Hagen, Lynn - Knox [Zeus's Pack 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting ManLove) (6 page)

BOOK: Hagen, Lynn - Knox [Zeus's Pack 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting ManLove)
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Trevor released Sammy’s cock, palming it in his hand. Knox’s hand joined his, and Trevor wasn’t sure what to do. The large fingers wrapped around his and began a slow stroking motion. Sammy’s hips bucked, and a mewl shot from his lips.

“That’s right, darling, come for us,” Knox coaxed in Sammy’s ear. Trevor’s own erection jerked at the deep tone. He wanted to hear Knox say that to him in the worst way.

His hand squeezed Sammy’s cock, Knox running his thumb over the head of Sammy’s cock. Trevor watched both hands in utter fascination. He’d had ménages before, but this was different. These two were his mates.

Sammy cried out and arched his back, his seed shooting out and hitting the dashboard. His small mate fell against Knox’s chest as he panted and groaned.

And then the headlights flooded the car, flashing lights hurting Trevor’s sensitive eyes.

Chapter Four

Avanti got out of the police car with Jesse. He didn’t care what anyone in this town thought, he wasn’t chancing his mate being out here at night all on his own.

Sure Jesse complained about not needing a sitter when patrolling the town, but after the Italian mobster Dirk Alvisio had kidnapped Jesse in an attempt to get at his other mate, Craig, Avanti took every precaution.

He walked up to the side of the car that was parked on the side of the road, stepping to the passenger side. Avanti was surprised to see Knox sitting in the seat with his new mate Sammy on his lap.

And was that cum he smelled?

“Is everything all right here?” Jesse asked from the other side. Avanti wanted to tell his mate to leave the newly mated pair to their privacy until he saw there was a third in the car.

Avanti’s senses went nuts when he smelled a vampire. They had a distinctive scent that made Avanti shove his body over the hood and slide across to the other side, grabbing his mate around his waist as he bared his canines.

Knox quickly exited the car, Sammy attached to his hip as he came around to stand at the driver’s door. “Don’t,” Knox warned.

“So it’s true. Your other mate is a vampire?” Avanti shoved Jesse further behind him.

“And what if it is? That doesn’t give you the right to attack him.” Knox pressed his back against the door, blocking the third man from view.

“You know the pack won’t accept him.” Avanti growled when he felt Jesse’s elbow in his back. He turned to his mate. “What?”

“That’s just as bad as when Clancy was spouting hate stuff to Sammy there.” Jesse pointed to Knox’s small mate. “You shouldn’t say things like that.”

“Yeah,” Sammy yelled at him. “Trevor’s a nice guy, and you shouldn’t judge him without getting to know him first.”

“Well then, let me meet him,” Avanti challenged all three. He saw the hesitation in Knox’s eyes before he moved aside. The driver’s door slowly opened and a tall and mysterious-looking man stepped out.

They eyed each other for a moment, Avanti making sure Jesse was behind him. “So, you’re Trevor?”

“I am.” The guy’s lip tugged back into a half smile. “And you are?”

“Avanti.” He already didn’t like this guy’s smugness. Who the hell did he think he was? His eyes darted over to Knox. “I don’t like it.”

“You don’t have to,” Sammy answered.

“I do if he’s to live with us,” Avanti snapped at Knox. He wasn’t going to yell at the little guy, but having a vampire at home wasn’t sitting well with him.

“Come on.” Jesse pulled at him. “We can discuss this later.”

Avanti allowed Jesse to tug him back to the patrol car. He watched Trevor with both eyes as he got in. “This isn’t right.”

Jesse started the car. “You may not think so, but fate did. Let it go.”

Avanti would be watching Trevor. One false move and he’d eliminate the undead man.

* * * *

All three sat on Sammy’s couch, no one saying anything and no one making a move. Sammy strummed his fingers on his knee, sighing heavily and loudly for the fifth time. For heaven’s sake, they had no problem pulling his cock out in the car and getting him off. Now the two men looked like they needed an enema.

