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Authors: Claire Thompson

Tags: #m/m

Handyman (16 page)

BOOK: Handyman
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After a while, the tongue was replaced by Will’s finger, gently, carefully touching and then entering Jack’s nether entrance. His muscles clamped down around it.

“Relax, you’re doing great,” Will urged. He pressed deeper and Jack found his body adjusting. It didn’t hurt. It felt good. He was distracted by Will’s other hand curling seductively around his cock.

He felt a second finger stretching him, causing a momentary discomfort that was quickly replaced with a returning buttery pleasure.

“You ready, Jack? I want you so bad.”

“Yeah,” Jack said, his stomach clenching. He started to get up, to rise to his hands and knees as Will had done the several times they’d had intercourse.

“Why don’t you stay like that?” Will suggested. “Lie on your back just like you are. You’ll be less likely to tense, I think. And this way I can see your face, gauge how you’re doing. Does that sound okay?”

Mutely Jack nodded. Will skillfully rolled a condom onto his erect cock, which he then coated with a liberal squirt of lubricant. He leaned up over Jack, reaching down with still-slick fingers to ready Jack’s ass.

Jack closed his eyes. It was easier to relax like this, though he wasn’t quite sure of the mechanics of the operation.
Trust Will
. Yes, he would trust Will. He wanted this, as much as, maybe more than Will. He wanted to prove to them both he could do it.

Will lowered his face, kissing Jack’s lips before moving up to kiss his eyelids, one at a time. He kissed Jack’s forehead and each cheek. He kissed his chin and then slid his tongue sensually down Jack’s throat while his hand found and gently gripped Jack’s cock.

Jack sighed with pleasure, melting into the mattress as Will stroked and massaged him. He felt Will’s fingers again at his entrance, first one, then two. They slipped in. As Will had promised, in this position he found it difficult to tense, even if he had wanted to.

The fingers were soon replaced by the fat head of Will’s cock. It nudged against the tight circle of muscle, easing its way inside. Will held himself still, giving Jack’s body time to adjust. It felt full but it didn’t hurt. Will continued to stroke Jack’s cock as he asked, “You okay? You’re doing so good, Jack. I’m proud of you.”

“I’m okay.” Jack’s heart was striking a rapid tattoo against his sternum. He was still scared, but very turned on at the same time.

“Good. I want you to bear down against my cock as I enter you. It will keep you from tensing up.” He leaned down, kissing Jack’s mouth as he pressed slowly forward. There was a sharp, jabbing pain and he gasped. At once Will pulled back, though the head of his cock remained inside Jack. Jack understood what it must be like for young women the first time. He remembered his own frustration their first time, when Emma had stopped him repeatedly, squealing he was hurting her. It had become rather difficult to maintain an erection in the face of her cries. He had wanted to stop but she’d begged him to continue.

He didn’t want to put Will in that position. He could handle this—he was a man. “I’m sorry,” he said, smiling apologetically. “Don’t stop. I want it. Please.”

Will nodded and leaned forward. Again Jack felt the jab, but the pain was less intense. He breathed through it and bore down as Will had suggested. The pain eased.

“You did it, Jack. You did it. I’m all the way in. How does it feel?” Will ran his hand up and down Jack’s cock as he asked the question, distracting him so completely for a second he forgot to answer.

Finally he said, “Good. It feels good. So full. I feel possessed, somehow, completely possessed in a way I never imagined. I love you, Will.”

“I love you, Jack,” Will answered. His eyes burning into Jack’s, he began to move, drawing his cock nearly out before pressing back, filling Jack, possessing him, owning him. Jack groaned and let all thoughts finally slide out of his over-analytical brain. He gave in to the heavenly sensations of Will’s hand and cock.

Will began to move faster, panting above Jack, his eyes now screwed tight. “Unh, unh, unh,” he began to chant, the cries punctuating his sensual movements. His hand still gripped Jack’s cock, pulling hard with each thrust of his hips.

“Oh, oh, oh…” Will cried, dropping Jack’s cock in his frenzy. He smashed against Jack, plunging deep inside him as he fell forward. Jack held out his arms, catching his lover in a tight embrace.

