Hagen, Lynn - Tater's Bear [Brac Pack 22] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) (8 page)

BOOK: Hagen, Lynn - Tater's Bear [Brac Pack 22] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
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Olsen closed the distance in a few strides, pulling his mate into his arms. It felt so good to hold Tater. His mate didn’t object, but he didn’t wrap his arms around Olsen either. He didn’t care. Tater was in his arms. He cupped the back of his mate’s head as Tater buried his face into Olsen’s neck.

Fear of ruining the moment stopped Olsen from asking what was wrong. He didn’t want this moment to ever end. His mate’s body pressed into his was pure bliss.


Olsen waited for Tater to finish what he was going to say. When he didn’t, Olsen pulled him closer. “You don’t have to say a word. Just let me hold you.”

Tater relaxed against Olsen’s chest, his hands hesitantly touching Olsen’s back. He inhaled his mate’s scent, closing his eyes at the smell of ripe apples and cinnamon. There couldn’t be a more heavenly scent on earth.

Olsen relaxed his tight grip when Tater pulled his head back, staring up into Olsen’s eyes with his brilliant green ones. Good god, Olsen had never seen a look like the one shadowing Tater’s eyes.


Tater’s eyes swam in loneliness and a look that said he was so lost that it hurt. Chancing rejection, because Olsen couldn’t stop himself if he had tried, he closed the distance and took Tater’s lips in a searing kiss.

Their first kiss.

The kiss sent the pit of Olsen’s stomach into a wild swirl. The caress of Tater’s lips on his mouth and along his body set him aflame. Olsen planned on being slow, gentle, but Tater had other plans. The kiss was punishing, angry. He didn’t understand it, but Olsen wasn’t going to allow Tater to punish him. He took the kiss back, commanding it as he cupped his mate’s face.

Raising his mouth from Tater’s, Olsen gazed into his mate’s eyes. He saw a third emotion, an emotion he was willing to explore.


Olsen growled when Tater reached a hand between them and unsnapped his jeans. Desire ran through him like a raging river. Olsen wanted. He wanted his mate in the worst way. When Tater tried to shove him away, tried to handle him roughly, Olsen slammed his mate against the wall and inserted his thigh between Tater’s legs.

“I’m in charge,” he growled as he nipped at Tater’s shoulder. His bear roared when Tater didn’t tilt his head in submission. Olsen’s breathing became labored as Tater glared at him angrily, twisting his wrists as he stroked Olsen’s cock feverishly. Olsen snapped at him and growled as Tater jerked his hand faster, his jaw clenched as he locked eyes with Olsen.

He was challenging him.

Olsen slammed Tater’s shoulders into the wall, making it known with his eyes that he didn’t want Tater to move one damn inch as he unfastened his mate’s jeans. Olsen’s pulse beat faster as he palmed his mate’s large cock in his hand. He could hear Tater’s breath hitch, but his mate’s lips thinned as they began a duel to see who would give in to the pleasure first.

Olsen could feel his orgasm approaching. His spine felt like a live wire had touched it as his balls drew close to his body. His legs wanted to tremble, but he fought against coming first. Tater needed to learn that Olsen wasn’t the one who was going to be dominated.

Tater’s head fell back onto his shoulders as a guttural cry left his lips. Hot seed splashed Olsen’s hand as he mate fell apart right before his eyes. Watching the sated bliss play across Tater’s face was Olsen’s undoing. He hitched his hips as Tater’s grip tightened, roaring out his release as his body convulsed.

Olsen leaned forward, touching his lips to Tater’s ears as sweat ran down his back. “Remember that.”

Tater growled and pushed Olsen away. He took a step back. That was as far as Tater could move him unless Olsen wanted to move.

“Get the fuck away from me,” Tater shouted as he righted his clothes. Tater’s eyes blazed with fury, but Olsen had caught the scared look in his mate’s eyes before the anger had taken over.

Somehow, he was going to get Tater to let down his guard permanently, and when he did, Olsen was going to teach his mate just what submission truly was.

* * * *

Okay, so Cecil felt like shit for enjoying the dumb ass argument between Blair and the redhead. He needed to let Tater—Who the hell named their kid Tater? Cecil shook his head at his wandering thoughts. He needed to let Tater know that there were no hard feelings.

But how?

There was a barbeque today at the Lakelands’. Cecil hadn’t planned on attending, but now his mind was changed.

“I know that look,” Maverick said as he walked up behind Cecil and wrapped his arms around him. “What are you planning, mate?”

There was no way he was telling. No matter how good Maverick fucked him. And his mate fucked like a god. Even after all these years Cecil still craved the alpha’s touch. He squirmed around as his cock hardened when Maverick began to kiss him down the side of his neck.
No fair!

“Tell me.”

“N–Nothing. I swear,” Cecil groaned when Maverick cupped his cock through his denim.

“I have ways of making you talk.”

Yes, Maverick did. But Cecil wasn’t stupid enough to spill the beans. It helped his case when he didn’t know what the hell he was planning on doing anyway. He would have to enlist the help of the other mates, but Maverick didn’t have to know that.

“Give me your best shot,” Cecil challenged as Maverick lifted him off of his feet and carried him to their bedroom.

God love interrogations.

