Hakan Severin (19 page)

Read Hakan Severin Online

Authors: Laura Wright,Alexandra Ivy

Tags: #Bayou Heat 11-12

BOOK: Hakan Severin
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Was that the look on his handsome face? Was he angry with her? Oh, god. Of course he was. She’d brought Edgar here. Into the Wildlands. Into his refuge. Séverin had almost lost his life because of her. No doubt he was looking for her now to bring her straight to the border. Out of his life. Clearing the way for him and Reny.

He dove in, swam directly for her and surfaced with a curse. Taylor was ready. Ready for his anger. But the anger that spilled from his lips had nothing to do with her ex.

“You ran from me,” he uttered blackly, his eyes wild. “Does this mean you fear me?”

Confusion gripped her. What was he talking about? “Fear you? What—”

“You came to the Wildlands—ran to the Wildlands—out of fear. You ran from that walking, talking maggot. And now you run from me.” As his gaze traced her face, his eyes softened. “You don’t want to be with me?”

Oh my god
. “What? No. I left because…”
Reny was in your arms. The female who saved you
. “It’s over, Séverin.”

His face turned ashen.

“Edgar’s dead. There’s no reason for me not to go back where I came from.”

“You want to go back?”

“No.” She shook her head, tears pricking her eyes. He didn’t understand. “You found Reny. That’s amazing.”

“It is,” he agreed, watching her intently, his gaze bewildered.

“I’m happy for you.” And truly she was. Maybe not for herself. But she cared about Séverin. She wanted him to be happy.

“Reny is wonderful, Taylor,” he said. “The only friend I ever had. Before you came along, that is.” His eyes demanded that she look at him, hold his gaze. “She deserves all the happiness in the world.”

God, this was hell. Tears streamed down Taylor’s face as she stood in the cold bayou and waited for the inevitable. She was going to leave this place. The one place that felt like home. And the male she…loved.

“I deserve happiness too, Taylor.”

Her eyes never left his as she nodded. “Yes, you do. I want that for you. More than anything.”

“Do you mean that?” he asked.

Her heart bled. “Yes.”

He reached out and took her in his arms. “Here in the Wildlands, males enjoy claiming their females. As Sebastian claimed my friend, Reny.”

Breath stalled in Taylor’s lungs. Sebastian. And Reny.
She has a mate. She has a mate!

“But I would not do that to you, Taylor.”

“What? Claim me?”
Why not? Oh, god, I want you to. I want you more than anything

He pulled her closer. “I too was used without my consent. Without choice. It won’t be that way with us. No claiming.”

This time, Taylor calmed and listened to him. What he was saying. What he wished for.

“I would ask that you stay with me,” he said, his eyes bright and hungry. “I would ask if you would love me. I would ask that you allow me to care for you and any cubs we may have.” He grinned at that. “I ask, Taylor.”

As understanding dawned, happiness unlike anything Taylor had ever known spread through her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on tight.

“Oh, Séverin,” she said, leaning in and kissing him. “It was a blessed day when you knocked me on my ass.”

He laughed. “Do you accept, my sweetest love?”

“Oh, I accept,” she said, her eyes shining with love. “With everything I am, I accept.”

Then he kissed her. Softly, sweetly, hungrily. Her male, her mate. Séverin. And she was home.





Hakan never apologizes for being a lethal, barely civilized Hunter, but he understands that he has to be careful when it comes to his future mate, Payton. The pretty young Geek captured his heart long ago, but he was forced to keep her at a distance until she was mature enough to handle his feral nature. When he discovers she’s been captured, however, he’s done waiting. It’s time to claim his female. Unfortunately, he didn’t anticipate that Payton might refuse the mating.

Payton understands that there’s nothing more important than discovering why their newest enemies are targeting the Pantera. And if that means putting herself in danger, then that’s exactly what she’s going to do, no matter what the arrogant Hakan might say. Of course, that’s easier said than done. Especially when Hakan is clearly determined to seduce her. Does she listen to her pride, or give in to the urgings of her fragile heart?