Trevor ran his hands down the front of his pants for the hundredth time, and Knox sat there with his arms crossed over his chest and a scowl on his face. Sammy was never one to initiate sex, but his nerves were getting frazzled here. The tension was so thick you would need a jackhammer to get through it.

Sammy steeled his nerves and reached over to Knox, pulling his arms from his chest. His mate let them fall to his lap, looking at Sammy curiously. Sammy reached over and grabbed Trevor’s hand as he straddled Knox’s lap. “This is ridiculous. We’re all grown men here.” Sammy pulled Trevor’s hand down to his erection as he leaned forward and kissed Knox. The response was instantaneous.

It was like lighting a wick and watching it slowly traveling toward an explosion that had Sammy excited as hell. Sammy arched his back and pushed his erection into Knox’s, feeling Trevor’s hand slide down the back of his pants at the same time.

Sammy knew the two didn’t get along, knew in his heart that they had a hurdle they needed to get over in order for the three of them to get along, and he was determined to be that catalyst that tossed both their asses over it and onto the other side. His hand snared Trevor’s neck and pulled him into a three way kiss.

He could feel both of them pull back slightly, their lips becoming stiff. Sammy kept right on kissing them, grinding into Knox and pushing his ass onto Trevor’s hand. They were going to relent, damn it. If he had to tie them both up…oh fuck, Sammy was going to come at the image.

Sammy pulled at Knox’s and Trevor’s hair, demanding they kiss him and each other. Trevor was the first to soften his lips, kissing Sammy
Knox. Sammy pulled back and mashed their mouths together. It was the hottest thing since thongs were invented.

Sammy panted as he watched Trevor inch closer, snaking his hands around Knox’s neck and pulling him down. He had to scoot back when Knox rolled Trevor onto his back and deepened the kiss. It was like his very own porno playing right in front of him. Sammy did what any man would do when watching one. He pulled his cock free and slowly stroked it as he watched the angry way they kissed each other.

Knox broke the kiss and looked up at Sammy, smiling when he saw him masturbating to the sight. Knox leaned back and freed his own cock, matching Sammy’s stroke for stroke.

Sammy swallowed his tongue when Trevor turned over and licked at Knox’s cock and then his. Trevor grabbed both their cocks and ran his tongue between the two, lapping away all the pre-cum that was dripping out. Knox had to grab Sammy as he leaned back and almost fell off of Knox’s lap. It felt too good.

Trevor got to his knees and slobbered all over their pricks. Sammy grabbed Knox’s shoulders, hanging on for dear life as Trevor swallowed his cock and then Knox’s, as if he couldn’t make up his mind whose he wanted to get off first.

Knox leaned forward and took Sammy’s lips in a searing kiss as Trevor took his cock into his mouth once again. Sammy moaned at the raw earthy taste of Knox. Sammy bit Knox’s lip when Trevor pushed on his magic button, the tip of his finger sliding in.

Sammy licked at Knox’s mouth, pressing down on Trevor’s finger, pushing forward into Knox’s mouth.

Knox held onto him, as if he knew how wild Trevor was driving him. That lit wick had reached the keg and Sammy exploded, crying into Knox’s mouth as he came down Trevor’s throat. His cock pulsed as it emptied. Trevor licked him clean but kept his finger inside of Sammy, taking Knox into his mouth next. Sammy leaned his forehead into Knox’s chin as he watched Trevor slob and suck at Knox’s cock. Holy shit, his own cock was trying to come back to life watching him.

The man knew what he was doing, that was for sure. Sammy bounced his ass on Trevor’s finger, begging with his body for another. He rolled his hips, pushing Trevor’s finger deeper.

Sammy’s hair was pulled by Knox, the wolf hissing as Trevor took him all the way down. Knox bucked, almost dislodging Sammy and Trevor. Sammy pushed at Knox’s chest, grinding his ass on two fingers now. His ass held Trevor’s fingers tight, rocking on them and feeling them pull out and then thrust back in.

