Handsome Bastard (8 page)

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Authors: Kate Hill

BOOK: Handsome Bastard
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During a moment’s pause in licking, he slipped one hand behind her. He used his fingertip to gently press against her sphincter while two fingers of his other hand slid into her passion-drenched cunt.


“I like you to call me by name when I possess you,” he said. “If I didn’t, you would have been reprimanded long before now. Say my name, Leotine.”


“Cyprian!” she cried, nearly insane with pleasure as he licked her clit while continuing to stimulate her cunt and sphincter with his hands. There was a slight pinch on her tender flesh then a tremendous burst of pleasure that flung her into another orgasm before she’d completely recovered from the first. This one lasted so long that she thought her heart would stop from sheer excitement. Finally he drew back, leaving her sagging against the wall, her body misted with sweat. Somewhere in the carnal haze she became aware of his ragged breathing, a sign of arousal that usually only preceded his climax.


She opened her eyes enough to see him standing in front of her, a droplet of blood on his lower lip. His hand curled around his cock and pumped slowly. The muscles of his broad chest contracted as he sought to control his pleasure.


The bastard had bitten her! Worst of all, she hadn’t cared. She’d
it. This had to end soon or else she would lose her soul to Cyprian Augustus.


Chapter Four




Cyprian released Leotine from the manacles. She leaned weakly against him, still trembling in the aftermath of intense pleasure.


He lifted her over his shoulder so her head dangled down his back.


“Umm,” she purred, running her hands over his taut buttocks, relishing the sensation of smooth flesh over hard muscles.


Caressing her backside and legs, he strode to the bed and dropped her on it.


Leotine uttered a sleepy sound and curled up against the pillow.


“Giving up so soon, my pretty slave?” he asked, his voice laced with amusement. “We’ve only just started.” He grasped the blanket and tore four strips from it. “Did you enjoy being restrained?”


“Yes,” she murmured, surprised it was the truth.


“Yes,” he repeated. “I knew you would. Though your body is bound, your spirit is free to experience your darkest desires without question or self-blame.”


As he spoke he used the strips of blanket to bind her wrists and ankles to the bed so she lay completely exposed to him.


Starting with one of her hands, he covered her entire body with kisses, leaving only her nipples and clit untouched. By the time he reached her feet, she was thoroughly aroused again. Her nipples ached for his touch and she longed to feel his tongue in that hot, throbbing place between her legs. Even better, she wanted him to claim her with long, hard thrusts of his cock.


“Oh, Cyprian,” she breathed, straining against her bonds.




“Touch me. Keep touching me. Please.”


He loomed above her on his hands and knees, low growls rumbling in his chest. His teeth tugged at one of her nipples then the other before he lapped them with his tongue. He took one of the sensitive buds between his lips and sucked so hard that she cried out in pleasure-pain.


“Yes, yes, yes,” she chanted, lost in sensation.


He moved to her other nipple and sucked even harder. Leotine’s back arched and her fists tightened. Though she longed to hold him, she did feel freer than ever, helpless to his desires, yet at the same time powerful. By the look on his face and the hardness of his cock that continually brushed various parts of her body, she knew he was aroused. He positioned himself over her face, grasped his cock and pushed the head against her lips. She welcomed it, using her tongue to lave the crown and suck it until he groaned with delight. Finally he pulled away and sat back on his heels. His eyes gleamed with passion and he breathed quickly through parted lips.


“Cyprian, take me. Oh gods, fill me with your cock.”


He chuckled and stroked his shaft a few times. “Not yet.”


“Yes. Now. Please!”


If he didn’t take her soon, she’d come without any direct stimulation where she most wanted it.


Long wet strokes of his tongue swept between her breasts and down her belly. When he licked her clit, her heart pounded so hard she thought it might burst through her chest. He licked just enough to bring her to the edge of fulfillment then paused, placed a hand on her lower belly and rubbed gently. That tender motion incited her desire even more.


Again he lapped her swollen, sensitive flesh, teasing her clit relentlessly. He pulled away before she came, covered her body with his and thrust into her so swiftly she nearly lost her breath.


“Oh! Yes. Oh, Cyprian.” Her voice took on an animalistic tone that shocked her, though he seemed to relish it.


Covering her mouth in a fierce kiss, he thrust fast and hard. This powerful claiming of her body aroused her past the point of sanity. She became a writhing, throbbing demon of pure lust.


He tore his mouth from hers and she shouted, “Cyprian.”


“Yes, Leotine. Call my name. Tell me what you want.”


“Fast. Hard. Oh yes. Oh gods. Oh!”


With a primal shriek, she came, her body aflame and her heart throbbing mercilessly.


He continued pounding into her, driving her toward another climax. He reached up with one hand then the other and broke her bonds.


Leotine wrapped her arms around him and came longer and harder than she imagined possible. Somewhere in the midst of her passion she felt him join her in ecstasy.


* * * * *


Leotine awoke not even fully aware of having drifted to sleep. She must have collapsed sometime during the extended lovemaking session that would have challenged the stamina of a champion gladiator. Her entire body ached from overindulgence in carnal pleasures and she’d loved every moment. That terrified her.


