramirez's

She shrugged. “I must think on it. Maybe the pain will be a small price to pay to taste the fire."

“It is your decision,” Oro declared and Tomás nodded, thus ending any interference they could cause and leaving Antonie fully on her own.


Wishing he could catch Antonie all alone again, but lacking the time to wait for the opportunity at the moment, Royal got ready to head out and check his stock. He could not recall ever having been so instantly or so fully aroused by a woman, especially from just one kiss. He was determined to taste all of her.

Marilyn entered the front hall and Royal forced his features into a pleasant smile and greeted her. Seeing Marilyn while he had been envisioning making love to Antonie was slightly awkward. And suddenly the idea of taking Marilyn to bed was not so attractive. Royal told himself it was only a momentary aberration as he accepted her kiss.

Antonie paused on the stairs to study the couple's light embrace. It was little more than a polite greeting between them, but she felt the sharp pinch of jealousy and grimaced. It seemed it was already more than passion that she felt for Royal Bancroft. She started down the stairs only to stop again as she fought to control her temper which soared over Marilyn's words, words that cut deeply.

“I'm glad to see that those
are no longer here."

“They're not
Marilyn,” Royal replied. “They saved Patricia's and Justin's lives. More than that, they've warned me of a danger I did not really see."

“Are you saying that they are still here?” Marilyn gasped.

“Of course.” Royal's irritation was not well disguised and he wondered why her remarks should bother him so much.

Marilyn was incensed, something she did little to hide. Her voice turned sharp. “You let that Mexican slut stay the night in this house?"

Still furious but in control, Antonie skipped down the stairs. Her temper was further eased by the clearly read anger she saw on Royal's face. She went up to Royal, pulled his face down to hers, and gave him a lingering kiss which he did nothing to resist. Slipping her arm around his waist, she ignored his questioning glance and looked at Marilyn.

“This slut at least knows her business,
I never leave a customer unsatisfied.” Stepping away from Royal just a little, Antonie let her hand run down his hip to linger briefly on his thigh. “Such a man as this needs a lot of satisfying, eh? A night is hardly long enough.” Putting her hat on, she started out the door, Marilyn's shocked, red face providing her with great amusement.
"Buenas dias, señorita.
Oh, the Yellow Rose of Texas,” she began to sing, holding her laughter until she was out of earshot.

Royal's chuckles were hard to stifle, but he struggled to appear solemn as he tried to soothe Marilyn's anger. “She was joking, Marilyn."

“Was she?” Marilyn asked coldly as he escorted her into the dining room. “I failed to see the humor."

As he poured them each some coffee, he restrained his annoyance over her attitude and replied, “She obviously overheard your remarks and was getting back at you for them. Some people find it difficult to remain silent when they are insulted. Now, what can I do for you this morning?” he asked, praying she would not need much of his time.


By the time she met the twins, Antonie was again in a truly cheerful mood.

you must see what Old Pete just showed us,” Tomás said as he grasped her by the hand and pulled her toward the stables.

Allowing herself to be dragged along after a grizzled, bowlegged man, Antonie asked, “What is it?"

Before a grinning Tomás could answer, they had reached a spot in the rear of the stables and Antonie was able to see for herself. There, nestled cozily in a bed of hay covered by an old, well-chewed blanket, was a dog with puppies. With a gasp of delight she knelt in the midst of the tussling puppies, who were evidently being weaned despite their reluctance. In a moment she had chosen one that reminded her strongly of Sage with its golden coat, mournful brown eyes, and large paws that, for now, made the puppy very clumsy.

“Is he not
she cried, standing up with the wriggling puppy in her arms. “Could I have this one?"

“Can't see why the hell not,” said Old Pete, “but I reckon you'd best be asking the boss, though, as them's his pups."


Royal was trying to think of a polite way to send Marilyn on her way so that he could get some work done when Antonie burst into the dining room.

“Royal, say
You cannot be so mean as to say no to me on this. It is only a small thing I am asking."

“Wait,” he protested laughingly as she flung a slim arm around his neck and she and the puppy dampened his face with kisses.

“No. You must say

or we will drown you in slobber.” She giggled.
"Por favor?
I will never ask for another thing."

“I gather you want that cur you're holding,” he drawled, struggling not to laugh as he held her slightly away from him.

“Cur?” she squeaked. “This fine animal is no cur, but a
blend of breeding."

“Nicely put. Yes, you may keep the dog.” He forgot all about Marilyn standing there and savored the long full kiss of gratitude Antonie bestowed upon him.

“You're easily pleased,” he murmured as she pulled away.

“Am I?” she whispered huskily and slowly winked, a glint of impishness lighting up her eyes. “We shall see,” she purred.

Even though he knew he was being baited, his passion soared, so he hurriedly changed the subject. “What will you name him?"

"El Magnifico,"
she announced grandly, then swiftly held the puppy away from her.
"El Magnifico

“That is disgusting,” Marilyn said coldly, interrupting their laughter and clearly not entirely referring to the dog. “Animals should not be allowed in the house for that very reason. If that is not cleaned properly, it will smell and ruin that carpet."

“Then I will buy Royal a new carpet,” Antonie said calmly as she mopped up the wet spot with a table napkin.

“With what?” Marilyn snapped, ignoring Royal's hissed admonishment. “Where would you get that kind of money?"