Knox arched and hissed, panted, and grunted as he came. Sammy was enslaved at the sight. Knox’s eyes rolled back as his hips hitched a few more times. Trevor pulled his head up, staring at them both with a wicked gleam in his eyes.

Knox rolled from the couch, knocking Sammy and Trevor to the floor as he tore at Sammy’s clothes. Trevor pulled his clothes free and yanked Sammy from Knox’s arms. “I’m fucking him, so if you want to sink that large cock somewhere, it’ll have to be in me.”

Sammy held his breath, wondering if Knox would agree. The shifters cock was filled and throbbing once again, so the thought must not have repulsed him.

Sammy reached under the couch cushion, extracting a bottle of lube. Both men stared at him. Sammy shrugged. “Late-night movies make me horny.” He grinned.

“Yeah, because Fred Astaire is so hot.” Trevor chuckled as he grabbed the lube. He laid Sammy on his back and thrust two wet fingers into his ass, making Sammy squirm and pull his legs back. He stared into Knox’s eyes, begging him to fuck Trevor.

Knox slowly rose and disrobed, Sammy drooling at the sight of all those ripped muscles. He reached his arms up, and Knox knelt down by him, kissing him as Trevor stretched him. When Sammy felt the tip of Trevor’s cock at his ass, he pushed Knox back. “Do it,” he dared the wolf.

Knox’s nostrils flared. He grabbed the lube and pressed Trevor forward. Sammy prayed Knox wasn’t too rough with Trevor.

Trevor leaned over Sammy, smiling down at him with his cock barely in his ass. “Hello, little darling,” he teased and then hissed, his fangs showing as his head rolled from side to side. It was a breathtaking sight to watch the euphoria on his face as Knox stretched him.

Sammy grabbed Trevor’s face and pulled him down for a kiss as Knox got behind Trevor. A deep moan vibrated through him from Trevor. Knox must be in his ass, too.

His legs were pushed back, Knox moving inside of Trevor. Sammy looked up at the shifter, and Knox winked at him. He grinned from ear to ear and then arched his back as Trevor bottomed out.

For a reason Sammy couldn’t understand, he tilted his head to the side, wanting Trevor to bite him. Trevor trembled. He could see the want, no, a need in Trevor’s eyes, but they both knew Knox would go nuts if he did.

Trevor leaned forward, licking at Sammy’s pulse in his neck, apparently teasing himself with what he was afraid to take.

Sammy looked up at Knox. The wolf had his hands on Trevor’s back, and he was thrusting hard into Trevor. Sammy pulled his legs back further, giving Trevor room to nail him. Trevor latched onto one of Sammy’s nipples, sucking and licking as they both fucked and were fucked. Sammy’s hands ran through Trevor’s silky hair, pressing his nipple into Trevor’s mouth. They were ultrasensitive, and Trevor was driving him wild just by sucking them.

“I’m close.” Sammy keened. Trevor grabbed Sammy’s cock, matching Knox’s thrust with his palm. Sammy began a sensual dance under Trevor. His hips swayed and his arms snaked over his own body, driving his two lovers crazy.

Trevor and Knox thrust harder watching him. Sammy saw Knox’s teeth grow, and he was fascinated. His body began to roll, pressing his ass toward Trevor, groaning and licking his lips.

“Fuck.” Knox moaned, hitching his hips hard into Trevor. Sammy gasped as Knox thrust forward, sinking his long teeth into Trevor’s shoulder. He didn’t miss a beat as Sammy grabbed Trevor’s head and pushed it at his neck. Trevor sank his fangs into Sammy’s neck, making Sammy scream out as he came with a force he’d never before experienced.

All three were connected in such an intimate way that Sammy flew to heights and shot across the heavens as his balls emptied. He held onto Trevor’s head, never wanting the feeling to leave his body.

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