The friction of Will’s hard stomach rubbing against his cock was enough to send Jack over the edge as well. He felt his own sticky semen spurting between their bodies as Will shuddered and spasmed in climax against him.

They stayed like that a long while. Jack loved the heaviness of his lover draped over him. He felt if they never moved again, he would be content.

Eventually Jack became aware Will’s cock had slipped from his body. Gently he pushed his lover onto his back, removing the spent condom as Will had done for him, tossing it into the small can beside the bed. Will reached for a towel he’d brought beforehand to the bedside. He started to wipe Jack’s sticky belly, but his hand fell limp.

“I can’t move,” he groaned with a small, weak laugh. “You have utterly destroyed me, Jack Crawford.”

Jack took the towel and wiped his stomach and Will’s too, before using the towel to gingerly wipe his ass. It was tender to the touch but otherwise intact. Along with the endorphins shooting their way like fireworks through his blood, Jack felt something else. Pride unfurled inside him like a flag of victory.

He’d done it. He’d found a way to move past his inhibitions, his fears, his hesitation. He’d found a way to trust, not only Will, but himself.

“You look like the cat that ate the canary,” Will said lazily, watching Jack through half-closed eyes. “What are you grinning at?”

“Oh, nothing. Everything.” He let out a whoop of joy.

Will look startled. Jack’s face heated but he whooped again. Why not? He was happy. Will laughed. “So it was okay, huh? You’re not a virgin anymore. What should we do now?”

Jack grinned, his eyes narrowing, his cock, unbelievably, rising with interest at the question. “You know what they say, Will. Practice makes perfect.”

About the Author

Claire Thompson lives and writes in upstate New York. She has written over forty novels, many dealing with the romance of erotic submission, along with a newfound passion for m/m erotica.

To learn more about Claire Thompson, please visit Send an email to Claire at [email protected] and sign up for her newsletter to keep abreast of her latest work, events, happenings and contests.

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Liberal vegan meets corporate carnivore. What could possibly go wrong?

The Happy Onion

© 2008 Ally Blue

Thomas Stone has one sacred rule: Don’t Date The Boss. Ever. So when he finds out his new employer is the man he took to bed his first night in town, he’s less than happy. He doesn’t need any more complications in his life, and the way Phil makes him feel definitely qualifies as a complication. Especially since he can’t seem to keep his hands off the man.

Philip Sorrells is thrilled to discover that the new bartender his manager hired for his restaurant, The Happy Onion, is the aggressive little blond he slept with once and can’t forget. Thom is Phil’s wet dream come true, from his angelic face to his fiery temper. For the first time, Phil hears the siren song of monogamy, and he’s tempted to follow it.

When Thom leaves The Happy Onion for a job managing an upscale nightclub, it looks like a chance for him and Phil to be together without the whole boss/employee thing hanging over them. Instead, Thom’s new position brings out previously unsuspected differences in their world views. Differences with the power to destroy their fragile bond.

So how will this nature-loving tree-hugger and corporate-ladder climber navigate this political minefield in the name of love? Very carefully.

Warning, this book contains bad language, good music, vegan personal care products and lots of hot, dirty mansex.

Enjoy the following excerpt for
The Happy Onion:

Fuck, this is bad. Bad, bad, bad. Damn it.

Thom scrubbed furiously at the sticky spot on the bar. Or, well, what used to be a sticky spot. After twenty minutes of Thom taking out his frustrations on the bar, all stickiness was long gone and the entire wooden length shone like a mirror.

He didn’t care. The fury, the fear and especially the thrice-damned, annoying
, had to be worked out somehow, or he’d end up exploding at a customer. If Phil the Boss was anything like Phil the Insatiable Sex Monster, he’d be reasonable enough to let it go with a warning, but Thom didn’t feel like betting his job on that. He still hoped the Rosewood job would come through, but for now he had an income and a temporary home, and he had no intention of risking either just because he was pissed off. Never mind that he had a fucking right to be
pissed off.

Why? Because the two of you hooked up before either of you knew you were working for him? That’s not his fault any more than it is yours. Maybe he’s just as shaken up by this as you are. You could at least give him a chance.

Thom wrinkled his nose. He hated it when his inner voice guilted away his righteous anger.

