Hallow Point (37 page)

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Authors: Ari Marmell

BOOK: Hallow Point
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So, right. I had
of it figured. Raighallan’d gone about it all pretty brilliantly. Most mugs, they’da tried to set up a distraction somewhere else, get the Fae
Chicago. But that wouldn’ta cut it. You ain’t ever gonna get
outta here, see? especially not any of the bigwigs. And long as they’re around… well, something like Gáe Assail can’t stay hidden forever.

But you get everyone riled up, running around here looking for it, and then reveal it was all a fake? That’s got potential. Store Gáe Assail at the museum until the Unfit are done with their game, pattin’ themselves on the back for an ornate lie that was accidentally true. (And don’t think for one second that I didn’t know how impossible a coincidence all this woulda been—if I thought for even
a second it
coincidence.) Move it a few days later, and if anybody hears about it or senses it, they’ll figure it’s rumor or false magic left behind by the hoax. Nobody looks too close, and Raighallan gets to spring his new toy on everyone as a Yuletide surprise.

Wasn’t too hard to work out
, either—with the kinda power the Spear of Lugh offered, it wouldn’t be tough at all for Raighallan to work his way up in the Seelie Court, grab himself some titles and authority he’d never’ve gotten anywhere near otherwise.

But that still left me hangin’ on two big questions.

“Your turn, Raiggy. How the hell’d the Spear of Lugh end up with Lydecker here in the first place? Damn dingus’s been missing for centuries.”

“I have friends and connections,” he said stiffly. “I learned it’d been dug up and… called in a few markers to get it here. Wasn’t too hard keeping it hidden in the wilds, where we’re scattered. In the city, though? Where there’s a whole population of Fae in Elphame, just a whisper away? Figured if I just marched in with the thing, I’d have half of the other Chicago on me in two minutes. This…”

I jerked a nod. “This buys you time and doubt. You might even be able to
it a time or two, let alone open it, before anyone starts really paying attention again. Right. Got that.”

He was leaving an awful lot unsaid: I really wanted to know who in God’s name’d managed to find the thing after all these years, and keep it secret to boot. And what sorta debts Raighallan coulda held that would be worth
trade. But I didn’t guess he was gonna spill on that topic anytime soon, and the Seelie could work at getting it outta him after I handed him over.

But me, I was more concerned with the local than the global. I’d walked away from most of
concerns when I came to the New World and left the Courts behind. So I had a much bigger question—bigger to me, anyway—than who’d dug it up or gotten it as far as Chicago.

“All right, then,” I said. “Just one last question, then we can start yappin’ about what to do with the two of you. How in two worlds did you pull this off? The odds that Eudeagh’d decide to pull an Ahreadbhar-related hoax at the exact time somebody’d actually found the damn thing are so small they make zero look fat. And even if by some miracle it happened, you’d hafta have some way of knowing about it. The Unfit ain’t exactly careless with their plans, and I don’t think you’ve got any spies high enough in her organization to suggest a scheme this big. So tell me, bo, how’d you manage to make all this happen in—”

It wasn’t much of anything. Raighallan was rock-steady, of course, not a blink or a breath to give anything away. But Lydecker… Lydecker was only human. He couldn’t quite suppress it, the tiniest catch in his breath, the faintest flicker and dilation of his pupils as he watched me.

Me… And the room

I dove forward, and it was just luck—real luck, even, not “I’d wrapped myself in enough magic to make physics cry” luck—that I’d glommed Lydecker’s tell in time. That was why the blade only slashed my back open, instead of punching straight through it to the more important bits.

I hit the floor, hard, and just barely managed to avoid a table leg as I rolled back to my feet. My whole back screamed as I bent and mashed it in ways it really didn’t enjoy, and I left a thick smear of blood in my wake.

I shot thick swathes of magic from the L&G before I was even fully upright, not at Raighallan or back at whoever’d tried to dry-gulch me, but at the curator. I stabbed my will through his face like a dagger, burying his thoughts under a couple irresistible commands and an unholy, unreasoning, unmanning terror. With a high shriek that disintegrated into a dry, rasping hack, he turned and ran—carrying the case with him.

Raighallan was on him in less time than it takes for a satyr to forget your phone number, but that still gave me a second or two to recover, try to get my bearings.

