Haiti After the Earthquake (69 page)

BOOK: Haiti After the Earthquake
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Finally, writing requires protected time and protected spaces, and these were very hard for me to find. My deepest gratitude goes to Jennie Block, who insisted on both; Jon Weigel, who did more than anyone else to help me finish my part of this volume; Maryse Penette-Kedar, who offered me safe haven within the quake zone, Todd and Anne McCormack, who as ever provided safe haven in Boston; and my brother Jeff, who not only
helped me carve out a few days to write but also read parts of the book and discussed most of it. Writing also requires editors of the more informal sort: friends who read drafts or just listened to arguments. This past year, Claire Pierre and Louise Ivers, much mentioned in this book, and also Jean-Renold Réjouit, Abbey Gardner, and Cassia Holstein, helped me to understand things about the quake and about development assistance that I might not otherwise have grasped. As ever, and for almost thirty-five years, Haun Saussy has helped me to understand and better describe complex events.
2010–2011 has been a grim season of loss. In addition to those lost on January 12, we all miss Tom White, Yolande “Mamito” Lafontant, Patricia Neal, Alix Chipps, Joan Kleinman, and many others. The dedication page allows me to thank Al and Diane Kaneb, who, like Tom, have supported our efforts unstintingly and generously for long years. Love is good, but unconditional love is better, and it's for this reason I dedicate this volume to two friends who are still very much with us, and still standing with Haiti.
The longer (though necessarily incomplete) list of friends, family, volunteers, and donors who contributed in countless ways to our efforts after the earthquake can be found at
Abe, Valentin
Action Plan for National Recovery and Development of Haiti
Adams, Jody
Africa, AIDS
Aristides in
Darfur and
displaced persons time in “temporary” settlements
Haitian students and
health policy and
See also specific countries
Agoos, Zoe
agriculture in Haiti
after earthquake
Clinton apology on
deforestation and
international trade policies and
essay (Farmer) and
nature and
problems overview
U.S. agricultural subsidies effects
vitamin-enriched peanut butter
Aiding Violence
Bill Clinton's programs
direct service and
first UN General Assembly on
policy and
President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
social response and
Vienna International AIDS Conference
See also
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria;
specific organizations
AIDS and Accusation
meeting (January 12)
National AIDS program
Partners In Health programs
See also
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria;
specific organizations
“America's Top Chef” fundraiser
Anacaona, Taino Queen
Andrews, Jason
Anglade, Dominique
Annabi, Hédi
earthquake and
UN Haiti team and
Annan, Kofi
Ansara, Jim
Antelope's Strategy, The: Living in Rwanda After the Genocide
Apollon, Gabrielle
Arcade Fire band
Archer, Natasha
earthquake and
Arias, Oscar
Aristide, Father Jean-Bertrand
1990 elections/1991 coup
after coup
Bush administrations and
democratic elections and
forced exile
French debt and
medical school and
return to Haiti
second presidential election/term
words/ideas of
Aristide, Lady Mildred
AIDS programs and
coup/exile and
Aristide Foundation
Arrupe, Father Pedro
Associated Press articles
ATD Quart Monde
Augustin, Josué
Bahnsen, Emily
Bailey, Lee
Balch, Emily Greene
Ban Ki-moon
Bill Clinton and
donors' conference (2010)
International Donors' Conference (2009)
Montas-Dominique and
UN emergency session day after earthquake
Band, Doug
Barnett, George
Basilico, Matt
Bayona, Jaime
bearing witness to suffering
See also
earthquake accounts
Becker, Anne
Bell, Madison Smartt
Bellerive, Gessie
Bellerive, Jean-Max
day of earthquake
earthquake aftermath and
Global Fund and
Haiti recovery and
IHRC and
meeting in Canada
one-year anniversary
Bernard, Berlyne
Best and the Brightest, The
Biafran War (1967–1970)
Binagwaho, Agnès
Biosocial phenomena
cholera outbreak
roots of disaster
Block, Jennie
earthquake account
earthquake and
rebuilding Haiti and
Bokassa, Jean-Bedel
Bolduc, Kim
Bolívar, Simón
Borbon Parma, Carolina de
Boston Globe
Boston “war room,”
Boucan Carré
health center in
solar energy and
Boucan Carré bridge and
relief/development aid
tripartite meeting
UN peacekeeping in Haiti and
bridge, Boucan Carré
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Brown, Karen McCarthy
Partners In Health and
Rwandan refugees and
Bush, George H. W.