He turned to look at the clock behind the bar. Another hour until they opened. Plenty of time to go find Phil and apologize for being a gigantic jackass.

With a put-upon sigh, he hung the rag on a hook behind the bar and stomped across the restaurant toward the kitchen. “I’m going to talk to Phil,” he said to Mike, the busboy, who’d been watching him with the wary expression of a mouse trapped behind the sofa by a hungry tabby. “Everything’s ready to go. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

Mike nodded, brown eyes wide and thin shoulders hunched. Thom shook his head as he stalked across the floor. The kid really needed to grow a pair.

In the kitchen, Circe was writing the lunch specials in bright green marker on a couple of dry erase boards. He nodded in response to her smile, but didn’t stop to talk. If he didn’t say what he had to say to Phil right now, he’d lose his nerve for sure.

Phil’s office door was closed. Thom crossed the storeroom and stood in front of it, heart hammering and knees shaking, and tried to summon the courage to knock. He didn’t mind apologizing for being a jerk, and he didn’t think for a second that Phil would try anything unethical. Phil wasn’t the type of person who would use his position as the boss to extort sex from his employees.

No, Thom’s biggest fear was much simpler. If Phil touched him again, or gave him that slow, wicked smile, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from having the man right there in the office. The tip of his finger still burned with the lingering warmth of Phil’s kiss.

God, his lips are so fucking soft.

Grimacing, Thom shook off the haze of desire threatening to overpower him.
Get it together, Thom. Just knock on the door, and when he opens it, say you’re sorry, shake his hand and go back to work. You can do this.

He drew a deep breath, blew it out and lifted his hand. Before his knuckles could make contact with the scarred wood, however, the door opened, and Thom found himself face-to-collarbone with Phil.

Thom looked up to meet Phil’s gaze. “Um. Hi.”

“Hey.” Phil gave him a cautious smile. “What’s up, Bu…I mean, Thom?”

“I, uh, I just wanted to say I’m sorry. For how I acted before.” Thom wiped his damp palms on his jeans. “So, yeah. Sorry. I was surprised, is all.”

Phil’s smile widened. “No problem. I was kind of surprised myself.”

The mischievous twinkle in Phil’s hazel eyes had Thom’s head whirling with thoughts completely inappropriate for the workplace. He swallowed, fighting the urge to shove his hand inside those ridiculous black cargo shorts Phil wore and wrap his fingers around the man’s impressive prick. “Okay. Well, bye.”

Thom turned to go. A big hand clamped onto his arm, stopping him in his tracks. “Where’re you going?” Phil voice rumbled behind him, far too close for comfort.

“Back to work.” Thom winced at the transparent lust in his voice. “Please let go.”

Phil’s hand fell away, but the solid warmth of his body pressed to Thom’s back, freezing him in place. “You know I won’t hold this over you, right?” Phil’s breath stirred the hair at Thom’s temple when he spoke.

“I know.” Thom smiled over his shoulder. “It’s just kind of strange working for someone who’s had his tongue up your ass, you know?”

A low, needy sound emerged from somewhere deep in Phil’s chest. He rested one open palm on Thom’s hip. “I want you,” he whispered, stray wisps of silky hair brushing Thom’s ear. “And I’m not afraid to go after what I want. But I won’t ever pressure you. If you want to end it right here, right now, just be friends, I’m cool with that.” His head dipped, his lips nuzzling Thom’s neck. “You want me, though, you just say the word.”

A polite but firm request to end any possibility of more sex between them was on the tip of Thom’s tongue. Then Phil’s hand slid up and forward, his thumb slipped between the buttons of Thom’s shirt to caress bare skin, and that was all Thom could take.

Whipping around, Thom grabbed Phil’s head in both hands, craned his neck and captured Phil’s lips in a bruising kiss. Phil’s mouth opened wide for Thom’s tongue. One arm crushed Thom’s body to his, the other hand fisting in Thom’s hair.

He didn’t even seem surprised by Thom’s sudden change of heart. Thom thought he ought to find that insulting, but couldn’t be bothered to worry about it right then.

“Inside,” Thom growled when the kiss finally broke. “Now.”

BOOK: Handyman
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