See who’d just ruined another perfectly good coat, to say nothing of almost gumming up a perfectly good spine.

Huh. Okay, gotta be honest, I hadn’t seen

Grangullie the redcap stood where I’d been, grinning to show off his teeth like they were new babies. His pike was fully extended, with splotches and rivulets of blood that I really hadn’t planned on sharing running down the glistening blade. I swear he licked his lips as he doffed his fedora and ran it along the edge, soaking up a goodly amount of the red stuff.

Redcaps’re stronger, see, the fresher the blood soaking their hats. So he’d basically just fed offa me. Made me feel

aes sidhe
’d just stood from where he’d tackled Lydecker to the floor, holding the rune-scribed case under one arm.

“Of course,” I said, watching him and Raighallan both. The last bits finally clicked. One conspirator in each Court, working behind everyone’s backs, hiding this and suggesting that, tugging on strings. “Lemme guess, Grannie. It was you who suggested the whole flimflam to Eudeagh?”

“Uh-huh,” he gloated. “Never even crossed her mind I might actually have the genuine article.”

Thoughts flickered through my noggin like a stuttering projector, now. I wasn’t gonna get ’em to stop and explain their scheme, but the way I figured, it was a matched power grab. One of ’em uses the spear to take over his half of Elphame Chicago, then turns on the other Court. They get their keisters stomped for a while, until the other partner steps up with some plan or another to defend against their newly empowered enemy. And since they’re actually workin’ together, his plan works where others hadn’t. The Courts go back to their usual stalemate, and two former no-names get to sit on the thrones.

Piece of me actually admired their ambition. Both of ’em were servants—useful, powerful, but in the end, nobody who’d ever end up running the show. Not without help, anyway.


“There’s absolutely no way,” I said, “that you mugs can
trust each other to make this work. And you sure as hell ain’t gonna oath-bind yourselves to each other.”

They both grinned.

“It only works if we cooperate,” Raighallan told me. He didn’t seem real surprised I’d figured it out, or at least that I was talkin’ as if I had.

“Hostage trade don’t hurt, either,” Grangullie added.

Yeah, that fit. Even the Unseelie—well, most of ’em—have people they’d rather not see rubbed out. If they’d exchanged friends or family…

“All right, here we are,” I said.

Me and Raighallan and Grangullie, three sides of a lopsided triangle with a table full of fossils smack dab in the middle. Each of us had his meathooks wrapped around something dangerous, and for a couple breaths, not a one of us moved an inch.

“So what now?” I asked.

“You ain’t all bad for a Seelie,” Grangullie generously offered. “I got no real need to ice you, and you… whadda you care who’s in charge in our Chicago? You spend all your days in this one. So blow. Walk away. We’ll even take steps to make sure nobody tries to drag you into the fightin’ once everyone’s gone to the mattresses. Right?”

Raighallan looked less than thrilled with the compromise, but he made no objection.

The redcap tried to throw me a non-threatening smile, which is sorta like tryin’ to shoot someone with a non-threatening slug.

“So whaddaya say, Oberon? Deal?”

Gotta admit, part of me was tempted. I was getting pretty well fed up with the politics and game-playing going on around me. I’d left my place in the Court to get
from all that hooey.

And it wasn’t as if I cared much for the current leadership in the Chicago Courts. Buncha backstabbing thugs, every one of ’em. Raighallan and Grangullie wouldn’t be any
, right?

’Cept… Yeah, they would be. Redcaps ain’t known for restraint, and the idea of either Grangullie or Raighallan wielding the power of Gáe Assail made my soul shiver. Who was to say they’d be satisfied once they were done? What domains other’n Chicago might fall into their hands thanks to the Spear of Lugh?

And in either case, whether just Chicago or beyond, how many hadda die to make it happen?

(Plus, of course, I had no reason to suspect they’d keep whatever promises they made me. It may’ve worked for them, but I ain’t the hostage-trading sort.)

So really, I gave ’em the only answer I could.

A blast of magic rocked Grangullie off his feet, ripping luck and potency from his aura and channeling ’em to me. No way he was outta the fight that easy, not strong as I figured he hadda be, but it gave me an opening.