Since arriving at this villa, she no longer knew herself. If she didn’t leave soon, she would be completely lost to Cyprian.


He lay beside her. By the sound of his breathing and the perfectly relaxed expression on his handsome face, he was deeply asleep.


Her pulse skipped. This was the moment she’d been waiting for. He had finally trusted her enough to leave himself vulnerable to attack.


A glance across the room revealed the sword still leaning against the wall. She left the bed, careful not to wake him, and crossed the room on shaky legs. Frustration and anger flooded her. She had never been weak like this before. Cyprian should be just another kill, or rather one she wanted more than any other. To destroy him would earn her great respect within the ranks of We Who Serve Humanity.


Fixing her thoughts on duty, she grasped the sword and lifted it, noting it was small enough for her to handle easily. It was as if the sword was
to use. She glanced across the room, half expecting to find him staring at her, yet he remained asleep on his back.


She returned to the bed and gazed at his face that had become so comfortably familiar and his body that had given her such pleasure.


Now, Leotine, or else you will never have the nerve again.


Careful to keep her breathing under control, she straddled him, her weight balanced on her knees, careful not to touch him. Using both hands she raised the sword above her head, point down so she could easily drive it through his chest.


At that moment, Cyprian opened his eyes.


She drew a sharp breath and froze.


“What’s wrong, hunter? You’ve taken the weapon I left for you as bait, but you hesitate to use it, puppet of Julius Titus?” he asked in a soft yet deadly voice. Leotine’s shock must have been apparent because he said, “Oh yes, I know all about Julius Titus’ connection to We Who Serve Humanity.”


“How long have you known?” she asked, surprised by the steadiness of her voice. Why wasn’t he making a motion to disarm her? He could now. Probably quite easily.


“About Titus? Years. About you? I suspected the moment I saw you.”


“Then why—”


“Why didn’t I kill you? Because unlike your kind, I prefer to kill in defense only.” His gaze held hers with such intensity, she felt as if he was flogging her soul. “You have a duty to carry out, do you not? You came here to seduce and kill me.” His voice, so deceptively soft, caressed the words, making them sound like love poetry instead of accusations.


Leotine swallowed and gripped the sword harder, feeling lightheaded. She had destroyed countless blood-drinkers without compunction, but faced with this particular beast, the strength drained from her body. The sword suddenly felt too heavy. Her hands trembling, she forced herself to raise the blade higher for a death blow.


Cyprian remained still, as if he intended to allow her to kill him. “You can do this, Leotine? Having made love with me, shared my food and my home. Having given me your blood, you can now kill me?”


“I vowed to hunt until your kind is wiped from the earth.”




“You’re not human.”


“And that is enough to justify driving a sword through my chest?”


“How many mortals have you killed or converted, Cyprian? You have caused the downfall of at least fifty of my fellow hunters. For that you must die.”


“In my own defense, I must point out that I didn’t look for your hunters. They sought me out. Came to my homes, my places of business with the intent to kill me for no better reason than the one you just gave. Because I’m


“Don’t make yourself out to be innocent in this.”


“No man or woman is completely innocent. And in case you and your kind have chosen to forget, I didn’t kill all those hunters. Most of them willingly came to me once they realized the truth. It was hunters who killed their own kind. Staked, burned and mutilated my children, so to speak. The way I see it, my beauty, I have more right than you to seek vengeance.”


“Converting our kind
how you seek vengeance.”


That familiar smirk touched his lips. “Such a clever girl. Courageous as well to walk into my lair with the hope of killing me. One question remains, Leotine.
Can you do it?


Though his gaze remained unflinching upon her, she felt him tense as she drove the sword downward—and stopped just before piercing his chest.


His hand closed over hers on the sword and tears sprang into her eyes.


“I can’t,” she whispered. “I can’t.”


She relinquished her hold on the weapon and he placed it aside then pulled her near, his arms wrapped securely around her. Leotine closed her eyes and pressed her cheek to his chest, listening to his heartbeat. It was surprisingly quick. Apparently their confrontation had placed as much strain on him as it had on her. Despite her decision not to kill him, their problems had just begun.


“I knew from the moment we met you’d be mine, Leotine,” he said, burying his hand in her hair and tilting her face toward his.


His kiss was both tender and possessive. Her eyes closed, Leotine savored his taste, scent and feel, knowing it would be the last time.


Cyprian broke their kiss only to trail his lips across her cheek and jaw line to her neck where he licked, tickling and teasing her flesh.


“We’ll belong to each other forever, Leotine. As I knew we would from the first.”


At the touch of his fangs against her throat, she pulled back.


“No,” she stated, struggling against his unbreakable hold. “Cyprian, don’t.”


He loosened his grip, though he refused to let her go. His brow furrowed. “You love me, Leotine. Whether you’re willing to admit it or not, you do. That’s why you can’t kill me.”


“Just because I can’t kill you doesn’t mean I will become like you. It goes against everything I’ve ever believed.”


“This is hardly the time to stand on principle.”


“It is exactly the time.” She held his gaze steadily, for once not allowing herself to melt when faced with his beautiful green eyes. Though she admitted her feelings for him and knew she could never bring herself to destroy him, she was still loyal to her faction.

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