Hadley (The Club Girl Diaries Book 3)

BOOK: Hadley (The Club Girl Diaries Book 3)
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Addison Jane



The Club Girl Diaries

The Brothers by Blood MC


Addison Jane


Copyright 2016 Addison Jane

All Rights Reserved


This book is a work of fiction. Any references to real events, real people, and real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, organizations or places is entirely coincidental.

All rights are reserved. This book is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system, without the express written permission of the author. All songs, song titles and lyrics contained in this book are the property of the respective songwriters and copyright holders.



Editing by
Swish Design & Editing

Formatting by
Swish Design & Editing

Proofing by
Fiona Dreaming – Proofreading & Formatting

Cover design by
Kari at Cover to Cover Designs

Cover Models – Jordan Lindsey Moore

Cover Photographer –
Eric David Battershell

Cover Image Copyright 2016

All rights reserved





To all my Leo lovers.




Sending out all my love…


To my beautiful baby girl who has to deal with me working constantly and being grumpy when I have to pull all-nighters.


To Kay and Kim for always having my back, and being there every minute of the day when I need to explode.


To my beautiful betas whose feedback is always amazing, and the love they have for my characters always blows me away.


To Kaci my gorgeous PA and friend, who always pumps me up and makes me smile.


To Fiona for her amazing proofreading skills and eagle eyes.


To my beautiful friend Sarah for listening to me grump and moan when I'm stressed.


To Eric David Battershell for the most gorgeous cover photo, and for becoming a great friend and support in my life!


To Jordan Lindsey Moore for allowing me to use her beautiful face as the face of Hadley!


To Kari from Cover to Cover Designs for always knowing exactly what's in my head and bringing my characters to life.

Table of Contents





Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Thirty-Four

Chapter Thirty-Five

Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Chapter Forty

Chapter Forty-One

Chapter Forty-Two

Chapter Forty-Three

Chapter Forty-Four

Chapter Forty-Five

Chapter Forty-Six

Connect With Me Online

About The Author – Addison Jane

Chapter One



“Oh God,” I moaned as Camo fisted his hand in my hair and pulled it back.

The music from the party outside filtered through the walls, dulling the sound. I couldn’t tell you what song was playing. My mind was so engrossed with the feeling of Camo’s cock as it pounded into me from behind.

I managed to force my eyes open, seeing Kev standing on the other side of the bed, tucking himself back into his pants as he continued to watch us, licking his lips. I could still taste him on my tongue from moments ago when he’d released his load into my mouth.

I gasped loudly as Camo hit the sweet spot inside me and my body burst. I shattered into a million pieces, shuddering in pure delight as the wave of my orgasm crashed over me. Camo released my hair, and the top half of my body fell against the bed.

“Fuck, so fucking tight!” Camo groaned loudly as he followed me into the abyss, his fingertips digging into my hips as he gave one last powerful thrust.

My knees gave way at the force, and he pushed me flat onto my stomach, his body falling over mine and pressing me into the bed.

“Jesus Christ, Hadley,” his scratchy voice whispered.

Kev laughed, and I turned my head to look as he walked to the door. I couldn’t help but smile as he pulled on his shirt, covering the long, red, scratch marks my nails had left before Camo had joined the party.

“You coming back out, Had?” Kev asked over his shoulder as he reached for the handle.

“Yeah, I’ll be out soon,” I mumbled, my high taking its time to come down.

Kev chuckled. “Good. Think I owe you a drink after that. Maybe fucking ten.” He pulled the door closed behind him as he continued to mutter to himself.

Camo pushed himself off, and a soft whimper left my lips as he pulled his cock from inside me. I didn’t move. Content to lay there, satisfied and feeling amazing.

A sharp slap on my ass cheek caused me to shriek, and I rolled over, my eyes narrowed into a glare. Camo just laughed as he tied the condom, and tossed it into the wastebasket by the door. Then he pulled his jeans up, he hadn’t even bothered to take his clothes off. It was a quick fuck, but one thing I learned with these boys was that quick didn’t mean disappointing.

Camo ignored the way I leered at him and leaned over me, brushing his lips against my cheek. “Always a pleasure.”