I didn’t even bother goin’ around the table. Two sprinting steps, a jump up on top of it, and then I hurled myself at Raighallan.

Raighallan who was, in that instant, fighting with the latch on the spear box.

I knew if he got the spear in his hands, I’d probably end up
dead I’d need a second corpse to hold it all. I might have tried to wrestle the box away from him, but he already had a pretty solid grip on it. So…

Remember I told you how, when I saw the box, I’d realized something? What I’d realized was
I’d brought the object I’d been clutching in my left hand this whole time.

I hadn’t
on bringing it. Was just one of those urges I get from outta nowhere that I don’t really understand until later. Pure whim, same reason I’d asked for it in the first place. I’d just always figured, when the time came to use it, it’d prove vital ’cause of its symbolic value. Language of magic, and all.

Nope. Turns out it was mostly valuable ’cause of its
, and ’cause the box was just the right width to make it work.

Even as I smashed into Raighallan, I raised the metal bracket—the old switch off the electric chair at Cook County Jail, which I’d gotten from Assistant State’s Attorney Dan Baskin as payment for an earlier gig—and slammed it hard into the box.

Or, more accurately, around it.

Wood peeled, metal screeched, and just that quickly the hotsquat switch neatly clamped Raighallan’s box shut as tight as any vise.

Yeah. Fae whims and destiny dance some strange dances together.

Raiggy looked about ready to cry, even as he wrenched and tore at the bracket. Slivers of wood showered to the floor with every yank, and I saw real clear that it wouldn’t take him too long to work the thing loose.

But I had even less time to deal with him.

Grangullie was upright again, roarin’ loud as a volcano spitting tigers, and pounding across the room at me. His heavy, iron-booted tread made the fossils jump’n dance with every running step, and he held his pike almost at the butt, more like a baseball bat than a spear. No way he shoulda been able to get any sorta controlled swing out of it that way, but I learned centuries ago that “should” don’t carry a lot of weight with the Fae.

I threw myself backward and down, coiling my legs under me.

I hit the floor hard, back first. I woulda broken bones, or at least knocked the wind outta me, if—say it with me now—I were human.

I ain’t human.

Even as I landed, I kicked out with both heels. The heavy table left the floor, tilting sharply as it toppled. Tools and fossils skittered across the room, wise enough to flee a situation I was too mule-headed to leave. The redcap’s pike sank into the table with a nasty crunch, blade punching almost all the way through. But “almost” was just swell—it bought me the few seconds I needed.

A sharp roll and flex of my shoulders landed me back on my feet. Before the room’d even finished spinning and righting itself around me, I tossed the L&G to my left hand, squeezed a
blast of magic through it, and drew my rapier with my right.

That magic surged and crackled over the bracket I’d jammed around the box. Reaching deep into the metal’s lingering aura, far into its past and the histories it represented, I drew its spiritual nature to the surface.

As I said, it was
useful for its shape, not its symbolism—but not

The traitorous
aes sidhe
reached out, grabbed the bracket again to give it another yank, and fell back screaming, dropping the box with a loud clatter. A sharp, ugly crackling swept through the room as a spiritual echo of the thousands and thousands of volts that’d snuffed out so many lives now poured through the bracket itself. If I’d gone right then and given Raiggy a thorough up’n-down, I wouldn’ta seen a trace of burning or injury, but that didn’t make the pain any less real.

Then I couldn’t focus on him or the box anymore.

The already damaged table split in half beneath a nasty kick and Grangullie stormed through, pike leveled more like a lance. I spun aside, sword twisted into a downward parry, and he pretty much swept right by me. Metal screeched on metal as the blades slid past each other, and my sword—my whole arm—shuddered.

This rapier? One of the best ever forged by human hands, savvy? Good, solid Toledo steel.

But it ain’t Fae-made. Ain’t enchanted. I’d deflected the pike, but no way my blade’d do anything but shatter into a zillion pieces if the two ever met head-on.

Not without help, anyway.

I shifted into a dueling stance, rapier before me, wand raised back’n over my head as if it were a parrying dagger. Even as I faced the rabid redcap, I was suckin’ power through the L&G, drawing on the luck and energies around me, and funneling most of ’em straight back down into my sword. (Most of ’em—I saved some for myself, since I ain’t
that dumb.)

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