“From what Royal pays me.” Antonie paused and looked directly at Marilyn, smiling slowly, “For the use of my holster,

“That's enough, Antonie,” Royal reprimanded softly when Marilyn gasped in shock, although he felt like laughing.

Sighing, Antonie moved toward a settee placed near the fireplace. “I will sit here and be very quiet and good,

He watched her doubtfully for a moment, then turned back to talk to Marilyn. It was hard going, for she was obviously in a snit. He breathed a silent sigh of relief when he was finally able to escort her to the door.

In a way, he recognized that Marilyn had some right to act so indignant. He had done nothing to stop her growing belief that they were a match. Royal knew that his interest in Antonie was very evident. Nonetheless, Marilyn's attitude irritated him. It was becoming increasingly more difficult to stay calm and polite with her. Her leaving eased a tension he had only just begun to recognize.

Stepping back into the room where he had left Antonie, he studied her as he approached her. She was much akin to a child as she sprawled on the settee letting the puppy romp around her, giggling at his actions. He recognized that characteristic as just another part of her attraction for him. She was an everchanging delight, a different side of her nature always flickering to the surface.

Sitting next to her, he said, “You really shouldn't bait Marilyn."

“I either bait her or I belt her, eh? Which do you prefer?” She laughed as the puppy slid down her leg.

“Bait her, I guess.” He sighed as he put an arm around her shoulders, slipping his hand up to idly toy with a thick swatch of her hair. “There is no denying that she's insulting. It just puts me in a damn awkward position, that's all. I am forever having to smooth ruffled feathers."

“And she is the one you are to marry?” Antonie found herself tensed for his reply.

“Damned if I know. It's one of those things everyone seems to expect or think I should do."

“But you have not said yes or no,
She sighed with quiet pleasure when he began to caress her neck with his long, lightly calloused fingers.

“Exactly.” He bent his head to kiss her throat, sliding his tongue over the increasing pulse there. “I don't love the woman."

“But there are advantages. She would make a very fine mistress of the rancho. You have exchanged no vows?"

“Do you think I'd be doing this if I had?” He moved his hand over her slim, taut thigh.

“I do not think so, but I do not know you well. Ah,” she sighed with evident delight as he brushed his hand over her breast.

“I have made no vows.” His mouth hovered over hers as he undid her shirt. “What about your watchdogs?"

She traced his lips with her tongue and his soft growl of pleasure delighted her. “They watch no more."

As he possessed her mouth with his, he slid his hand inside her shirt. Her eyes were already heavy lidded, the purple deep and rich with passion. When he dropped his gaze to the full, creamy breasts he had exposed, he sharply caught his breath. The rose-colored tips were taut and beckoning, a lovely topping to her full high breasts.

He traced each hard nub with his finger once before he bent his head to flick his tongue over each one.

Antonie bucked slightly as pure fire shot through her veins. She plunged her hands into his thick hair as she arched her body welcomingly into his caress. When his mouth closed over one aching tip to draw on it with a slow greediness, she groaned, squirming in her seat, restless with the fierce new feeling soaring within her.

“You like that, do you, honey?” he whispered just before he latched his hungry mouth onto her other breast.

"Sí, sí,"
she gasped, holding his head close to her. “It burns down to my toes."

“Come with me now, Antonie,” he urged between kisses that traced the fine lines of her face. “Let me love you."

“No, not now.” She stood up in one lithe action, her fingers unsteady as she began to redo her shirt.

“Why not?” he rasped, trying to rein in his runaway passion.

Antonie found that question hard to answer. There was an ache in her that begged to be satisfied, but she could not let it rule her. This was not something she could simply fall into. He was not a man promising love and marriage, only passion. She had to weigh the loss against the gain rationally, and rationality was not something she possessed when he held her.

“Why not, Antonie?” he asked quietly, still burning for her but more in control of himself.

She put on her hat, picked up
El Magnifico,
and looked at Royal. “It is a big decision, whether or not to take a lover. I cannot let the fire rule me. That would be unwise."

“You can't ignore that fire either, Antonie."

“No, I cannot,” she agreed and started for the door, “but I must think on whether tasting the fire is worth the price."

He was not sure he understood what she meant, but she was gone before he could ask. Shrugging, he stood and started to go outside, hoping to work off his frustrations. What mattered was that she had not said no. There was a chance for him yet. He intended to grab that chance, for he had never wanted a woman so badly or tasted a passion so fierce before. This was something he could not let slip by.


After a short brisk walk to cool her blood, Antonie found herself a well-shaded grassy spot away from the ranch and sat down. She watched the puppy romp as she thought. When her quiet moment was interrupted by Marilyn's sudden unwanted appearance Antonie was disappointed but not really surprised. The woman wanted Royal Bancroft. It was only to be expected that she would try to warn off or scare off the competition, whether it be for his body or for his heart. Antonie stayed seated, watching the woman dismount from her horse with cool, expressionless eyes, something that plainly annoyed Marilyn.

There was no denying that Marilyn was lovely, but Antonie felt that there was something not quite right about the woman. After a moment's consideration, she was confident that it was instinct and not jealousy that made her feel that way. Marilyn lacked warmth. There was a cold emptiness in the woman's lovely eyes, a stiffness to her soft, womanly figure. Even the anger Marilyn radiated was cold and controlled. Royal might find elegance and all the accomplishments of a lady in her, but he would find little passion. Antonie wondered if he had already guessed that, if that was why he hesitated to marry the woman despite everyone's expectations.

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