“Likewise,” I laughed as he gave me a quick salute and disappeared out the door.

My high finally allowing me to return to earth, I let out a long satisfied sigh as I clambered off the bed in search of my clothes.

My room was small, space for a double bed, a small desk and a tiny bathroom off to the side. It was more than I expected when I’d asked the Brothers by Blood MC if I could join them and be one of their girls. It served its purpose.

I was a club girl.

I was there to fuck the men and have fun.

It hadn’t been a hard concept to get my head around. I loved sex, and the men of this MC were all kinds of sexy and blessed when it came to that department. But there were certain things I had to remind myself not to do.

I couldn’t ask questions.

I was inquisitive by nature, so when I heard something or saw something, my mind always wondered why, or who, or what. But here, that was a big—hell no.

It wasn’t my place to know what went on around the club.

I wasn’t there to ask questions or give my opinion.

There were also cooking and cleaning duties that the small group of club girls—and a handful of old ladies took care of. That wasn’t hard, I’d been a housewife for six years. But then, I hadn’t had twelve to fifteen alpha males to clean up after and cook for.

It wasn’t your typical nine to five job. But one that was out of necessity more than anything else.

The Brothers by Blood MC looked after their club girls. We gave them what they needed, and in return they gave us the means to survive, in more ways than one. We had a home, food, and a little money to look after ourselves. But essentially, it was the protection that they offered that called to me the most.

I wasn’t new to the club lifestyle. I’d spent the last few years with a club in Arkansas. It was a little different than the brothers, though. My club were actually made up of undercover FBI agents. The dynamic was the same, but the purpose completely different.

My husband had been one of those agents, until one day he came home from an assignment and the light in his eyes that I’d fallen in love with had suddenly dimmed. He wasn’t the man I’d married anymore.

The club noticed, too. And Judge, the President knew there was no bringing him back.

But they say once you’ve let the darkness in, it’s hard to find the light again.

The Bureau offered him another job, and he took it with both hands and a sparkle of hell in his eye. I hadn’t seen him since.

I was still married. But while my husband had once been the love of my life, he was now the nightmare that wouldn’t let me go.

I reached under my bed and pulled out the small box that I’d received in the mail just that morning. They’d started about a month ago. It was one of the reasons I’d come here. I needed the kind of protection that even the FBI couldn’t give me.

They couldn’t protect me from one of their own. And even if it were possible, would they? To them he was still their top priority, he was still an agent. And we had no proof that he was doing anything other than the job they had assigned him.

I pulled open the lid of the box and stared down at the daisy inside. There were several petals missing, and the note beside it read, ‘
She loves me.
’ Three words that at one time had made my heart soar, but now only made me want to hurl my stomach contents all over the floor.

So far his intentions were unclear. We didn’t know why the packages were coming, or what had brought on his sudden need to catch my attention. We were just thankful that they were still being sent to my old address in Arkansas. As long as he thought that was where I was, we were okay.

I was safe.

It was strange to say that when you were thinking of someone, who at one time, you had sworn to love and cherish until death do you part.

But those words were beginning to feel even more and more real.

I slammed the lid back on the small cardboard box, crumpling it and firing it back underneath the bed with the six others. I wasn’t sure why I was keeping them. I should burn them. Destroy them or something.

Taking a deep breath, I stood up and smoothed out the little black dress I’d worn for the party that was currently pumping away just down the hall. It was a Friday night, and on Friday nights, boy did these people know how to party.

I stepped out of my room and sauntered back toward the laughter and music, hoping to find something to occupy my mind—liquor, men, both.

Stepping up to the bar, I smiled at Chelsea who made her way toward me. Chelsea was the President’s Old Lady, she had once been a club girl and the room I was in had been hers. That was until Optimus realized just what he was letting slip through his fingers and claimed her.

She wasn’t what I had expected an Old Lady to be. She was strong and protected her boys like a lioness, but she was also one of the kindest souls I’d ever met.

“Hey Hadley, you need a drink?” she called over the music.

I shook my head, deciding that maybe I did prefer something harder. In the form of one of the men. “Do you know where Kev is?”