Humans have always been the enemy.

Séverin has lived the last ten years of his life in his puma form. He is feral, predatory and angry at the human world. Born in captivity, the male is haunted by years of torture and abuse. And when he comes upon a human female running scared through his Wildlands domain, he wants nothing more than to get her back to the border. But as she finds shelter with him in his rustic treehouse, the male inside him starts to emerge, threatening his still-caged heart.

Until he meets her.

Running from her abusive ex, Taylor is desperate for a place to hide. She believes her only chance at life is the magical Wildlands. But with a war brewing, the Pantera species aren’t too keen on letting a stranger into their fold. Luckily, there is one Pantera who might want the beautiful teacher to stay. A male who, like Taylor, is running scared. Can they both listen to their hearts and allow the first real love of their lives in?



Broken Teaser

Release Date October 7, 2014






“Lemon’s the clear winner, right?”

Before Sheridan could answer, Mackenzie Byrd shoved another forkful of cake into her mouth. This time, rich, creamy chocolate assaulted her tongue.
Very nice
. But frankly, you couldn’t go all that wrong when it came to chocolate. Unless, of course, it was covering up grasshoppers or scorpions or whatever the crazy insect-eating population was pairing with their cocoa these days.

She swallowed, licked her lips, and then reached for her napkin—which had been folded into a lovely bird of paradise by the owner, Albert Lee, and set next to her plate as soon as she’d taken a seat.

Mac stared expectantly across the white wicker table at her. “So? What do you think? Raspberry, lemon, or chocolate?”

Sheridan noted the look of panic on the forewoman’s face, and wondered once again how she’d been roped into cake tasting with her boss’s fiancée. Oh, that’s right. She’d been strolling down the street—her first time strolling, mind you, but it had felt like the right thing to do in the small town—when a hand had suddenly shot out of Hot Buns Bakery, curled around her arm, and yanked her inside the oh so precious pink-and-white establishment.

“Well?” Mac pressed good-naturedly, pushing the brim of her Stetson back off her forehead. “Thoughts? I need them. Normally I have them. But today, for some reason, it’s just blank upstairs.”

A smile touched Sheridan’s lips. She really liked Mackenzie Byrd. The dark-haired, blue-eyed, ever-grinning forewoman of the Triple C Ranch was funny and smart and took no shit from anyone—male or female—which was an attribute Sheridan wholeheartedly admired. In fact, in another life, where Sheridan didn’t work for the man she worked for, she and Mac could’ve been great friends. But as it was…

“They’re all excellent,” she offered in a professional tone.

Mac groaned and held her fork above her head, the tines stained with bits of frosting. “I know. But which one is the best?”

“I’m not really much of a cake person, Miss Byrd.”

Dropping back in her chair, Mac’s eyes narrowed. “Sheridan, seriously, you can’t call me that. We’ve talked about this.”

The small smile that had touched Sheridan’s lips a moment ago expanded into a full-fledged grin. Yes, she really liked this woman. It was such a bummer. Especially when you were lacking in friendships of the female variety. “You and Mr. Cavanaugh are engaged. I am his employee. In my very corporate world, there’s no fraternizing with the boss’s family. Or those who are soon to be family.”

“Oh Lord have mercy,” Mac said with an eye roll.

“And forgive me for saying so, Miss Byrd,” Sheridan continued, “but isn’t this something you should be doing with Mr. Cavanaugh?”

“Deacon’s in Dallas for the next couple of days and this needs to get done.” A slight wickedness flashed in her blue eyes. “And as his right hand, his most trusted employee—”

“Oh dear.”

Mac laughed. “Come on, you know what he likes.”

“As do you, I’m sure.”

“He’s abandoned me in my time of need, Sheridan,” Mac said dramatically. “This wedding is less than three weeks away, and things like cake and flowers and food need to be decided on. Am I supposed to make all the decisions alone?”

“I believe some women would find that a blessing, Miss Byrd. Total control of the remote, so to speak.”