Bush, George W.
Aristide and
President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
Butler, Win
Haitian recovery and
Canada and Haiti relationship
Canada Ministerial Conference (January 25)
travel to
Farmer's return to
as former squatter settlement
graduation celebration
school history
Cange hospital
earthquake victims and
Cap-Haïtien Hospital
Cardin, Ben
Caribbean Harvest
Carrefour, Haiti
Central African Republic
CHAI (Clinton Health Access Initiative)
charcoal-briquette makers
Charlop-Powers, Aaron
Chassagne, Régine
Haitian recovery and
Irish Times
Chimè gang
Chipps, Alix
Chipps, Marie-Flore
developing countries/conflict and
in Peru
Rwanda and
Vibrio cholerae
in Zimbabwe
cholera epidemic (2010–2011)
asymptomatic cases and
blame/accusations and
blame/demonstrations and
central Haiti and
clean water access and
experts' division on
finding origins and
predictions on spread
prevention means
strain identification and
treatment/prevention access and
UN peacekeepers' latrines/ sanitation and
vaccine and
water/sanitation and
“civil society,”
“claims of causality,”
cholera epidemics and
poverty in Haiti and
war in central Africa and
Clark, Ann
Clarkson, Thomas
Clemens, John
Clinton, Bill
1992 elections/platform
AIDS programs and
Aristide and
direct service/policy and
“GSD” (get stuff done)
Haiti and U.S. agricultural subsidies
hurricanes in Haiti and
Rwanda and
as UN Special Envoy, Haiti
as UN Special Envoy for Tsunami Recovery (2005/2006)
Vienna AIDS meeting
Clinton, Bill/earthquake
day of
donors' conference, New York
first post-quake visit
General Hospital visits
Haiti's need and
IHRC and
one-year anniversary
recovery and
second post-quake visit
sugar mill jobs and
UN emergency session day after earthquake
UN Special Envoy, Haiti
Clinton, Chelsea
in Rwanda
on “temporary” shelters
Clinton, Hillary
donors conference, New York
meeting in Canada
Partners In Health and
as Secretary of State
Clinton Foundation
Cange graduation celebration and
earthquake work and
investors' conference (Haiti/ 2009)
Rwanda and
storm shelters and
work in Haiti
Clinton Global Initiative
Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)
“Columbian exchange,”
Comedians, The
and Belgian rule
claims of causality and
genocide and
Rwanda contrast
Rwandans in
Conille, Garry
Constan, Ted
construction in Haiti
school collapse (2008)
cooking energy
deforestation and
“green” charcoal-briquette makers
Cooper, Anderson
Coqmard, Fabiola
Corail-Cesselesse resettlement proposal
Costa Rica and armies
Creole language description
Crisis Caravan, The: What's Wrong with Humanitarian Aid?
Crowley, P. J.
Cruz, Carlos Alberto dos Santos
aid to Haiti
cholera and
Haiti, Cuba, Brazil meeting
Haiti comparison
Haitian medical students and
hurricanes and
medical brigade
Cullen, Kim
Cullity, Lizbeth
da Costa, Luis
earthquake and
UN Haiti team and
Dahl, Ophelia
Boucan Carré bridge and
day of earthquake
earthquake aftermath
hurricanes and
Obama's State of the Union address and
Partners In Health and
Danner, Mark
Danticat, Edwidge
CNN and
earthquake account
Darbonne Sugar Milléogâne
DART (United States Disaster Assistance Response Team)
Dartmouth College
Davidson, Jon
Davis, Mike
deforestation in Haiti
charcoal consumers and
cooking energy and
erosion and
flooding/mud slides and
essay (Farmer) and
problems overview
See also
reforestation in Haiti
del Rosario, Maria Concepcion
Denera, Given Dorsinde
Denera, Marcel
Desai, Ami
Dessalines, Jean-Jacques
Dewiz, Phillippe
Diamond, Jared
disasters natural and unnatural
bearing witness and
cholera and
claims of expertise and
foreign aid and
displaced persons
disease risks and
Malawi refuge camp
time in “temporary” settlements
See also
settlements following earthquake
Dobbins, James
Dominican Republic
contrast with Haiti
earthquake victims and
forest cover
meeting on Haiti (March 2010)
Dominique, Jean
assassination of
Radio Haiti
donors' conference, New York
action plan and
delivery/control and
Farmer and
Montas-Dominique and
preparations for
Dorsinville, Nancy
earthquake account

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