He said he owed me a drink, but instead I was going to take that payment in the form of a mind-blowing orgasm.

She pointed to the staircase that led to the club members’ rooms. Giving her a warm, thankful smile, I quickly made my way to the stairs.

My eyes widened in surprise when I reached the top, spotting a little girl standing in the middle of the hallway looking around. She had soft, bouncy curls that sat on her shoulders and her eyes were half shut.

“Hey, sweet pea,” I murmured as I approached her. She clutched a worn out teddy in her arms, and she looked sleepy and confused. “You looking for someone?”

She was so tiny, maybe only three or four years old. “Daddy,” she whispered quietly.

I wasn’t sure who exactly Daddy was but noted the door open at the end of the hall. “Hold on, darling.”

I rushed over and peeked inside. Sure enough, there was a toddler bed against one wall with its covers thrown back. The door said, Sargent at Arms, LEO.

I did know who Leo was, but had only met him in passing as he’d been away from the club for the past ten days or so. And this little angel hadn’t been around.

I hurried back and crouched down beside her, tucking a few curls behind her ear. “How ‘bout you go back to bed, and I’ll run and find your dad?”

She shook her head so quickly I was afraid it might fall off. Tears welled and she sniffled, “Daddy.”

“Okay, sweet pea,” I whispered, holding my arms out to her. She stepped into them and allowed me to pick her up and swing her onto my hip. “Let’s find Daddy.”

Her head rested on my shoulder as I carried her down the stairs and into the boisterous room. Part of me wanted to shield her eyes, but it seemed as though when people spotted me making my way through the crowd with her clinging to my side, they froze and stopped grinding or drinking or swearing and jumped out of my way.

I spotted him across the room and made quick work of weaving through people to get to him. “Leo?” His head shot up and the girl, LouLou another club girl, was on her ass in a second as he shoved her off his lap and onto the sofa beside him.

She huffed, but he ignored her as he stepped forward and swept the little girl out of my arms. “Macy, what are you doing?”

Her little arms went around his neck, and she buried her face against him. I smiled as I watched their interaction, the pure love between them. He looked to me as if expecting an answer.

“Oh…” I stammered. “She was standing in the hall asking for you. I didn’t want to leave her.”

He nodded. “Come.” Gesturing with his head before disappearing back through the maze of people, I struggled to keep up with his pace. They stepped out of their way for him, but soon closed the gap, leaving me to dip and dodge through bodies.

He was gone from sight, but I jogged up the stairs and stopped outside his room just in time to see him lay his girl back down in her bed.

“Don’t go. Stay.” She pouted as he stepped back.

He brushed her hair back and bent to kiss her forehead. “Yeah, baby. I’ll stay. Go back to sleep.”

He made his way toward me, each step stronger than the last. Seeing him with her made my heart melt, but with every movement he made as he came to me set off a whole different set of feelings within my body. “Thanks for watching out for her,” he said as he came to a halt just inside the door frame.

Leo was tall, I had to crane my neck to look up at him as he stood so close. He had maybe an inch and a half of ashy blond hair that I was dying to run my fingers through. His cut fit snugly over his broad shoulders, and the T-shirt he wore underneath stretched to encompass his biceps.

He was sex. Not sexy. Just sex.

“It’s okay. Anytime.”

He nodded. “There’s an alarm on the door that usually tells me if it’s being opened and sends it to my phone.” He held up his cell phone in his hand. “Didn’t realize it was dead.”

I wondered if he was trying to justify what happened. He didn’t need to, just seeing him with Macy now had shown me he was a caring and attentive dad.

“If you need someone to watch her, just let me know. I’m good with kids,” I offered with a soft smile.

“Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.” He sighed and scrubbed at the bristles that covered his face. It was long, but not quite into beard territory. “Guess the party’s over for me.”

Soft snores filled the room behind him, and he smiled, looking over his shoulder to admire the sleeping angel.

“It doesn’t have to be,” I muttered.

When he turned back to me his eyes flared, but it wasn’t anger. There was desire in them. It made my heart race, and while I’d been pretty confident with the men around here up to this point, Leo made me want to melt into a puddle on the floor.

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