Mac snorted. “I’m not that kind of woman, Sheridan. Now, if we’re going for beef for the fancy dinner, that I can pick out and drive right on in and over to the butcher.”

Sheridan laughed. “What about one of your friends from high school or someone at the Triple C…”

“My closest friend is Blue.” Sobering, Mac released a heavy sigh. “And he’s run away from home.”

“Right.” While she didn’t know the details of the newest Cavanaugh brother’s exit to parts unknown, she knew enough to be sympathetic. “I’m sorry about that. I know you two are very close.”

Mac’s eyes went kitten-wide. “Don’t say you’re sorry. Say you’ll be my wingman.”

“Miss Byrd—”

“Mac,” she corrected.

“You’re really stubborn, you know that?”

She snorted. “Hell, yes I know. Part of my charm.” She wiggled her eyebrows. “And this no-fraternizing-with-the-boss’s-relatives business ain’t gonna work anyway. James won’t like you calling him
. Cavanaugh when he’s kissing on you.” Then she cocked her head to the side and grinned. “Or maybe he will.”

Heat slammed into Sheridan’s cheeks, and the entire bakery seemed to shrink around her. “Wh… What?”

Dipping her fork into the raspberry-cream cake, Mac’s grin widened. “Oh, come on, Sheri.”

What the hell was happening here? This town and all its residents were getting to her, making her forget why she was here—question things that should never be questioned. She’d come to River Black to work. Not to get caught up in the locals’ dramas, imaginings, or, for God’s sake, wedding plans!

Sitting up just a little bit straighter, Sheridan said in her most controlled voice, “I’m not dating anyone. Especially not James. Er”—she cleared her throat—“Mr. Cavanaugh.”

If truth be told, she had noticed James Cavanaugh and his many… attributes. Frankly, you’d have to be blind not to. The man was something to gawk at. But professionalism demanded that looking was as far as it went.

As she studied Sheridan, Mac popped a chunk of cake into her mouth. “So, he hasn’t asked you out?”

“Absolutely not,” she said quickly.

“Really? I mean, how is that possible? I swear, whenever you’re around, the guy can’t keep his eyes off you, or his tongue inside his mouth.”

“That’s not true,” Sheridan said tightly. Although she couldn’t help but wonder if it were. Not that she was going to share that thought with the woman across the table. If Deacon got wind of her
of his brother, she could lose her job. And she’d worked way too hard to endanger her career over a pretty face.

A very pretty face.

She mentally rolled her eyes at herself.

Something caught Mac’s attention out the window and she sniffed. “Well, well… speak of the devil.”

Sheridan turned to see what the woman was talking about.

“Holy cripes,” Mac said. “He’s got one of the mustangs out. Is he nuts? Riding that stallion down Main Street like he was a tame little pony driving to Sunday service.”

Sheridan’s pulse jumped and her skin tightened around her muscles. A man was riding down the street atop a very rebellious-looking black-and-white horse. No. Not a man. A cowboy. The hottest cowboy she’d ever seen in her life. Dressed in jeans and a black thermal, pieces of his brown hair peeking out from under a black Stetson, James Cavanaugh kept strict command over the snorting, frustrated animal beneath him. Not by being big and loud and cruel, but with that quiet strength he always seemed to possess. It was one of the many things about him that intrigued her—one of the many things that would remain a tightly held secret from the woman across from her if she wanted to keep her job secure.

“Looks like he’s in the process of breaking that stallion,” Mac observed, chin lifted, eyes narrowed. “I’ve heard about his work, but I’ve never seen him in action. Quite a sight, eh, Sheri?”

Sheridan was just about to tackle the “Sheri” issue when James Cavanaugh turned to look in the direction of the bakery and caught her staring at him out the picture window. As heat infused every cell of her body, Sheridan held his gaze. For a heartbeat, or maybe two, she forgot everything else around her. All she saw was his gorgeous blue eyes. Then, completely without her permission, her hand lifted and gave him a small wave. To her dismay and embarrassment, he didn’t wave back. Just nodded once, then turned back to the mustang and continued down the street.

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