* * * *

Tater stared at Olsen from across the yard. Taylor had dragged him to this dumb cookout stating that Tater needed to work on his social skills. He didn’t take too kindly to Taylor calling him a hermit. It may be true, but he didn’t like his downfalls pointed out.

The smells coming from the grills had Tater’s mouth watering as he averted his eyes when Olsen looked his way. He felt like a total shit for treating Olsen the way he had earlier.

Tater didn’t have a clue why he reacted that way. The hand jobs were something he had wanted almost desperately. The only thing he could think of was that he had panicked.

Having Olsen so close, so near, made him feel like he was being cornered. Tater was disgusted with himself for the way he had behaved afterward. He wanted to apologize to Olsen, but hell, he didn’t know how. Every time he got around that large bear, he fell apart mentally.

There were plenty of people here, making Tater nervous as he searched with his eyes for Olsen. He didn’t like large crowds, and there had to be upwards to fifty people here.

The music was blasting from somewhere close to the house as games of cornhole and football got underway. He sidestepped little children as they ran between the adults’ legs.

“Matthew!” a man shouted as he gave chase to the toddler. Tater watched as Maverick swooped the wee one up into his arms and blew a raspberry on the baby’s tummy. The child squealed with delight before Maverick reached down and picked up what had to be the boy’s twin.

Oddly enough, the alpha didn’t look bad with kids in his arms. One would think the biker-looking man would be out of his depth, but he looked natural holding them.

“I have her.” The same man batted another man’s hands away. “Go relax, Heaven. You need a break.”

“But what if Skyler cries? You go nuts when our daughter cries, Murdock.”

“Only because there’s nothing I can kill to make her stop crying. I want her happy all the time,” Murdock defended.

“Impossible dream, dear.” Heaven chuckled as he wandered off and began socializing with a group of men.

Tater cocked his head. These two men were obviously partners. He thought maybe they adopted the children, but the twin little boys looked too much like both men.

He scratched his jaw as he felt a small patting at his leg. Tater looked down to see a cute little boy smiling up at him. He wasn’t sure what he should do. It wasn’t like Tater had experience with kids.

“Come here, Nevada, and stop bothering the nice man,” a very large and bald-headed man said as he bent at the waist and grabbed the toddler.

“He wasn’t bothering me,” Tater said as he smiled at the baby, who started babbling like he was actually holding a conversation with Tater.

The bald man chuckled. “I’m Montana, and this is my son, Nevada. His other dad’s at home right now.”

Tater was confused as hell. There were nothing but male couples here, except for a teenage girl that was pestering Taylor, yet there were little ones running around.

It didn’t make any sense to him.

He laughed when Nevada reached out for him. The boy had such a chubby little face that Tater couldn’t resist. “May I?”

“Sure.” Montana settled Nevada in Tater’s arms.

Now what?

Tater jumped when he felt a hand land on his back. He spun, holding Nevada’s back as he looked behind him.


Taylor had informed him who he was, along with Blair. He growled as he handed the baby back to his father. Tater had seen the gleam of delight in Cecil’s eyes when he was arguing with Blair, and he didn’t appreciate it. “What?”

“Still so prickly, dude. Chill out. I wanted to apologize for yesterday and invite you out.”

Tater’s eyes darted around the yard, trying to find Olsen. He was listening to Cecil, but his mind was on Olsen.

“So, what do you say?”

Tater hadn’t heard a word the man had said. He looked down into amethyst eyes that sparkled with mischief.

“Sure, why not?” he answered without knowing what the hell the conversation was about.

“Good. Then I’ll see you tonight.”

Tater turned back to Cecil to ask him what he had just agreed to, but the guy was already walking away.

What the hell had he gotten into now?

Chapter Six

Tater had to admit, he had a pretty good time today. Taylor had introduced him to a lot of people. The only thing he would have changed was the fact that Olsen hadn’t been at his side. Too bad he was too chicken-hearted to go over to the bear and say this.

He knew he’d been snubbing Olsen all day, but after what happened this morning, Tater was terrified to say anything to the man. He had been a dickhead and he knew it. Sorry just didn’t seem good enough. Tater had faked amusement and conversations most of the day. Even though he was having a good time, most of it was feigned.

He wanted Olsen so badly that his heart ached.

Tater braced himself as he watched Olsen saunter over his way. He had been watching the bear covertly all evening, sneaking glances whenever he knew Olsen wasn’t looking his way. But from the frown on Olsen’s face as he neared Tater, he could tell this wasn’t going to be pleasant.

The bear stopped a foot away from him, running his tongue along his lower lip before speaking so only Tater could hear. “I see how it is now,” Olsen said as he swung his arms wide, encompassing the entire backyard. “Anyone here can get Tater’s laughter. They can get the relaxed Tater. The real Tater. But me?” Olsen said with a bite, raking Tater’s body with disdain. “Me, I’m running behind you begging for crumbs.” The bear shook his head, resignation in his beautiful grey eyes. “Not anymore. I’m done chasing after you, Tater. I’m done being happy with just the crumbs you drop me.”

Tater felt his entire body flush as Olsen moved back across the yard, disappearing around the side of the house. He wasn’t embarrassed because he thought someone might have overheard. No. Tater was embarrassed because Olsen had hit it right on the head and called him on it.

BOOK: Hagen, Lynn - Tater's Bear [Brac Pack 22] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
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